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24 September 2015

Government cybersecurity paradigms that focus heavily on securing critical infrastructure should shift and expand to consider a much wider array of connected users and devices, types of actors, and types of risk.


24 September 2015

Striking differences in economic outcomes exist within New Zealand for Māori relative to the non-Māori population. This paper analyses whether certain beliefs and values differ systematically between Māori and non-Māori, and whether these beliefs can be linked to the adoption of particular individual actions that may affect economic outcomes.


24 September 2015

This report focuses on the responses given by 1,923 young people aged between 16 – 22 years who participated in the larger National Community Attitudes towards Violence Against Women Survey.


24 September 2015

This research project evaluated the effectiveness of supportive housing models. It found that they were generally effective at supporting tenants—many of whom had a history of chronic homelessness—to sustain tenancies and make improvements in their life.


23 September 2015

With the aim of delivering improved health services for people with intellectual disabilities in NSW, this literature review concentrates on nine models in Australia and the UK.


23 September 2015

A compilation of the latest available Victorian cancer statistics. Included in the report are detailed tables on cancer incidence, mortality and survival, and projections of incidence and mortality to 2029.


23 September 2015

New technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for economic growth and community wellbeing, but only if Australians are ready to adapt and learn, according to a new report which explores what it takes to win in the technology race and manage the human costs of disruptive technology.


23 September 2015

This draft report looks at the best way to deliver a Public Safety Mobile Broadband (PSMB) capability for emergency services that is reliable, interoperable and works across Australia.


23 September 2015

An infographic explaining the actions the Australian Government will take on domestic violence.


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Planner-led technical decision processes identify a step-wise process for making decisions which typically includes the following steps: defining the problem, developing alternatives, evaluating alternatives, and making the decision. There are also process-led legal decision processes that have...


The Bulga (or Warkworth Mine) Case recently heard at first instance by the NSW Land and Environment Court, and on appeal by the NSW Court of Appeal, reveals some interesting insights into the operation and interplay of polycentricity, procedural fairness and expert opinion evidence in the...


One of Australia's greatest challenges is managing its scarce water resources. However, flaws in the design and implementation of collaborative water governance risk undermining Australia's water reforms. What then are the best ways to collaboratively govern water use; and how and in...


Comparing Europe's approach to river basin management to Australia's approach, in the same context, may seem an unlikely idea. After all, there are probably more differences than similarities of climate, population, landscape and system of governance between the two areas. Yet, it...


Review(s) of: How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life, By Russ Roberts, Portfolio, 2014, 272 pages