
Israeli forces detain activist over video footage of Hebron shooting

The activist group said the footage showed the soldiers planting a knife on Qawasmi, although due to its low resolution it is not conclusive. Continue reading


Straddie, October 2015

This gallery contains 33 photos.

Straddie (Minjerribah) in October is a good time on the island. The whales are still going south, the birds are nesting, the flowers are out, and the water is warm enough. We saw plenty of Grey Kangaroos and many birds … Continue reading


Call out for solidarity with Palestinian Popular Resistance

Call out: International BDS wave of solidarity with Palestinian Popular Resistance #SolidarityWaveBDS


Save Wharves at Kangaroo Point

This gallery contains 1 photos.

For Jagera people, Kangaroo Point is most sacred because that is where we could first see the morning light (before colonisation) – Kevin Vieritz (1958 – 2015) Today is the last day you can contest the plan for the development … Continue reading


On Balibo

Six journalists were killed and it shouldn’t have been swept under the carpet. Forty years ago on Friday, five young men met their deaths in a small corner of a foreign field. Gary Cunningham, Brian Peters, Malcolm Rennie, Greg Shackleton, … Continue reading


‘Constant revolutionising’

PART ONE OF FOUR ‘Constant revolutionising’ ‘We all know the workplace is changing and one of the big drivers is because the world itself is changing so profoundly.’ — John Brumby, prize idiot, erstwhile Anti-labour Party premier of Victoria, and … Continue reading


Pie in the Sky

Live on hay. Work and pray. There’ll be pie in the sky when you die. It’s a lie Despite proclamations upholding the U.S. Constitution, more than half of its citizens are under the delusion that they live in an officially … Continue reading


Inspiring and courageous action in support of refugee children

Doctors, nurses, medical professionals and support and administration workers at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne have sent a sharp message to the federal government that the inhuman imprisonment of refugee children in off-shore detention centres must come to an … Continue reading


Human rights for clients of Qld’s Public Trustee and Public Guardian

To: The Queensland Attorney General Yvette D’Ath and Minister for Disability Services Coralee O’Rourke The Committee to Expose the Public Trustee is seeking – 1/ That the Disability Services Act and Guardianship and Administration Act be amended to include enforceable … Continue reading


Do individual politicians matter?

It is entirely possible that President Al Gore would not have attacked Afghanistan or Iraq. President Henry Wallace might very well not have nuked Hiroshima or Nagasaki. President William Jennings Bryan almost certainly would not have attacked the Philippines. Presidents … Continue reading