Articles By: admin

Palestine Supports Serbia on Kosovo

Palestine Supports Serbia on Kosovo

BELGRADE, June 10, 2015 – Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic stated on June 10, after a meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, that Palestine was decisively against the recognition of Kosovo’s independence. Abbas stated that Palestine appreciated the support of Serbia during the vote on Palestine’s observer status in the United Nations, stressing the “historically friendly relations which bind the two […]

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American Exceptionalism and American Torture

American Exceptionalism and American Torture

In 1964, the Brazilian military, in a US-designed coup, overthrew a liberal (not more to the left than that) government and proceeded to rule with an iron fist for the next 21 years. In 1979 the military regime passed an amnesty law blocking the prosecution of its members for torture and other crimes. The amnesty still holds. That’s how they […]

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The Expensive Consequences of Cheap Food: An Interview with Raj Patel

The Expensive Consequences of Cheap Food: An Interview with Raj Patel

By Milenko Srećković Raj Patel is the author of the bestseller “Stuffed and Starved – The Hidden Battle for the World Food System” and the most recent book “The Value of Nothing” – named after famous Oscar Wilde’s aphorism ‘Nowadays, people know price of everything and the value of nothing’. In his book he criticizes a dominant attitude towards food […]

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Jewish MP in Britain Speaks Out on War Crimes in Gaza – Speech by Gerald Kaufmann to the British Parliament

Jewish MP in Britain Speaks Out on War Crimes in Gaza – Speech by Gerald Kaufmann to the British Parliament

(video link and transcription of major excerpts)   I was brought up as a Jew and a Zionist. On the shelf in our kitchen there is a tin box in which we put money for the Jewish National Fund to help the pioneers in Palestine. . . .   I first went to Israel in 1961 and have been […]

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100 Years since the ”Shot Heard Round the World”

100 Years since the ”Shot Heard Round the World”

By Milenko Srećković Although whole epoch in the eve of the First World War was filled with many similar political assassinations, Gavrilo Princip`s shooting of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand – that took place on this day exactly one hundred years ago – is best remembered because it was a pretext for the attack on Serbia that eventually led to the […]

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