Sunday, October 10, 2010


The following call for solidarity with an Ontario activist is from the Toronto Community Solidarity Network.
For Immediate Release: G20 defendant Alex Hundert found to have breached ‘no demonstration’ cond;

OCTOBER 08, 2010

G20 defendant Alex Hundert found to have breached ‘no demonstration’ condition for speaking at a university panel event

October 8, 2010 – Toronto, Mississauga New Credit – G20 defendant and alleged ‘ringleader’ Alex Hundert was found to be in breach of his ‘no-demonstration’ bail condition today for speaking as an invited panellist at two recent university events. A new bail hearing is now underway at the Scarborough Courthouse at 1911 Eglinton Avenue East in courtroom 405. This hearing is now expected to drag into next week and continue on Tuesday October 12, and Wednesday, October 13.

According to Yogi Acharya “We are outraged at this ruling. He was speaking at a panel discussion in a university classroom alongside professors, which is clearly not a public demonstration. This is yet another attempt to silence Alex, and is a strong indication of the police's intent to criminalize ideas, dissent, and effective community organizing.”

In a previous media statement, Hundert has stated “They are targeting me and because I am part of communities that are effectively organizing across movements. Whether it is the criminalization of anarchists and community organizers like me, or the daily demonization of Indigenous peoples, poor people and migrant communities, we are living in the midst of an increasingly aggressive and openly racist Harper regime that serves only to protect property and profit, not people. We have to show them that our resolve and our solidarity can be stronger than their intimidation and repression.”

Several other G20 defendants remain behind bars, including Indigenous sovereignty activist Ryan Rainville of the Sackimay Nation, punished by the criminal justice system for being poor and unable to afford exorbitant bail, while others face the possibility of deportation as a means of stifling their dissent.

Hundert is currently facing politically-motivated conspiracy and counselling charges in relation to the Toronto G8/G20 protests. He was arrested pre-emptively at gunpoint in a violent house raid on the morning of June 26th, before the protests began, and is being targeted as a member of the community group AW@L and Southern Ontario Anarchist Resistance.

This latest attempt is not the first time the Crown has attempted to send Hundert back to jail. On July 28, 2010 the Ontario Provincial Police warned Hundert that media interviews him and his co-accused Leah Henderson did with CBC radio, Toronto Sun, Vancouver Media Co-op, and Rabble were a violation of the no demonstration bail condition and threatened to re-jail them. A day later at a press conference, Hundert and his supporters decried this media ban as a blatant violation of his right to free speech and of freedom of the press. On August 20, the Crown had appealed Hundert and Henderson’s release from jail in the Ontario Superior Court and was seeking pre-trial incarceration. However Federal Court judge Todd Ducharme dismissed the Crown’s appeal.

For more information and interview requests:

Yogi Acharya 647-764-0488, Rachel Avery 519 616 5549

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Tuesday, October 05, 2010



The following item is from the Toronto Community Solidarity Network.


"The Chicago Conspiracy" Premier Screening!
A G20 Legal Defense/Mapuche Political Prisoner Fundraiser
200 Years of Genocide – Our People Continue Resisting...

A Fundraiser for the Toronto G20 Legal Defence Fund AND the Family Support Group of Mapuche Political Prisoners of Angol and Chol-Chol on Hunger Strike (Familiares de los Presos Politicos Mapuche en Huelga de Hambre de Angol y Chol-Chol)
Night of Solidarity for our Mapuche Political Prisoners Dying on a 90+ Day Hunger Strike, and all those who have Suffered the Pain of Physical and Psychological Torture as a Result of the G20 - Kidnapped in the Jails of the Canadian state


Freedom for All the Mapuche Political Prisoners on a 90+ Day Hunger Strike & All Our
Political Prisoners!



Featuring the EXCLUSIVE Toronto Premier of the Documentary Film:


Chile. Dictatorship. Legacy. Today. Social War.

The State and its Neo-liberal Agenda are the Real Conspirators!

See Trailer:;

A Film based on the Anti-Capitalist Struggles in Chile since the Pinochet Dictatorship (the Student Movement, Community Organizing, & the Uprising of Mapuche Indigenous Sovereignty Movement) taking its name from the 25 Chilean economists from
the Chicago School of Economics who assisted the making of the bloody regime in the implementation of Neo-liberal policies.

Presenting the Director of the Film of Subversive Action Films in an intimate Discussion/Conversation of the Documentary

Speakers Directly from Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, WCCC [Toronto ] on the ongoing struggle of the Mapuche Nation in so-called southern Chile], the Toronto 19 Support Group, Live Music, and MUCH MORE.... (MORE UPDATES/ARTISTS TBA!)

$10-20 Sliding Scale
No One Turned Away!

** See Us on Facebook!:¬e_id=443069539490#!/event.php?eid=161593357188005&ref=ts

For More Info:;

Friday, October 8th @ 8 PM
Birge Carnegie Reading Room (University of Toronto)
95 Charles Street West (Just East of Museum Station)

Organized by:
The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]


Endorsed By:

Equity Studies Program (University of Toronto)
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
Community Solidarity Network
National Council of Latin American and Caribbean Women of Canada - LATIN@S
Latin American Solidarity Network-LASN (Toronto)
Barrio Nuevo
Graduate Student Union (University of Toronto)

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Thursday, September 30, 2010



Yet more news from Toronto, this time from the libertarian socialist magazine Upping The Anti. Book launches and announcing their new issue.
Toronto Book Launch‏
Dear Friends:

On Wednesday October 6th join UPPING THE ANTI as we celebrate the launch of two new books by UTA editors.

Come and check out:

David Hugill's “Missing Women, Missing News: Covering Crisis in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside


AK Thompson’s “Black Bloc, White Riot: Anti-Globalization and the Genealogy of Dissent”

Both books will be on sale for a special launch price. Refreshments will be served.

Mark your calendars:

Wednesday, October 6 at 7PM - All are welcome
The Imperial Pub
54 Dundas St. E.
Toronto, ON

998 Bloor St. West
P.O. Box 10571
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6H 4H9
Here also is the announcement of the latest issue of their journal.
Issue 11 Coming Soon!‏

Upping the Anti is about to release its 11th issue!

This exciting issue features:

*Raj Patel on the politics of starving*

*Ladelle McWhorter on normalization and its discontents*

*James Scott on the art of not being governed*

*Lesley Wood on Anti-G20 Mobilization*

*John Clarke on opposing austerity today*

*Stacy Douglas on the queering of colonization*

*Roundtable on the 20th anniversary of OKA*

*Roundtable on No One Is Illegal's fight for Solidarity City*

*Book Reviews and more!*

Subscribe or become a monthly sustainer today to make sure that issue 11 hits your mailbox!

Subscribers and sustainers also get access to all our content online!

Are you already a subscriber but have moved? Send your new address to

998 Bloor St. West
P.O. Box 10571
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6H 4H9

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Friday, September 24, 2010



Speaking of anarchist bookfairs don't forget to join Molly tomorrow at Winnipeg's own Winnipeg Radical Bookfair. The book fair itself will be at the Broadway Neighbourhood Centre, 185 Young St. from 11 am to 6 pm on Saturday September 25 and from 12 noon to 4 pm on Sunday 26. Various other events are also scheduled during the fair. Come out early enough and you just might get one of Molly's ultra chic A-balloons. See you there.

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It's another first. Anarchist bookfairs are popping up all over the place, and the latest domino to fall is London Ontario. Here's the announcement of the first anarchist bookfair in that town from Linchpin, the website of the Ontario platformist group Common Cause.

London, Ontario Anarchist Bookfair

The London, Ontario Anarchist Bookfair and Gathering is scheduled to take place on Saturday October 23rd. This is our first of what we hope will be many annual bookfairs and your participation would be much appreciated. With the attention focused on anarchists recently it is important to offer folks outside of our communities a chance to see what it really is all about and dispel media myths. It is equally important that we gather to further strengthen and build our movements to carry forward with our agendas of radical transformations.

Calling all anarchist distros and publishers! We are not charging anything for tables, but we ask that a small percentage of profits, after expenses, be donated to the bookfair to allow it to sustain itself and grow.

Present a workshop! We are running workshops throughout the day and are excited to hear from you if you have a workshop you’d like to present. We will do our best to accommodate all workshop requests.

Everybody! We have an interest in helping meet your housing, childcare and transportation needs and the venue is accessible. Food Not Bombs will be providing food and we plan on having a social event in the evening including performances by talented anarchists…

Get in touch if you’d like to table, present a workshop, or simply attend so that we can help meet your needs and answer any questions.

-London (A) Bookfair Collective

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Sunday, September 19, 2010




Cause Commune est le journal de l'Union Communiste Libertaire du Québec. Voici l'annonce du lancement de numéro 29. Cause Commune is the journal of the Union Communiste of Québec. Here is the announcement of the launch of issue number 29.

Lancement du Cause Commune #29 Spécial Budget
Time Wednesday, September 22 · 7:00pm - 11:30pm

Location Cheval Blanc, 809 Ontario Est


More Info

L'Union Communiste Libertaire vous invite au lancement du 29e numéro de son journal Cause Commune à la Brasserie le Cheval Blanc. Ce numéro est spécialement dédié au dernier budget du gouvernement Charest, les fausses et les vraies alternatives ainsi que la lutte qui reste à finir pour contrer les mesures néfastes.

Venez discuter de tout ça avec nous et prendre votre exemplaire du journal.
Launch of Common Cause # 29 Budget Special

Time Wednesday, September 22 · 7:00 pm - 11:30 pm


Location Cheval Blanc, 809 Ontario East


More Info
The Libertarian Communist Union invites you to launch of the 29th edition of its journal Common Cause at the White Horse Tavern. This issue is specially dedicated to the Charest government's last budget, the false and real alternatives and the struggle that remains in the end to counter the adverse measures.

Come discuss everything with us and pick up your copy of the newspaper.

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Friday, September 03, 2010



Ah Fall. The changing colours of the leaves. The call of the migrant birds....and the Victoria Anarchist Bookfair. Here's the announcement of that upcoming wonder.
September 11th and 12th, 2010
Victoria Anarchist Bookfair dates: September 11th and 12th, 2010

NEW LOCATION! 680 Courtney Street, Songhees & Esquimalt Territories

Festival of Anarchy dates: September 3rd to 12th, 2010

We are happy to announce the fifth year of the Victoria Anarchist Bookfair, located on unceded Songhees Territory in Victoria, British Columbia. The Bookfair is for anarchists and non-anarchists, with participants from all over North America and beyond. We seek to introduce anarchism to the public, to further elaborate upon current and historical anarchist ideals and to foster dialogue between various anarchist tendencies. Participants from different anarchist traditions, visions, and practices are welcome. Events include book and information tables, workshops, readings, films, presentations, and much more. A Festival of Anarchy will take place during the week before the Bookfair, beginning on September 3rd, 2010.

We are proud to have received Monday Magazine's 'M Award' for Victoria's best literary event in 2009.

It's our 5th Birthday and we're going to have a blast!


We need your help! Please consider reading through our Volunteer section to help out behind-the scenes this year.

Activities for Kids

Bring your kids to the bookfair! Of course kids are welcome in all areas of the bookfair, but the kids room is a place where there are toys, games, story time and more! Open all day, for both days of the Bookfair.

Please Note: The Anarchist Kids Activity Room is NOT a child minding space.

We will try to have adults in the kids room at all times, and will definitely have adults present the majority of the time. Parents are welcome to stay with their children and informal child-watching is encouraged (you watch my kids, I'll watch yours kinda thing). Parents must stay at the bookfair.

Anarchist Kids Activities - please consider helping us organize:
* Face-painting
* Kids arts & crafts
* Storytelling & reading
* Games & toys
* Appropriately themed movies
* A resting space for tired tots
The Victoria Anarchist Bookfair, like the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, is actually part of a more extended 'Festival of Anarchy' that starts tonight, September 3. Here's more on these events.
Festival of Anarchy Schedule
The Festival of Anarchy starts on September 3rd and builds up the momentum for opening day of the Anarchist Bookfair. This year we are proud to host a wide variety of events featuring many talented artists, musicians, film-makers and activists. Check out the line up!

Friday, September 3rd

Camas Books, 2590 Quadra Street

Sound art, experimental music and performance, plus DIY art gallery
arrive at 5 pm to hang your art
7 pm for PANIC! Freedom in Sound

Saturday, September 4th

WE HAVE NO LEADERS! Benefit show for Kelly Pflug-Back
Mike XVX, Jeff Andrew, Star, Comrade Black, Chase, Sasha n Nedjo & more friends
$5-$15 sliding scale, no one turned away! All money raised goes to Kelly's legal defence
7:30 pm, BCGEU, 2994 Douglas St (PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS)

Kelly Pflug-Back is a long time community organizer, whom has been targeted by the police and scape-goated as "the leader of the black bloc" from the G20. She is facing 13 charges including conspiracy, and mischief. The courts are viewing her charges as "hate crimes" against the police, meaning if she is convicted she will be given a stiffer sentence than normal.

This is a blatant misuse of hate crime legislation originally intended to protect identifiable minorities from racist, homophobic or sexist violence. We believe Kelly is being targeted for her roll as a community organizer doing anti-racist and anti-poverty work in her community.

Sunday, September 5th

8:00 pm in Bastion Square

Capture the Flag is a team-based game popularized by the Boy Scouts of America as a way to prepare boys for conscription during the World Wars. Urban Capture the Flag (UCTF) is a 21st Century detournement of this practice, primarily organized by anarchists in North America as a way to build community, reclaim the streets and public space, develop insurrectionary and protest tactics for affinity groups, produce a counter-spectacle for passers-by and build group morale through risk-taking together.

Monday, September 6th

Anarchist ‘day of rest’

Tuesday, September 7th

A Victoria Anarchist Reading Circle event with Juliet Belmas
7:30 pm Camas Books, 2590 Quadra Street

After a lengthy prison term for smashing the state, Juliet Belmas has gone on to produce several award-winning short films about women in prison. Her painterly cinematic style and experimental production values have been characterized ‘subtle, yet harrowing.’ This evening she will discuss the politics of incarceration, including recent round-ups at the G-20 summit in Toronto, and why prisons are a “front-line” in the anarchist struggle. ( Sad as it is we have to interrupt this recorded announcement here and now. Julie "fucking" Belmas !!! Now I can die happy because I have indeed seen everything. It's things like this that make me doubt the sanity of some of my presumed "comrades". I have learned over the years that the way they see "reality" is quite different from the way I see it or, more importantly the way that over 99% of the population views it. And I think that a "health warning" should be put on much of their pronouncements insofar as the stated content is quite remote from their actual motivations. If I didn't claim the "anarchist" label I'd perhaps feel pity rather than annoyance. On the other hand I see what I have been doing for almost 40 years as 'politics', and they see it as ???? )
Wednesday, September 8th

7:30 pm Camas Books, 2590 Quadra Street

An introduction to kink and sex toys with Michelle Powell.

Thursday, September 9th

Franklin López--Director/Producer, subMedia
7:30 pm, Camas Books, 2590 Quadra Street

END:CIV examines our culture’s addiction to systematic violence and environmental exploitation, and probes the resulting epidemic of poisoned landscapes and shell-shocked nations. Based in part on Endgame, the best-selling book by Derrick Jensen, END:CIV asks: "If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air, and contaminated the food supply, would you resist?"

Taking the long view: endless economic growth has turned into a global economic crash. What will the next hundred years bring? Students of history know that all civilizations eventually come to an end. The ancient Mayans, the dynasties of China, and the mighty Roman Empire, as long-lived and powerful as they were, could not escape this inevitability. The same goes for the culture we call Western Civilization. The causes underlying the collapse of civilizations are usually traced to overuse of resources. As we write this, the world is reeling from economic chaos, peak oil, climate change, environmental degradation, and political turmoil. Every day the headlines re-hash stories of scandal and betrayal of the public trust. We don't have to make outraged demands for the end of the current global system -- it seems to be coming apart already.

But acts of courage, compassion and altruism abound, even in the most damaged places. By documenting the resilience of the people hit hardest by war and repression, and the heroism of those coming forward to confront the crisis head-on, END:CIV illuminates a way out of this all-consuming madness and into a saner future.

Friday, September 10th

Open Space Artist Run Centre: 510 Fort Street, 2nd Floor
You won't wanna miss this show and you have no excuse to miss it cause it's by donation!! (suggested, $5-$15)
7:00 pm sharp

This year's "Night of Dissent" will be the most engaging of the past 4 years! With a new, larger venue (Open Space) and a visual arts show we plan on hitting you hard with positive political message. World War 3 Illustrated artists Seth Tobocman, Rebecca Migdal and Kevin Pyle present visual and spoken word stories of protest and resistance. TESTAMENT, Blank Space & mONKEYwRENCH bring the heat with their Revolutionary Lyricism and Battle Style Beatboxing. While the Revolutionary Cyborg Wedding Band gets you up off your seat for a little electro hip hop, Chase & Zaccheaus Jackson ground you with their stories and slam poetry.

Saturday, September 11th

7:30 pm: Legacy Gallery, 630 Yates Street

Graphic Radicals is a “themed” presentation of the work of World War 3 Illustrated, a New York-based artists’ collective, from the 1980s to the present day. The art confronts issues such as anti-war protests, squatting in New York, the tragedies of 9-11, racism, prisons and anarchism. Graphic Radicals includes dozens of works in the form of posters, graphic illustrations, paintings, banners and other media.

Join the artists of World War 3 Illustrated as they celebrate 30 years of activism.

Sunday, September 12th

Camas Books and Infoshop. 2590 Quadra
This event is all ages. No one is turned away at the door, but we suggest a donation of $5-$15 (Pay What You Can)

Camas' 3rd Folkin' Anniversary will be a night to remember!! With local acts like "Ursula" & "Gumshoe & the Banshee" you’re sure not to forget the haunting circus-esque energy of the evening. Without-A-Net will join us with some klezmer, Starla with her folk punk and Buffalo Buffalo (inc Cap'n'Kops from The Rough Sea) is coming from the East (on tour) to start the night off with some ol'timey folk songs (so come early!!)

Being a fundraiser for both Camas Books and the Victoria Anarchist Bookfair, we hope that you come out in droves to celebrate and help the cause.
Here's more about tonight's event in Victoria, a benefit for those arrested during the G20 demonstrations in Toronto.
Kicking off the 2010 Festival of Anarchy!

All donation money raised goes toward G20 legal defence
5:00 – Panarchy! @ The People's Gallery 2 - Guerrilla Art Hanging

DiY, open source, guerrilla bring yr own art show! All are welcome to
participate! Bring yr paintings, drawings, photos, sculptures,
installations, found art, interactive art + homegrown fashions.

8:00 – Freedom In Sound 2

Experimental music, sound art, noise and performance art featuring

Ha Ha Terror
Brian Stubbs
Lotusland Warrior
+ more!

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Saturday, August 21, 2010



Molly just got an interesting notice about a new talk series hopefully starting soon here in Winnipeg...the Black and Red Talks. Here's the info from Viva Mondragon. >>>

Black & Red Talks #1
Public Event
Time August 27 · 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Mondragon Bookstore & Coffee House
91 Albert
Winnipeg, MB
Created By Viva Mondragon

More Info
This is the kickoff/planning session for the Black and Red Talks series. Every month we're bringing together local smart-folk, the odd "expert" and you for a sit down style panel discussion about a whole range of topics. This first meeting will be for planning the next several months of speakers and topics.

Come out and help us spread knowledge and points of view through out the community.

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Saturday, August 14, 2010



Here's one for the academically inclined amongst you. The North American Anarchist Studies Network (NAASN) will be holding their annual conference in Toronto next January. I could think of better places on the continent to visit in January given that this is a continent wide network. On the other hand I can think of far worse places like Winnipeg for instance. In any case brush off that dusty old thinking cap and head down TO way early next year. Here's the announcement.
North American Anarchist Studies Conference


North American Anarchist Studies Network Conference

Toronto, Canada
January 15-16, 2011
Deadline for Proposals: November 1, 2010

The North American Anarchist Studies Network is currently seeking presentations for our second annual conference to be held at the Steel Worker’s Hall in Toronto, Canada. We are seeking submissions from radical academics, independent researchers, community activists, street philosophers and students. We invite those engaged in intellectual work within existing institutions, such as universities, but also those engaged in the production of knowledge beyond institutional walls to share their ongoing work. From the library stacks to the streets, we encourage all those interested in the study of anarchism to submit a proposal.

In keeping with the open and fluid spirit of anarchism, we will not be calling for any specific topics of discussion, but rather are encouraging participants to present on a broad and diverse number of themes- from the historical to the contemporary to the utopian. For inspiration, we have included a number of suggested themes that have been of interest us; we invite you to suggest and submit your own topics, papers, themes, panels and workshops:

* Theorizing Anarchism: Perspectives on Anarchist Studies

* Greening Anarchy: Anarchism and the Environment

* Bridging the Marxist/Anarchist Divide: Is Black and Red Dead?

* Race, Class & Solidarity: Migration Politics

* Indigenous Rights and Politics in (Occupied) North America

* Expanding the Anarchist Canon: Non-Western Anarchism(s)

* The South American ‘New Left’ and Anarchism

* ‘Queering’ Anarchy: Anarchism and LGBTQ Issues

* ‘Revolution’ in the 21st Century: The Meaning of Social Change Today

* Militant Research: Connecting Activism and Academia

* Practicing Anarchy: Organization, Insurrection and Anarchist Social Movements

* Envisioning Alternatives: Anarchist Utopias

* Anarchism and Radical (Dis)ability Politics

* The Greek ‘Crisis’ and Anarchist Responses

* Post-G20 Toronto: Learning from Toronto’s G20 Mobilizations

* Anarchist Cultural Perspectives and Practices

* The Post-Anarchist Challenge?

* Anarchists and Academia: The Perils, Pitfalls and Potentialities of the University

It is our sincere hope that this conference will, to the greatest extent possible, accurately represent the diversity of North American anarchist politics and thought; to that end, we encourage submission(s) in English, French, Spanish and in any other language or on any other topic you feel relevant to this experience and this community.

Send your proposal, including a short abstract, a working title and three keywords that describe your project to the Toronto NAASN Crew at .

For more information on the North America Anarchist Studies Network check out our website at

We look forward to hearing from you, organizing with you and, of course, learning from you!

Related Link:

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Saturday, July 10, 2010




Bientôt à Montréal ... Rencontre avec l'auteur Matinik Doubout. Parrainé par l'Union Communiste Libertaire.
Coming soon in Montréal...meeting with author matinik Doubout. Sponsored by l'Union Communiste Libertaire.

Conférence et discussion avec l'auteur du livre Matinik Doubout.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Studio Levier Noir (Métro Place St-Henri)
Street: 4525 rue St-Jacques
City/Town: Montreal, QC

Description.Matinik Doubout: Lutte anticolonialiste et lutte de classe en Martinique et dans les Antilles.

L’Union Communiste Libertaire-Montréal vous convie à une conférence estivale.

En février-mars 2009, la Martinique a été secouée par le plus puissant mouvement populaire du siècle dernier. Des milliers de Martiniquais-es se sont retrouvé-es dans un mouvement de grève générale qui s’est étendu comme une trainée de poudre dans les Antilles Françaises.

Nemo, enseignant, témoin et acteur de ces événements et militant d’Alternative libertaire présentera une conférence qui traitera de la lutte anticolonialiste et de la lutte des classes en Martinique ainsi que dans les Antilles. Il est l’auteur du livre Matinik Doubout, qui raconte au jour le jour le mouvement de 2009 et analyse les perspectives politiques et économiques quil a ouvertes.

Cette conférence abordera l’historique de ces luttes, la situation actuelle ainsi que les perspectives à l’ombre de la crise économique mondiale. Cette conférence sera suivie d’une période de discussion et de questions.

Un billet portant sur le bouquin:

(english version)

Conference: Matinik Doubout - The anti-colonialist, class struggle in Martinique and the Antilles

The Montreal branch of the Union Communiste Libertaire invites you to a summer conference with the author of the book "Matinik Doubout".

When? Thursday 22 July 2010 at 7.00pm

Where? 4525 Rue St-Jacques, Montreal (metro Place St-Henri)

In February and March 2009, Martinique was shaken by the strongest popular movement seen in the country since the last century. Thousands of Martinicans found themselves as part of a general strike movement which spread like a powder-trail throughout the French Antilles.

Nemo, a teacher and member of Alternative Libertaire Martinique, was a witness to and participant in these events. He will be presenting a talk on the anti-colonialist struggle and the class struggle in Martinique and the rest of the Antilles. He is also the author of the book "Matinik Doubout", which gives a day-by-day account of the 2009 movement and analyses the political and economic conditions which lay at its root.

This conference will cover the history of these struggles and the current situation, also in the light of the global economic crisis. The talk will be followed by an opportunity for questions and debate.

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Saturday, June 26, 2010



After the conclusion of the G8 summit in Ontario cottage country the G20 summit in downtown Toronto has begun. From what I can glean from the media the G8 summit was a non-event. The media seems much more interested in covering protests than they do the photo-ops and weaselly statements of the assembled leaders of the G8. In any case there has long been speculation that the G8 is outmoded. What this means is pretty plain in that the host country Canada is far less of a major players in the world economy than many non-members who will be at the G20. An era has passed. Anything concrete would have to come out of something like the G20.

The assembled G8 missed the Québec/Ontario earthquake to my great chagrin. I would have loved to see coverage of the spooks (security) running around in a panic shooting each other in the ass thinking it was some sort of mega bomb. Ah well we can hope for aftershocks.

Meanwhile demonstrations that have been ongoing in Toronto were ratcheted up a notch yesterday as the Toronto Community Mobilzation Network held their preliminary demonstration. The Mobilization Network also has a facebook page where you can get a lot of the news that won't be in the mass media. The Toronto Media Co-op also has a specific subpage, the G20 Alt Media Centre, where news of the protests is updated practically to the minute. Please check out these resources if you want the latest coverage on what is happening...from the protesters' point of view.

In any case a 'large crowd' marched in downtown Toronto yesterday. If you want the definition of 'large' I cannot provide it. Generally the best way to come close to the truth of these things is to take the largest estimate and divide it by two. Then take the low estimate and double it. Average the two and you get close to reality. Yes, the sides that I might personally be in favour of are just as prone to manipulating numbers as the "opponents". That's life. Whatever the numbers may have been it was enough for the bosses in charge of security at the meeting to jump the gun and impose the security zone lockdown of the summit area a day earlier than planned.

It was also large enough that it convinced the bosses to push the "go button" and begin targeted arrests of the leadership cadre of the various groups protesting (see later). The scoops showed that the police/csis actually have very good intelligence. It's one thing to be able to identify "individuals of concern" in open-to-the-public groups where identity has never been concealed. That is almost as easy as identifying clandestine groups who think they are incredibly sneaky even when they have multiple informers implanted in them. In those cases the spooks keep much better paperwork. What impresses me is not the who who were arrested but the where as it seems that the police keep pretty good tabs on the movements of the individuals they have targeted. It's something to be considered, though I know that there is ideological opposition to considering such things.

In any case here's a report from the mass media (CTV) about what occurred yesterday.
Police get special arrest powers for duration of G20
Date: Fri. Jun. 25 2010 8:31 PM ET

Police temporarily shut the gates to the G20 security perimeter early Friday evening, as they attempted to head off the largest in a string of demonstrations to protest the international meeting.

Anti-poverty demonstrators had attempted to march south towards the security zone where the G20 summit will take place. But they were turned back when police with shields blockaded University Avenue.

Instead the protesters backtracked, marching east towards the park where the demonstration originated, trailed by police in full riot gear.

"I'm not a hell-raiser but I want my voice to be heard," one woman told CP24, adding that she decided to join the demonstration in response to the large number of police on the city's streets. "I thought I lived in a democracy and I don't think I do any more."

The protests led the Integrated Security Unit to close the security fence around the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, where the G20 summit will be held. A gate was later reopened at Yonge Street and Wellington Street, apparently to allow residents and business-owners inside the security zone to pass through.

As the march wound down, organizers said they would set up a collection of tents in Allan Gardens, camp there overnight, and join another large G20 protest to be held at Queen's Park on Saturday afternoon.

The demonstration attracted some 2,000 people at its peak, in spite of a heavy police presence and news that Ontario had quietly passed legislation that allows police to question and arrest anyone walking within five metres of the security fence in the city's financial district.

The crowd was the largest in a string of demonstrations in the lead-up to the G8 summit, which began Friday in Huntsville, Ont., and the G20 summit that starts Saturday in Toronto. But by 7 p.m., the number of protesters in the march has since dwindled to a few hundred people, CTV Toronto's Naomi Parness reported.

One image showed a group of people clad in black masks among the demonstrators. Reports had suggested that a radical group may split off from the main demonstration and move towards the security fence around the Convention Centre, but that never occurred.

Another image showed a sizable group of helmeted police, standing six officers across, and stretching back down a shaded alley.

The demonstration was for the most part peaceful, aside from one incident in which a protester was reportedly arrested by police.

An immigrants' rights group called No One is Illegal also reportedly released red and black balloons into the air, in an apparent attempt to challenge restrictions on the city's airspace during the summits. (Authorities have banned kites and hot air balloons in the vicinity of the Convention Centre.)

Organizers used social media sites such as Twitter to post updates as the demonstration unfolded.

The Toronto Community Mobilization Network, a collection of protesters from different groups, said that police were searching people as they entered Allan Gardens park where the demonstration originated.

John Clarke, with the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, called the large police presence "offensive."

Here's a report from G20 Alt Media Centre about the arrests that followed the demonstrations yesterday.
House raids, warrants and arrests
by Tim Groves

Three house where G20 protesters have been staying were raided last night; activists staying at the houses were arrested. Six or more arrest warrants were issued and at least four of the people named in the warrants have been arrested and charged with conspiracy.

"The people arrested were involved in Indigenous sovereignty organizing, environmental organizing, and anti poverty organizing," said Mac Scott, a member of the Movement Defence Committee, which provides legal support for activists. They "believe this is an abrogation of Section 2 of the [Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom]," which guarantees Canadians' fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of association and freedom of thought.

Police arrived at a house where 15 activists were staying at approximately 4:45am.

"They did not have a warrant, we asked for a warrant. They asked for identification, they asked us questions, we refused. People were detained, people asked to call legal council. We were refused to be allowed to call legal council," said Niki Thorne, a resident of the house. Even when a warrant was later provided, those being arrested were not allowed to fully read the warrant before it was taken away from them. "They were kicking people out of bed, kicking people awake," she added.

"I was in a tent in the backyard. We got woken up by two cops and put in cuffs, and there were probably at least six or eight police in the house," said Marya Folinsbee, who was staying at the house and is a friend of the man who was arrested. "They were trying to identify people. They had a big stack of papers with names and face of activists, some were organizers and some were people just doing child care for the protests."

The upstairs neighbours, a family with a young baby, were also visited by police.

"The neighbours who were not connected to the protest had a gun held to his head when he woke up. It's so fucked it's so fucked," said an shaken Folinsbee. "They put neighbours who lived in the building in cuffs."

One of the activists staying in the house was taken in his underwear into a paddy wagon waiting outside. The others in the house gathered on the front porch and sang loudly so that he could hear.

Another house had its door kicked in and a warrant left on the table. Two activists who live in the house have been arrested and a third person staying at the house was also been arrested, according to sources at the Toronto Community Mobilization Network.

Another unit in the same building also had it door kicked in.

Two other activists have been informed that there are warrants out for their arrest, and it is believed that they will be turning themselves in to police.

According to a tweet from the Movement Defence Committee the arrests were of "key organizers."

"We have a message to all those today: rights have never been granted or given, they have won," said Scott on behalf of the Movement Defence Committee.

Supporters of those arrested will gather outside the Toronto Film Studios starting at noon to provide solidarity. The film studios have been converted into a temporary jail. They are located at 629 Eastern Ave.
Finally here's an item from the Ontario platformist site Linchpin about the aftermath of the massive security overkill at the G20 and what it means for civil liberties in Canada in the future.
G20 prompts expanded police power... permanently

By Paul M.

The global protectors of capitalism will descend on Toronto this June to discuss how to best increase corporate profit rates while simultaneously selling belt tightening measures to societies already ravaged by a global recession. Imperialist wars, global poverty, and environmental destruction are massive problems that affect billions of people across the globe. How can we be sure that such important people as the leaders of the G20 will be protected from the vindictive mob of labor activists, environmentalists, immigration rights and anti-poverty organizations who will seek to hold them accountable?

Well, apparently the recession hasn’t put a dent in the security budget - now pushing $1 billion - needed to protect our vaunted leadership from the baser instincts of the public at large. Security fences, á la Quebec circa 2001, have been erected. RCMP, OPP, and Toronto Police, have been supplemented by thousands of officers from forces across Canada as well as the military. Together they form the Integrated Security Unit (ISU) in a spectacle of state power meant to effectively manage and/or crush all dissenting voices. A fenced-off film studio ostensibly geared towards mass detentions lends credence to a police strategy bent on enforcing a ludicrous free speech zone few will likely obey.

What seems to be clear is that this massive show of force will leave lingering marks on our civil liberties and a stronger police state in its wake. One obvious intrusion is the much talked-about 77 new CCTV police cameras installed in downtown Toronto, which city and police officials assure will be “mostly” taken down after the summit leaves town. Toronto Public Space Committee spokesperson Jonathan Goldsbie put it well when he rhetorically asked the Globe and Mail why anyone would spend countless thousands for high-tech cameras only to let them “languish in a storage area.” The Toronto Police Service’s claim to the CCTV cameras’ temporary nature sounds oddly similar to statements made by the Vancouver authorities in the run up to the Olympics, in which they announced that they would sell off CCTV cameras after the Games. The cameras used in Vancouver are now part of the city’s permanent “redeployable” arsenal - available at police discretion.

Certainly public scrutiny of police funding is a clear casualty of the summit, with the Toronto police taking the opportunity to update to encrypted radios at enormous taxpayer expense. In addition to their $35 million price tag, the radios mean journalists and concerned citizens will lose the capacity to monitor police activity. At the very least, some level of public oversight made cops more honest in the application of unjust laws - but now racial profiling, the surveillance of social justice groups, and continued harassment of the poor will fly under the radar of concerned citizens.

New abuses are also in store for summit protesters, who are now slated to become guinea pigs for the latest in police technology. Toronto Police have acquired four Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRAD) - more appropriately dubbed sound cannons – for the summit, which are known to cause moderate to serious hearing damage, including permanent loss of hearing. These weapons are being categorized as “communication devices”, but the unwillingness of police to disable their dangerous “alert” function at the request of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) demonstrates their real intention come summit day, and beyond. The willingness of the cops to use this dangerous weapon can perhaps be gauged by LRAD use during the last G20 summit in Pittsburgh, or, for that matter, by the general level of concern that cops always show to social activists. Ear plugs don’t cut down the decibel level enough to protect you from prolonged exposure to the cannon, but might buy you time to get out of range - and you can call me paranoid if you want, but I’m buying some.

While the rest of the public sector is being asked to brace themselves for wage freezes and service cuts, the Toronto Police have managed to turn the 5% reduction in operating costs requested by the city budget officer into a 5% increase. Doubtless the grand excuse of G20 security will be leveraged to secure special treatment for police state infrastructure, which remains the thin blue line separating the public from the wealthy minority determining their lives. The $45 million addition to the police budget is a pittance for the long term social control it affords, as poverty rises in a global recession and the propertied classes need bigger and more well-equipped guard dogs.

As the G20 begins, and activists gear up for yet another protestival, it is worth noting that the accompanying police state infrastructure is here to stay, and will certainly affect the ongoing work of day-to-day organizing so crucial for building a mass movement. The fight for a truly just and sustainable world must be fought everyday, in our workplaces and communities – lest we concede defeat to the global leadership we so rightly seek to protest.
Molly has to say that the results of these protests will be interesting. The security measures that have been taken place this event in an entirely different ballpark than anything that has happened before in Canada including the Olympic Games security. The bill, however, for a mere three days is so fantastic that it is a rock solid guarantee that such things could not be repeated across the country. But, as the last item above mentions there will be a residual effect of increased police powers. This bears scrutiny.

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Monday, May 24, 2010




Here's the final update for the Montréal Anarchist Bookfair, the largest event of its kind on the continent. Coming next weekend.
[français:; ]
[fully updated information below and on the website:; ]
[please post and forward widely; curious about anarchism? check us out!]

MAY 29-30, 10am-5pm
at the CEDA, 2515 rue Delisle
(a short walk from Lionel-Groulx metro)
FREE. Welcome to all!

For anarchists and people curious about anarchism.



The Bookfair features over 100 booksellers, distributors, independent presses, zines and political groups from all over Montreal, Quebec and North America, and abroad. This year’s out-of-town vendors come from France, England, Switzerland, Belgium & Sweden; Oakland, Baltimore, Washington, Cincinnati, New York City, Indiana, Virginia, New Jersey, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut & Vermont; Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Fredericton, Halifax, Guelph, London Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston & Ottawa; Trois-Rivières, Drummondville, Saguenay-Lac St-Jean & Quebec City; and more! For a full list of vendors, visit:;


Fun activities, snacks, outdoor games, craft room, quiet space and more for all interested kids (and their parents):;


Art & Anarchy brings together the creations of dozens of anarchist-inspired artists and organizers. This year’s exhibition will include sculptures, paintings, posters, banners, drawings, and other multi-media forms. info:;

- On Saturday, May 29 at 1pm:
* Anarchism and Its Aspirations (Cindy Milstein)
* The ABSs of Anarchism (Anna Kruzynski & Marco Silvestro)
- On Sunday, May 30 at 1pm:
* Anarchism without Anarchists / Anarchism with Anarchists: The Practice and Relevance of Anarchism (Jaggi Singh)
* The History of Anarchism in Quebec (Mathieu Houle-Courcelles)


* 11am: Refusing to Be Abused: Histories and Present Realities of Copwatch as a Tool Against Police Repression (Copwatch Montreal & Winnipeg)
* 11am: Self-Management versus Capitalist Management (Nicolas van Caloen)
* 1pm: Building land defence and anti-colonial resistance movements: Becoming a force to be reckoned with (Shabina Lafleur-Gangji & Matt Soltys)
* 3pm: Solidarity City: Migrant justice and the everyday practice of mutual aid and direct action
* 3pm: One Big Union and revolutionary syndicalist movements in Quebec and in Canada (Mathieu Houle-Courcelles)
* 3pm : Practical strategies for anarchist writing (Alexis Shotwell)

* 11am: Anarchism and Riots (Marc-André Cyr)
* 11am: Panel: Taking Ourselves Seriously: Developing Strategy for Social – Transformation (Chris Dixon, Cindy Milstein and Maia Ramnath)
* 12pm: Anarchist Writers of Fiction Meeting (facilitated by Norman Nawrocki)
* 1pm: Basic Computer Security (the Koumbit Network)
* 3pm: Eugenics in Anarchism and Feminism (AJ Withers & Griffin Epstein)
* 3pm: Capitalist Authority versus Anti-Colonial Breakout: The example of the militant direct-action Civil Rights movement in one Northern u.s. city, 1960-1965 (J. Sakai)
* 3pm: Sea Piracy and Anarchism: Beyond the myths (Marco Silvestro)

FILM ROOM (Saturday, May 29):
* Deux roues sur terre (Guillaume Girard, 2009, 66 min., FR, Uruguay / Canada)
* Slug love (J. Mary Burnet, 2009, 3min.30, EN, Canada)
* Contre-culture à vendre (Pierre-Luc Junet, 2009, 7 min., FR, Québec)
* Tortilleria (Chloé Germain-Thérrien, 2010, 3min.30, no dialogue, Québec)
* Motions for web (Anita Schoepp, 2010, 4 min., no dialogue, Québec)
* I didn’t know what to say to him (Jessica McCormack and Stephen Brown, 2008 7 min., EN, Québec)
* Psychic Capital (Jessica McCormack and Rae Spoon, 2009, 16 min., EN, Québec)
* If CSIS comes knocking (People's Commission Network, 6 min., EN, 2010, Québec)
* Interviews from Defenders of the Land 2008 (45 min. excerpt, 2008, Winnipeg)
* Regards de société : Afrique, Palestine, Montréal (Santiago Bertolino and Steve Patry, 2009-2010, 65 minutes, FR, Québec)
* Les Anarchistes (2009, 25 min., FR, France)
* Whatever happened to Who’s Emma (Lyndall Musselman, 2009, 27 min., EN, Canada)

* 11am: 500 Years of Indigenous Resistance (with Gord Hill, Kwakwaka’wakw)
* 1pm: Justice for Missing, Murdered and Disappeared Indigenous Women (with Bridget Tolley, Algonquin from Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg)
* 3pm: 20 Years Since Oka: Kanienkehaka Communities in Resistance (with Clifton Arihwakehte a member of the Kanehsatake Mohawk Community)

* 11am: Alternative Birthing (presenters include Martine Quimper, Melissa Bellemare, Francine Rhéault and others)
* 12pm: Radical Learning and Education (with the Rad School, Cap Libre, Jerry Mintz from the Alternative Education Resource Organization in New York, Kamala Bhusal of Sri Aurobindo Ashram/Orphanage in Nepal and others)
* 3pm: Supporting parents dealing with state authorities

* Toronto Community Mobilization Network (TCMN)/Southern Ontario Anarchist Resistance (SOAR)
* G20, Power and the Economic Crisis (Coalition féministe radicale contre le G20)
* Student Resistance to the G20 (le Regroupememt Anti-G20 Étudiant (RAGE))
* The Economic and Ecological Crisis of Capitalism (presented by the popular education of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC2010))


(Friday, May 28, at Il Motore, 179 Jean-Talon Ouest): A kick-off and benefit for the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair. A night of music, hip hop and dancing: Micros Armés, Dramatik, Chaotic Insurrection Ensemble, Emrical and Don’t Put Charles on the Money. info:;


The entire month of May in Montreal is part of the Festival of Anarchy, with diverse anarchist-themed events occurring at different venues all over the island of Montreal. info:;


The proceeds from this year’s Montreal Anarchist Bookfair will support the DIRA Anarchist Library (Montreal) and the new Anarchist Bookfair Accessibility Fund. info:;

Curious about anarchism? Check us out!

Mise à jour!
[English: ]

[des mises-à-jour importants ci-dessous ou ici: ]
[svp diffusez EN MASSE : pour les anarchistes et ceux qui s'intéressent à l'anarchisme]

Les 29 et 30 MAI, 10h-17h
Au CEDA, 2515 Delisle
(tout près du métro Lionel-Groulx)
GRATUIT. Bienvenue à toutes et tous!
Amenez vos enfants!

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur l’anarchisme? Venez nous voir!

-> Veuillez consultez les POINTS SAILLANTS ci-dessous: Salle Principale, Zone d’Enfants, Art & Anarchie, Ateliers d’introduction à l’anarchisme; Ateliers & Présentations, Salle des Films, Salle de solidarité autochtone, Salle de discussion pour parents anarchistes, Salle de la résistance anticapitaliste, Cabaret Anarchiste, Festival de l’Anarchie, et plus.
-> Avec des distributeurs de partout au Québec et en Amérique du Nord, des ateliers, des films, des discussions, des expositions, des activités pour les enfants et bien plus !
-> NOTE: Pour le Salon du livre de cette année, il y aura des tables d’exposition pendant DEUX JOURS : les 29 (samedi) et 30 (dimanche) mai, entre 10h et 17h.

Le Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal (ainsi que le Festival de l'Anarchie) rassemble les idées et pratiques anarchistes, par les mots, les images, la musique, le théâtre et les luttes quotidiennes pour la justice, la dignité et la libération collective.

Le Salon du livre anarchiste s'adresse aux anarchistes, mais également à celles et ceux qui ne se considèrent pas nécessairement comme anarchistes mais qui ont développé une certaine curiosité vis-à-vis de l'anarchisme. Le Salon est un espace où les anarchistes peuvent se rencontrer et échanger dans un esprit de respect mutuel et de solidarité. Tous et toutes y sont bienvenu-e-s.

Le Salon du livre anarchiste est organisé dans un esprit d'ouverture vis-à-vis des différentes traditions, visions et pratiques de l'anarchisme. Nous cherchons à promouvoir l'anarchisme en mettant en pratique des valeurs comme l'entraide, la démocratie par la base, l'action directe, l'autonomie et la solidarité, et en nous opposant à toutes les formes d'oppression.

Le Salon du livre et le Festival de l’anarchie sont une occasion importante de rassemblement et un point de référence pour les idées et les pratiques anti-autoritaires en Amérique du Nord.

-> Pour savoir « Qu'est-ce qui se passe au Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal? », suivez ce lien:
-> Énoncé d'accessibilité:


Plus de 100 kiosques de libraires, distributeurs, presses indépendantes, maisons d'éditions et groupes anarchistes en provenance de partout à travers le Québec, l'Amérique du Nord et l'étranger. Cette année, des participants de: France, Angleterre, Suisse, Belgique, Suéde; Oakland, Baltimore, Washington, Cincinnati, New York City, Indiana, Virginia, New Jersey, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut & Vermont; Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Fredericton, Halifax, Guelph, London Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston & Ottawa; Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Fredericton, Halifax, Guelph, London Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston & Ottawa; Trois-Rivières, Drummondville, Saguenay-Lac St-Jean & Quebec City; et plus! Pour les participants :

Des activités amusants, des jeux, des collations, des activités de plein air, des sports, une salle de repos et d’artisanat:

Art & Anarchie rassemble les créations de quelques douzaines d’artistes et de militants dont la pratique s’inspire de l’anarchie. Cette année, l’exposition comprend des sculptures, peintures, affiches, bannières, dessins, installations, ainsi que d’autres médias. info:

- Samedi le 29 mai à 13h:
* Un ABC de l’anarchisme (Anna Kruzynski & Marco Silvestro)
* Anarchism and Its Aspirations (Cindy Milstein).
- Dimanche le 30 mai à 13h:
* Sur les traces de l’anarchisme au Québec (Mathieu Houle-Courcelles)
* Anarchism without Anarchists / Anarchism with Anarchists: The Practice and Relevance of Anarchism (Jaggi Singh).

* 11am: Refusing to Be Abused: Histories and Present Realities of Copwatch as a Tool Against Police Repression (Copwatch Montreal & Winnipeg)
* 11h : Autogestion versus gestion capitaliste (Nicolas van Caloen)
* 1pm: Building land defence and anti-colonial resistance movements: Becoming a force to be reckoned with (Shabina Lafleur-Gangji & Matt Soltys)
* 15h : Cité sans frontières : La justice en matière de migration et la pratique quotidienne d’entraide et d’action directe (Solidarité sans frontières)
* 15h : La One Big Union et le syndicalisme révolutionnaire au Québec et au Canada (Mathieu Houle-Courcelles)
* 3pm : Practical strategies for anarchist writing (Alexis Shotwell)

* 11h: Les émeutes et l'anarchie (fr.) (Marc-André Cyr)
* 11am: Panel: Taking Ourselves Seriously: Developing Strategy for Social - Transformation (Chris Dixon, Cindy Milstein and Maia Ramnath)
* 12pm: Anarchist Writers of Fiction Meeting (bil.) (facilitated by Norman Nawrocki)
* 13h: Connaissances de bases en informatiques (fr.) (le réseau Koumbit)
* 3pm: Eugenics in Anarchism and Feminism (AJ Withers & Griffin Epstein)
* 3pm: Capitalist Authority versus Anti-Colonial Breakout: The example of the militant direct-action Civil Rights movement in one Northern u.s. city, 1960-1965 (J. Sakai)
* 15h: Piraterie maritime et Anarchisme, au-delà des idées reçues (fr.) (Marco Silvestro)

* Deux roues sur terre (Guillaume Girard, 2009, 66 min., FR, Uruguay / Canada)
* Slug love (J. Mary Burnet, 2009, 3min.30, ANG, Canada)
* Contre-culture à vendre (Pierre-Luc Junet, 2009, 7 min., FR, Québec)
* Tortilleria (Chloé Germain-Thérrien, 2010, 3min.30, sans dialogue, Québec)
* Motions for web (Anita Schoepp, 2010, 4 min., sans dialogue, Québec)
* I didn’t know what to say to him (Jessica McCormack et Stephen Brown, 2008 7 min., ANG, Québec)
* Psychic Capital (Jessica McCormack et Rae Spoon, 2009, 16 min., ANG, Québec)
* Si le SCRS venait cogner à la porte'' (Réseau de la commission populaire, 6 min., ANG, 2010, Québec)
* Interviews from Defenders of the Land 2008 (2008, extrait de 45 min., ANG, Winnipeg)
* Regards de société : Afrique, Palestine, Montréal (Santiago Bertolino et Steve Patry, 2009-2010, 65 minutes, FR, Québec)
* Les Anarchistes (2009, 25 min., FR, France)
* Whatever happened to Who's Emma (Lyndall Musselman, 2009, 27 min., ANG, Canada)

* 500 ans de Résistance autochtone (avec Gord Hill, Kwakwaka’wakw)
* Justice en Attente: Justice pour les femmes autochtones disparues et assassinées (avec Bridget Tolley, Algonquine de Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg)
* 20 ans après Oka: les communautés Kanienkehaka en résistance
(avec Clifton Arihwakehte, membre de la communauté Mohawk de Kanehsatake)

* Accouchement alternatif (avec Martine Quimper, Melissa Bellemare, Francine Rhéault, et d’autres)
* Éducation et apprentissage dans une perspective radicale (avec L’École libre de Montréal, Cap libre, Jerry Mintz d’Alternative Education Resource Organization à New York, Kamala Bhusal de Sri Aurobindo Ashram/Orphanage au Népal, et d’autres)
* Supporter les parents aux prises avec les autorités étatiques

* Réseau de mobilisation communautaire de Toronto/Résistance anarchiste du sud de l’Ontario (SOAR)
* G20, pouvoir et crise économique (présenté par les membres de la Coalition féministe radicale contre le G20)
* Résistance étudiante au G20 (avec le Regroupememt Anti-G20 Étudiant (RAGE))
* La crise économique et écologique du capitalisme (présenté par le comité d’éducation populaire de la Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes (CLAC2010))

CABARET ANARCHISTE (Vendredi le 28 mai à Il Motore, 179 Jean-Talon Ouest):
Une soirée de musique, hip hop et danse. Avec Micros Armés, Dramatik, Chaotic Insurrection Ensemble, Emrical and Don’t Put Charles on the Money. info:

Le Festival de l'Anarchie prendra place au mois de mai, avec des événements reliés à l'anarchisme, dans plusieurs lieux publics de Montréal. info:

Les dons recueillis lors du Salon du livre anarchiste édition 2010 seront versés à la bibliothèque anarchiste DIRA (Montréal) et le nouveau Fonds d’accessibilité au Salon du livre anarchiste. info:

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur l’anarchisme? Venez nous voir!

-> courriel:
-> web:
-> tél: 514-679-5800
-> liste d’annonces :
-> facebook:
-> twitter:

- VENDREDI le 28 mai, après 20h: Nous serons à Il Motore (179 Jean-Talon Ouest) pour le Cabaret Anarchiste.

- SAMEDI le 29 mai et DIMANCHE le 30 mai, 10h-17h: Cette année, le Salon du livre anarchiste se tiendra à deux endroits situés l’un en face de l’autre. Notre lieu principal sera le CEDA (2515 rue Delisle, métro Lionel-Groulx), un centre communautaire pour l’éducation aux adultes dans le sud-ouest de Montréal, site du Salon du livre depuis 8 ans. Nous nous servirons aussi du Centre culturel Georges-Vanier, en face du CEDA.

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