Thursday, October 28, 2010



I guess this might be called the 'MONDster Mash' party. This Saturday, October 30, down at the Mondragon, Winnipeg's infoshop, 91 Albert St. Here's the promo.

Saturday at 8:00pm - Sunday at 1:00am

Mondragon Bookstore & Coffee House
91 Albert St.
Winnipeg, MB
Created By Viva Mondragon

More Info


-Mad Young Darlings


-The Unkindness

-Mixtechs Deejays

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010



No doubt they are cheering at the Fraser Institute with the recent election of Rob Ford as Mayor of Toronto. Never mind that "fiscal conservatives" have had a very dismal record at keeping budgetary deficits under control. One has only to look to our "beloved" federal government to see what "ending the gravy train" actually means. let alone the record of conservatives in power elsewhere in North America. Deficits are them. What is actually means is dealing out the gravy to others that are more favoured by a conservative mind-set. This will mean just as much expenditure, though on different items. True to his word ford's first priority on becoming Mayor of Canada's largest city is a "war on graffiti". What this means in reality is diverting the works and engineering department of Toronto from such things as road repair to cleaning walls. Looks good on the surface I guess.

Ford's election has made news across the world- literally. It has even been reported in the Chinese 'People's Daily'. How significant it is is another matter entirely. When the heat dies down it is likely that Ford will not be able to keep even a fraction of his "promises" about "cutting waste". A lot of his voodoo economics rests upon the assumption that there is enough spare city land to sell off to his friends (at no doubt reduced prices) to push the city into a surplus situation. The idea of tax cuts coupled with no reduction in services is, of course, pure fantasy.

It is, of course, civic election season here in Canada. Ford's election is actually less significant than that of the election of Naheed Nenshi as Mayor of Calgary. Not that his reign will be any different from that of a conservative such as Ford in terms of waste and cronyism. Yet, it was significant not just because he is of East Indian heritage (via Tanzania) nor because he is a Muslim. In Calgary !!! What is most significant is that he has been a University professor. The idea of Calgarians elected an "intellectual" of any political stripe says volumes about how much that city has changed in the past few years.

Meanwhile here in Winnipeg we will have our own civic election tomorrow. As usual Molly will not be voting. In terms of the mayoralty candidates it is the crooked right represented by Sam Katz versus the bureaucratic left represented by Judy Wasylycia-Leis. Hardly anything to chose from. It's all who you want picking your pocket and how you want the ill gotten gains spent. I'm almost tempted to vote in the local councillor elections just because the property developer candidate Jeff Browaty, the incumbent, approached me while I was trying to do some yard work and annoyed me. Never mind that he is into real estate which in my mind means he should be automatically barred from running for municipal office. His attitude and his physical appearance reminded me of two things. One is that he looks just like a mass murderer ala Colonel Russell Williams down in Ontario. The other is that he looks and acts like the high school "football hero" that school authorities used to use to bully the students back when I was young. Perhaps such people have more likelihood of ending up as mass murderers. To my family's great credit my brother broke the collarbone of one of these thugs when we were in high school. Threatening, pushy, obnoxious and interfering with my work. Sorry, Jeffy-poo, there are some you can't bully into putting a sign on the lawn. Don't even bother speaking loudly and demandingly at me. I'm not one of your underlings.

Ah well, the politics are over, but the struggle continues. Here's an item from the Ontario Coalition against Poverty (OCAP) about their opinion of Toronto's new Mayor.
OCAP Gets Ready To Confront Rob Ford‏

Ontario Coalition Against Poverty Gets Ready to Confront New Toronto Mayor Rob Ford
Eight years of the progressive Mayor David Miller has meant little for the poorest people in Toronto. The former City Council and David Miller are responsible for 312 shelter beds for the homeless being cut with only 60 ever replaced. Promises of new shelters have been empty rhetoric, with people waiting years for any new spaces to open up. Gentrification has continued at high speed, Toronto Community Housing is looking to sell off properties, while the waiting list for housing is almost 10 years long. Transit fares have gone up and accessibility was one of the first things to be cut from the budget. Welfare rates are shamefully inadequate, while city administrators willfully deny people access to vital benefits such as the Special Diet Allowance. Poverty in Toronto has continued to grow under a so-called progressive Mayor. The City of Toronto is increasingly divided between the rich and the poor.
Now Toronto has elected Rob Ford as its new Mayor. OCAP knows Ford and his priorities all too well. He has consistently supported cuts to Welfare/ODSP including the recent cut to the Special Diet Allowance, spoken out against social programs, community housing, affordable transit, the homeless and immigrants. Ford's rhetoric in this campaign has been to 'end the gravy train at City Hall' and to 'respect the taxpayer'. What Rob Ford really means is all too familiar; cutting social services, housing and transit, while giving tax breaks to the wealthy. We will see cuts to services that poor people need on top of an already existing lack of funding to services thanks to Miller. If anything, the 'gravy train' for the rich will be all that Ford cares about.
"Rob Ford's agenda is the same as Mike Harris’ was in the 1990s –attacking poor people to benefit the wealthy." says OCAP organizer John Clarke. “During the Harris period Ontario saw unprecedented civil dissent and disruption, we are putting Ford on notice that he ought to expect the same." OCAP will be working with communities across Toronto to fight Ford’s agenda and defend the rights of poor people.
Media inquiries:416-925-6939
To get involved:
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty

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Sunday, October 24, 2010



From the local Latin music group Mariachi-Ghost Ánima. Once mare at La Bamba.

Time Friday, October 29 · 8:00pm - 11:00pm

Location La Bamba Restaurant

Created By Mariachi-ghost Ánimas

More Info

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Saturday, October 23, 2010




Here's an offer from the Winnipeg Art Gallery. Good for a Christmas gift for the artsy-fartsy in your life.

Warm up at the WAG with this hot membership offer!

The WAG and Winnipeg Transit are offering a special promotion for Winnipeg Transit Monthly Bus Pass holders – buy one annual membership and get the second one free!

Buy two gifts for the price of one this holiday season with WAG gift memberships - also buy one get one free! It's the gift they'll enjoy all year.

To redeem this offer present your valid monthly Show & Save bus pass at the WAG admission desk, call 786.6641 ext 212, or email with your monthly pass bus code.

Some restrictions apply.

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Friday, October 22, 2010



Well, in case my fans and enemies haven't gathered Corporal Molly is back in her foxhole at the front. Almost a week to be exact. It takes little time for a paranoid mind to get used to a city where cars don't stop for pedestrians, unlike out in Victoria. To be honest I could never get used to the idea that some son-of-a-bitch wasn't ready to gun it and run me down, just like here in my home territory. Here you look both ways before crossing the street, run like hell to the middle, catch your breath and repeat the process providing there is no traffic either way. I will also have to get used to the less than benign presence of "street demons" here, but that is easy as my pissed off button is very near the surface. Quite frankly I have always (I've been in Victoria before) had a hard time adjusting to the idea that threat is not the best way of dealing with street demons. In Victoria they have better manners than the average Winnipeger, non-demon Winnipeger that is.

Let's say slightly that I and what one wag has called "Mrs Molly" enjoyed our stay our there immensely. It's a great place, even though a bit "crowded" for my taste. We liked the bars. Hell. I even found 'Murphy's Stout' on tap, something you could never find here at the ends of the Earth. Winnipeg actually has a few "pubs", rather than sleazy bars, and we may even have our own (one) micro-brewery now. This puts us on the same level as Regina which should be a great matter of shame.

Molly drove up to Nanaimo to visit Comrade Larry and was properly impressed by the scenery along the way. Many photos were taken. I was even more impressed by the hospitality that I received from Larry and Rosie. I also found out that Nanaimo was a neat little city with a very vibrant anarchist community. Many thanks to L and R.

So here we arrived back in Winnipeg. Open the door. Cling, cling. cling comes loud from the basement. Appreciate that Molly's house was built in 1929, and the water heat furnace is from the original. Oh Fucking Jesus. At least the place hasn't burnt down. The problem is a water pump that is attached to the furnace, and a spring connector on it. Click, click,click. Check, check check. It's a few days later that I call Winnipeg Supply and have the pump fixed. This is because, to my utter amazement, despite the fact that the pump is fucked we still have heat and hot water. It gets shoved down the priority list.

Meanwhile the wife tries to start her car. Dead as a doornail. Now...I've always been happy to screw around with cars. Furnaces I won't touch with a ten foot pole., I pull up the hood on the wife's car. Jesus H. Christ !!! I have never seen such an accumulation of copper sulfate on a battery in my life. Now Molly is from from Saskatchewan, and I swear that there was enough bluestone to sterilize about 3 dugouts. Screwdriver and baking soda go to work. I get the mess cleaned up and boost the wife's battery. Vroom, vroom.

Piss and Jesus. MY car goes dead. Click, click,click. Fuck,fuck,fuck.. We do a back boost and the machine is working fine. With great circling the wife drives off to get her battery charged by driving. I take off elsewhere. Stop at the pharmacy to pick up my nicotine lozenges. Come out. Click, click, click. God knows what my blood pressure was then.
Up goes the hood. Bang, bang,bang, Twist,twist, twist. Vroom, vroom. vroom. I never knew before that you could screw up your battery connections just by giving somebody a boost. Live and learn. Oh God do I hate machinery.

Welcome back to Winnipeg. Actually I don't mind it as much as it may seem. It is far better than Saskatchewan, espcially Regina where I "served" 14 years. Back to decorating the yard for Halloween. Such is my more or less boring personal life. Mechanical disasters are great events. I gues it's better than noting bites from Rottweillers.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010



It's near the end of the time of fallen leaves. Halloween is on its way. So is the goddamn snow. But things are warm and cozy at Pollock's Hardware Co-op, Winnipeg's cooperative answer to the big box stores. Here's what's happening there this season.
Just a quick update on events coming up at Pollock's:
Annual General Meeting
on November 8th, 2010 at Luxton Community Centre, 210 St.Cross St.
Registration starts at 6:30pm, meeting starts at 7:00pm
The meeting will include:
– The annual report
– Board elections
– Appointment of auditor
– New business
– Door prizes and refreshments!!

Paderno Sale: Starts Wednesday, November 17th, 2010
We have tons of stuff coming in, it's the biggest sale we have had to date!

Benjamin Moore Paint: We are in the process of upgrading our paint equipment. Coming soon: Aura, Ecospec and others! Of course, we will continue to sell our previous lines.

New with your membership card:
10% off at The Tallest Poppy located at 631 Main St.
10% off parts at Minute Muffler located at 1011 Main St.

Membership Cards: We have several hundred membership cards waiting to be picked up. Next time you're at the store, just ask at the cashier!

Just a reminder, we always offer these services:
– Window and screen repair
– Lock re-keying
– Sharpening
– Tool rentals – We have a snow blower in stock!

Our store hours are :
Monday-Friday 8:00am-8:00pm
Saturday 8:00am-6:00pm
Sunday 12:00pm-5:00pm

Contact us at 582-5007, or by email at! You can now also visit us on Facebook!

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Saturday, October 16, 2010


As Molly has mentioned before tomorrow there will be a ceremony to present federal Justice Minister Vic Toews with a (dis ?)honorary degree at the University of Winnipeg. It's a strange case of "honour" as one can question the basis for it in terms of service to the community. Has VT saved even one medical patient from a deadly disease ? Has he given even one person hope via raising them from poverty ? Has he established even one innovative social program that has done any good whatsoever ? I don't mean building more prisons. Has he contributed anything whatsoever to the literary or artistic legacy of this country at least once ? Has he even been entertaining and told at least one original funny joke in his life ? In other words has he ever done anything whatsoever to make anyone's life better at any time in the past present or future ? Or has he been a good and crafty political timeserver and held enough offices for enough years to coast into a bizarre "port of honour". What on Earth does "honour" mean in this case ?

Some will be opposing the granting of this 'honorarily' degree. Here's the notice of the protest.
Vic Toews Honorary Degree Protest
Time Sunday, October 17 · 12:00pm - 2:00pm

Location University of Winnipeg, Bulman Centre basement
515 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, MB

More Info

Join the Coalition for Integrity in Academic Accolades on Sunday, October 17th at 12:00 noon in the Riddell Hall Cafeteria (U of W) for a protest of the University of Winnipeg's decision to grant Vic Toews an Honorary Doctorate of Laws. We will be meeting in the cafeteria to coordinate before moving outdoors to the protest... location which will remain undisclosed until Sunday. All who attend the protest are asked to be respectful towards those attending the convocation ceremony.

The sins of Toews are too numerous to list, but here are a few lowlights:
-Vic Toews believes that a bill adding queer Canadians to a list of groups protected by hate propaganda legislation is "a dangerous bill that will toss fundamental Canadian freedoms out the window.”
-Vic Toews has suggested lowering the age of criminal responsibility from 12 to 10 and is not opposed to putting 10-year-olds in jail.
-Vic Toews spoke in favour of re-criminalizing abortions at the National Pro-Life Conference that was held in Winnipeg in 2004.
-Vic Toews has compared legalizing same-sex marriage to the “government celebrating a Black Mass.” ( Molly Note- In which case it should be right up the Harperite alley. The federal Conservatives seem pretty Satanic to me )

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Sunday, October 10, 2010



Vic Toews is one (of many) local conservative luminaries, luminous enough for some to think that he should be recognized for his "stellar" career. Others disagree. The following is a notice for a planning meeting for a protest against this award.

Planning Meeting for Vic Toews Honorary Degree Protest
Time Wednesday, October 13 · 7:30pm - 9:00pm


Location Rainbow Resource Centre
170 Scott Street
Winnipeg, MB

More Info
On Sunday, October 17th at 2:00pm, the University of Winnipeg will be giving Vic Toews an honorary Doctorate of Laws during the autumn convocation ceremony. Throughout his career, Vic Toews has consistently represented the worst that Canadian conservatism has to offer. Here are some of his heinous positions: he is against same-sex marriage, he is against hate-speech laws protecting gay people, and he is against the legal right t...o abortion. He also wants to put as many Canadians in jail as possible: he is in favour of ramping up the war on drugs, he is in favour of allowing 10 year olds to be sent to jail, and he fought to end the two-for-one sentencing credit. Recently, Toews got in trouble for referring to the passengers aboard the Tamil refugee ship (MV Sun Sea) as "terrorists". In response, the Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC) charged that Toews incited "distrust and anger" towards members of the Sri Lankan community.

For all these reasons and more, we believe that Vic Toews should not be granted an honorary degree by the U of W. Doing so would tarnish the value of degrees given to all of its students. Toews' positions are based on ignorance and are in direct opposition to the notions of compassion and justice that should be idealized by institutions of higher learning and the Canadian justice system.

Join us at the planning meeting that will be held on Wed. Oct. 13th at 7:30pm at the Rainbow Resource Centre located at 170 Scott Street (corner of Scott and Wardlaw). At that meeting we will plan the protest that will occur during the convocation ceremony on October 17th.

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Friday, October 08, 2010


The following news item from the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) is about a recent poll that says that 80% of Winnipegers think that the secret deal with Veolia for "consulting services" in relation to upgrades to Winnipeg's sewer system should be made public.

There are a huge amount of questions that flow from this issue. The first that comes to my mind is "why" present city employees are not capable of laying out plans for such upgrades. They may or may not be capable, but it has never been made plain why such plans could not be done on the present city payroll. Either our present city employees are capable or they are not, especially the more highly paid managers amongst them. Who knows, and if they are not we will never know why.

The second question comes from an observation. The secrecy of the contract with Veolia is merely one more outrageous example of a persistent culture of secrecy surrounding City Hall and its relations to consultants. Our present Mayor Sam Katz may be a particularly arrogant defender of this culture, but he is hardly unique. He can also hardly be suspected of benefiting personally from this deal. Katz is the dinky little Mayor of a dinky little city in the middle of nowhere, and his personal wheelings and dealings are several levels of magnitude below those of an international company such as Veolia. It would take some serious creative accounting for Sam to be bribed on this matter. The Mayor's unyielding defense of this rather unique form of civic contracting is more related to his desire to preserve secrecy in other matters than from anything related to this particular deal.

It should also be noted that the public opposition to this secrecy on the part of the other mayoral candidate for Mayor Judy Wasylycia-Leiss lacks substance. Like most political promises it lacks enforceability ie a written commitment to either carry through with exposing the deal or cancelling it altogether. This means a "no-escape" provision to her promise such that it cannot be reneged on "in light of new information" if she wins. Put it in writing before a notary public Judy !

Even more importantly it lacks generality. While the present contract may be particularly large, and may have options for yet another billion dollars attached to it such things are hardly unique to the Katz administration. Neither are they a particularly "right wing" invention, even though it may be argued that public defenders of traditional "morality" are generally more corrupt than their opponents. The leech-like behavior of "consultants" was as much a feature of the Mayoralty of that darling of the left Glenn Murray as it was of any right wing administration. The only difference is in the sums involved.

Let the reader note that Judy has not made any promise to have all city contracts open to public scrutiny ie available of the City of Winnipeg website. The only contract that she has more or less promised to open to public scrutiny is the Veolia one. Cough up with the rest Judy, including others that might be undertaken in an administration of your own. No generality in democracy from Judy.

The other salient fact about Judy's promise is that it lacks "enforceability". If her promise were connected with another promising to set up a process for both recall and generalized public referenda about major capital projects she would be much more believable. That, however, is something quite remote from the ideological commitments of our so-called "left" these days. In general our "left" has evolved into an elitist position of distrust of ordinary people whose only difference from the elitism of the "right" is that it has an academic brown shirt squad in the post modernists. But realistic social democratic politician hardly call on such things in "real time". Mostly they act by evasion, a more traditional and less rhetorical way of coming to power.

So...if Judy were to couple her promise to put this item into public view with a)a written guarantee, b)a similar guarantee to put any give-aways to her own friends into public view and c)a similar written guarantee that the public could block such actions and also remove the politicians who go back on such promises then I'd be inclined to vote for her.

Well pigs don't fly and Judy will do such thing. Therefore Molly will do what she has always done ie not vote. This is for the purpose of making it plain that there is another way of doing politics that is considerably different from the habit of many of merely "kicking the bastards out" whether they be right wing bastards or left wing ones. This is, of course, a long range point of view, but it is better than taking a short term view of the "lesser of two evils" and accomplishing nothing. That's what voting in this election will do.

Here's the item from CUPE. While it has to be admitted that the poll in question was a politically motivated poll this fact is both obvious and trivial. I would be utterly surprised that the number who think this contract should remain secret is less than 80%. In actual fact the 20% who said they preferred secrecy are probably people who recognized the poll for what it was and answered this way just to be difficult. Here's the story.

Winnipeg residents reject secret sewage contract—poll
Survey shows eight in ten want Veolia contract details made public

A Probe Research survey shows that 78 per cent of Winnipeg residents believe that all the details of the 30-year contract the City of Winnipeg entered into with the private contractor Veolia Canada should be made public before the October 27 municipal election.

Meanwhile, the poll—commissioned by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)—shows overall opposition to the Veolia deal is also strong as 61 per cent of Winnipeggers oppose it, with 39 per cent in support.

“Clearly Winnipeggers have serious concerns with the mayor and council’s decision to enter into a 30-year deal with a private company to maintain and operate Winnipeg’s wastewater treatment plants,” says CUPE National President Paul Moist.

“For the past two years, concerned citizens have called for the city to be open and transparent about contracting out our wastewater plants,” says Moist. “And for two years the city has ignored these calls.”

“Winnipeg voters deserve to know the scope of this deal,” he says. “They deserve to know how much this deal will cost them and their children 30 years from now. They deserve answers to these questions before they go to the polls on October 27.”

Moist says keeping water and wastewater services in public hands is a key priority for CUPE and its members. CUPE has mounted campaigns opposed to water privatization across Canada and the world. CUPE has also worked with other community organizations in opposition to Winnipeg’s decision to seek out a private partner to operate and maintain its wastewater services since 2008.

Probe Research conducted the citywide telephone survey of 601 Winnipeg residents between September 16 and September 30. The margin of error is ±4.0, 19 times out of 20. Full results of the survey can be downloaded from the electronic version of this release at

CUPE is Canada’s largest union representing more than 600,000 workers, including 26,000 in Manitoba.

For more information, contact:

Liam Martin
CUPE Communications Representative
Tel: (201) 612-0901
Heather Fraser
Senior Communications Officer, CUPE
Tel: (613) 237-1590

Read the poll by Probe Research
(271 kB)

Read the Veolia fact sheet
(34 kB)

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GRIPPIN GRAIN #8 - One Year Anniversary!
Time Tomorrow at 10:00pm - Sunday at 2:00am

The Royal Albert Arms Hotel
48 Albert Street
Winnipeg, MB


More Info

Lonnie Ce

Saturday, October 9th
Royal Albert Arms
48 Albert St
Doors 10
Cover $5

Bass ass outta control babies
People with jobs
People without jobs
Middle class
Upper class
High class
Elderly people

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Friday, October 01, 2010



Happening next Tuesday, October 5, a hip hop benefit for the legal defence of those arrested in Toronto at the recent G20 summit.

- hip hop show to support G20 legal defendants
Time Tuesday, October 5 at 8:00pm - October 6 at 1:00am

Location Rudolf Rocker Cultural Centre
91 Albert St.
Winnipeg, MB


More Info
Drop The Charges is a hip hop benefit show to support the G20 legal defendants.


Testament (political rap on tour from London, Ontario)

The Gumshoe Strut

Jenny Bojangles

Theo Tzu

Doors at 8, show at 9
$7 or pay what you can

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Thursday, September 30, 2010


I have to admit that the last item on this blog made me feel sort of "creepy". Perhaps it is merely my personal distance from the true believers in veganism. Thus I feel the need to clear the air and my own gut pains via another announcement from here in Winnipeg about a social for the North West Slo Pitch League that Molly has recently received. Now Molly has little interest in baseball. I consider it a great contender for the title of 'Most Boring Game On Earth', (football yeah !) but I have to say that I have infinitely more interest in it than I do in the "ethical purity" of vegans. At least these people hold a social that I might consider attending.

I probably shouldn't make a great political argument out of this, but it dredges up memories of one statement that I read here on the internet "complaining" that there is no more "working class culture". Of course there is, but it is very much defined by things that the average leftist has been trained to hate by their academic conditioning which says that only the exotic has any value. Such things as baseball leagues are one such example of what leftists are trained to hate. There are undoubtedly hundreds more.

Anyways here is the announcement, and Molly hopes to receive many more.
NWSPL social Sat Nov 6th at Glenwood cc
Time Saturday, November 6 at 8:00pm - November 7 at 1:00am


Location Glenwood cc
27 Overton st
Winnipeg, MB

More Info
Hey there NWSPL nation ! The ball season isnt over just yet! We are having our windup social & awards night on Sat Nov 6th at Glenwood cc 27 Overton street from 8pm-1am.Tickets are only $10.00 so come out& enjoy a great night of fun , friends, great silent auction prizes,awards,food & drinks along with a few games & surprises! Come cheer on the winning teams & mvps as they receive all their hardware. All team captain have tickets but if you or someone you know need more then let me know asap! We also have a donation letter on the league website if you are able to help out with some silent auction prizes. Hope to see everyone out for a crazy party to wind down the 2010 season! Lets all have a blast & blow the roof off the club!

Thanks Jamie 223 9118

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Coming up in October...a benefit concert for the Spence neighbourhood Association. Here's the promo....
The Spence Neighbourhood Association's 10th Anniversary Benefit Concert
Time Saturday, October 23 · 8:00pm - 10:30pm

Location West End Cultural Centre - 586 Ellice Avenue


More Info
The Spence Neighbourhood Association (SNA) will be hosting a 10th Anniversary Benefit Concert at the West End Cultural Centre on Saturday, October 23, 2010. The doors will open at 7:15 pm and the show will run from 8:00 - 10:30 pm. Tickets are $15 or $7 low-income and will be sold at both SNA locations: 615 Ellice Avenue and 430 Langside Street and at the West End Cultural Centre. All of the funds raised from this event will be used to support SNA's work in the Spence community.

There will be live music by Ingrid D. Johnson & "The Funky Fresh Crew", Scott Nolan, and the Bokononists. Live art by Nereo Eugenio and special guests Ace Burpee & Wab Kinew! There will also be a door prize, a silent auction, SNA schwagg, beverages, and Cake!

If you are not able to attend but would like to make a contribution, donation Tickets can be purchased for $10!

For more information call 783-5000 or email:

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Friday, September 24, 2010



Speaking of anarchist bookfairs don't forget to join Molly tomorrow at Winnipeg's own Winnipeg Radical Bookfair. The book fair itself will be at the Broadway Neighbourhood Centre, 185 Young St. from 11 am to 6 pm on Saturday September 25 and from 12 noon to 4 pm on Sunday 26. Various other events are also scheduled during the fair. Come out early enough and you just might get one of Molly's ultra chic A-balloons. See you there.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010



Trend setting Latin band Papa Mambo will be playing at the Winnipeg Art Gallery this Friday as part of the 'Jazz Under the Rooftop' series. Here's the promo.
Jazz Under The Roof Top
Time Friday, September 24 · 8:00pm - 10:30pm


Location Muriel Richardson Auditorium , Winnipeg Art Gallery , 300 Memorial

More Info
Papa Mambo Kicks off the WAG’s Jazz Under the Rooftop Concerts

The WAG’s Muriel Richardson Auditorium heats up on Friday, September 24 with the first of the Gallery’s Jazz under the Rooftop winter concert series. The concert begins at 8pm.

Created by Chilean-born classical guitarist Rodrigo Muñoz in 1989, Winnipeg’s Papa Mambo started out as a spirited party band and soon became recognized as one of the most skillful, exciting and... important innovators in Canada’s Latin music scene. This freewheeling octet has always emphasized great playing and inspired arrangements. Their diverse array of jazz-inflected Latin rhythms and progressive musical ideas promises a performance full of hot solos, driving ensemble work, and tempo-shifting dance-floor madness. Papa Mambo is Latin music at its most modern and exciting.

Tickets are $21 for WAG members, $25 for adults, and $23 for students and seniors. Available in person at the WAG or through Ticketmaster. Your ticket includes free Gallery admission the day of the concert.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010



This is one I definitely won't be attending, but some may have an interest in such things so I reproduce it here. No doubt it will be a great forum for the various and vaporous candidates for Mayor to promise endless wondrous improvements. One should never forget, however, that the present state of downtown Winnipeg is the result of decades of such great "improvement" schemes. Insofar as Winnipeg has "vibrant neighbourhoods" (and yes there are some ) such things have not been the result of political gifts.

Mayoral Candidate Forum on Downtown
Time Thursday, October 7 · 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Location Manitoba Hydro Place, Atrium
360 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB

Created By Downtown Winnipeg BIZ


More Info

Thursday, October 7, 2010
5:30pm – 7:30pm
Manitoba Hydro Place
Atrium, 360 Portage Avenue

Come hear the Mayoral candidates discuss their positions on a variety of downtown issues, under the scrutiny of moderators Richard Cloutier and Dan Lett.

Topics include:
Let’s talk downtown safety: what will work?
Events are awesome, but street closures are pricey—will the city support event street closures like it used to?
Fix up downtown infrastructure—show us the money for sidewalks, streets, garbage cans and more!
To bus or not to bus: what about rapid transit?

Moderated by: Richard Cloutier, CJOB
Dan Lett, Winnipeg Free Press

Coffee provided.

Presented by:
Downtown Winnipeg BIZ
Exchange District BIZ
the Institute of Urban Studies

Produced by:
The Winnipeg Free Press

The Winnipeg Real Estate Board
The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce

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Monday, September 20, 2010



It's coming up this weekend, the Winnipeg Radical Bookfair, and the opening item will be a book launch for the graphic novel 'Five Hundred Years of Resistance'. Here's the promo.>>>

Gord Hill launches the 500 Years of Resistance comic book
Time Friday, September 24 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Location Mondragon Bookstore & Coffee House
91 Albert St.
Winnipeg, MB


More Info
Join us for the kick-off event to the Winnipeg Radical Bookfair:

Gord Hill is a member of the Kwakwaka'wakw nation on the Northwest Coast. Writer, artist, and militant, he has been involved in Indigenous resistance, anti-colonial, and anti-capitalist movements for many years.

He will be launching his recent comic book 500 Years of Resistance.

The book is a powerful and historically accurate graphic portrayal of Indigenous resistance to the European colonization of the Americas, beginning with the Spanish invasion under Christopher Columbus and ending with the Six Nations land reclamation in Ontario in 2006.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010



The following invitation is from War On Music, a local cooperatively operated music store here in Winnipeg.

Time Wednesday at 10:00pm - September 23 at 1:00am

War on Music
93 Albert St.
Winnipeg, MB
More Info

10 PM
War on Music

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Saturday, September 18, 2010



Hip hop on down to the Winnipeg Art Gallery next Saturday boys and girls for 'Nuit Blanche'. Here's the promo.>>>
Magnum K.I., Mama Cutsworth and Cyclist to perform at Nuit Blanche
Time Saturday, September 25 at 11:30pm - September 26 at 6:00am

Location Winnipeg Art Gallery


Created By Winnipeg Art Gallery

More Info Nuit Blanche dance party...anyone!?

It all starts at midnight with local hip hop group Magnum K.I., then dance until the wee hours with Mama Cutsworth and Cyclist.

For more info visit

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Thursday, September 16, 2010



Coming this Saturday at the Rudolf Rocker Cultural Centre, 93 Albert St. ...Faye Blais. Here's the promo.

Faye Blais with Chainbreakers
Time Saturday · 7:00pm - 11:00pm

Location Rudolf Rocker Cultural Centre
91 Albert St - 3rd Floor above Mondragon
Winnipeg, MB

Created By Rocker Centre

More Info
Hailing from Northern Ontario, Faye Blais resonates the sweetest melodies coupled with raw acoustics that swiftly turns into the soundtrack to your life. With a stage presence that is equally delectable, Blais is a force to be reckoned with. This indie-folk princess will certainly win you over with her quick wit, spontaneity, and subtle ability to stroke the warmest pieces of your soul.

Originally inspired by the campfire tunes o...f her youth, this globe-trotting songstress has spent the last four years wooing crowds overseas. After releasing her first full-length album “First Tooth” in 2005, Blais journeyed over to Taiwan with her guitar in tow to serenade distant audiences as the lead of Faye and the Slacks. She then moved down under to finish recording her second album “Two Pieces” with pianist/producer Brad Viterale. This multifaceted and heartfelt new collection of songs released in 2008 brought this wayfarer far and wide with recent tours in Australia, New Zealand, back to Taiwan, the US and all across Canada. Detailed as “continuing the thread started by Joni, picked up by Ani and fashioned by Feist” (FasterLouder, Australia), Faye Blais will quickly become a name you’ll never forget.

Faye has been nominated for four upcoming NOMFA Awards, including “Best Album”. Her track “Something’s Changed” was also chosen as CBC Radio 3’s New Music Canada - Track of the Day in January, 2010. Faye is releasing a new album/DVD, “Here in the Shade - A Night at Sing Sing”, filmed and recorded in Australia, this May. She is currently based in Toronto.

- Sarah Frampton

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