About Solidarity

Solidarity is a blog devoted to working Australians, trade unions, and industrial relations.

What does it cover?

The Howard Government’s anti-worker legislation, ironically called “WorkChoices”, is aimed at slashing wages, stripping working conditions, and smashing unions. Solidarity will endeavour to follow the reaction to the legislation, in parliament, in the courts, and in workplaces around the country.

In addition, this blog will report on other issues that affect working Australians, such as health and safety issues, the tax and welfare debates, and the quest for a healthy work/family balance.

If you want to make suggestions for Solidarity coverage, please send me an email to solidarityblog@gmail.com. I’m especially interested to hear from workers who are involved in an industrial dispute — there are so many stories, ignored by the media, that deserve to be reported.

Who writes it?

Solidarity is written by Trevor Cormack, who is 28, is based in Perth, works part time, and is (of course) a member of his union.

26 February 2006 · 2:35 am