Technology Gadgets for Lawyers 1-10

I had the great pleasure of hosting a presentation called Tech Gadgets: Those You Need, Those You Want and Those That Make You Wonder at the 2015 ILTA Conference in Las Vegas. It was a lot of fun to research and review dozens of tech gadgets. And even better, I crowd-sourced the job and asked my fellow ILTA members to send me their recommendations for gadgets to include.  Below are the first 10 gadgets we reviewed in the session. Look for the rest of the gadgets in future posts. Read more

Upcoming Presentation: Building Cross-Departmental Collaboration for Effective Law Firm Knowledge Management

I’m really excited to head back to Sydney, Australia to participate in Ark Group’s Knowledge Management and Innovation 2015 Conference on November 24-25, 2015 at Rydges Sydney Central.

I’ll have the pleasure of speaking on both days of the conference.  On day one, I’ll be presenting a short session on KM and technology called “Working Backwards to the Technology.”  The session will focus on how user experience design enhances the delivery of professional services.

Read more

What the Amazon Echo Taught Me About Knowledge Management (Hint: UX)

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Update June 23, 2015: Amazon Echo is now available to everyone (you no longer need to be invited). Get it here.

Have you met Alexa? She is the voice of Amazon’s new artificially-intelligent device that listens to you and answers your questions. And with the latest software upgrade, it (she?) has entered the home automation arena and can perform some tasks around the house.

If you are still trying to wrap your head around this, think of Echo as Apple’s Siri technology inside a black cylinder about nine inches high and three inches in diameter, with a blue-green LED circle around the top rim. Unlike Siri (designed to be mobile on Apple’s iPhone and iPad), Echo plugs into an electrical outlet, connects to your WiFi network, and Read more

KM Webinar: ILTA Conference Encore: The Knowledge Management Sessions

ILTA Conference Encore: The Knowledge Management Sessions

Join ILTA for this Webinar on Friday, September 26, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. GMT / 12:00 p.m. EDT / 11:00 a.m. CDT / 10:00 a.m. MDT / 9:00 a.m. PDT.

REGISTER online here.

If you missed any of the knowledge management track sessions at the ILTA Conference — or if you just want a reminder of the great stuff you saw — join session speakers from each of the six KM sessions as they boil down their presentations into 10-minute snippets. This will be a fast-paced, intense review of the excellent KM content from the conference. We’ll review the following sessions: Read more

ILTA’s SharePoint Symposium 2014 is set for June 10th – 11th near Chicago

ILTA’s SharePoint Symposium 2014, set for June 10th– 11th near Chicago, is designed to bring together professionals working with SharePoint in their firms or law departments.  The format of the two-day event includes a SharePoint evangelist keynote, two tracks with expert speakers and ILTA case studies as well as opportunities to network with ILTA members and key SharePoint vendors.

I’ve been involved with helping produce the event for a couple of years now, and I can tell you that it is an excellent place to hear about fresh, innovative ideas about all things SharePoint in the legal industry.

Visit the event website at for all the details, and let me know if you have any questions or comments.  I hope to see you at the event!

Law Firm RFP Questions About Knowledge Management – Crowd Sourcing Comments for My KM Book

Readers of the blog know that for the past few weeks, I have been crowd sourcing comments for my KM book that will be published by the ABA in early 2014.  Thanks to all who have commented here and sent me emails with other comments.   Today, I’d like to ask about questions you are seeing in Requests for Proposals (RFPs).  More below image…

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As any rainmaking lawyer or law firm business development professional knows, Read more

The Future of Knowledge Management – Crowd Sourcing Comments for My KM Book

Readers of the blog know that for the past few weeks, I have been crowd sourcing comments for my KM book that will be published by the ABA in early 2014.  Thanks to all who have commented here and sent me emails with other comments.

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Last week we talked about disappointment and failure.  This week, a more rosy topic: the future of KM. Read more

Knowledge Management is Disappointing and Has Failed – Crowd Sourcing Comments for My KM Book

If you have been following my blog, you know that I have been crowd-sourcing comments for my KM book that will be published by the ABA in early 2014.  Last week, I crowd-sourced comments about who leads KM in law firms.  Thank you to those who commented (both on the blog and in emails directly to me).  This week, it’s all about disappointment and failure.

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I’m not talking about the various failures that we all have experienced in KM (or other) efforts in our careers.  I’m talking about the failure of KM itself.   Read more

Crowd Sourcing Comments for My KM Book – Who Leads KM in Law Firms?

I’m excited to report that I am writing a book about KM in the legal profession and it is scheduled for publication by the ABA in 2014.  If you know me, then you know that I am a big fan of collaboration.  I’m also always trying to think of ways to do things differently, better, and more effectively.  I think I have come up with a way to make this a better book — one that will really resonate with KM professionals, law firm leaders, and those who want to learn about KM, and/or who are thinking of getting involved in KM in their law firm or legal department.  That approach is to crowd source parts of the book from the KM community.  See more below the chart…

Who leads KM in law firms

I’m starting this experiment by seeking comments Read more

The Consumerization of User Experience (UX)

ux imageI’ve spoken before about the importance of user experience (UX) design associated with the development of applications that support knowledge management initiatives and efforts.  And in fact, I’m scheduled to discuss the topic again as a part of ILTA’s presentation track at LegalTech NY in 2014.  As I ponder this topic, and as I write a section about UX in my forthcoming book about KM in the legal profession, I am reminded of the idea that I presented in my first talk about UX: that we are undergoing a phenomenon that I call the “consumerization of user experience.”

This idea is similar to the familiar phrase “consumerization of IT,” Read more