
September 2015
Volume 28
Number 9



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Z Magazine is an independent monthly magazine founded in 1988. Our mission is to publish in depth articles that critique society's political, economic, social life and institutions. We see the race, class, and gender dimensions of personal life as equally important in understanding current circumstances and as necessary for developing visions and strategies for progressive change.






We survive through income from paid subscriptions, sales of videos and books, online Sustainers, individual donations. and periodic fundraising. We are non-profit, tax exempt under the Institute for Social and Cultural Communications. We are currently in dire need of funds. To donate by mail, send checks payable to Z Magazine, 215 Atlantic Ave, Hull, MA 02045 (508- 548-9063). To donate online go to: and become a Sustainer.




These nuclear war theme parks are part of a deliberate attempt to trivialize nuclear weapons and to dumb down popular understanding of their environmental and human health legacy


any sensible person should recognize that a U.S. leadership that stands firmly with Saudi Arabia, and had earlier supported Saddam Hussein when he was attacking Iran, couldn’t be expending resources for any democratic objective


What’s behind Obama’s supposed late-presidency epiphany on the evil of racially biased mass imprisonment? What drove the president’s “sudden desire to look like the Great Emancipator” (Margaret Kimberly)—this even while he offers close to nothing in the way of actual liberation


It all began in 1835 when the British Empire sent a German-born naturalist and explorer to conduct geographical research in the South American territory it had colonized and named British Guiana. In the course of his explorations, a map was drawn that well-exceeded the original western boundary first occupied by the Dutch and later passed to British control.

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Introducing Big Food: giant corporations that steal land from the world’s poor to profit from current massive corrupt farming subsidies and future global drought


Libya is currently split, politically, between two governments and, geographically, among many armies, militias, tribes and mercenaries. It is a failed state par excellence, although such a designation does not do justice to the complexity of the Libyan case, together with the root causes of that failure.


The presidential campaign season is well underway in the United States, and never in human history will more money be spent to say less. And only 16 more months to go. A perennial favorite of the worst electoral system money can buy is the race among the candidates to be the most in favor of motherhood and apple pie


This little light of mine, I’m gonna’ let it shine! This past summer, collaborating with Wisconsin activists, we decided to feature this refrain on signs and announcements for a 90-mile walk campaigning to end targeted drone assassinations abroad, and the similarly racist impunity granted to an increasingly militarized police force


we know making money often means subverting the general good as in displacing thousands of poor seniors and moderate-income families from their homes. And that, we must insist, makes it our business.


Section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act overturns over 150 years of domestic law that prevents the U.S. military from carrying out domestic policing.


Jimmy Carter’s illness has prompted an array of retrospectives of the man and his presidency both positive and negative. Missing...
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On the Saturday before the Sunday of the Pride Parade, the Pride Celebration happened in San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza and the surrounding grid of streets. From a stage in front of city hall live music blasted out over rows and rows of canopied booths where it appeared everything was for sale but washers and dryers. Booths purveyed savory ethnic dishes and ballpark food, healthy and not so healthy beverages, clothes, crafts, trinkets, sunglasses, hats, books, posters and miniature icons from India and little pipes


It is a few months short of three years since Hurricane Sandy barreled down on NYC. The flooded subways have new barriers. The submerged hospital generators are back in order. The boardwalks along the shore are up and trod by beachgoers once again. But what of the thousands of poor renters, most on public assistance, who lost their homes that day? I don’t know all their stories. I only know one intimately, and it is not a happy story.


In April 2009, a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report leaked to the public entitled “Right Wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment,” was released within months of President Obama’s inauguration, sketching the broad strokes of a nascent white nationalist backlash


What is yet to enter the public discourse is Western complicity for the circumstances that generate refugees. The contributions of the U.S.-British "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq and the U.S.-British-French "Mission Accomplished" in Libya to the refugee exodus is rarely acknowledged.


When I was a teenager I used to skip class, nestle under a desk in my high school’s library where the school administrators wouldn’t find me and open up a tattered copy of Leaves of Grass. The way Walt Whitman wrote about America was so blithe and idealistic, operatic, and direct that I had to read the words aloud, which I did in a low voice so no one would overhear me


An old question: is there a vital “workerism,” self-guided and instinctively radical, apart from socialist, communist or other left-wing political groups and can it make great reforms, even hold power in a workplace or city or national state?


America’s illusory two-party system is so badly corrupted and perverted with such lowly debauchery, undermining any semblance of democracy, it is like a reign of terror that has emerged underneath people’s noses. There is no election when both parties are one. It’s Purple Politics buttoned up. Deep down, people understand this rigged system only too well.


Events EDUCATION – The National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) will host its 25th annual conference in New Orleans, October...
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EDUCATION - The National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) will host its 25th annual conference in New Orleans, October 1-4.


LGBTQ - The 27th annual Out On Film Festival will take place October 1-8, in Atlanta.


IROQUOIS - The 2015 Conference on Iroquois Research will be held October 2-5, near Buffalo, NY.


SPACE MILITARIZATION - October 3-10 is Keep Space for Peace Week, an international week of protest to stop the militarization of space.


SLAVERY - Not For Sale is touring with a multimedia presentation with live music, spoken word, project videos, stories from abolitionists and survivors, as well as information about how you can take action.


IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES - The Changing Face of the South: Investing in the Infrastructure to Support a Growing Immigrant Population conference will be held October 6-8, in Arkansas. Co-sponsored by Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR), Neighborhood Funders Group, The Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, Grantmakers for Southern Progress.

Contact: PO Box 1100, Sebastopol, CA 95473-1100; 707-824-4374;

PALESTINE - The Students for Justice in Palestine conference will be October 9-11 at San Diego State University.


HOMELESSNESS - October 10 is World Homeless Day. Events are planned worldwide.


TEACHERS - The 15th Annual Conference, “Teaching for Social Justice: The Roots of Resistance,” will be held October 10 in San Francisco, CA. The free event features workshops, resources, and free childcare.

Contact: 415-676-7844;;

RACISM - The Million Man March will be October 10, in Washington, DC.


SDS - Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) will be holding its 10th National Convention, October 10-11, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Contact: UMN SDS, 1930 Elliot Ave S #3, Minneapolis, MN 55404;

TEACHERS - The annual Teachers 4 Social Justice Conference will be held October 10, in San Francisco, under the theme, Teaching for Social Justice: Challenging a Culture of Violence.

Contact: 415-676-7844;;

COLUMBUS - October 13 is Columbus Day. Many groups around the country work to challenge traditional ethnocentric views of Columbus the sole discoverer of America, as well as challenging the celebration of invasion, cruelty, oppression and cultural imperialism.


FILM FESTIVAL - The Seattle Social Justice Film Festival will be held October 16-17 in venues around Seattle. Revived by the national group Books to Prisoners, the festival's main theme is around prisoner justice and imprisonment.


ENVIRONMENT - The APIEL (Appalachian Public Interest Environmental Law) Conference will be held October 24-25, at the University of Tennessee College of Law in Knoxville. The conference brings together hundred of eco-minded and socially conscious activists, attorneys, students, scientists and citizens in the interest of social justice.

Contact: PO Box 20363, Knoxville, TN 37920;;

RESTORATIVE PRACTICES - The International Institute for Restorative Practicies (IIRP) will host its 19th World Conference, October 26-28, in Bethlehem, PA. The theme is: Restorative Works: What Works, What Doesn't, How and Why.

Contact: 610-807-9221;;

WAR RESISTERS - The War Resisters League is holding the 27th Annual Resisters League Raffle for Resistance, until December 18th.

Contact: 339 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10012; 212-228-0450;;

ENVIRONMENT - The Green Festival, a project of Green America and Global Exchange, will take place in in Los Angeles, November 13-15; in Portland, December 11-13.


POLICE BRUTALITY - October 22 is National Day Against Police Brutality. The Stop Mass Incarceration Network (SMIN) is currently campaigning towards #RiseUpOctober on October 24.

Contact:; SMIN, PO Box 941 Knickerbocker Station, New York, NY 10002-0900; 347-979-7646;;

DRUGS - The biennial International Drug Policy Reform Conference will be held November 18-21, in Washington, DC. The conference brings together people from around the world committed to finding alternatives to the war on drugs.


CORRUPTION - November 1-5 is the March Against Corruption, an international campaign to raise awareness about the corrupting influence of money and special interests in governance and public policy making; to provide a forum for people, to organize and speak out against corruption; and to educate the public about the consequences of corruption.


ENVIRONMENT/WAR - November 6 is the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict.


MEDIA - Media Democracy Days Vancouver (MDD) will host free public events including a panel and keynote, November 7.


ARTS - The 78th Annual Conference For Community Arts will take place November 11-14, in Philadelphia, PA. The conference provides professional development and networking opportunities for staff, faculty, trustees and teaching artists at more than 350 arts education organizations and programs.

Contact: 520 8th Ave., Suite 302, New York, NY 10018; 212- 268-3337; guildinfo@ nationalguildorg;

WOMEN'S STUDIES - The National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) will host its annual conference November 12-15, in Milwaukee, WI, under the theme Precarity, with keynote speaker Sara Ahmed.

Contact: NWSA, 11 E Mount Royal Ave., Suite 100, Baltimore, MD 21202; 410-528-0355;;

BROOKLYN FOR PEACE - Brooklyn For Peace will honor Amy Goodman at the organization’s Pathmakers To Peace event, November 12.

Contact: 41 Schermerhorn Street, PMB 106, Brooklyn, NY 11201; 718-624-5921;;

TRANS/GENDER - November 20 is the International Transgender Day of Remembrance. The 2015 Transcending Boundaries Conference will be held November 20-22, in Springfield, MA. The annual conference brings together sexuality, relationship and gender minorities for three days of education, activism and community building

Contact: Transcending Boundaries, Inc., PO Box 30171, Springfield, MA 01103;;

SCHOOL OF AMERICAS - The annual vigil to protest the School of the Americas is scheduled for November 20-22 at Fort Benning, GA, by School of the Americas (SOA) Watch.

Contact: SOA Watch, PO Box 4566, Washington, DC 20017; 202-234-3440;;


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