Turkey terror attack: The State did it! Organise a revolutionary uprising to overthrown the Erdogan regime!

Written by Hamid Alizadeh Saturday, 10 October 2015

ankara-terror-attackAt least 98 people have been killed by two explosions in the largest terror attack in Turkish history, hundreds more have been wounded. This is a clear continuation of the campaign of terror against leftist forces in Turkey, but it has triggered a backlash as tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets to protest against the government and their thugs.


NATO, Russia and the Syrian inferno: The impotence of imperialism

Written by Alan Woods Friday, 09 October 2015

putin-and-obamaIt is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. (Shakespeare. Macbeth, Act 5)


Greece: Popular Unity - Tasks, programme and perspectives

Written by Stamatis Karagiannopoulos, Representative of the Communist Tendency in the Political Council of Popular Unity Thursday, 08 October 2015

lafazanis1Here we provide an analysis of Popular Unity’s first steps, its programmatic statement and the political tasks facing the party. This was written before the recent Greek elections, in which the party failed to win any MPs, but its criticisms of the party programme and methods remains valid.


Morocco: The Communist 15 is out!

Written by In Defence of Marxism Thursday, 08 October 2015

communist-15The 15th issue of the Moroccan Marxist paper The Communist is out. In this issue you can read about: The attitude of Marxists towards elections, report from the 2015 IMT world school and the medical students protest in Morocco. Download the PDF of the issue here.


Canada: Workers take to the streets as mass strike movement in Quebec begins

Written by Vincent Beaudoin Wednesday, 07 October 2015

FB IMG 1444005876264This past week in Quebec has been a large demonstration of force by the working class in the province.


A "plan" too many - Nationalise Air France!

Written by Révolution - France Wednesday, 07 October 2015

air-franceThe announcement of 2,900 job cuts by Air France management fell like a thunderbolt on employees. Over the past decade they have already made many sacrifices in terms of pay and working conditions. Many positions have already been cut: the company's workforce decreased from 65,000 in 2004 to 52,500 today. The frustrations of many employees  have now started to bubble over, as shown in the video below.


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Featured articles

Entrevista a Alan Woods

Written by In Defence of Marxism Thursday, 08 October 2015

alanwoods-greece-april-2013-thReproducimos aquí la entrevista realizada a Alan Woods en la cadena de radio Ona Mediterránia en su reciente visita a Palma (Mallorca), donde participó en una jornada de debates sobre la crisis de la Unión Europea y Grecia. Alan habla de la crisis capitalista, la relevancia del marxismo, la capitulación de Tsipras en Grecia y el surgimiento de Podemos. Alan Woods es dirigente de la Corriente Marxista Internacional y editor de la página web In Defence of Marxism.


¿Por qué está Rusia incrementando su implicación en Siria?

Written by Hamid Alizadeh Tuesday, 06 October 2015

syria-civil-warEl pasado lunes 28 de septiembre, por primera vez en diez años, el presidente ruso Vladimir Putin asistió a la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, tras la cual mantuvo una reunión a puerta cerrada con el presidente estadounidense Barack Obama. Hace apenas un mes, dicha reunión hubiera parecido casi imposible. El rápido deterioro de las relaciones entre los gobiernos occidentales y Rusia, por las duras sanciones impuestas al país a raíz de la crisis ucraniana, han convertido a Putin en el hombre más vilipendiado en los medios de comunicación occidentales.


Gran Bretaña: Primera conferencia laborista bajo Corbyn – un punto de inflexión para el movimiento

Written by Rob Sewell - Editor of Socialist Appeal Britain Monday, 05 October 2015

corbyn-victoryEl primer discurso de Jeremy Corbyn en la Conferencia del Partido Laborista ha provocado un genuino entusiasmo en las filas del Partido, con mucho interés por romper claramente con el lodo blairista de años pasados.