The Man Who Stood Up to Trump
By William Finnegan
Most politicians know Jorge Ramos as the gateway to the Latino vote. Trump told him to “go back to Univision.”
After his daughter was murdered, Taylonn Murphy channelled his grief into stopping a feud in public-housing projects in Harlem.
A recent conviction is also an experiment in whether the government can control its subjects through dread.
The risks of promoting Fiorina as the anti-Trump.
There are not many women who play real tennis, the ancestor of the modern game, and none who can compete with Claire Fahey.
The leader of China announced that his government was adopting a market-based approach to curbing carbon emissions. It was hard to avoid the irony.
A victim’s brother travelled to war-torn Libya to track down terrorists and crack the case.
Chicago’s rationale for school closures fails to account for the city’s history of segregation and its public-housing system.
Francis’s choice to praise Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton may be due to his fondness for complicated people who have lived life raw.
Recovery and resistance since the Emanuel Nine.