Business Manager Basics

Business Manager is a tool that lets advertisers manage all of their ad accounts, Pages, apps and permissions in one place.
Business Manager

Invite people and agencies

You can have multiple people and agencies advertise for your Pages, apps and more. You control access in your Business Manager, and can keep assets secure and manage permission levels for team members.
Only people you invite to your Business Manager have permission to view and work on your Pages, apps and more.
In Business Manager, your work and personal profile are kept separate, and only your work email and the name you prefer is shown.

Add and claim assets

You can add multiple Pages, ad accounts and more.
Business Manager lets you manage all of these important assets you use for advertising, together.

Create ads your way

Business Manager allows you to seamlessly move between Ads Manager and Power Editor, so you can create ads using the tools that make sense for your business.

Complete visibility of your activity

Business Manager gives you an overview of all advertising activity, from spending to impressions.
You can also view stats on a particular Page or ad account to track your advertising goals.
Business Manager