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Getting to the Crux of SEO The online world can be an incredibly daunting place to do business and with so many organisations now considering it their playground, the challenge for new business owners and individuals alike can add even more pressure! Gone are the days where business cards were a companies' call-sign and method of promotion - with the introduction of the 'search engine', the way that people get their name and brand out there has never been more different. Not so long ago, connecting with the right audience was all about having a great team of sales people and having them make calls, visit doorsteps and generally get the word out about a service or product. Nowadays, the World Wide Web makes it possible to knock on every doorstep, without having to do any more that tapping a few keys on a keyboard. This means that now, the best way to reach out to both new and existing clients is by making the most out of SEO (or Search Engine Optimisation). Understanding Search Engine Optimisation If there's one online technique that has been responsible for taking businesses from zero to hero status, it's SEO. In its early days, SEO was a great way to ensure that your website displayed as highly as possible for a range of keywords. Displaying highly means that your website would be visible before others, which results in a greater audience and the potential for far more sales. As the years have progressed, so too have SEO techniques - and the entire industry is now more challenging to enter than ever before. Even the most unique of niches are filled with businesses and individuals hoping to cash in on their web presence, and it can be pretty challenging to develop a reputation online with so many competitors to consider. As more and more businesses take advantage of the potential of Search Engine Optimisation, it's important to approach it from the right angle to maximise the results. Search engines have also grown wise to websites exploiting the potential that SEO affords and as a result, they've introduced penalties to website owners that breach their policies. These policies are consistently updated, and enacted via the release of 'algorithms'. These algorithms are charged with scanning a website, getting to know its internal data and then defining where the site should be displayed within search results. Too many SEO techniques will result in a poor result, or even a delisting, whereas the proper SEO techniques will promote a healthy position online. Let's get to know each technique now. Keywords Possibly the most important part of any SEO strategy; your keywords define who you are, what you offer and what you can provide to people online. Without a good set of keywords, your online presence will already struggle to make a mark within a search engine's database. Certain keywords will be far more common, such as 'best television', whereas others will be far less used, such as 'the best purple television in Germany'. Popular keywords will already be used by thousands of websites online, and these websites will already have their 'dominant top 3'. In order to climb the ranks of search engines, surpass your competitors and tackle the top spots you'll need to demonstrate to the search engine why you deserve to be there. Backlinks One of the most common ways to explain to a search engine just how important your site is, is via the use of backlinks. Poor quality backlinks are a very bad idea as too many of these could result in your website being penalised - especially if they are spammy or irrelevant to your website. Search engines want to know that your website is held in high-esteem by others in your industry, and that's why it's so important to keep on top of exactly what backlinks you have. Search engines often rely on 'page ranks' to gauge how reliable the backlink is. If your website has 1000 links from pages with a ZERO page rank, then you won't see a drastic shift in your online position. However, if your website has several high-quality backlinks - from a variety of reliable and respected websites with higher page ranks - then the search engine will hold your site in a much higher regard, and your search result will demonstrate this new favor. Meta Data The Meta data on your website can further enhance your website's functionality; especially when it comes to introducing your products and services to the search engines that will govern your results. Your Meta data refers to your website's tags (displayed at the very top of your internet browsing window), your website's description (the 150-160 characters displayed on search result pages), and your keywords. By checking that these elements cross over between the different items of data, a search engine will be able to obtain a much better idea of what your website is about. The result? A far higher chance of being properly categorised online, and a greater chance of having your website found by someone looking for what you are offering! Content If you've ever heard the term 'content is King', then you'll already have an introduction to the benefits of fresh content. This content comes in many forms; from blog posts and articles, all the way to company descriptions, sales letters and social media status updates. Search engines like Google love fresh content; in fact it's considered a pre-requisite for websites hoping to achieve any sort of online presence. The fresher the content, the more often a search engine will scan your website. The more frequently they pop back for scans - the more likely your site is to be assigned a priority. Experts suggests at least 1 fresh article per website, per week. As search engines like Google release algorithms at least a few times a year, it's important to keep your content as fresh and relevant as possible. Never steal or modify content from other sites and always use your content to its fullest by introducing your keywords or relevant backlinks, whenever possible. Final Thoughts By combining all of the above techniques, there's no reason why a website couldn't see a huge climb in search page results and as the first page is the target for businesses hoping to obtain a greater paying audience, experts around the world endorse it - albeit in a way that search engines support. The length of time before results are seen will vary depending on the keywords used, and the type of business, but the results are often clear for all to see. Keeping up with the above techniques will ensure that your website stays ranking as highly as possible, well into the future.

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