Reach Customers you Know

(Video length: :41)
With Custom Audiences, you can reach customers you already know with ads on Facebook.
Just upload a list of contact info like email addresses or phone numbers. You can also use info from your website or app. We’ll deliver your ad to those people if they’re on Facebook. And your contacts are always used in a secure, anonymous and privacy-safe way.
Create a Custom Audience

Upload your contacts to Facebook

If you have contact information for customers, you can upload your list to Facebook. We recommend having at least 100 people on your list for a Custom Audience.
You can upload a file with customer contact info, log in to your MailChimp account, or use info from your app or website.* Once your file is uploaded, it takes about 30 minutes before your Custom Audience is ready.

Customer contact info is safe and secure

When you upload your contact list, Facebook hashes the information. That means the data is made unreadable, so no one—including Facebook—can recognize it or see anyone’s individual information.
It’s safe, anonymous, and done in a privacy-safe way that lets you reach your audience while keeping their data private and secure.

Create an ad for your Custom Audience

When your Custom Audience is ready, it appears as an audience option when you build your ad. Choose just your Custom Audience to reach them with a Facebook ad or add other traits to expand your reach.
Using Custom Audiences is great for following up after you’ve done business with your customers, reminding them to come back or sending rewards and offers through Facebook to thank them for their loyalty.

Reach more people like your customers

With Lookalike Audiences, you can easily build a new audience similar to the people in your Custom Audience.
In just a few clicks, you can build an audience of potential new customers with traits and interests like your current customers.
Create a Custom Audience
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