24 September 2015

EU adopts plan to keep out refugees

By Martin Kreickenbaum, 24 September 2015

The purpose of the new refugee quota system is to staunch the influx of migrants, expedite their deportation and seal off the EU’s external borders.

German interior minister plans abolition of right to asylum

The resurrection of borders in Europe

More on the refugee crisis »

Autoworkers defy UAW bid to ram through Fiat Chrysler contract

By Jerry White, 24 September 2015

Workers from Fiat Chrysler’s Jefferson North plant marched on the UAW headquarters in Detroit as opposition to the sellout contract by rank-and-file workers grows.

Healthcare cuts planned as part of UAW-Fiat Chrysler deal

By Jerry White, 24 September 2015

Third tier created for Mopar workers, axle operators in UAW-Fiat Chrysler deal

By Joseph Kishore, 23 September 2015

Video: Fiat Chrysler workers speak out against UAW sellout contract

By James Brewer and Jerry White, 23 September 2015

Fiat Chrysler Warren Truck workers explained why they rejected the proposed contract that the UAW is seeking to push through.

The political issues in the autoworkers’ struggle

More on autoworkers struggles »

Greek Prime Minister Tsipras selects pro-austerity cabinet

By Robert Stevens, 24 September 2015

Syriza is committed to imposing the latest austerity memorandum, the harshest yet imposed on any European country.

German Left Party leaders welcome Syriza election victory

More on the crisis in Greece »

Chinese president seeks to blunt Obama administration’s criticisms

By Peter Symonds, 23 September 2015

Behind the pomp and ceremony of Xi’s state visit to the US, Washington is preparing to take a confrontational approach to China.

Australian Prime Minister Turnbull gets US backing

By Nick Beams, 24 September 2015

American Ambassador John Berry has countered suggestions that the new Turnbull government might shift its orientation towards China and away from the US.

Turnbull’s cabinet to deepen attacks on Australian working class

China, emerging economies and commodities roil financial markets

By Barry Grey, 24 September 2015

The very economies that were hailed as the engines of global growth following the Wall Street crash of September 2008 are now at the forefront of a deflationary crisis that threatens to plunge the world into a full-scale depression.

Fed decision fails to calm markets

Scott Walker quits Republican presidential race

By Patrick Martin, 24 September 2015

The Wisconsin governor attracted billionaire support through his 2011 attack on public workers, but finished as an asterisk in the polls.

Political lessons of the battle of Wisconsin

More on the 2016 US elections »

New York housing crisis impacts Brooklyn building workers and tenants

By Steve Light and Allen Whyte, 24 September 2015

Workers and tenants in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood are confronting a determined effort to drive them out of their building so it can be transformed into high-rent apartments.

Following Detroit bankruptcy, billionaires snap up prime real estate

By Kathleen Martin, 24 September 2015

Led by Quicken Loans CEO Dan Gilbert, the corporate and financial elite is restructuring the city post-bankruptcy to serve its own interests.

Gentrification of downtown Detroit producing huge profits for the rich

A thousand jobs to go at UK Tata Steel

By Danny Richardson, 24 September 2015

The role of the trade unions at Tata Steel has been to demobilise any offensive by steel workers against the cuts.

More on steelworkers struggles »

Political crisis in Moldova

By Andrei Tudora and Tina Zamfir, 24 September 2015

The governing coalition in Moldova is coming under increasing pressure to fully implement a pro-EU agenda.

New in Turkish

Yemen: Amerikan malı bir savaş suçu

Niles Williamson, 24 Eylül 2015

Cuma ve Cumartesi sabahı arasındaki 24 saatlik süre içinde, koalisyonun hava saldırılarında, ülke genelinde en az 57 sivil öldürüldü, 130 kişi yaralandı.

Troçki Suikastından 75 yıl sonra (1940-2015)
David North’la Çevrimiçi Röportajlar: GPU Lev Troçki’yi Neden ve Nasıl Öldürdü?

24 Eylül 2015

Lev Troçki’nin öldürülmesi, 20. yüzyılın, uluslararası işçi sınıfı ve dünya sosyalist hareketinin gelişmesi açısından kapsamlı ve uzun süreli sonuçları olan en önemli siyasi suçları arasında yer almaktadır.

New in French

Le scandale des émissions chez Volkswagen

Par Peter Schwarz, 24 septembre 2015

L’absence de scrupules et la criminalité employée par les constructeurs automobiles dans la lutte pour des parts du marché mondial reflètent les contradictions inhérentes au système capitaliste.

Un général en activité de l’armée britannique menace de mutinerie un futur gouvernement Corbyn

Par Chris Marsden, 24 septembre 2015

Les commentaires du général font partie d’une campagne politique continue de déstabilisation montée par le gouvernement conservateur, les médias et de larges secteurs du Parti travailliste

Mercedes-Daimler impose du travail non rémunéré à l'usine française de voitures Smart

Par Antoine Lerougetel, 24 septembre 2015

La décision des travailleurs d'accepter des heures de travail non rémunérées en échange d'une supposée sécurité d'emploi était un vote de blâme dans les syndicats.

New in German

VW bereitet Konzernumbau auf Kosten der Belegschaft vor

Von Peter Schwarz, 24. September 2015

Nach dem Platzen des Volkswagen-Skandals werden Forderungen laut, ihn als Chance zu nutzen, um den Konzern gründlich umzubauen und profitabler zu gestalten.

EU-Innenminister beschließen Maßnahmen zur Flüchtlingsabwehr

Von Martin Kreickenbaum, 24. September 2015

Mit der Quotenregelung für 120.000 Flüchtlingen wird ein neuer Mechanismus geschaffen, um die Grenzen abzuschotten.

Britischer General droht mit Putsch gegen mögliche Corbyn-Regierung

Von Chris Marsden, 24. September 2015

Die Äußerungen des Generals sind Teil einer politischen Destabilisierungskampagne der konservativen Regierung, der Medien und großer Teile der Labour Party.

Tamilischer Nationalist zum Oppositionsführer im srilankischen Parlament ernannt

Von K. Nesan, 24. September 2015

Sirisenas Ziel war es, einen politischen Lakaien Washingtons als Oppositionsführer einzusetzen, der alle Sparmaßnahmen und die proamerikanische Außenpolitik unterstützen wird.

Other Languages


The Pope in America

24 September 2015

As he parades through Washington at the center of a massive security operation, the pope looks out on an America whose democracy is in shambles.

Earlier Perspectives »

Seventy-five years ago, on August 20, 1940, Leon Trotsky was assassinated by an agent of the Soviet secret police, the GPU, in Coyoacán, a suburb of Mexico City, where he was living in exile. Thus ended the life of the great Marxist theoretician of world socialist revolution and one of the towering figures of modern political history.

The assassination of Leon Trotsky ranks among the most politically consequential crimes of the twentieth century, with far-reaching and long-enduring consequences for the development of the international working class and the world socialist movement. And yet for decades the circumstances surrounding Trotsky’s assassination remained shrouded in secrecy. The massive scale of the Stalinist conspiracy against Trotsky—in particular, the extent of the penetration of the Trotskyist movement by the GPU—was the subject of a carefully orchestrated cover-up.

In 1975 the International Committee of the Fourth International launched the first intensive and systematic investigation by the Trotskyist movement into the 1940 assassination. This investigation, known as Security and the Fourth International, led to the exposure of the network of GPU agents within the Fourth International—especially in Paris, Mexico City and New York—which ensured the success of Stalin’s conspiracy against Trotsky’s life. The International Committee’s investigation was bitterly opposed by Pabloite and pseudo-left organizations, which denounced the exposure of spies placed inside the Trotskyist movement as “agent-baiting.” This has remained their position, despite the fact that state intelligence documents released following the dissolution of the Soviet Union confirmed the findings of the International Committee and vindicated Security and the Fourth International.

David North, the chairman of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site, has been a major figure in the international Trotskyist movement for forty years. He played a central role in the Security and the Fourth International investigation. In these international on-line interviews, WSWS correspondent Andrea Peters will speak with North about the significance of Trotsky’s assassination, the origins and development of the International Committee’s investigation, and its key findings.

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Autoworkers Struggles

The UAW-company productivity plan: A recipe for speedup and injuries

By Eric London, 24 September 2015

Autoworkers across the country, from Kansas City to Louisville and Ohio, are reporting that the auto companies are already speeding up production.

Mercedes-Daimler imposes unpaid work at French Smart car plant

By Antoine Lerougetel, 23 September 2015

The UAW and the Democratic Party

By Tom Mackaman, 22 September 2015

More on autoworkers struggles »


US pharmaceutical industry price-gouging and the case of Martin Shkreli

By Nick Barrickman, 24 September 2015

Shkreli’s actions represent nothing more than an unabashed and especially brazen form of everyday business practice under capitalism.

Nominee for FDA commissioner has close ties to drug industry

The Volkswagen emissions scandal

By Peter Schwarz, 23 September 2015

Serving UK general threatens mutiny against a future Corbyn government

By Chris Marsden, 23 September 2015

The political issues posed by Corbyn’s election as UK Labour Party leader

More on the British labor party elections »

Canadian troops begin mission to train Ukrainian Army and National Guard

By Roger Jordan, 23 September 2015

More on the Canadian elections »

Pope Francis to Cubans: “avoid ideology”…or else!

By Rafael Azul, 23 September 2015

Arts Review

99 Homes’ director Ramin Bahrani: “The villain is the system”

By Joanne Laurier, 24 September 2015

Iranian-American writer-director Ramin Bahrani (Man Push Cart, 2005; Chop Shop, 2007; Goodbye Solo, 2008) has created a compelling work that puts flesh and blood on the foreclosure epidemic.

2016 US Elections

More bigotry from Republican presidential candidates

By Patrick Martin, 21 September 2015

Republican presidential debate: A reactionary political system in decay

US presidential campaign: Sanders opens up lead in Iowa, New Hampshire polls

By Patrick Martin, 15 September 2015

Is Bernie Sanders a socialist?

More on the 2016 US elections »


IYSSE (Australia) lectures discuss significance of Zimmerwald anti-war conference

By our reporters, 22 September 2015

25 years ago: US tensions mount over war, budget deadlines

Twenty-five years ago this week, the administration of George H. W. Bush headed into twin crises over the US budget deficit and the preparations for war in the Persian Gulf.

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50 years ago: Aden declared British crown colony

On September 26, 1965, British imperialism deposed the government of Aden and reimposed direct colonial rule over the tiny protectorate at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, which is now part of Yemen.

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75 years ago: Japan invades Indochina

On September 23, 1940, Japanese military forces invaded French Indochina, including present-day Vietnam.

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100 years ago: Battle of Loos begins on the Western Front

On September 25, 1915, the British army tried to break through German lines on the Gohelle plain near the village of Loos.

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