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foolme1ns's Profile

Diaries published: 56 (831 days since last diary on Thu Apr 13, 2017 at 06:13 AM PDT)

Comments posted: 1995 (762 days since last comment on Wed Jun 21, 2017 at 02:56 AM PDT)

Diary frequency: often

Comment frequency: frequent

Total Recommends: 1960

Total Comment Ratings: 737

Most Recommended Diary: SUPER PREDATORS, 134 comments, 286 recommends

People Following foolme1ns: 9

foolme1ns's Most Recent Diaries:… THIS IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH ESTABLISHMENT DEMS!!!!  In what other contest would ignoring the competition be considered a strategy???  This is what comes from corporate think tanks!!!  This is why the DCCC and the DNC didn’t...
by foolme1ns
Comment Count 8 comments on Thu Apr 13, 2017 at 06:13 AM PDT with 2 Recommends
Bad taste, bad judgement, tone deaf after Bill tells BLM Hillary cares more about black lives than they do.  This wasn’t off the cuff either.  It was rehearsed.  Did she not get any advice from anyone in her campaign that this might not be such a good...
by foolme1ns
Comment Count 40 comments on Mon Apr 11, 2016 at 05:03 PM PDT with 13 Recommends…  This story is from December 9, 2015.  Companies in the US that help billionaires, corporations, drug lords, and organized crime hide money from the US government.…  It turns out that Panama is the 13th largest...
by foolme1ns
Comment Count 1 comments on Thu Apr 07, 2016 at 02:57 AM PDT with 3 Recommends
Donald Trump now leads Ted Cruz by 226 delegates, and this is the headline on the Huffington Post. Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders 229 delegates, and she is inevitable.   Just 3 little points between a real race and a coronation.  
by foolme1ns
Comment Count 18 comments on Wed Apr 06, 2016 at 04:26 AM PDT with 10 Recommends
Experience does matter.  Whether in your experience you got things right or you got them wrong, and how you made your decisions.   Bernie was right about the Iraq war.  He looked at the evidence presented to him, he also looked at who was urging...
by foolme1ns
Comment Count 21 comments on Tue Apr 05, 2016 at 07:31 AM PDT with 46 Recommends
Jill Abramson wrote that Hillary is “funamentally” honest.  Putting the qualifier “fundamentally” on honest, means that Hillary is not completely honest, but only “fundamentally” so.  If you dig down deep enough, you will see she’s a kind of honest.  
by foolme1ns
Comment Count 15 comments on Tue Mar 29, 2016 at 05:29 AM PDT with 3 Recommends

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