the SPILL label

Spill Studio

The Spill Studio is Greg Wadley's production and mastering operation for independent musicians.

photo of the Spill studio

I've worked on close to 300 releases by Australian and international artists and labels: see list of work done and articles at Chapter and Tape Op for examples. I stay affordable by working at home and focusing resources on the critical sound-path of soundcard, amp and speakers. I can work with you in the studio or do 'mastering at a distance' by receiving your material via snail mail or Internet, staying in contact by phone or email, and posting draft cds to you until you're satisfied.

I am familiar with CD, cassette, vinyl and online formats, have released them myself, and can help you tailor your music to them. If you need advice about BandCamp, FaceBook or id3 tags, just ask.

Analog-to-digital transfer is via an electrically-shielded sound card that samples natively at 24-bit/96 Khz and features digital input from DAT players. If you have material on tape, this is the place to get a high-quality transfer to cd.

If you'd like to discuss working here, please email Greg at gregwadley at gmail dot com .
