US Korea Institute

Thursday October 1st 2015
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Satellites, Warheads and Rockets: Is North Korea’s Space Program Really about Missile Development?

Satellites, Warheads and Rockets: Is North Korea’s Space Program Really»

When the Soviet Union shocked the world and opened the Space Age on October 4, 1957, it was not a coincidence that its first satellite was launched into orbit on a modified R-7 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). For many observers, that was the message of Sputnik—the rocket that did this, can deliver hydrogen bombs to your cities. Nor was the message sent only once. The first 96 Soviet satellite launches were conducted using modified [Read More]

Satellite Imagery

North Korea: Long-Range Rocket »

North Korea: Long-Range Rocket Launch Unlikely On or Before October 10

A 38 North exclusive with analysis by Jack Liu and Joseph S. Bermudez Jr. Recent commercial satellite imagery of North Korea’s Sohae Satellite [Read More]


China Ponders: Does the Iran Nuclear Deal Mean North Korea is Next? China Ponders: Does »

As news spread in July of the freshly brokered multilateral plan on Iran’s nuclear [Read More]

When North Koreans Go South, Some Go Professional When North Koreans »

When Park Gun-ha defected to South Korea in 2005, he first hoped to find a well-paid farm [Read More]

Revisiting the Agreed Framework Revisiting the »

Throughout the debate over nuclear negotiations with Iran, many commenters have referred [Read More]

James Church

The Politics Lesson »

The Politics Lesson

“This is urgent.” Inspector O was pacing the floor. He hadn’t shaved in a while, and it didn’t look as if he’d had much sleep. “Urgent, everything is always urgent with you.” I was annoyed. Phone calls at two in the morning do not sit well with me. “You [Read More]

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Credit for photo of young North Korean girl: T.M. All rights reserved, used with permission.