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Timor-Leste shifts toward unity with new government

May 20 2015 was a national holiday to celebrate the Restoration of National Independence, and the formal ceremony was held at Maliana, in the mountains near the Indonesian border. President Taur Matan Ruak attended a proud ceremony, noted the people’s desire for peace and progress and urged them to help build this better future. President […]

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Huge rally in Paris for democracy in Iran

Up to 200,000 people rallied in northern Paris to support the democratic movement in Iran on June 13, 2015, including a group from Australian Supporters of Democracy in Iran. The huge rally was organised by the National Council of Resistance of Iran. Its leader, Mrs Maryam Rajavi, declared that with the Tehran regime at war […]

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April SEARCH News Volume 22, Number 3 out now!

The latest edition of SEARCH News is available to download as a PDF here: SEARCH News 22-3 EMAIL Articles include: Abbott readies to spring in spring – or autumn (Adrian Graves); The real politics of climate change (Tim Thorne); Greek Tragedy as Eurozone imposes ‘a new Versailles’ (Brian Aarons); Current Developments in the West Papua […]

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Secure Jobs in a Green Future Papers and Videos now online!

You can now access many of the presentations from the Secure Jobs in a Green Future Conference held in Sydney on April 6 and 7 on our website here and by visiting the SEARCH Foundation youtube channel. We’ll add the rest of the conference papers over the next week.


Left students get organised at EduFactory 2013

The second national student conference of the broad left was held at Sydney University on April 25-28, 2013. There were some fantastic discussions about some big campaigns and the challenges to organise against the cuts in higher education funding. About 150 people registered and there was a spread of about 41 workshops, mostly run by […]


Election Alert! Danger: Micro-Right Parties

What voters need to know about some of the crazies running in this years federal election, and how to stop them from gaining power. Click here to download our guide in PDF. Micro-Right Parties 2013 Federal Election