Friday, April 16, 2010


Molly is happy to see the return of the Insurrectionary People's Picture Show Theater from here in Winnipeg after a far too long hiatus (since last October). The IPPST comes back with an improved design and also a commitment to cover music as well as video and film. Well worth checking out. See their website from which the Godzilla graphic has been stolen.

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Sunday, March 30, 2008


Here we are again with Molly's irregular feature, 'The Best of the Blogs', where she goes down the blogs on her links section, choosing those that have particularly interesting recent content. Today we do the letter combination "an".
A. Over at the Anarchia blog Asher muses on the existential condition of loneliness in 'On Being Alone'.
B. The Anarchist Philosophy Blog is more didactic, and the author explores his thoughts as to what anarchism is and isn't in his 'Anarchism Essay'. Special emphasis on the fact that the philosophy is not merely "negative"
C. The Anglican Resistance blog is closing down. The author, an Anglican priest, will be moving most of his efforts to his parish blog, the Blog of the Good Shepherd. He also recommends a couple of other blogs where his work occasionally appears, The Episcopal Cafe and The Covenant Journal.
D. Meanwhile out on the west coast the Anarcho-Cyclist has some interesting material on the "local foods movement". Check out his 'Radical Gardening and Local Food Production' and 'Saltspring Seeds 'Zero Mile Diet' Seed Kit'.

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Sunday, March 23, 2008


Every once in awhile Molly remembers some of her previous projects. Today I'm back at my 'Best of the Blogs' list, drawn from the blogs listed here at Molly's cathouse. Today we go from the beginning of the list to the "AM" line.....
A. Over at the Acts of Hope blog there's an article titled 'The New Media Monopoly', a review of a book by the same name by Ben Baydikion.
B. There's an interesting article on 'Voting' at the Against the State blog.
C. Alas a Blog has an article 'Is There Something to Celebrate' about International Women's Day and how much further we still have to go.
D. And then at the All Spin Zone there's an award winning item, 'What Do Nataline Sarkisyar and Brittany Spears Have In Common', all about the difference that the rich and the poor receive when they enter the medical system.

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Sunday, November 18, 2007


Once more Molly goes down her blogroll looking for the gems that lie on the surface of the internet stream. Today we do the letter 'B':
*The Balkan Anarchist blog has an extensive discussion about the Serbo-Croat language and its dialects. Great for anybody with an interest in languages and the Slavic ones in particular. Entitled 'Divanimo naski' (Don't ask me to translate-but the article is in English). Much of this was way over Molly's head as the only Slavic language that she has a "travelling acquaintance" with is Czech, with a smattering of Russian and Ukrainian. Still, a very informed presentation.
*Balkan Baby has an article entitled (take a deep breath) 'I Wanted Freedom. Bound and Restricted, I Tried to Give You Up, But I'm Addicted'. Whatever it may sound like it's all about the situation in Kosovo and well worth reading.
*Janet Biehl's blog continues the presentation of her graphic novel about the life of Murray Bookchin with an aside into the politics of the 1930s ala Stalin's machinations.
*Bill Bumpus continues to present the latest news about the IWW, along with an ever fresh selection of general labour news. Great site to help you keep up with things wobbly.
*The Blork Blog has an interesting piece about the new Airbus A380 airplane and its overstated claims to "green credentials". A great piece of myth-busting.
*The Blue Voice has an useful links reference to Joschka Fisher's (the ex-leader of the German Greens) more recent writings.
*Bob From Brockley reprints a piece from Venezuelan anarchists critical of the Chavez regime. The title is 'Hallucinating the Bolivarian Revolution'.
*Butt Darling has a report from the recent No-Borders camp on the US-Mexico border entitled 'Lost Patrol'. Find out what went down down there.
That's it for now. See you at the C.

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Saturday, November 10, 2007


Molly is the "elephant-cat". She never forgets though occasionally she forgives. Some time ago I was running a weekly feature entitled 'The Best of the blogs' wherein I chose some interesting recent postings from the blogosphere. Well, it's time to get back to business with Molly's great;y expanded list of blogs on her Links section. Today we feature the letter "A".
A. Alas a Blog has some recent interesting posts. On November 8th there is 'Does the South Have Whitewash Envy of the North ?'. Sort of something that only an American could understand, though very valuable to them, dealing with the history of slavery in the "northern states" of the USA. Also on November 6th there's a rather disparaging article titled 'Is the Christian Right Losing Its Mojo ?' about the present shifting politics amongst evangelists in the USA. Rather TOO disparaging for Molly's taste. Atheist as she is she still welcomes the growing distance that American evangelism is putting between their faith and right wing politics.
B. From New Zealand Anarchia has gone whole hog on reportage about the recent "terrorism" arrests in that country. The best of their reportage is a November 8th article entitled 'No Terrorism Charges for the Urewera 16 !'. What Molly has to say about this, besides the fact that various leftists of all sorts of persuasions often (usually ?) bullshit about their great and grandiose plans and how the state can use this bullshit on occasion despite the fact that it has little basis in reality, is to ask a question. The "terrorism" charges were broadcast across the world, even reaching the news here in Canada. Will the downgrading of the charges in line with a little reality get any such play in the media ? Doubtful !.
C. The Anarchist Video Blog has some new offerings, most of them the latest from the recent Montebello demonstrations outside of Ottawa.
D. The Anarchorants Blog has a refreshing article entitled 'The Personal is Political or the North American Cult of Individualist Struggle'. The title should be self explanatory, but for the slow out there it is a description of how this little piece of rhetoric is abused in the present day left. Molly thinks the author is altogether too kind as he or she skips the most nutty examples. Still, a very good opinion piece and much needed.
E. On a more amusing note the Austro-Athenian Empire has reprinted a piece from Kevin Carson's Mutualist Blogspot, entitled 'The Toilet Zone' . All about the evil way that toilet paper dispensers are arranged to cause maximum distress in public institutions in the USA. Molly has blogged before on the whole matter of toilet paper in Eastern Europe when she visited there, but this is a matter "beyond the paper". One waits until the privatization mania runs its course in the USA, and they have guards on the cans collecting dues to enter the sanctums just like they have in the Czech Republic. Carry on Republicans. The millennium is coming soon.
Next time...the letter "B".

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Sunday, October 21, 2007


Over at the Carnival of Anarchy a blog aggregator for the best of anarchist blogging the subject matter keeps on changing. Like any good carnival you can't present the same show time after time. To the end of this month the subject is "best anarchist videos". In November it will be "The Security State". Coming up in December, "anarchist humour, joke collections, taking the mickey out of security cameras" and just general fun for the holidays. Drop on over to the Carnival. No cotton candy there, nor any junk food but real solid opinion. Read the best and join if you like. See Molly dressed up as a clown now and then.

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Saturday, October 20, 2007


The following is a Mollymew translation of the recent press release that NEFAC-Montreal has put out concerning their new blog/website. For the original french version see HERE.

The Political Information Blog (BIP) of the Montreal Local Union, a member of the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists, is the newest baby of the Montreal agitational press. NEFAC-Montreal moreover also has federation material, that is to say Ruptures Magazine and the journal Cause Commune and now a new AgitProp tool on the web. This new agitational media will permit us to react immediately to events, give us power to rapidly take a stand, to spit in the face of the left as much as the right, to analyze local and international events, to denounce, to demand, to provoke, to debate and to diffuse our ideas much more Sum, a blog of libertarian agitation.

The political situation has been more and more moribund. It is more than necessary to act on all fronts and to attempt to influence and radicalize the social movements, the reformist left and 'Mr and Mrs. everybody', our neighbours and workmates. So, as libertarian communists we believe that a radical political alternatives exists to bourgeois democracy, to the "security right" (droitesecuritaire-hard to translate-mm) and the authoritarian far left. This blog will let us continue our struggle for a libertarian society, without classes or the state. The ruling class and its neo-liberal propaganda now have a new enemy in the alternative information brush. We will give no quarter ! We are fed up with compromises and false alternatives. We proclaim for the Commune !

Stay tuned, the communards are mounting the barricades...

See the blog for other events soon.

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Saturday, September 15, 2007


Sometime between when I posted the 'Best of the Blogs' post and checking the links the Social Design Notes blog posted another great post ie a link to a Wikipedia article listing anti war films in English. Check this out as well.

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Once more Molly zippers down the 'Blogs' section of her Links to highlight the best items. Today's program is brought to you by the letter "S".
Shagyas Blog has a very interesting article entitled 'Neocons and Kyoto...Another Double Bind'. Shagya has blogged on this subject previously, and this entry is an interesting follow up on some the illusions current in 'politics as usual' about global warming and the political response to same.
Slackbastard Anarchist Blog continues a series on neo-fascists with his latest title 'Boneheads' . Sort of like a biologist whose field of research is slime molds.
Social Design Notes continues to report on some of the more creative efforts in radical design,graphics,etc. happening in North America. Some highlights this time around include Manure USA about how the fertilizing opportunities of manure in the USA are being lost because it is concentrated today at the loci of megafarms. No shit this is bad shit. Also a report on a new book published by JusticeDesign.Com (now added to Molly's links under the graphics section) called 'Army of None, a counter recruitment book.
Finally, the Montreal based Solidarity Across Borders, an immigrant rights site, reproduces 'Gitmo North's Last prisoner in Limbo After 6 Years' about the case of Hassan Almrei, held in detention without trial for 6 years in the province of Ontario.

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Monday, September 03, 2007


Once more Molly chugs down her blog roll looking for new and interesting things in the Blogs section of her links. Today we do the letters N to R. Not much new here. Only three items.
The Peter Marshall website announces that Harper Perennial will be publishing a new and updated version of Marshall's 'Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism' in November. The book will include a new epilogue that includes what Marshall calls, "so-called (!!!-Molly) 'post anarchism' and 'anarcho-primitivism'". One can only hope that Marshall is as fair here as he is elsewhere in his history ie that he is critical enough about these so-called attempts to "go beyond anarchism". Going beyond in the same sense as going into a black hole in Molly's opinion. No real information will ever escape from the event horizon of such closed incestuous cults. beyond the fact that it is anarchism's fate to always be plagued with nuts on its periphery.
Larry Gambone's Porkupine Blog has an announcement from the Hidden From History:The Canadian Holocaust people. 'To the Survivors of 'Indian Residential Schools'' is an invitation to a travelling tribunal that began its journey across Canada yesterday in Port Alberni, BC. This tribunal hopes to gather the stories of survivors of the residential school system and present them to the United Nations. It will take three months for the Tribunal to make its way across the country. You can see what it is all about from the link above. Their mailing address is 260 Kennedy St, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2H8, Canada. The phone number is 1-250-753-3345 and after tomorrow 1-888-265-1007. You can reach them by email at either or . To learn more see the website above.
Finally, the libertarian blog Rational Reasons has a reprint link to an article by Sean Gangol entitled 'The Problem with Conservatives'. This lays out the difference between libertarianism and conservatism quite plainly. It is best summed up in a quote from the article, "If you truly want to live in a free society, then you have to have tolerance for things you don't like.". the essence of the ideology peddled by conservative leaders is the exact opposite of such tolerance, which is why "the problem" is that conservatives really want to create a police state rather than a free society.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Over the approximately a year that Molly's Blog has been in operation she has observed a certain trend. The majority of those who drop by this blog come here for the amateur astronomy posts. Of course Molly will continue with her posts on matters astronomical as she loves this aspect of reality. It is regular, predictable and beautiful, and Molly believes that people should be alerted to the beauty that is available to them every single day. So...she keeps on posting on this hobby of hers.
Yet, "theoretically" this is an "anarchist" blog. The majority of the links on the left refer to anarchist references. I am pleased that about 3% of those who check in here for the astronomical posts check out on one or the other of the "anarchist links". Molly would like to make the percentage much higher. This is actually a higher percentage than I expected, especially as some of my anarchist "comrades" do their best to make anarchism as unattractive as possible, as an excuse for childish fights with the cops or as a bizarre cult that wants to "abolish civilization". I hope that Molly's Blog will continue to be an introduction to a "rational anarchism" for those who check in here for other reasons. The very fact that you have decided to "look up at the sky" says two things. One is that you have an appreciation for the beauty of the real world that should make you immune to the lure of cults such as "false anarchism", let alone other more popular cults. The second is that you can both judge for yourself and WANT to judge for yourself. This is really the essence of anarchism. May you believe your own judgement of the sky in the same sense as you believe your own judgement of society. They are really the same, and may you be able to detect lies in the sky as well as you detect lies on Earth. NO... an eclipse or a constellation will NOT appear to be different no matter how much someone in power may tell you otherwise. Social reality is the same. Government is crooked. The corporations have no morality, they are usually the exact opposite of moral.
Molly's hobby and her politics actually have a connection. Look it up if you want.

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Sunday, August 19, 2007



Once more Molly goes down the list of the blogs on her blogroll, picking out the choice bits. Today it's those from I to M. The first item of interest is the Joey Only Outlaw Band blog. New songs, new news on the latest appearances of our favourite rebel troubadour. A new CD. It's all there.

Then there's an interesting piece on the Mother Anarchy blog on her encounter with something called 'E-Prime' . The Mother Anarchy blog is the notebook of an anarchist mother and her daily trials, tribulations and joys. E-Prime is something else altogether. It is a spin-off from general semantics and advances the proposition that language is both clearer and better without the use of the verb "to be". Molly is more than slightly sceptical. I could write this paragraph without using this verb, but I doubt that it would be any clearer. A heck of a lot more clumsy for sure. Better ? For those interested there's a Wikipedia article on E-Prime.

Then there's the ever popular blog of Mr Beer n'Hockey. Once more a totally personal weblog but always entertaining. The graphic at the left comes from this blog.

Moving into the more general political blog zone we once more find mega-blogger Eugene Plawiuk and his Le Revue Gauche. Yes, I know this doesn't follow in proper alphabetical order, but it's been sitting there at its present place in my Blog list so long that I hestitate to change its location. Anything I can cite from Le Revue Gauche will long since have fallen down on the list there, as Plawiuk can type faster than I can breathe. The output of this, one of Canada's premier blogs is truly prodigious, but three rather recent items impressed me. One is the amusing tale 'Sometimes a Crocodile is Just a Lizard' about a panic of mistaken identity out in BC. It says a lot about the reliability of "eye witness" accounts. Another is an expose called 'Transparency Alberta Style' on various cover-ups on the part of the Alberta Conservative government. Seems that no matter where they are conservatives have a lot to hide and do their best to hide that lot. The final item is 'Native America and the Evolution of Democracy' about the Native American contribution to the ideal of democracy. Le Revue Gauche always has the best comment on Canadian politics and so many other subjects.
Finally there are two announcements on Kevin Carson's Mutualist Blog. One concerns long term individualist anarchist Fred Woodworth who has apparently been hospitalized once more for more surgery. Molly will comment on this rumour which has been circulating in other places on the internet when she receives both confirmation and further details. Fred has published The Match, North America's longest running specifically anarchist publication, since 1969, and each issue is always a work of art. Try and send him a card or letter. Fred refuses to use the internet. His mailing address is:
Box 3012
Tucson, Arizona
85702, USA
Kevin also announces that another of his contacts has now placed the entire run of Benjamin Tucker's 'Liberty' magazine on the internet. Tucker was one of the most famous of the American individualist anarchists, and his writings are always a joy to read. Drop over to the Mutualist Blog for more details.

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Molly is often amazed by how some people make their way to her blog. Too wierd !. But she just has to share with her readers one recent visitor's search attempt. The search line on Google read, "How to draw cartoon people. Mew.Mew".It's beyond Molly's limited intellectual capacity as to why this would deliver the inquirer to this blog. It is, of course, also beyond my imagination as to why anyone would frame their query in this way. Strange stuff happens on the far side of the Moon.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A few little corrections and additions before I sign off for the night. First of all, I've looked up the conditions of the Order of Canada, and no postumous awards are allowed. Too bad as I still think that Nelson Starr was far more desreving than almost all of the other recipients. If I would do a "lawyer trick" on this one I would say that it is time to set a precedent as Conrad Black was at least "morally dead" at the time that he received his award, that the award of the 'Order of Canada' that was given at a time before the recipient evidenced treason by renouncing his citizenship should be considered retroactivelly open -to anyone who was alive at the time of the accidental award to a thief and traitor. As such it may still be open to a person deceased after that time. A new award for Mr. Starr may be out of the question, but one can say that there is an "open award" that he should have received during his lifetime, an award that was given to someone who was a disgrace to canada rather than a benefit.

Also, as a little addition, the Home Schooled blog that I mentioned previously has a great new article as of this day on the whole idea of "courage". Well worth checking out.

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Getting back to the post vacation "normality" on this blog I continued the never-ending feature of "The Best of the Blogs". Today's item is from the letter "H":
The Here and Elsewhere blog has a link to the author's 'On the DL:Power, Politics and Sport' which has now been reprinted in the 'Quarterly Review of Popular Culture'. Lottsa connections here.
The Home Schooled blog by Rolfe Schmidt has a lot of interesting comment on science. Rolfe has commented previously on this blog about science. Some of his musings include 'Teaching High School Science' and 'The Truth is There'. Much food for thought.
Finally, the left libertarian blog Human Iterations has a screed on language, including his way of decribing a free market as a "freed market" to differentiate left libertarianism from so-called anarchocapitalism with its "free market". Lots more there about how to describe certain things with certain terms. Good lesson on rhetoric in the classic sense.

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Friday, July 27, 2007


The following item is republished from the truly delightful Austro-Athenian Empire blog, the journal of Roderick T. Long. The blog is more of an American libertarian blog rather than a straight anarchist blog, but anybody with this sense of humour is A-OK in my books. The Austro-Athenian Empire Blog has been added to Molly's Links section under Blogs. Drop on over to the AAE for some fine reading.
" Amazo is an evil android with all the powers of the Justice League of America. The Super Skrull is an evil alien with all the powers of the Fantastic Four. The Super-Adaptoid is an evil android with all the powers of the Avengers.
The Moral ????
With great power comes great dorkiness of name."

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Monday, July 23, 2007


Beginning this weekend the Carnival of Anarchy will be holding yet another blogathon. The subject this go around is "Education and Anarchism". Have something to say ? Want to see if someone else has something to say? Drop on over to the liveliest forum in the anarchoblog world and see what all the fuss is about.

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Once more Molly goes searching down the list of Blogs in her Links column, looking for the recent best. Today we have the letter "D":
The Carnival of Anarchy has extended its "anarchism and ecology" blog round for an extra week. Lots of input. Lots of different views. Not a mutual admiration show at all. Worth reading if only for the range of opinions expressed.
Chaparrals Blog has a roundup on recent raids on immigrants in the USA. The US economy runs on migrant labour, but some want to make the lives of such migrants as miserable as possible. Che Y Marijuana has an article on 'Northern Iraq's Tangled Web'. Interesting rundown of the complexities there. Rather hard to find in the site however. There's also a "Good News Roundup" at this site, something Molly thinks more political blogs, including her own, should have.
The Commie Curmudgeon picked up on the fact that last June 20th was the anniversary of the birth of Jean Paul Sartre. Molly never even got an invitation to the party. That's Ok though. I would have been embarrased being as I had nothingness to buy a gift. Finally there's an article in the Australian Contradiction blog on the financial wheelings and dealing of one of the darlings of the Australian trendy left. 'Garret Sells Out' is one more telling of the tale of corruption that is familiar to anybody who spends long enough on the left to get over their starry eyes. Yet, this story bears continual retelling as there is almost a conspiracy of silence about how common it is.

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Molly often tracks back on her visitors, and thus she came upon the gem (perhaps) illustrated to the left. The original source is a Vancouver Island blog, Word of Mouth Blog, that Molly has just added to her links list under the 'Blogs' section. Seems only fair as Molly's Blog is listed there too. The blog is quite interesting. Its motto is "no word too conservative or too radical". When you go to this blog you will see the connection 'Ann Coulter Naked'. Be prepared to search as it merely connects to a list of links. The photo to the left comes out in one of the links that Molly finally found, but it takes some digging. Other photos can be found as well, some of them far less flattering. Whether they are all "true" or not is a matter that Molly has very little interest in searching down. Better things to do, like pick the dirt out from under my fingernails. The photo to the left, if real, has obviously been "enhanced". Coulter, after all, is one of those people who put the "S" back in "scrawny". Not that I think she wouldn't agree to this sort of thing. Let nobody accuse Coulter of "libertarian sentiments" which might make the posings consistant. "Libertarian" is the last thing you could accuse Coulter of being. If the pics are true then what they are an example of is "the arrogance of a criminal". Many criminals are eventually caught because they come to have a vastly underestimated view of the intelligence and persistance of both their victims and the police. Political would-be baby terrorists take note.
But speaking of Coulter... she's a crook plain and simple. She has discovered a scam that produces reams of money for practically no work. Her potty mouth may not equal Molly's at its worst, but she has the distinction of being able to sustain the the sort of "pissed off" pose in all her writing that others could only hope to achieve. Nobody can achieve it in reality, but Coulter is not real. Who knows what she believes in real life, if she believes anything at all besides the fact that Ann Coulter should have fame and money. Molly has seen this sort of psychopathy in action amongst anarchists where the perpetrator has chosen his victims well. What Molly has seen there says that at least some anarchists are more willing than the conservative audience that Coulter writes for to come out swinging against people who are embarassments to their beliefs. Some conservatives have indeed attacked Coulter in a half-hearted way, but the "tribal politics" has been such that sensible conservatives have generally ignored her, no matter how detrimental she may be to their cause. Well, gonorrhea doesn't go away just because you ignore it.
She's a crook, plain and simple. A con-artist. If the pictures are true they what they show is, once more, "criminal arrogance". In this case Coulter has chosen to mock her victims, conservative Americans who provide her with an inflated income. Will she be caught in this act ? Molly seriously doubts it. Most people are willing to forgive any number of transgressions as long as they can delude themselves that any attack on the enemy is good. That's the way of the world. Offenses by one's own side are considered less than an offense by the other side. Actually much less. No offense to conservative sensibilities will ever lead to any serious withdrawal of the sort of sponsorship that Coulter's income depends upon.
The seemingly endless series of scandals that have exposed the underbelly of American fundamentalism (like they have to a lesser degree exposed same in conservative parties across the world who don't depend on the taliban-like mixture of politics and religion that American conservativism does) is actually living proof that a large number of people (hopefully a minority) in the most powerful country in the world have got their moral priorities all back assward. To them putting your bad thing in the wrong place is such an obviously greater sin than theft (also fraud in the case of not just Coulter but many others) that theft can hardly be seen at all. To such people Molly might reply that the "social" prohibitions of the ten commandments (seperate from the ritual prohibitions) are overwhelmingly against either thievery or fraud (false witness). Jesus was even more emphatic on this point than the Old Testament. According to Jesus "misusing your bad thing" was a minor pecadillo that would always be forgiven while economic oppression (a subset of theft) was the "sin" that desrerved attention and correction.
Coulter's little act would convince any business person dealing with her to only accept cash or a credit card presented at the time of sale. No cheques from her. She might decide to scam you just for the sheer joy of it. Scamming can actually be fun for some sick puppies without a sense of honour, dignity, shame or conscience (pick any of the four). It is a source of pleasure seperate from the financial gain involved. Look at Coulter in this light, and you will understand her very well.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Once more Molly goes chugging down her blog roll to pick out the best of the recent posts. Today we feature the letter "b":
Janet Biehl continues her efforts to present a comic strip version of the life of Murray Bookchin. Look to her blog for the more recent efforts.
Bombs and Shields has an interesting story/report on how some NYC police officers are in more than slight doodoo because they assaulted a lawyer and his wife who tried to intervene when they noticed that the police were beating a handcuffed black man. Now kicking the crap out of a lawyer is one of the more stupid things that any person can do. No doubt the police will have to do more than a little of the ol' extra wiggle to get out of this one. Can't say that I feel sorry for them.
Butt Darling from Australia has a report on how the Australian secret police have been building up dossiers on journalists who have the "wrong" politics, particularily if they criticize the secret police or law enforcement in general. Can anybody say "criminal conspiracy" ? Can anyone say "blackmail" ? Can anyone say "intimidation" ? Can anyone say any number of other criminal offenses that are only "criminal" when they are not done by private citizens rather than agents of the state ?
A little afterthought here. Anarchafairy has replied to my previous post on the last edition of 'The Best of the Blogs', saying basically that I mistook what he was trying to say. In his opinion "lifestylism" and "social anarchism" are not mutually exclusive, and a truly comprehensive anarchist "praxis" will encompass them both. Point granted. Have a look at his replyin the comments. Molly would dearly love to see an integration of "theory" and social action with such aspects of everyday life as "redneck culture" from country and western music(and not just "rap") to bingo, as "sports fandom", as the attempts of ordinary people to preserve their family structure, as the far more important do it yourself culture amongst ordinary people as compared to primitivist posturing, of gardening by ordinary people as opposed to the pathetic recommendations of primmies whose skill is considerably below that of the average gardener, of the public festivals favoured by regular people rather than the contrived festivals of cultists- see Barbara Ehrenreich's 'Dancing in the Streets', of the efforts basically of ordinary people which vastly outnumber the sort of thing that Murray Bookchin vented his spleen against. Of,of,of,of. What Molly says over and over here is that the idea of raising a myth of "ubermensch" is a great and grevious mistake, besides being simply ugly beyond belief. Radical "alternatives" to daily life formed in the hothouse of subcultures will almost inevitably be inferior to those formed by the average person. There is nothing here to integrate with a "social anarchism". Anarchism has to remember its roots as being based in the ideas of justice and equality, not privilege and elitism. When it pretends that it has some magical "new way of living" that others are expected to follow like rats after the Pied Piper then it betrays the very essense of anarchism. It also plays very much into the class interests of the new ruling class who advance less kooky versions of such so-called "alternatives", often for great financial profit.
Yes, by all means anarchism has to be integrated with everyday life. All that Molly is saying is that there is an "undiscovered continent" amongst the great 99.99% of people who don't pretend to be a sect of superior beings, and that their actions are worthy of attention, publicity and emulation. Looking across the 49th parallel to the cesspool of chintzy "post-leftism" that raised Murray's blood pressure while he was alive I see little worthy of value and imitation, let alone "integration with". I do, however, see many things much !!!!!!!!! more widespread that are admirable and point the way to a hopeful future.

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