The Brief

mars water

Signs of Water Found on Mars

There appears to be liquid water flowing on contemporary Mars, researchers and NASA announced, raising new questions about the possibility of life there. "Mars is not the dry, arid planet planet we thought of in the past," said Jim Green of NASA

Mideast Saudi Hajj Stampede

Foreign Authorities Say 1,100 Killed in Hajj Stampede

Saudi Arabia has given foreign diplomats some 1,100 photographs of the dead from last week's hajj crush and stampede, Indian and Pakistani authorities said, an indication of a significantly higher death toll than previously offered by the kingdom


Germany's Refugee Crisis Doesn't Stop Oktoberfest

Some six million people attend Oktoberfest in the southern German city of Munich every year, but this year the fabled celebration has coincided with an enormous humanitarian crisis: the influx of tens of thousands of migrants and refugees fleeing war

Stocks Close Down Day After Federal Reserve Leaves interest Rate Unchanged

U.S. Stocks Drop Amid China Worries

U.S. stocks are sharply lower in afternoon trading as investors worry about weakness in China's economy. The drop Monday put the market on track for its biggest fall since Sept. 1, with health care and energy stocks falling the most

Afghan soldiers keep watch during a battle with the Taliban in Kunduz Province, Afghanistan

Taliban Captures Northern Afghanistan City

Afghanistan says the Taliban have captured the northern city of Kunduz, the first time the insurgents have seized a major urban area since the U.S.-led invasion in 2001. An Interior Ministry spokesman says "Kunduz city has collapsed into the hands of the Taliban"


Early Stage Breast Cancer May Not Require Chemo

Researchers report the strongest evidence yet that some women with early stage breast tumors may not need chemotherapy to effectively treat their cancer. For some women, hormone-based anti-tumor drugs may be all they need

Donald Trump

Donald Trump Announces Huge Tax Reform Plan

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump announced a comprehensive plan to reform and simplify the nation's tax code that would lower rates for most Americans, get rid of inheritance taxes and eliminate many deductions

Dennis Hastert

Former House Speaker Floats Possible Plea Deal

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert's attorneys are talking with prosecutors about a possible plea deal in the Republican's hush-money case, both sides told a federal judge. Prosecutors allege that Hastert agreed to pay $3.5 million to hide past misconduct

Joyce Mitchell

Former Prison Seamstress Cries During Sentencing

Former New York prison seamstress Joyce Mitchell sobbed as she was sentenced to up to seven years in prison for helping two convicts escape with tools smuggled in hamburger meat. She said she only helped the inmates because she feared they would hurt her family