Wednesday, September 22, 2010



The 'noise demo' outside the detention centre in Burnaby BC where the women and children of the Tamil "boat people" are being held has now become a weekly event. Here's the update from No One Is Illegal Vancouver.
Weekly Noise Demo - Release Detained Tamil Refugees:
Time Saturday at 1:30pm - October 9 at 3:30pm

Location Burnaby Youth Custody Services Centre
7900 Fraser Park Dr
Burnaby, BC

Created By No One Is Illegal - Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories


More Info
Release Detained Tamil Refugees:
Let Them Free, Let Them Stay!


...Saturday Sept 25 at 1:30 pm
Sunday Oct 3 at1:30 pm
Saturday Oct 9 at 1:30 pm
Shuttles Leaving Edmonds station starting at 12:45 until 1:15

Burnaby Youth Custody Services Centre where mothers and children who
arrived aboard MV Sun Sea are being detained.

LOCATION: 7900 Fraser Park Dr, Burnaby


For the past 2 weeks we have gathered in front of the Burnaby Youth Custody prison where approximately 90 Tamil refugee mothers and children are being incarcerated. Supporters banged on pots and pans and blew whistles and horns to the beats of Tamil music. A large Tamil banner reading "We welcome you, we support you" was held towards the two detention units where children could be seen waving and smiling, peering through prison bars.

Join No One is Illegal-Vancouver over the next 3 weeks at the Burnaby detention facility to continue to express our love, support, and solidarity with those still being held inside and to call for the immediate release of detained Tamil asylum seekers.

* Bring noise! We want to be visible and be heard from inside so please bring pots, pans, horns, drums, noisemakers (please be aware of noises which may be triggering or traumatizing)


Meet at Edmonds station for rides at 12:45. Last shuttle leaves at 1:15pm. If you have a vehicle and can offer carpool, please contact us at noii-van at or 778 885 0040.
Surviving a dangerous journey, 492 Tamil refugees, including women and children, arrived in BC after fleeing war and persecution in Sri Lanka. When the ship first neared Esquimault, territories of the Songhees First Nation, it was immediately boarded by the Armed Forces, Border Services, and RCMP. The refugees are now in jails, facing endless hearings that have revealed the clear incompetency, deliberate negligence, and racism of the system.

In the context of the never-ending "War on Terror" refugees, migrants, and racialized people are increasingly being racially targeted, dehumanized as security threats, and criminalized through unprecedented police and state powers. Despite its rhetoric of 'liberating' and 'protecting' women globally and locally, the Canadian state is detaining an increasing numbers of women and children that cross these borders. In light of increasing repression and exclusionary policies and ideologies, we demand "Justice, Freedom, and Status for All!"

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Across the world, from Argentina to Bulgaria, from Italy to India and all points in between, demonstrators have used the "pot banging" as a novel way of making their point. It will be the same this coming Sunday as demonstrators gather in front of the Burnaby Youth Custody Services (?) Centre to demand the release of the Tamil boat people imprisoned there. Here's the notice from No One Is Illegal.
Noise Demo to Release Detained Tamil Refugees
Time September 19 · 1:30pm - 6:30pm

Location Burnaby Youth Custody Services Centre where mothers and children who arrived aboard MV Sun Sea are being detained.
7900 Fraser Park Dr, Burnaby
Burnaby, BC

Created By No One Is Illegal - Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories

Info Release Detained Tamil Refugees:
Let Them Free, Let Them Stay!

Sunday Sept 19 at 1:30 pm
Shuttles Leaving Edmonds station starting at 12:45 until 1:15
Last week over 100 people gathered in front of the Burnaby Youth Custody
prison where approximately 90 Tamil refugee mothers and children are being
incarcerated. Locked out of the facility, for over two hours supporters
banged on pots and pans to the beats of Tamil music. A large Tamil banner
reading "We welcome you, we support you" was held towards the two
detention units where children could be seen waving and smiling, peering
through prison bars.

Join No One is Illegal-Vancouver again this week at the Burnaby detention
facility to continue to express our love, support, and solidarity with
those still being held inside and to call for the immediate release of
detained Tamil asylum seekers.

Sunday Sept 19 at 1:30 pm
Burnaby Youth Custody Services Centre where mothers and children who
arrived aboard MV Sun Sea are being detained.
LOCATION: 7900 Fraser Park Dr, Burnaby

Shuttles Leaving Edmonds station starting at 12:45 until 1:15

* Bring noise! We want to be visible and be heard from inside so please
bring pots, pans, horns, drums, noisemakers (please be aware of noises
which may be triggering or traumatizing)


1) Meeting at Edmonds skytrain station at 12:45pm. Shuttles Leaving
Edmonds station starting at 12:45 until 1:15. If you have a vehicle and
can offer carpool, please contact us at noii-van at or 778 885

2) Public transit is not very accessible, but if you are taking it, then
take the #116 from Edmonds station.

Surviving a dangerous journey, 492 Tamil refugees, including women and
children, arrived in BC after fleeing war and persecution in Sri Lanka.
When the ship first neared Esquimault, territories of the Songhees First
Nation, it was immediately boarded by the Armed Forces, Border Services,
and RCMP. The refugees are now in jails, facing endless hearings that have
revealed the clear incompetency, deliberate negligence, and racism of the

In the context of the never-ending "War on Terror" refugees, migrants, and
racialized people are increasingly being racially targeted, dehumanized as
security threats, and criminalized through unprecedented police and state
powers. Despite its rhetoric of 'liberating' and 'protecting' women
globally and locally, the Canadian state is detaining an increasing
numbers of women and children that cross these borders. In light of
increasing repression and exclusionary policies and ideologies, we demand
"Justice, Freedom, and Status for All!"

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Saturday, August 21, 2010



Beginning today and into next week there will be a number of rallies across the country in support of the right of the recently arrived Tamil refugees on the west coast to stay in Canada. These are being organized by No One is Illegal. Here is the story from No One Is Illegal Vancouver.
Canada: Stop Jailing and Deporting Refugees, Let The Tamil Refugees Stay!
August 21 at 3:30pm - August 26 at 6:00pm

Location Various cities and communities - check description for details
across Canada / Indigenous lands
Created By No One Is Illegal - Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories
More Info

==> In VANCOUVER, Unceded Coast Salish Territories:
Saturday August 21 @ 3:30 pm
...Gather at Vancouver Art Gallery, Robson Side
* Download poster PDF or JPG:

Saturday August 21
Solidarity with the Tamil Refugees and No One Is Illegal. Moricetown Canyon, noon.

Saturday August 21st 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Victoria Information Booth, Government and Belville
Organized by Victoria Anti-Racism Network (VARN)

==> In OTTAWA:
Monday August 23 @ Noon.
Gather at corner of Kent and Laurier
(Citizenship and Immigration Canada)

Thursday August 26th from noon to 2 pm
Front of Immigration and Refugee Board offices, 200 Boul. René Levesque. Organized by Friends of Tamil Refugees/ Les Amies des Réfugiées Tamils.
Contact 514-668-4751 or 514-449-9370.

Monday August 23.
Press Conference and gathering, details tbc.

Saturday August 21st
Toronto Welcomes Tamil Migrants!
Follow to to see images of creative actions that we will be taking.

(more TBC)

Join No One is Illegal to call for the immediate release of detained Tamil asylum seekers, and an end to racist and restrictive refugee policies. Justice, Freedom, and Status for All!

Surviving a dangerous journey, 500 Tamil refugees, including women and children, arrived in BC after fleeing war and persecution in Sri Lanka. When the ship first neared Esquimault, territories of the Songhees First Nation, it was immediately boarded by the Armed Forces, Border Services, and RCMP. Families are now being separated, with many children being taken by the Ministry of Child and Family Development. The refugees now face the threat of incarceration and eventual deportation.

Canadian government officials and media outlets are perpetuating false and dehumanizing stereotypes of 'illegals', 'terrorists', and so-called queue-jumpers. The earlier arrival of 76 Tamil migrants on Ocean Lady was similarly sensationalized. This deliberately created hysteria appeals to prejudices of refugees as undesirable. Well-known neo-Nazis, like Paul Fromm and the Aryan Guard, also known as the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee, are openly organizing rallies for the ship to be sent back.

This fear-mongering is just another tactic used to disguise the racist policies that define Canada’s immigration and refugee system. The Canadian government was recently forced to apologize for its “keep Canada white” measures, such as the Komagata Maru incident. Yet Minister of Censorship and Deportation Jason Kenney continues to increase detentions and deportation of refugees and undocumented migrants, while bringing in more temporary exploitable migrant labour. Public Safety Minister Vic Toews recently declared that Cabinet is drafting new policies to clamp down on migrants and “make this country less welcoming for future shipments of human cargo.”

No One is Illegal-Vancouver asserts the basic human right to safety, mobility, and protection. It is well known that Tamils in Sri Lanka are fleeing military atrocities and mass displacement. The only crime the migrants have committed is transgressing this imposed settler-colonial border. We encourage you to join us in rejecting repressive, racist, and exclusionary ideologies and policies, and instead encourage compassion, solidarity, respect for life, and justice for all refugees. Release Detained Asylum-Seekers! Let the Boat Stay! Status for All!


1) Join other cities and communities for nation-wide actions. Wherever you maybe, whatever you can organize (delegation to a Minister’s office, street theatre, leafleting, community speak-out), will help build this movement. Please email and let us know how you can participate.

2) Engage in dialogue and widely circulate the factsheet on the 6 most popular myths about the 490 Tamil Refugees, available here:

3) Sign the online petition here: . Join the Facebook group Uphold the Rights of the MV Sun Sea Migrants here:

4) Put up posters in your neighbourhood, workplace, and campus, and as your social media profile. We have ‘Let them Stay’ and ‘Anti Neo Nazi, Fight Racism’ posters available here: . PDF’s: and

5) Participate in the Call/Email/Fax Campaign to the Government and your MP. State your support for the refugees to stay in Canada and denounce the government for spreading unsubstantiated racist lies. This is easy to do and you can tell others to do the same!

Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
Phone 613-992-2235 or 403-225-3480. Fax 403-225-3504 or 613-992-1920.
Email: and

Vic Toews, Minister of Public Safety
Phone: (204) 326-9889 or (204)345-9762 or (613) 992-3128.
Fax: (204) 346-9874 or (204) 345-9768 or (613) 995-1049
Email: and

To find out who your MP is and where to write them:

6) Always take a minute to write letters to the editor and comment on news stories - make a difference in public discourse! Reinforce your support for the migrants and condemn irresponsible reporting including repeating unsubstantiated lies and giving white supremacists like Paul Fromm a platform. All letters must be short (100 words), include name, mailing address and daytime phone number of the writer; state “Letter to the Editor” in subject; and content should be in the body of the email.

Globe and Mail:
Vancouver Sun:
Vancouver Province:
24 Hours:
Metro News:
National Post:
Toronto Star:

7) Take your own initiative. This issue is not just the Tamil communities’ or for migrant justice organizers. The growing racist backlash that is taking root should concern all of us. Think of creative ways to disrupt this xenophobic climate (do a banner drop, host a community picnic, take some friends postering, organize a forum or press conference, distribute anti-racist zines, take action at the prison).

8) Consider inviting a speaker to your next meeting. Email and we would be happy to attend or suggest speakers, as well as provide educational materials.

9) Have your organization, traditional council, union, community group, or artist collective write a short public statement of support for the Tamil migrants. Please email us a copy at .

10) Join our low-traffic email announcement list to receive news and events. You can subscribe yourself . Our Facebook group is: . Visit our website regularly for articles:

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well, it won't exactly be May Day, the day after actually, but the following joint action planned for downtown Toronto this coming Saturday is very much in the spirit of international solidarity that May Day represents. Courtesy of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP)...
No One Is Illegal!
May Day of Action:
Rally and March 2 May - 1pm
Meet: Sherbourne and Carlton
On April 2nd and 3rd, over 100 temporary and undocumented workers were attacked by armed border guards, dragged in to detention and are now being forcibly deported. On 2 May, thousands of us will say Enough!
Migrants, poor and working people; undocumented people and people of colour live in constant crisis in Canada, attacked daily. A crisis has always existed in Teesdale, in Regent Park, in farm fields, on factory floors and in hotel service areas.
Corporate and political elites are using the current 'Economic Crisis' as an excuse to attack poor, working-class and racialized communities by increasing immigration enforcement; stealing public funds; wrecking social services; taking away people's jobs rather than cutting profits and targeting those they perceive as the weakest - indigenous people; the homeless; refugee claimants; women in shelters; queer and trans migrants, caregivers; factory workers and temporary workers.
We say there are no illegal human beings, only unjust laws and governments. No one, poor or undocumented, is illegal. The struggle of workers - waged and unwaged, with or without immigration status – is against powerful elites and systems of oppression. Citizenship, jobs and houses - granted to some and denied to others - are tools to divide us.
We will not be divided.
On May 2, join thousands of us as we take to the streets and demand an end to corporate and state attacks on our communities. We demand an end to detentions and deportations. We demand access without fear to essential services. We demand an end to security certificates and secret trials. We demand a full and inclusive regularization program. We demand justice, dignity, and status for all!
We did not create this crisis, and we will not pay for it. On May 2nd, create power. Resist.
The May 2nd rally and march will be preceded by a May Day Festival, on May 1st at 6pm, at 25 Cecil Street. coorganized by: No One Is Illegal-Toronto Mujeres al Frente SAWRO Migrante Ontario Canadian HART Casa Salvador Allende Basics Newsletter OCAP Jane and Finch Action Against Poverty Sikh Activist Network Toronto New Socialists Barrio Nuevo the Stop Community Food Centre BAYAN Toronto PCLS OPIRG Toronto CAIA GGAPSS
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
10 Britain St.
Toronto, ON
M5A 1R6

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Coming up this Saturday,November 29, a conference on the environment and its relationship to systems of domination. Presented by No One Is Illegal Vancouver.
Here's their announcement.
Environmental Justice: Race, Displacement, and Land:
Please join us for a half day conference with inspiring speakers, powerful films, and thought-provoking discussion on environmental justice. The aim of this gathering will be to expose the root causes of environmental injustice as stemming from institutionalized racism, sexism, and classism; the commodification of land, water, energy, food, and air in a capitalist economy; and the plunder of the Earth and displacement of all its inhabitants due to a colonial legacy of pillage and militarization. Join us in exploring how environmental movements are inextricably connected to these broader struggles and in deeply acknowledging that there exists an inequitable distribution across the planet of those who bear the greatest brunt of environmental degradation.
** Refugees of a Blue Planet: Each year, millions of environmental refugees around the world are driven to forced displacement due to degradation of their land, home, and environment.
** Remember Africville: Africville, a black community in Halifax, is uprooted in the name of urban renewal and integration in the 1960’s. Former residents tell the story of that painful relocation.
** Blockade- Algonquins Defend the Forest: This film follows the Barriere Lake Algonquins as they take on the government and the logging industry in a struggle to save their traditional hunting grounds.
* *When the Levees Broke: A portrait of New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The film looks at a community that has survived death and devastation for decades; yet maintains its resilience.
* *Mike Mercredi: Mike is a member of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (Alberta). He will be in BC as part of a speaking tour to raise awareness about the front line struggles of and impacts on indigenous communities in Fort Chipewyan as a result of the Tar Sands, the largest industrial project in history.
** Gil Aguilar: Gil is the Campaigns and Communications Assistant at the Western Wilderness Committee. Originally from Chiapas, Mexico, Gil moved to Canada in 2001 with a passion for integrating an indigenous worldview to this environmental and community-driven organization that never stops dreaming.
** Cease Wyss: Cease Wyss/T’Uy’Tanat is an artist, educator, patron of the arts, activist, mother hailing from the Sko-Mish-Ul7h Nation. She coordinates the Good Food Box, a program to make fresh fruits and vegetables available to the community. She is also a traditional healer and herbalist.
** Usman Majeed: Usman is a member of No One Is Illegal and UBC Colour Connected Against Racism. He is a long time anti-racist, pro-feminist, and anti-imperialist activist and is deeply connected to struggles to protect the environment. He is also a homemaker and parent to two daughters.
* What is Environmental Justice and Environmental Racism?
* How is the Environmental Crisis linked to other systems of domination?
* Exploring Individual and Systemic solutions

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008


The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) has sent out yet another reminder of four upcoming events in the Toronto area in the next few days. here's the notice.

Upcoming Events:
**1.Saturday October 4
Street Takeover
Pigeon Park (Gerrard and Parliament)
Free Meal
**2.REMINDER - TOMORROW - Thursday, September 18th
CNH - 349 Ontario St.
(Between Dundas and Gerrard)
BBQ at 11:30
Meeting at noon
**3. Sept. 18 - No One Is Illegal New Members Meeting
**4. Sept. 24 - Speakers and Film Screening:
Crossing Arizona
Saturday, October 4
Pigeon Park (Gerrard and Parliament)
Free Meal
Streets to Homes has shipped people out of the downtown into the far corners of the city and left people to fend for themselves with almost no money, support or resources. At the same time, the City has been gutting shelter beds, meals, drop-ins and attacking people on the street. This is part of a bigger campaign to try to kick poor people out of the neighbourhoods that we have lived in for years to make room for rich condo dwellers and other yuppies.
The City has used the cops to harass people, laying over 10,000 tickets last year alone. They encourage residents and business associations to target poor people and the places that we congregate. Streets to Homes has helped to legitimize the displacement of poor people by telling the public that people are being housed. But people aren’t being housed - they are being abandoned. Many of the units people are stuck in do not meet basic legal standards for repair and are far away from meals and services.
On October 4th, Nuit Blanche events will create space for artists to takeover parts of the City. Over a million dollars is being dropped on this one night by the City and the Province while people go hungry on our streets.
On October 4th, poor people in the downtown east end and our supporters will take over the street to celebrate the fact that we have not been and will not be pushed out of the neighbourhood.
Thursday, September 18th
CNH - 349 Ontario St.
(Between Dundas and Gerrard)
BBQ at 11:30
Meeting at noon
The City of Toronto claims that it is dealing with homelessness through the "success" of it's "Streets to Homes" program. In reality, this is not true. People are in serious trouble as they struggle to survive. Things are not okay.
Streets to Homes has helped to legitimize the displacement of poor people by telling the public that people are being housed. But people aren't being housed - they are being abandoned. Many of the units people are stuck in do not meet basic legal standards for repair and are far away from meals and services. At the same time, the City has been gutting shelter beds, meals, drop-ins and attacking people on the street with police.
We are calling for a public debate on "Streets to Homes" and the City's dismal response to homelessness and poverty in Toronto. The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty has invited Mayor Miller, and other City officials to attend this public meeting and to a debate on Streets to Homes.
Come out and have your say.
For more information contact OCAP at 416-925-6939 or
Thurs. September 18, 2008
Sidney Smith Hall - 100 St. George St. - Room 1073
(south of St. George subway station)
No One is Illegal (Toronto) is a group of immigrants, refugees and allies who fight for the rights of all migrants to live with dignity and respect.We believe that granting citizenship to a privileged few is part of a racist immigration and border policy designed to exploit and marginalize migrants. We work to oppose these policies, as well as the international economic policies that create the conditions of poverty and war that force migration. At the same time, we also work to support and build alliances with our Indigenous brothers and sisters in their fight against colonialism, displacement and the ongoing occupation of their land.
For more information, email us at , or check out
Wed. September 24, 2008
Bahen Centre - Room 1180
40 St. George Street
The No One Is Illegal Student Network presents the award winning film by Joseph Mathew and Dan Devivo, Crossing Arizona.
Heightened security in California and Texas has pushed border-crossers into the treacherous Arizona desert in unprecedented numbers – an estimated 4,500 a day. Most are men in search of work, but increasingly the border-crossers are women and children seeking to reunite with their families. This influx of migrants crossing through Arizona and the attendant rising death toll have elicited complicated feelings about human rights, culture, class, labor and national security.
"Crossing Arizona" examines the crisis through the eyes of those directly affected by it.
**Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
10 Britain St. Toronto, ON M5A 1R6

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008




Last Wednesday, July 23, a coalition of activist groups succeeded in preventing a "fun time" cruise on the part of delegates to a PNWER summit in the city of Vancouver. PNWER, for those who might be unaware of what it is-as Molly was until this news item- is a coordinating group comprising both large corporations and governments in the Pacific North West area. See the following article for more details.

Canada, Vancouver, Action Blocks PNWER Summit Boat Tour!*
No Smooth Sailing for PNWER Elites:
Marina Entrance Blocked by Activists
A group of activists blocked access to the Westin Bayshore marina on Wednesday July 23 to protest the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER) summit. In doing so, they prevented PNWER delegates from boarding a 190-person luxury boat tour of the Vancouver harbour. Approximately 10 people stood with a banner reading People Not Profit! and prevented access to the luxury yacht though the public boardwalk.
---- Police arrived - surprisingly a bit late although the Westin Bayshore already had a relatively strong police and security presence - and threatened arrests, however given the tight time frame that the PNWER delegates were on, the luxury boat tour was cancelled and the PNWER delegates were forced to retreat after about 20 minutes!
The delegates who were forced to wait during that time on the boardwalk grew increasingly aggressive, with several assaults including shoving,punching, pulling, and grabbing of those blockading the door. One person even lunged a knife through the banner- supposedly to cut through the banner- but aimed into and through the banner towards those behind it. When being challenged about perpetuating systemic violence on poor,marginalized, and oppressed peoples, some delegates were unabashed with three of them joking about how "yes, indeed we quite enjoy having the power to screw people over".
Given the visible presence of a majority of racialized activists, many delegates commented and questioned "Where are you from? Were you born here? You're not Canadian. Go back home" etc, overtly revealing the deep racism and ignorance of the PNWER delegates and also of the ways in which people of colour are readily cast as threatening Outsiders especially during moments of defiance and resistance.
Most of the passerby's, however, were quite supportive of the action. Although PNWER delegates were trying to dissuade those passing by from listening to or getting information about the action by making classist jokes about "professional protesters without jobs", an overwhelming number of those walking by stayed to talk to and hear about opposition to PNWER, especially given the veil of secrecy surrounding PNWER decision making in light of the significant policy impacts it has from the 2010 Olympics to oil and gas mining. When PNWER delegates attempted to lie to police about assaults on them, two witnesses immediately corrected this information by telling police that it was in fact the PNWER delegates who were dangerously threatening the blockaders.
Although not a major victory, the action was definitely a small and significant victory in creating inconvenience, distress, and powerlessness for those government and corporate elite who have kept their doors closed to us. It is time we close some doors on them.
This action was second in a series of actions targeting the PNWER Summit: on Sunday July 20th a boisterous rally of 40-60 people gathered at the Westin Bayshore Hotel to protest and effectively disrupt the opening reception of the PNWER Summit. Despite heavy police and security presence around the front perimeter of the hotel, the march moved around the hotel's east side. Although separated by the hotel metal fence and dozens of police officers, the cozy corporate outdoor dinner reception was completely disrupted with chanting and the banging of pots and pans.Within one hour, the entire outdoor poolside reception was vacated and pizza deliveries were seen arriving by the end of the rally!
The past four days have seen incredibly effective resistance in not only raising public awareness about PNWER but also inconveniencing and disrupting the PNWER agenda. The PNWER summit is an example of a classic pattern, allowing corporate and political elites to talk about border security, oil and gas mining, natural resource extraction, and the 2010 Olympics in an incredibly secretive manner with absolutely no public input especially from those who will be most affected by these policies.
Agreements like PNWER have real and profound impacts on our society: furthering an agenda of corporate free trade, border militarization,privatization of indigenous land and resources, ecological destruction,repression in the name of national security, impoverishment, and sanctioning occupations.
In the face of such devastating violence, it becomes impossible to remain silent or polite. These few days of action were simply one manifestation of a larger ongoing movement and we continue to be inspired by actions locally and globally that raise awareness about, reject, protest,creatively resist and disrupt this system of colonial and capitalist pillage.
* Text of the Leaflet "Why We Oppose the PNWER Summit" is below and also at:*
The march on Sunday was organized and supported by No One Is Illegal, La Surda Latin American Collective, Council of Canadians BC/Yukon Office,Anti Poverty Committee, Olympics Resistance Network, Komagatamaru Heritage Foundation, Canadian Arab Federation, Siraat Collective, Latin America Connexions Collective, Building Bridges Human Rights Project- Vancouver,, International Iranian Federation of Refugees, Siraat Collective, Cafe Rebelde Coordinating Committee, Bolivia Solidarity Committee, Vancouver Socialist Forum, Vancouver and District LabourCouncil (VDLC), CUPE Local 1004, Grassroots Women.
* Mainstream Media Coverage of both actions:
1) Canadian Press:
2) Vancouver Sun:
3) CKNW:
Text of the Leaflet:
Why We Oppose the Pacific Northwest Economic Region Summit
Members of the Pacific North West Economic Region (PNWER) are meeting at their annual summit in Vancouver. This cross-border trade and security organization brings together large corporations with North West states, provinces, territories in U.S. and Canada. PNWER describes itself as “a statutory public/private partnership..” In the words of Minister Stockwell Day, “[PNWER] has had a profound impact on policy making.” According to PNWER, it serves as a “cross-border forum for unfiltered dialogue that capitalizes upon the synergies between business leaders and elected officials.”
Despite the importance of PNWER, few people even now about this organization as it has quietly escaped significant public scrutiny. Increasingly agreements such as PNWER, Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), and Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA) are being discussed and negotiated in a veil of secrecy despite having real and profound impacts on our society: furthering an agenda of corporate free trade, border militarization, privatization of indigenous land and resources, ecological destruction, repression in the name of national security, impoverishment, and cooperation in war.
Not everyone is left out of these cozy meetings- corporate participation in PNWER is strong. High level sponsors include BP, Teck Cominco, Conoco Philips, Terasen Gas, Merk Frosst, ExxonMobil, Plutonic Power, the Business Council of BC, and Trans Canada Pipelines. In fact, the ongoing governance of PNWER is overseen by a “Private Sector Board” of major corporations.
PNWER, Security and Prosperity Partnership, Alberta Tar Sands, and Olympics: What is the connection?
In the next few years, BC will be at centre of a commercial and resource boom, with unprecedented expansion in: the tourist, real estate, and recreational sector leading to the 2010 Olympics; pilot projects for border surveillance and US-Canadian military training cooperation under the SPP; mineral and gas mining in the interior and North; resource extraction and privatization including water and forestry products; and infrastructure development for resource transportation including BC-Alberta tarsands pipelines.
PNWER is closely linked with the Security and Prosperity Partnership – the NAFTA plus Homeland Security model- being pushed by the government and corporate leaders of Canada, Mexico and USA.
The SPP combines the destructive neo-liberal policies of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of resource extraction, corporate tax breaks, privatization measures, and weakening of labour standards with the fear and paranoia of post 9-11 “Homeland Security” policies that has resulted in immigrant raids, border militarization, foreign troop occupations, and repression of civil liberties.
In brief, the SPP calls for maximization of North American economic competitiveness in the face of growing exports from India and China; expedited means of resource (oil, natural gas, water, forest products) extraction; secure borders against “organized crime, international terrorism, and illegal migration”; standardized regulatory regimes for health, food safety, and the environment; integrated energy supply through a comprehensive resource and energy security pact (primarily about ensuring that the US receives guaranteed flows of oil particularly from the Alberta tar sands in; and coordination amongst defence forces.
The 2008 PNWER Summit agenda focuses on three critical issues:
• The 2010 Winter Olympics which is already having devastating impacts: expansion of sport tourism on indigenous lands; corporate subsidies from tax-payer money; unbridled real estate speculation; homelessness and gentrification of poor neighbourhoods; increasing privatization of public services; union-busting through imposed contracts; exploitative conditions for workers especially temporary migrant labour; the fortification of a security apparatus estimated at $175 million; and destruction of mountains, old growth forests, streams, hunting and fishing grounds, and delicate ecosystems.
• Planning for fundamental energy issues like the tar sands, private electricity, ocean energy, and biofuels. The Alberta tar sands (“oil sands”) are already the largest contributor to Canada’s increase in greenhouse gas emissions and environmental organizations are calling for a moratorium on growth of the mines. Yet PNWER and the SPP aim to increase tar sands production by five-fold to 3 million barrels a day by 2015. Companies exploiting the tar sands are calling for the expansion of the temporary foreign worker program to secure exploitable labour that will ensure higher profits, while surrounding indigenous communities have documented incredibly high cancer rates and irreversible damage to the land.
• Under the heading of “homeland security,” PNWER will review cross-border information sharing, border security, and cross-border trade. PNWER aims to ease travel for business, while making the border more difficult for most people, particularly increasing border harassment against migrants and refugees. Despite the rhetoric of making ‘us more safe’, the expansion of security initiatives and infrastructure comes with little security for our society; instead creating greater insecurity for immigrants, refugees, and people of colour, while reaping great profits for the private sector.
Within this context PNWER will reinforce the idea of “Fortress North America”, whereby the rich and privileged live in gated, gentrified, and militarized communities with easy movement for capital between borders. For the rest, there are border fences, reserves, ghettos, low-wage work, surveillance, and empty rhetoric about democracy and human rights.
* NOII-van is an antiauthoritarian anticapitalist initiative
Molly Note: activists from this coalition are continuing educational work, and this coming Thursday, July 31, they will be holding an informational at the McGill Branch- Burnaby Public Library (4595 Albert St, Burnaby BC) on the subject of the tar sands and its connection to BC. For more details see tarsandsfreebc@gmail.ocm or call 778-522-2099.

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Saturday, May 10, 2008


One of the national networks that many Canadian anarchists are involved in is the various "No One is Illegal" groups that exist in larger Canadian centres. Links to such groups in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver can be seen over in our Links section. The following is a callout from the Vancouver section. It comes our way via a notice sent by Vancouver musician Joey Only.

refuse to be invisible
join the fight
against racist immigration laws
(corner Burrard and Dunsmuir)
/arbitrarily reject/ an immigration application, even if it meets criteria/ have the power to issue restriction quotas on the category and the country of origin of people/ control the order in which applications are processed/ simply hold on to, return or throw out a visa application.
Recently the Conservative government introduced a series of amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act buried in Bill c-50, the 'budget implementation bill'.
This fundamentally undemocratic move sneaks in critical changes to Canada’s immigration policy without proposing any of those changes before Parliament. These sweeping changes will give enormous and arbitrary powers to the Minister around application processing, while perpetuating a racist and anti-poor agenda of setting immigration agendas based on 'labour market needs'. The government is stating that these measures are a solution to the growing backlog by essentially giving the Minister the power to kick people off the backlog/waiting list.
By excluding immigrants based on their country of origin, this Bill reproduces openly racist immigration policies in Canada, like the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1923, the Order in Council of 1911 prohibiting the landing of “any immigrant belonging to the Negro race”, that of 1923 excluding “any immigrant of any Asiatic race”, the “None is too many” rule applied to Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi-occupied Europe during Second World War, or the targeting and internment of Japanese and Italian Canadians during Second World War.
These proposed legislative changes come in the context of a global capitalist and nationalist reinforcement of labour flexibility as the guiding principle of immigration policy, where migrants are only as valuable as their labour. In conjunction with the Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement, it is clear that the priorities will be relatively wealthy people applying under the skilled worker program and investor classes, as well as increasingly vulnerable temporary migrant workers.
It also means that people who are not deemed “useful” to the current Canadian market are simply not welcome, which would disproportionately affect poor people, elders, children, people with health problems and disabilities, and so called “unskilled” – mostly women – workers. Indeed,the major lobby behind these changes comes from employers’ organizations and business lobbies.
In response to an overwhelming negative reaction to these amendments, the Immigration Minister has recently been forced to attempt to spin these regressive changes, including launching a intense advertising campaign only in ethnic media to help get the bill through second reading within the next week or two!
Join us in an action to call for the scrapping of Bill C-50! Demand justice and dignity for migrants-
No One Is Illegal!
** For a joint statement by No One Is Illegal chapters, visit:
** For recent articles and other resources on Bill C50, visit: Organized by:
No One Is Illegal Vancouver

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Friday, May 02, 2008


Just a little reminder about the 'Status for All' demonstration happening tomorrow, Saturday May 3, down Toronto way. If you live down that way why not join in with the OCAP contingent as they ask ?

[ocap] Reminder: Status for All march SATURDAY at NOON‏
Join the OCAP contingent. Meet under the OCAP "Good Enough to Stay.Period." banner at Christie Pitts.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Christie Pits Park (at Christie subway station)
12 Noon
*This is a child-friendly demonstration.
Food and drinks will be available.
There will be vehicles on-hand for those with reduced mobility. This including an accessible vehicle shuttling between Bathurst Station and Christie Pitts beginning at 11:30am. Please call 416-604-5765 if you have accessibility concerns.*
Millions across North America have taken to the streets in the last two years demanding Status for All! In Toronto, workers, students, trade unionists, activists and community members have led passionate demonstrations calling for justice and dignity for immigrants and refugees.
The last year has seen unprecedented targeting of refugees in Sanctuary.Asylum seekers have been arrested from schools, workplaces and even hospital beds. Families have been torn apart. Over 12,000 friends, family,and community members have been deported.
On March 14th 2008, the Conservative government introduced a series of amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), buried in Bill c-50, a 136-page "budget implementation bill". If passed, the Minister will have the discretion to refuse applications even where the applicants meet the elitist and racist criteria for permanent residence,to refuse to even examine humanitarian applications filed from abroad, and to arbitrarily set quotas on the "category" of person that can enter Canada – including quotas based on country of origin.
In the face of this intimidation and fear, our communities have refused to be silenced. Together, we have forced immigration enforcement out of Toronto District schools. Inspired frontline community workers have taken up the struggle for Access Without Fear. We have fought against, and stopped the deportations of allies and friends.
But the fight is not over. There are over 500,000 undocumented people living and working across Canada, over 200,000 in Toronto alone. They are forced to live in daily fear of jailing and deportation, without access to essential services. Bill C-50 would create even more categories of"temporary foreign workers" without full status and without rights. These workers will be exploited as cheap labour, as mere commodities, used and then removed. We will not stand for this.
On May 3rd, as part of the National Days of Action for Status for All, we will take to the streets. We demand an end to detentions and deportations.We demand access without fear to essential services. We demand an end to security certificates and secret trials. We demand a full and inclusive regularization program. We demand justice, dignity and respect!
The March will be followed by a community fair featuring music,performers, food, children's activities and visual art displays.
1) Organize a loud contingent to come out on May 3rd.
2) Endorse the May Day of Action by emailing NOII a short statement of support.
3) Financial and in-kind (photocopying, translation) donations.
4) Organize a NOII workshop/presentation at your school, union local,agency, community centre or workplace.
5) Help out with postering and outreach
For more information about how you support the march or get involved:
Phone: 416 604-5765
-- No Borders No Nations! Stop the Deportations!
visit or to get involved!
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
10 Britain St.
Toronto, ON
M5A 1R6416-925-6939 **

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Sunday, March 16, 2008


One of the fields of action in which anarchists have recently become active is the field of "immigrant support". The No-One-Is-Illegal network has been at the forefront of this work. What follows is an appeal from the Toronto No One Is Illegal group for support for a national day of action this coming May 3.

Call for Endorsement: National Day of Action for Status for All!
by No One Is Illegal Toronto
Call for Endorsement
Saturday, May 3, 2008
12 Noon
No One Is Illegal-Toronto is calling on all allies and supporters to endorse and help organise the May Day of Action for Status for All on Saturday, May 3rd.
Millions across North America have taken to the streets in the last two years, demanding Status for All! In Toronto, workers, students, trade unionists, activists and community members have led passionate demonstrations calling for justice and dignity for immigrants and refugees.

We continue to fight against the Conservative government's ongoing attacks on migrant communities. The last year has seen unprecedented targeting of refugees in Sanctuary. Asylum seekers have been arrested from schools, workplaces and even hospital beds. Families have been torn apart. Over 12,000 friends, family, and community members have been deported.
In the face of intimidation and fear, our communities have refused to be silenced. Together, we have forced immigration enforcement out of Toronto District schools. Inspired frontline community workers have taken up the struggle for Access Without Fear. We have fought and won a full Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT) policy at many community agencies.
But the fight is not over. There are over 500,000 undocumented people living and working across Canada, over 80,000 in Toronto alone. They are forced to live in daily fear of jailing and deportation. At the same time, new categories of "temporary foreign workers" without full status and without rights are being created by federal and provincial governments. These workers are exploited as cheap labour, based on fear of deportation.
On May 3rd, we will take to the streets. We will demand an end to detentions and deportations. We will demand access without fear to essential services. We will demand an end to security certificates and secret trials. We will demand a full and inclusive regularization program. We will demand justice, dignity and respect!
1)Organize a loud contingent to come out on May 3rd.
2)Endorse the May Day of Action by emailing NOII a short statement of support.
3)Financial and in-kind (photocopying, translation) donations.
4)Organize a NOII workshop/presentation at your school, union local, agency, community centre or workplace.
Related Link:

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The following is an announcement of an upcoming event in Montreal. Visual resistance is an exhibition of posters and photos highlighting resistance to the US 'Plan Columbia'.
Photo and Poster Exhibition
April 1st to 27th
Vernissage:(Molly Note-This term refers to a private showing before an official opening)
Thursday, April 3rd
4 PM to 7 PM
@ Le Divan Orange
4234 St-Laurent
Project Accompaniment Solidarity Colombia (PASC) invites you to a teach-in and vernissage to mark the opening of a month long exhibition presenting photos and posters as a means of expressing and understanding anti-colonialist struggles across the Americas.
- PASC will share the stories and struggles of Colombian peasant communities in civil resistance against State violence for capitalist expansion.
- No One Is Illegal – Montreal will present an analysis of the intersections between migration, racism and Apartheid.
- The Beehive Collective invites you to participate in an exploration of the Plan Colombia poster and the connections between colonization, militarization and resource extraction.
Translation for French, English and Spanish.
This is a CKUT co-presentation.
514-966-8421 -

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008




If you are reading this from the region of Montreal here are a few anarchist and anarchist-related upcoming events in the next few weeks provided by No One is Illegal- Montreal.
" ** Solidarity Across BordersCOMMUNITY DINNER*Friday, February 22, 6:30pm at the Maison d'Amitié (120 Duluth East) -> More info:
** NO BORDERS, NO PRISONS!:An evening of films, photos, discussion and music*Thursday, February 28, 6:30pm at Cagibi (5490 St-Laurent) *Presentation: the Indigenous Peoples Border Summit; Slideshow: The walls ofglobal apartheid; Slideshow: A short history of migrant justice organizingin Montreal (2001-2007); Presentation: Inside the Canadian immigrationdetention system; Slideshow: Forced displacement and state terrorism inColombia.* -> More info: **
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY:Women Take Back Democratic Space!* Conference: March 1st, 2008 (9am-6pm, University of Montreal)Demonstration: March 8, 2008 (12pm, Côte-des-Neiges metro) -> More info:
** ACCOMMODATE THIS!A series of anti-racist workshops, discussions and events* - Intersections: Anti-Racism and Feminism (March 10, 6pm, UQÀM)- Gender, Race and Religious Identity (March 15, 1pm, Centre des femmesd'Ici et d'Ailleurs)- Fighting State and Interpersonal Gender Violence (March 16, 2pm)- Community Forum and Launch of 'Accommodate This!' Report (March 20,location tba) -> More info:
** STATEMENT BY NO ONE IS ILLEGAL-MONTREAL:The "reasonable accommodation" Commission and debate* -> More info: , 514-848-7583.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007


The Montreal groups Solidarity Across Borders and No One is Illegal Montreal have sent out their December newsletter. See here for full details(the website of their blog). To subscribe to the newsletter visit . Highlights from this report include a report on the Taser death of Quilem Registre on October 18th, a report on the stopping of the deportation of Laibar Singh in Vancouver on December 10th, the cases of Ivan Apaolaza Sancho, Mohamed Cherfi and much more. Go to the link above for more details.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007




Lots of things are always happening across Canada anarchy-wise. Here's a medley of some of the latest announcements. events and appeals:


As previously reported here at Molly's Blog No One is Illegal-Montreal held a picket at Les Plais de Congres in Montreal yesterday. Just as the demonstration was breaking up the police attacked. NOII-Montreal is calling for even more people to join them for tomorrow night's picket to demonstrate that the police cannot intimidate dissent. This is their statement:

"Police attacked at the end of the anti-racist picket and speak-out against the Bouchard-Taylor Commission on Tuesday night, organized by No One Is Illegal-Montreal. Four people were arrested; three were released but one person still faces charges. We call on all friends and allies to attend the second scheduled picket and speak-out against the Commission this Thursday, November 29, at 6:30 pm (please note the new time) at the Palais des Congres (corner of Viger and de Bleury, near Metro Place D'Armes). We encourage you to attend in large numbers, to show that we will not be intimidated by police violence, and to continue to denounce the racist, xenophobic and sexist basis of the Bouchard-Taylor Commission."



Call for Financial Solidarity: Annual Appeal for Supporters of Tadmon:

"Throughout the past year Tadamon ! , a volunteer-run collective of social justice organizers based in Montreal, has maintained an unique and important presence on the forefront of political organizing in North America in solidarity with struggles for social and economic justice in Lebanon and the Middle East. Today, Tadamon ! is calling for your financial solidarity in order to sustain our important work by becoming an annual supporter. Concretely we are asking for individuals, groups and organizations to commit an annual donation of between $20-$100 dollars which will be directed towards our ongoing work. Tadamon!'s current fund raising goal is to confirm $2,000 in donations by January 1st, 2008. Please help us reach this goal by contacting us to become a financial supporter and passing the word on to others.

Tadamon! calls for your financial support in order to cover the growing overhead costs related to our political campaigns, events and actions. Your financial support will be directly funneled into our organizational expenses which include printing costs, office materials. website, telephone messaging service, event advertising,etc..

Tadamon! has organized multiple ground-breaking events including politically-charged lectures, dynamic cultural nights, front-line political actions and grassroots popular education efforts in the Montreal area. Tadamon!'s work has successfully pushed the boundaries of political debate in Canada concerning the Middle East while fueling grassroots organizing in Montreal and throughout Canada in support of social justice and human rights in the region.

In response to the 2006 Israeli attack on Lebanon, Tadamon! played a central role in organizing multiple demonstrations, political actions and events in direct collaboration with multiple Lebanese community organizations and social justice groups in Montreal, with the aim to build popular opposition to the Conservative government of Canada's implicit support for the deadly Israeli attack on Lebanon.

Your donation will benefit Tadamon! Montreal's ongoing work and campaign directed at building solidarity between movements for social and economic justice from Montreal to the Middle East. Tadamon!'s ongoing political campaigns operating in Canada, including the campaign for boycott, sanctions and divestment of the apartheid Israeli state and the campaign to challenge the listing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization by the Canadian government.

In order to become a supporter of Tadamon! please fill out the details requested below. In becoming a supporter of Tadamon! you will automatically receive postal updates concerning our ongoing work, while ensuring that our important work continues in a sustainable and long-term fashion. Please send us the following details: *full name,*telephone contact. *email contact, *mailing address, *committed amount for annual donation to Tadamon!...

You can send written checks to the following address. Be certain to include the important contact information above in the mailing:

Tadamon! Montreal

c/o QPIRG McGill

3647 University St.

Montreal, Quebec

H3A 2B3




The following is an announcement of a new anarchist website servicing the area of Kingston, Ontario:

"A new website ( ) focusing on anarchist and anti-authoritarian relevant groups, campaigns, projects, institutions and media in the Kingston area has been created. there are also regional links. if we haven't included something that ought to be on that site (ie are in harmony with the points of unity) please send an email to .

This is an initiative of the Revolutionary Ontario Anarchist Development (ROAD) Network collective in Kingston. The points of unity of the ROAD Network are posted on the website. The purpose of ROAD Kingston is to help facilitate anarchist communications and networking through the website and coordinating encounters between anarchists in the area. More on this in the future. Check out the page and feel free to register as a subscriber and/or contributor. once approved you can add content to the blog as well.

ROAD Kingston

Molly Note: Molly really has to interject here. The ROAD has certainly developed considerably since it was the "Rural" Ontario Anarchist Development Network. A couple of years back it allowed itself to be used as a cat's paw by one of the Maoist sects/cults who wanted to draw people here to Winnipeg to oppose some urban military training exercises being held here. Molly went ballistic on that one, trying to discourage any and all from following such a "call". Not that it isn't worthwhile to oppose militarism, but a simple rule of thumb should apply. NEVER be seen in association with any Leninist organization that isn't willing to cover its presence with enough bullshit to leave it undetectable. That eliminates EVERY Maoist organization on Earth. It lets a few Trots and the "real commies" past the screen. THESE people don't try and cover an essentially religious impulse with political window-dressing. To put it plainly, allying with commies is EQUAL in the public eye to allying with Nazis. The only real difference is that the general public assumes that the death toll was the same while, in fact, communist governments have murdered close to ten times as many victims in the last century as fascist ones have. Being seen with as being buddy-buddy with Leninist cultists should be seen as being the equivalent of soiling your pants in public, and the only thing that you should be thankful for is that the general public doesn't realize that your friends are worse than Nazis. They merely think they-and you- are the same. As it was a few members of the travelling rent-a-riot did show up, totally oblivious to how silly they looked "in costume" on streets that they would risk their lives in walking about in the dark. Nothing much happened. They got herded by the commies(mooooo!), and some actually participated in real anarchist events here. In any case ROAD has matured considerably since that time, and I doubt that they'd be so naive today. Anyways, back to more pleasant matters.


What follows is a report of an event held out in the "dreaming west" last weekend. this certainly was a much happier event than drawing naive young people to a political tourist event in Winnipeg, and it will probably have much more long term benefit.

"This weekend 14 people gathered at Ron and Sheila's on Denman Island for the first meeting of the BC Anarchist Writers; Group. This is not the "official name"-Black Ink has also been suggested. We ranged in age from mid-twenties to mid-sixties. We hailed from various places on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands as well as Vancouver and the Kootenays. As well as BC, our backgrounds and experiences ranged from Illinois, Alberta, Newfoundland, Toronto and Montreal. We were poets, essayists, journalists, historians, song-writers, playwrights, performance artists, zinesters, film-makers, Surrealists, chapbook publishers and radio pirates.

Most of us had never met before, so much of our time was spent in getting acquainted, sharing ideas, zines, and other publications. There was a lot of preliminary discussion about interests, directions and ideas. People wanted to stay in touch and share projects, not just by email, but to mail out our writings for comment and support. We had a really enjoyable time together, much laughter, sharing of fine food and wine. We planned our first public event- an evening of reading, film, music and performance in the Denman Island Community Centre. About 35 people showed up-usual for such a small place- and it went on for four hours. Afterwards, we all agreed that the evening had been a great success and plan to have more of these in other parts of the province.

After a leisurely Sunday breakfast we headed over to Tree Frog radio, and a number of us went on air. Hugging everyone goodbye we headed back to our respective homes in anticipation of the next gathering.

In Solidarity,


Molly's usual last word: The other day I was reading an exchange on the LibCom site about "deghettoizing anarchism". A lot of the posts were really and truly "despairing", but I think that the posters approached the whole matter from a rather limited historical perspective. I am almost certain that the really pessimistic posts originated from people who came out of "subcultural anarchism" and are reacting, like a reformed alcoholic, to same. Not that anarchism shouldn't aim to be "popular" and escape all identification with "purchasable identity". Both Larry and I, however, come from a different generation. Over 35 years ago we became anarchists, and we have seen the movement expand and diversify in way that younger people may not appreciate. Today it is possible to form a "writers' group" in a tiny segment of one province. Thirty five years ago this might have been a project for the whole bloody country. What I don't think younger people appreciate is just how much anarchism has grown over the last few decades and how diversified it is now. One wag on LibCom stated that there "is no anarchist movement". He was wrong. There is ! It is not restricted to a travelling freak-show that responds mindlessly to Maoist manipulation. As Molly has emphasized over and over on this blog, younger anarchists are becoming increasingly practical and are creating real institutions that go far beyond a juvenile,empty and fruitless "post-leftist temper tantrum". The anarchist movement today exists ! , and it is far more diverse than some pessimists might think. There will be no "revolution" in the little time left to Molly on this Earth, but I think that it is entirely possible that I may live to see the situation in Spain today replicated across most of the developed world (and some of the developing countries), where up to 5% of the population is influenced by anarchist ideas. This may seem "tiny", but it is actually real political power to advance the cause of freedom. It all depends upon the skill of anarchists and how they approach their work.

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