Center for a Stateless Society
A Left Market Anarchist Think Tank & Media Center
Support C4SS


The Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS) functions on the enthusiasm of writers and volunteers, but it is the continued donations of supporters that keeps us going and growing. We have big plans and even bigger dreams for C4SS and we need your help.

Fundraising is not begging or charity. It is a barometer of success, support and professionalism. It is about offering an opportunity to participate in the project, the task at hand. So we ask you, dear supporters, let us know how we are doing and play a crucial part in our success by giving to C4SS.

C4SS’s parent institution, the Molinari Institute, is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; hence donations to the Molinari Institute – and thus to the Center for a Stateless Society – are tax-deductible. The Molinari Institute’s tax identification number is 20-3731375.

While lifetime gifts are the most common way donors choose to contribute to C4SS, there are other creative ways to do so. These are sometimes referred as “planned giving.” If you’d like to explore how to name C4SS in your will, or as a beneficiary on your IRA, contact Chad Nelson ( We can guide you through these and other unique ways to deprive the state of its revenue while at the same time benefiting C4SS.

You can also support C4SS simply by making purchases through’s Smile program. When you enter Amazon through the  portal and designate the Molinari Institute (C4SS’s parent organization) as your charitable organization, Amazon will donate 0.5% of every purchase you make to the Molinari Institute. Donations raised through the Smile program will then be split 50/50 between C4SS and the Molinari Institute’s other projects (including our upcoming publishing line).

If you are interested in supporting C4SS with left market anarchist themed attire, then be sure to check out our zazzle store.

Thank you, again, for your support.

MICRO-DONATE via Flattr:


ONE TIME DONATION via Paypal (any amount):


Donation Amount

Give a small weekly cash gift via Gittip

Donate via mail with check or money order:

Make checks payable to “The Molinari Institute“.

The Center for a Stateless Society
P.O. Box 471998
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74147

We accept Bitcoin

Send donations of Bitcoins:
Donation address: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
(Bitcoin Treasurer: William Gillis)

We accept Dwolla

Send donations via Dwolla:
Dwolla ID: 812-656-8539
(Dwolla Treasurer: James Tuttle)