Coalition removes mining tax – mining industry increase donation to Coalition by 350%

Greens democracy spokesperson Senator Lee Rhiannon said: “The Australian Electoral Commission 2013/2014 data shows that donations from mining companies to the federal Coalition increased by 350 per cent from the previous year. “In 2013/2014 donations to the federal Coalition totalled $1 126 300. In 2012/2013 and 2011/2012 donations were approximately $311 600 and $191 000 […]

Political donations data out: political donations up by 600 per cent in election year

The Australian Greens say electoral funding data released today by the Australian Electoral Commission reveals that political donations in the 2013-2014 financial year hit a record $202 million, which is an increase of 600 per cent from the previous year. Labor and the Coalition parties share the bulk of that money coming in with over […]

Liberal $200k money laundering scam highlights need for national ICAC

The federal Liberal Party’s failure to declare a $200,000 donation, from a Grundy related company, again highlights the need for a national ICAC and for a major overhaul of electoral funding laws, Greens democracy spokesperson Senator Lee Rhiannon. “The federal Liberal Party have been exposed using a third party, in this case the Free Enterprise […]

Greens Bill to ban political donations from developers, tobacco, alcohol, gambling and mining industries

Greens democracy spokesperson Senator Lee Rhiannon will today introduce into the Senate the party’s Donations Reform Bill that would ban political donations from developers, tobacco, alcohol, gambling and mining industries. “The Bill if passed would help bring consistency to electoral funding laws and restore public confidence in the work of governments, ministers and individual MPs. […]

Greens call for extension of whistle-blower protections to private higher education providers

The Australian Greens spokesperson for higher education Senator Lee Rhiannon today announced that the Greens would legislate to strengthen national whistle-blower laws to guarantee anonymity and immunity to those from the private sector for the first time. “Recent events in the higher education sector have highlighted the inadequacies in Australia’s current whistle-blower protection regime. “Private […]

Abbott under pressure to wind up Free Enterprise Foundation

The Greens are calling for the controversial Liberal party slush fund, the Free Enterprise Foundation, to be shut down. Greens spokesperson for democracy Senator Lee Rhiannon said “The Free Enterprise Foundation is toxic to democracy with this fund raising arm of the NSW Liberals laundering more than $700,000 for that party. “There is now overwhelming […]

ICAC: Group Colleges Australia and links with Nicolaou

Responding to news that Liberal NSW fundraiser Paul Nicolaou is again caught up in ICAC scandals, Greens democracy spokesperson Senator Lee Rhiannon said: “It’s irresponsible for Group Colleges Australia to retain prominent Liberal fundraiser Paul Nicolaou on their board given his ongoing role in ICAC investigations. “Surely Group Colleges Australia should suspend Mr Nicolaou’s board […]

ICAC political donation scandal hits Abbott’s office – time for reform

Commenting on reports that ICAC has lifted a suppression order on emails between Peta Credlin and Paul Nicolaou, Greens democracy spokesperson Senator Lee Rhiannon said: “The ICAC scandals have now reached into the heart of the federal Liberal Party with the Prime Minister’s office implicated. “Emails between Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s chief of staff Peta […]

Nicolaou should step aside while ICAC investigations continue

Responding to news that Paul Nicolaou has resigned as the chief executive officer of the Australian Hotels Association, Greens democracy spokesperson Senator Lee Rhiannon said: “Prominent Liberal fundraiser Paul Nicolaou should step aside from his senior role with Group Colleges Australia (GCA), while ICAC investigations continue. “In May this year I wrote to ICAC requesting […]

Liberal plan to side step corporate funding ban

Responding to the call by outgoing Liberal Party federal President Alan Stockdale for his party to accept corporate membership fees, Greens democracy spokesperson Senator Lee Rhiannon has said this would defeat efforts to clean up politics. Mr Stockdale said he was making the proposal in response to expected greater electoral funding regulation and moves to […]