Unite News


By Mike Treen, Unite National Director Reprinted from The Daily Blog A powerful campaign has erupted in NZ to ask the government to at least double the current pitifully low level of 750 refugees being accepted each year. The quota hasn’t increased since 1987. This places us at 90th on the UN list for per capita acceptance of refugees. Even Australia accepts 13,750 as its quota which is one per 1700 compared to our one per 6000! Australian politicians however still treat refugees as political football and try to outbid each other in how harshly they can treat them. The creation...

By Tony Stevens Reprinted from The Daily Blog Apparently working as a mini golf operator or a cat breeder are more dangerous jobs than a dairy or cattle farmer. Well sure, that makes sense. I mean you could take a stray putt to the shins when inspecting hole 8 for water logging, or maybe Felix the one-eyed tabby takes a swipe at your ankle when you try to check him for fleas. Sounds positively life threatening. Under the new health and safety law wrangling cats and putters are considered more risky than working with 1 tonne plus livestock. Ridiculous. Dairy and cattle...