Blogging Tips and Tools

Getting Motivated To Blog

Posted in Blogging Tips

When you have a blog site, you must be able to post blogs regularly so as to maintain your number of visitors and even increase it. We have learn some tips on How to keep your blog exciting and the things you can publish when you ran out of ideas, and now, We are going to add some to these ideas and tips.

Having a blog would entail much of your time since you have to update your visitors regarding the niche that you have chosen. You cannot rely on the contributions from other people, but rather, all your contents should come from you. How come other blogs are frequented by a great number of web users? What makes them feel so motivated? 

Here are three motivational factors that can help you maintain a high-traffic blog:


Research on Your Niche

When you want to create a blog, make...

Simple tips for getting more comments on your blog

Posted in Blogging Tips

Blog, blog and blog. Every time you make your well written and idea driven post,  You might think of a lot of comments to flow on that post, as you knew that "content is the king" and having a superb content on your blog will help you from getting more traffic along with the flow of comments from the views of your visitors.

Just think of all the effort you have made just to deliver a quality post that can't be found anywhere on the net and having no comments at all? Well that seems frustrating.

Things are not so easy as what they seems to be, having a great content on your blog alone will not productively get more traffic to your blog, It needs more works to do. Now let's talk of some ways productive bloggers use to make not just traffic but also comments to flow on their blog...

Using a blog theme productively

Posted in Blog Templates

We have previously discussed about using themes for your blog, we have known it's advantages and how it works. Now we are going to discuss about some of it's disadvantages and how to turn it into your advantage.


The disadvantages of using pre-made blog themes

Certainly, blog themes are the most convenient and fastest way to make your blog look great in just a few clicks. But along these advantages, there are some things that makes blog themes a bad choice on accompanying the design of your blog.

-No originality - you can expect your blog design to have a lot of similarity over hundreds or even thousands of blogs out there that might also be using the theme you've used on your blog. This is the greatest effect you can get by using blog themes unproductively.

-Poor branding - It's...

Tips on Finding a Blog Topic

Posted in Blogging Tips

Blog topics are an important part of a successful blog. Some bloggers simply write about whatever is on their mind, creating an online journal of sorts. Successful bloggers know however that to have a great blog, you cannot always write about what you want to write about. You must also keep the interests of your readers in mind when writing. After all, if you want a successful blog, you have to depend on the readers to show up often. To keep your blog as fresh as possible, consider using these five ways to find winning ideas for your blog topics.

Do Your Research

Smart bloggers know that each day there are popular search terms listed on large search sites. Bloggers can use these search terms to help them get more traffic to their blogs. Each day a blogger can look at these popular...

How to get more leads from your blog

Posted in Blogging Tips

If you're an internet marketer, you probably want to get as much leads from your blog to whatever product you are selling or is affiliated with.

Promoting something on your blog is not as easy as what it seems to be, but by having the right approach on delivering and promoting a product on your blog, you'll definitely have a better chance to get leads that converts!

-Know your audience

Before promoting something on your blog, you should always know your audience. Marketing your products would be more easier if you knew what type of people you are approaching.

-Offer something free

Offering something especially for free would attract your blog's audience to get into what you are trying to promote to them. Just tip though; try to offer a free product that correlates to the product...

Making your blog brandable

Posted in Blogging Tips

A Blog is no longer just a tool to write and express what you want online. It is now becoming more like of a tool to brand yourself, your company or your product and make a profile on the net.

Blogging is undoubtedly the most convenient and effecient way if you want to have your own net profile and space. it gives you an identity that gives people some information about you. If you howver want to have a business blog, It works as building up a profile for your product.

Branding is a factor that every marketeer needs to associate his products with.  The following tips below will help you have the ideas on branding your blog.

Interact with your readers!

Don't make your site like a book, make it more interactive to your readers. This way the readers feel that they are on a blog that...

Getting Traffic From Youtube

Posted in Blogging Tips

YouTube was launched by the three former employees of PayPal. They stem from this idea when they got frustrated to share videos on the Internet. In 2005 they created a video sharing site called YouTube, and in April 2005, the first video on YouTube has been downloaded. 


Business was slow at first, but by the end of 2005, YouTube has made some changes to increase website traffic. In December 2005, YouTube was officially launched. In October 2006, and YouTube streams more than 100 million videos per day.


Amazing Isn't it? So how about you could get even a "bit" of YouTube's traffic to flow on your site? So good to hear? Yes! you could do that! Like many others, You Tube is a social networking website just like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc. 


Millions of visitors connect to...

Why Do We Blog?

Posted in Blogging Tips

Did you ever ask yourself, why do you blog, or why do you have to? Nowadays on Internet there are more than 70 millions blogs, and it is interesting what purposes do they pursue?

Until recently, to make money online was not easy for usual people like we. 4-5 years ago it was difficult to earn something on the Net until WEB 2.0 era had came. The only way which could help us in that time was website creating, it’s promotion, and selling of advertising places.

Today everything changed. Blog fever amplifies day by day, and everyone, who heard something about blogs, wants to have it. So, why? Lets try to make some supervisions.

1. Glory. The vanity was, is and will be always. Whether is necessary to be surprised that people wish to be famous? Look at how many amazing people did you know...

Choosing the right colors for your blog

Posted in Blogging Tips

Knowing what a blog theme signifies, you might want to choose and design a theme for your blog now,

but the problem is, you may find a hard time on choosing what theme will be bet suited for your blog.


Then don't worry, as these tips and points below will help you choose the right theme that's best for your blog,

It is reasonable to learn what's best suited for your blog, as a wrong theme can wreck

and make your blog's content non-sensible.


The Color

Determine what color would be best suited for your blog, make sure that it associates to

what's on your blog or what is it all about, to give you an example::


Restaurant or Food related: Red Robin, Famous Dave's

As you can observe, these websites has a Reddish color scheme. based on research; Red,Orange and...

Best Free SEO Tools for Your Blog

Posted in Blogging Tools

Search engine optimization cannot be isolated from blogging. Every blogger would need some search engine optimization toolkit which would help them optimize their blog for search engines. We have previously discussed on How important SEO is for a blog and what is SEO.

If you want to your blog to be more effective on it's Search engine optmization, then you can sonsider using these free SEO tools that works like magic on optimizing and knowing how good your blog works on search engines.

Google Analytics

This is one of the best tools which can be used to track your traffic. It gives a detailed information about everything you need to know about your traffic. Being such a useful tool it’s quite surprising that Google Analytics free and that what makes a great choice for...
