Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus (236–183 BC), also known as Scipio Africanus, Scipio the Elder, and Scipio the Great was a general in the Second Punic War and statesman of the Roman Republic. He was best known for defeating Hannibal at the final battle of the Second Punic War at Zama, a feat that earned him the agnomen Africanus, the nickname "the Roman Hannibal", as well as recognition as one of the finest commanders in military history. An earlier great display of his tactical abilities had come already at the Battle of Ilipa.
Publius Cornelius Scipio, later Africanus from his victory at the Battle of Zama, the founder of the Africanus branch of the Cornelii Scipiones, was born by Caesarian section into the Scipio branch of the Cornelia gens. The birth year is calculated from a series of statements made by multiple ancient historians of how old he was when certain events in his life occurred. The statements all seem to agree or be reconcilable: if he was 17 when he led a charge to his father's rescue at the Battle of Ticinus (218 BC), and 24 when he volunteered to take over the army in Hispania when no one else would (211 BC), after the defeat and death there of his uncle and father, the two consuls, and 27 when he led a victorious campaign against the city of New Carthage on the coast of Hispania (209 BC), then he must have been born in 236/5, usually stated as 236 BC. The year was 517 from the foundation of Rome.
Gaius Julius Caesar (Classical Latin: [ˈɡaː.i.ʊs ˈjuː.lɪ.ʊs ˈkaj.sar], July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC) was a Roman general and statesman and a distinguished writer of Latin prose. He played a critical role in the gradual transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.
In 60 BC, Caesar, Crassus and Pompey formed a political alliance that was to dominate Roman politics for several years. Their attempts to amass power through populist tactics were opposed by the conservative elite within the Roman Senate[citation needed], among them Cato the Younger with the frequent support of Cicero. Caesar's conquest of Gaul, completed by 51 BC, extended Rome's territory to the English Channel and the Rhine. Caesar became the first Roman general to cross both when he built a bridge across the Rhine and conducted the first invasion of Britain.
These achievements granted him unmatched military power and threatened to eclipse Pompey's standing. The balance of power was further upset by the death of Crassus in 53 BC. Political realignments in Rome finally led to a standoff between Caesar and Pompey, the latter having taken up the cause of the Senate. Ordered by the Senate to stand trial in Rome for various charges, Caesar marched on Rome with one legion—legio XIII—from Gaul to Italy, crossing the Rubicon in 49 BC. This sparked a civil war from which he emerged as the unrivaled leader of the Roman world.
Hannibal versus Rome
Scipio Africanus
Scipio Africanus
Scipio Africanus - Greatest Quotes | HD Series | 1080p
Scipio vs. Hannibal - BBC
CARTHAGE: The Roman Holocaust
Sayings of the Classical World: Scipio Africanus
All About - Scipio Africanus (Extended)
WHY AFRICA was named after Roman General Sipio Aficanus Look it UP !
Africa got its name from Leo Scipio Africanus
Imperator Report: Scipio Africanus (Ability Overview)
Hannibal vs Scipio Africanus Duel Deadliest Total Warrior HD 1080p
Total War: Arena Battle 01 (Scipio Africanus)
Total War: Arena Battle 02 (Scipio Africanus)
One of history's greatest military leaders, at age nine Hannibal accompanied his father Hamilcar Barca on the Carthaginian expedition to conquer Spain. Before embarking, the boy vowed eternal hatred for Rome, his people's bitter rival. Twenty years later, in 218 BC, he left New Carthage (now Cartagena, Spain) to wage war on "The Eternal City" with an army of about 40,000, including cavalry and elephants. After crossing the Pyrenees and Rhone River, he traversed the Alps while beset by snowstorms, landslides, and hostile mountain tribes. This 2-hour special brings to life the story of the Carthaginian general who struck fear in all Roman hearts and wreaked havoc with his masterful military tactics, bringing the mighty Roman Republic to the brink of ruin. Archaeologists, historians, and military experts guide us through ancient Carthage and give insight into his military strategy up to defeat at Zama in 203 BC.
Keywords: character-name-in-title
Hannibal versus Rome
Scipio Africanus
Scipio Africanus
Scipio Africanus - Greatest Quotes | HD Series | 1080p
Scipio vs. Hannibal - BBC
CARTHAGE: The Roman Holocaust
Sayings of the Classical World: Scipio Africanus
All About - Scipio Africanus (Extended)
WHY AFRICA was named after Roman General Sipio Aficanus Look it UP !
Africa got its name from Leo Scipio Africanus
Imperator Report: Scipio Africanus (Ability Overview)
Hannibal vs Scipio Africanus Duel Deadliest Total Warrior HD 1080p
Total War: Arena Battle 01 (Scipio Africanus)
Total War: Arena Battle 02 (Scipio Africanus)
Total War: Arena Battle 03 (Scipio Africanus)
Scipio, the Lightning Bolt of War
Rome Total War Online Battle #1884: Julius Caesar vs Scipio Africanus
Rome Total War Online Battle #1885: Scipio Africanus vs Julius Caesar
Video of Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major
Sayings of the Roman World: Scipio Africanus
Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus- BLOOPER REEL
Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus
Scipio Africanus (Instrumental)
Who was the greatest general - Hannibal Barca or Scipio Africanus?
Who was the greatest - Hannibal Barca or Scipio Africanus. Period 6. 2014.
Latin 3H - Scipio Africanus
Marshlatin Scipio Africanus
Rome Total War#Scipio Africanus#Rome vs Seleucids
Sayings of Scipio Aemilianus Africanus
Scipio Africanus and Hannibal love each other
Scipio Africanus and Hannibal battle
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Anacharsis (6th century BC) Part 1
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Sayings of Emperor Elagabalus | Classics
epic film music SCIPIO
Scipio - Legend
Leo Africanus - A Man Between Worlds - Part 3
Scipio - Work Wit It - Music Video
Sayings of Hannibal, son of Hamilcar Barca
Scipio Africanus: The Defeat of Hannibal ™ (1937) Full Movie [HQ]
Charles F. Horne; Great Men And Famous Women - Scipio Africanus
Battle of Zama - Total War: Rome II - Legendary
Hannibal and the Battles of Trebia, Trasimene, Cannae & Zama
Battle of Ilipa (Massive Battles)
Total War: Rome II - Schlacht von Zama [Legendär] - Effektives Flankieren
AFURAKA/AFURAITKAIT - The Origin of the term 'Africa'
Carthage En Flammes (film complet version française)
Sayings of the Roman World Part 1 | Classics
The True Story of Hannibal
Rome: Total War - Online Battle #1 - Julii Vs Scipii
Symposion b: The Five Great Battles of Antiquity Complete
Sky Christmas EPG Music 2014 - full HD
Sky EPG Music, 2014 Normal Music to Christmas Music 2014 Handover
Ancient Carthage & Hannibals War with the Romans
Sky EPG Music, 2014 Christmas Music to 2015 Normal Music Handover (Short Version 40 Mins)
Hannibal Barca - The Annihilator of Ancient Rome - Documentary
Sky EPG Music, 2014 Christmas Music to 2015 Normal Music Handover (Long Version 5 Hours)
[Latin Reading] Marcus Tullius Cicero - Republic
Total War: Arena Battle 04 (Scipio Africanus)
Cookies Christmas song
Roman Consul Scipio, father of Scipio Africanus, calling out Hannibal Barca
Marshlatin Scipio Africanus 41021015
05 Scipio Africanus the Elder
Dabby Duck - Scipio Africanus (feat. Nas & MF Doom)
Sayings of the Classical World: Scipio Aemilianus
All About - Scipio Africanus
Sky Christmas EPG Music 2013 - full HD
Chapman McDonald