Friday, September 24, 2010



Speaking of anarchist bookfairs don't forget to join Molly tomorrow at Winnipeg's own Winnipeg Radical Bookfair. The book fair itself will be at the Broadway Neighbourhood Centre, 185 Young St. from 11 am to 6 pm on Saturday September 25 and from 12 noon to 4 pm on Sunday 26. Various other events are also scheduled during the fair. Come out early enough and you just might get one of Molly's ultra chic A-balloons. See you there.

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It's another first. Anarchist bookfairs are popping up all over the place, and the latest domino to fall is London Ontario. Here's the announcement of the first anarchist bookfair in that town from Linchpin, the website of the Ontario platformist group Common Cause.

London, Ontario Anarchist Bookfair

The London, Ontario Anarchist Bookfair and Gathering is scheduled to take place on Saturday October 23rd. This is our first of what we hope will be many annual bookfairs and your participation would be much appreciated. With the attention focused on anarchists recently it is important to offer folks outside of our communities a chance to see what it really is all about and dispel media myths. It is equally important that we gather to further strengthen and build our movements to carry forward with our agendas of radical transformations.

Calling all anarchist distros and publishers! We are not charging anything for tables, but we ask that a small percentage of profits, after expenses, be donated to the bookfair to allow it to sustain itself and grow.

Present a workshop! We are running workshops throughout the day and are excited to hear from you if you have a workshop you’d like to present. We will do our best to accommodate all workshop requests.

Everybody! We have an interest in helping meet your housing, childcare and transportation needs and the venue is accessible. Food Not Bombs will be providing food and we plan on having a social event in the evening including performances by talented anarchists…

Get in touch if you’d like to table, present a workshop, or simply attend so that we can help meet your needs and answer any questions.

-London (A) Bookfair Collective

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Monday, September 20, 2010



It's coming up this weekend, the Winnipeg Radical Bookfair, and the opening item will be a book launch for the graphic novel 'Five Hundred Years of Resistance'. Here's the promo.>>>

Gord Hill launches the 500 Years of Resistance comic book
Time Friday, September 24 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Location Mondragon Bookstore & Coffee House
91 Albert St.
Winnipeg, MB


More Info
Join us for the kick-off event to the Winnipeg Radical Bookfair:

Gord Hill is a member of the Kwakwaka'wakw nation on the Northwest Coast. Writer, artist, and militant, he has been involved in Indigenous resistance, anti-colonial, and anti-capitalist movements for many years.

He will be launching his recent comic book 500 Years of Resistance.

The book is a powerful and historically accurate graphic portrayal of Indigenous resistance to the European colonization of the Americas, beginning with the Spanish invasion under Christopher Columbus and ending with the Six Nations land reclamation in Ontario in 2006.

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Friday, September 03, 2010



Ah Fall. The changing colours of the leaves. The call of the migrant birds....and the Victoria Anarchist Bookfair. Here's the announcement of that upcoming wonder.
September 11th and 12th, 2010
Victoria Anarchist Bookfair dates: September 11th and 12th, 2010

NEW LOCATION! 680 Courtney Street, Songhees & Esquimalt Territories

Festival of Anarchy dates: September 3rd to 12th, 2010

We are happy to announce the fifth year of the Victoria Anarchist Bookfair, located on unceded Songhees Territory in Victoria, British Columbia. The Bookfair is for anarchists and non-anarchists, with participants from all over North America and beyond. We seek to introduce anarchism to the public, to further elaborate upon current and historical anarchist ideals and to foster dialogue between various anarchist tendencies. Participants from different anarchist traditions, visions, and practices are welcome. Events include book and information tables, workshops, readings, films, presentations, and much more. A Festival of Anarchy will take place during the week before the Bookfair, beginning on September 3rd, 2010.

We are proud to have received Monday Magazine's 'M Award' for Victoria's best literary event in 2009.

It's our 5th Birthday and we're going to have a blast!


We need your help! Please consider reading through our Volunteer section to help out behind-the scenes this year.

Activities for Kids

Bring your kids to the bookfair! Of course kids are welcome in all areas of the bookfair, but the kids room is a place where there are toys, games, story time and more! Open all day, for both days of the Bookfair.

Please Note: The Anarchist Kids Activity Room is NOT a child minding space.

We will try to have adults in the kids room at all times, and will definitely have adults present the majority of the time. Parents are welcome to stay with their children and informal child-watching is encouraged (you watch my kids, I'll watch yours kinda thing). Parents must stay at the bookfair.

Anarchist Kids Activities - please consider helping us organize:
* Face-painting
* Kids arts & crafts
* Storytelling & reading
* Games & toys
* Appropriately themed movies
* A resting space for tired tots
The Victoria Anarchist Bookfair, like the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, is actually part of a more extended 'Festival of Anarchy' that starts tonight, September 3. Here's more on these events.
Festival of Anarchy Schedule
The Festival of Anarchy starts on September 3rd and builds up the momentum for opening day of the Anarchist Bookfair. This year we are proud to host a wide variety of events featuring many talented artists, musicians, film-makers and activists. Check out the line up!

Friday, September 3rd

Camas Books, 2590 Quadra Street

Sound art, experimental music and performance, plus DIY art gallery
arrive at 5 pm to hang your art
7 pm for PANIC! Freedom in Sound

Saturday, September 4th

WE HAVE NO LEADERS! Benefit show for Kelly Pflug-Back
Mike XVX, Jeff Andrew, Star, Comrade Black, Chase, Sasha n Nedjo & more friends
$5-$15 sliding scale, no one turned away! All money raised goes to Kelly's legal defence
7:30 pm, BCGEU, 2994 Douglas St (PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS)

Kelly Pflug-Back is a long time community organizer, whom has been targeted by the police and scape-goated as "the leader of the black bloc" from the G20. She is facing 13 charges including conspiracy, and mischief. The courts are viewing her charges as "hate crimes" against the police, meaning if she is convicted she will be given a stiffer sentence than normal.

This is a blatant misuse of hate crime legislation originally intended to protect identifiable minorities from racist, homophobic or sexist violence. We believe Kelly is being targeted for her roll as a community organizer doing anti-racist and anti-poverty work in her community.

Sunday, September 5th

8:00 pm in Bastion Square

Capture the Flag is a team-based game popularized by the Boy Scouts of America as a way to prepare boys for conscription during the World Wars. Urban Capture the Flag (UCTF) is a 21st Century detournement of this practice, primarily organized by anarchists in North America as a way to build community, reclaim the streets and public space, develop insurrectionary and protest tactics for affinity groups, produce a counter-spectacle for passers-by and build group morale through risk-taking together.

Monday, September 6th

Anarchist ‘day of rest’

Tuesday, September 7th

A Victoria Anarchist Reading Circle event with Juliet Belmas
7:30 pm Camas Books, 2590 Quadra Street

After a lengthy prison term for smashing the state, Juliet Belmas has gone on to produce several award-winning short films about women in prison. Her painterly cinematic style and experimental production values have been characterized ‘subtle, yet harrowing.’ This evening she will discuss the politics of incarceration, including recent round-ups at the G-20 summit in Toronto, and why prisons are a “front-line” in the anarchist struggle. ( Sad as it is we have to interrupt this recorded announcement here and now. Julie "fucking" Belmas !!! Now I can die happy because I have indeed seen everything. It's things like this that make me doubt the sanity of some of my presumed "comrades". I have learned over the years that the way they see "reality" is quite different from the way I see it or, more importantly the way that over 99% of the population views it. And I think that a "health warning" should be put on much of their pronouncements insofar as the stated content is quite remote from their actual motivations. If I didn't claim the "anarchist" label I'd perhaps feel pity rather than annoyance. On the other hand I see what I have been doing for almost 40 years as 'politics', and they see it as ???? )
Wednesday, September 8th

7:30 pm Camas Books, 2590 Quadra Street

An introduction to kink and sex toys with Michelle Powell.

Thursday, September 9th

Franklin López--Director/Producer, subMedia
7:30 pm, Camas Books, 2590 Quadra Street

END:CIV examines our culture’s addiction to systematic violence and environmental exploitation, and probes the resulting epidemic of poisoned landscapes and shell-shocked nations. Based in part on Endgame, the best-selling book by Derrick Jensen, END:CIV asks: "If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air, and contaminated the food supply, would you resist?"

Taking the long view: endless economic growth has turned into a global economic crash. What will the next hundred years bring? Students of history know that all civilizations eventually come to an end. The ancient Mayans, the dynasties of China, and the mighty Roman Empire, as long-lived and powerful as they were, could not escape this inevitability. The same goes for the culture we call Western Civilization. The causes underlying the collapse of civilizations are usually traced to overuse of resources. As we write this, the world is reeling from economic chaos, peak oil, climate change, environmental degradation, and political turmoil. Every day the headlines re-hash stories of scandal and betrayal of the public trust. We don't have to make outraged demands for the end of the current global system -- it seems to be coming apart already.

But acts of courage, compassion and altruism abound, even in the most damaged places. By documenting the resilience of the people hit hardest by war and repression, and the heroism of those coming forward to confront the crisis head-on, END:CIV illuminates a way out of this all-consuming madness and into a saner future.

Friday, September 10th

Open Space Artist Run Centre: 510 Fort Street, 2nd Floor
You won't wanna miss this show and you have no excuse to miss it cause it's by donation!! (suggested, $5-$15)
7:00 pm sharp

This year's "Night of Dissent" will be the most engaging of the past 4 years! With a new, larger venue (Open Space) and a visual arts show we plan on hitting you hard with positive political message. World War 3 Illustrated artists Seth Tobocman, Rebecca Migdal and Kevin Pyle present visual and spoken word stories of protest and resistance. TESTAMENT, Blank Space & mONKEYwRENCH bring the heat with their Revolutionary Lyricism and Battle Style Beatboxing. While the Revolutionary Cyborg Wedding Band gets you up off your seat for a little electro hip hop, Chase & Zaccheaus Jackson ground you with their stories and slam poetry.

Saturday, September 11th

7:30 pm: Legacy Gallery, 630 Yates Street

Graphic Radicals is a “themed” presentation of the work of World War 3 Illustrated, a New York-based artists’ collective, from the 1980s to the present day. The art confronts issues such as anti-war protests, squatting in New York, the tragedies of 9-11, racism, prisons and anarchism. Graphic Radicals includes dozens of works in the form of posters, graphic illustrations, paintings, banners and other media.

Join the artists of World War 3 Illustrated as they celebrate 30 years of activism.

Sunday, September 12th

Camas Books and Infoshop. 2590 Quadra
This event is all ages. No one is turned away at the door, but we suggest a donation of $5-$15 (Pay What You Can)

Camas' 3rd Folkin' Anniversary will be a night to remember!! With local acts like "Ursula" & "Gumshoe & the Banshee" you’re sure not to forget the haunting circus-esque energy of the evening. Without-A-Net will join us with some klezmer, Starla with her folk punk and Buffalo Buffalo (inc Cap'n'Kops from The Rough Sea) is coming from the East (on tour) to start the night off with some ol'timey folk songs (so come early!!)

Being a fundraiser for both Camas Books and the Victoria Anarchist Bookfair, we hope that you come out in droves to celebrate and help the cause.
Here's more about tonight's event in Victoria, a benefit for those arrested during the G20 demonstrations in Toronto.
Kicking off the 2010 Festival of Anarchy!

All donation money raised goes toward G20 legal defence
5:00 – Panarchy! @ The People's Gallery 2 - Guerrilla Art Hanging

DiY, open source, guerrilla bring yr own art show! All are welcome to
participate! Bring yr paintings, drawings, photos, sculptures,
installations, found art, interactive art + homegrown fashions.

8:00 – Freedom In Sound 2

Experimental music, sound art, noise and performance art featuring

Ha Ha Terror
Brian Stubbs
Lotusland Warrior
+ more!

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Wednesday, September 01, 2010



They're popping up here, there and everywhere; far too many to keep track of. Anarchist Bookfairs have become a favoured method of gathering and exchange between the ever expanding anarchist communities. Here's a new one ( at least I think it's their first ), the 'Twin Cities Anarchist Bookfair' being held on September 11 and 12 in Minneapolis, MN.

Minneapolis is not that far from Winnipeg, 621 km to be exact. The internet says that is 7 hours, 4 minutes driving time. Leadfoot Molly would bet she could make it in 6 easy. The twin cities are actually the closest real city to the dreaded 'Peg'. The even more dreaded Regina is 572 km away, but it takes a certain masochistic impulse to go to Regina for any reason. So, if you're interested Peg People this might actually be a somewhat legitimate excuse to visit Minneapolis and St. Paul. Here's the schedule for the event. Check the website for other details.
The bookfair will take place at the Powderhorn Park building located at 34th st and 15th ave s., Minneapolis.

Saturday 9/11: Noon-6pm
First Workshop Block: 1-2pm

-EXCO and Anarchist Education

Featured Speaker: 2-4pm- Diana Block

Diana Block has been a social justice/feminist activist for forty years. She was a founder of San Francisco Women Against Rape and of the anti-imperialist group Prairie Fire Organizing Committee in the seventies. She spent thirteen years underground in connection with her solidarity activities with the Puerto Rican independence and Black liberation movements, including two years living in Minneapolis. After returning to public life in 1995, she was a founding member of the California Coalition for Women Prisoners, the Jericho Movement and the San Francisco 8 Defense Committee and continues to be active in prison abolitionist work focused on women and transgender prisoners. In 2009 she published her memoir, *Arm the Spirit – A Woman’s Journey Underground and Back.* She lives in San Francisco with her partner, Claude Marks, and has two children.

She will read excerpts from her book and reflect on her experiences.

Featured Speaker: 4-6pm- Cindy Milstein

Cindy Milstein is a board member of the Institute for Anarchist Studies, and a former teacher at the Institute for Social Ecology. She does grassroots political work at home and public speaking anywhere else, and has long been involved in anarchist projects and social movements. She recently released a book on AK Press, “Anarchism and its Aspirations.”

Other Events:
1pm- Anti-War Committee “End the War on Terror” Protest (Hennepin Ave and Lagoon Ave)

7pm- Diana Block at the Friends Meeting House in St. Paul

Sunday 9/12: 2:30- 8pm
First Workshop Block: 3-4pm

-Anarchism and Fiction

-Money: Where do we go from here? Presented by Tony Hunnicut

A full schedule of workshops and speakers will be posted soon.

Other Events:
2pm- Really Really Free Market- Powderhorn Park (by stage)

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Saturday, August 28, 2010



Coming up into its fourth turn around, it's the annual Winnipeg DIY Fest and Radical Bookfair. This September 25 and 26 at the Broadway Neighbourhood Centre. Come out and enjoy the Fair along with Mollymew in her 'Mollymew Productions' outfit. Sure to be fun. More on this blog as the details become clearer.

Winnipeg Radical Bookfair and Do-It-Yourself Fest
In it's 4rd year, DIY fest will still feature fun Do-It-Yourself workshops, and again joins forces with the Winnipeg Radical Bookfair. So you can expect a bookfair with vendors of radical, anarchist and alternative publications, some workshop discussions on activism in Winnipeg, and fun evening events.

Events Saturday and Sunday will occur at the Broadway Neighbourhood Center, located at 185 Young St., just south of Broadway. Thursday and Friday events will be at The Autonomous Zone, 91 Albert St.

This year's speakers: Friday September 24th Gord Hill, author of 500 Years of Resistance. Saturday September 25th David Hugill Elizabeth Comack and Nahanni Fontaine Sunday September 26th.
If you would like to host a workshop or help out in any other way, it would be much appreciated. Call the Junto library at 942-6994 or email .

Sept 25&26 2010
Check the Workshops and Events pages for scheduling details, which will be posted as they are finalized.

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Monday, May 24, 2010




Here's the final update for the Montréal Anarchist Bookfair, the largest event of its kind on the continent. Coming next weekend.
[français:; ]
[fully updated information below and on the website:; ]
[please post and forward widely; curious about anarchism? check us out!]

MAY 29-30, 10am-5pm
at the CEDA, 2515 rue Delisle
(a short walk from Lionel-Groulx metro)
FREE. Welcome to all!

For anarchists and people curious about anarchism.



The Bookfair features over 100 booksellers, distributors, independent presses, zines and political groups from all over Montreal, Quebec and North America, and abroad. This year’s out-of-town vendors come from France, England, Switzerland, Belgium & Sweden; Oakland, Baltimore, Washington, Cincinnati, New York City, Indiana, Virginia, New Jersey, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut & Vermont; Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Fredericton, Halifax, Guelph, London Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston & Ottawa; Trois-Rivières, Drummondville, Saguenay-Lac St-Jean & Quebec City; and more! For a full list of vendors, visit:;


Fun activities, snacks, outdoor games, craft room, quiet space and more for all interested kids (and their parents):;


Art & Anarchy brings together the creations of dozens of anarchist-inspired artists and organizers. This year’s exhibition will include sculptures, paintings, posters, banners, drawings, and other multi-media forms. info:;

- On Saturday, May 29 at 1pm:
* Anarchism and Its Aspirations (Cindy Milstein)
* The ABSs of Anarchism (Anna Kruzynski & Marco Silvestro)
- On Sunday, May 30 at 1pm:
* Anarchism without Anarchists / Anarchism with Anarchists: The Practice and Relevance of Anarchism (Jaggi Singh)
* The History of Anarchism in Quebec (Mathieu Houle-Courcelles)


* 11am: Refusing to Be Abused: Histories and Present Realities of Copwatch as a Tool Against Police Repression (Copwatch Montreal & Winnipeg)
* 11am: Self-Management versus Capitalist Management (Nicolas van Caloen)
* 1pm: Building land defence and anti-colonial resistance movements: Becoming a force to be reckoned with (Shabina Lafleur-Gangji & Matt Soltys)
* 3pm: Solidarity City: Migrant justice and the everyday practice of mutual aid and direct action
* 3pm: One Big Union and revolutionary syndicalist movements in Quebec and in Canada (Mathieu Houle-Courcelles)
* 3pm : Practical strategies for anarchist writing (Alexis Shotwell)

* 11am: Anarchism and Riots (Marc-André Cyr)
* 11am: Panel: Taking Ourselves Seriously: Developing Strategy for Social – Transformation (Chris Dixon, Cindy Milstein and Maia Ramnath)
* 12pm: Anarchist Writers of Fiction Meeting (facilitated by Norman Nawrocki)
* 1pm: Basic Computer Security (the Koumbit Network)
* 3pm: Eugenics in Anarchism and Feminism (AJ Withers & Griffin Epstein)
* 3pm: Capitalist Authority versus Anti-Colonial Breakout: The example of the militant direct-action Civil Rights movement in one Northern u.s. city, 1960-1965 (J. Sakai)
* 3pm: Sea Piracy and Anarchism: Beyond the myths (Marco Silvestro)

FILM ROOM (Saturday, May 29):
* Deux roues sur terre (Guillaume Girard, 2009, 66 min., FR, Uruguay / Canada)
* Slug love (J. Mary Burnet, 2009, 3min.30, EN, Canada)
* Contre-culture à vendre (Pierre-Luc Junet, 2009, 7 min., FR, Québec)
* Tortilleria (Chloé Germain-Thérrien, 2010, 3min.30, no dialogue, Québec)
* Motions for web (Anita Schoepp, 2010, 4 min., no dialogue, Québec)
* I didn’t know what to say to him (Jessica McCormack and Stephen Brown, 2008 7 min., EN, Québec)
* Psychic Capital (Jessica McCormack and Rae Spoon, 2009, 16 min., EN, Québec)
* If CSIS comes knocking (People's Commission Network, 6 min., EN, 2010, Québec)
* Interviews from Defenders of the Land 2008 (45 min. excerpt, 2008, Winnipeg)
* Regards de société : Afrique, Palestine, Montréal (Santiago Bertolino and Steve Patry, 2009-2010, 65 minutes, FR, Québec)
* Les Anarchistes (2009, 25 min., FR, France)
* Whatever happened to Who’s Emma (Lyndall Musselman, 2009, 27 min., EN, Canada)

* 11am: 500 Years of Indigenous Resistance (with Gord Hill, Kwakwaka’wakw)
* 1pm: Justice for Missing, Murdered and Disappeared Indigenous Women (with Bridget Tolley, Algonquin from Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg)
* 3pm: 20 Years Since Oka: Kanienkehaka Communities in Resistance (with Clifton Arihwakehte a member of the Kanehsatake Mohawk Community)

* 11am: Alternative Birthing (presenters include Martine Quimper, Melissa Bellemare, Francine Rhéault and others)
* 12pm: Radical Learning and Education (with the Rad School, Cap Libre, Jerry Mintz from the Alternative Education Resource Organization in New York, Kamala Bhusal of Sri Aurobindo Ashram/Orphanage in Nepal and others)
* 3pm: Supporting parents dealing with state authorities

* Toronto Community Mobilization Network (TCMN)/Southern Ontario Anarchist Resistance (SOAR)
* G20, Power and the Economic Crisis (Coalition féministe radicale contre le G20)
* Student Resistance to the G20 (le Regroupememt Anti-G20 Étudiant (RAGE))
* The Economic and Ecological Crisis of Capitalism (presented by the popular education of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence (CLAC2010))


(Friday, May 28, at Il Motore, 179 Jean-Talon Ouest): A kick-off and benefit for the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair. A night of music, hip hop and dancing: Micros Armés, Dramatik, Chaotic Insurrection Ensemble, Emrical and Don’t Put Charles on the Money. info:;


The entire month of May in Montreal is part of the Festival of Anarchy, with diverse anarchist-themed events occurring at different venues all over the island of Montreal. info:;


The proceeds from this year’s Montreal Anarchist Bookfair will support the DIRA Anarchist Library (Montreal) and the new Anarchist Bookfair Accessibility Fund. info:;

Curious about anarchism? Check us out!

Mise à jour!
[English: ]

[des mises-à-jour importants ci-dessous ou ici: ]
[svp diffusez EN MASSE : pour les anarchistes et ceux qui s'intéressent à l'anarchisme]

Les 29 et 30 MAI, 10h-17h
Au CEDA, 2515 Delisle
(tout près du métro Lionel-Groulx)
GRATUIT. Bienvenue à toutes et tous!
Amenez vos enfants!

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur l’anarchisme? Venez nous voir!

-> Veuillez consultez les POINTS SAILLANTS ci-dessous: Salle Principale, Zone d’Enfants, Art & Anarchie, Ateliers d’introduction à l’anarchisme; Ateliers & Présentations, Salle des Films, Salle de solidarité autochtone, Salle de discussion pour parents anarchistes, Salle de la résistance anticapitaliste, Cabaret Anarchiste, Festival de l’Anarchie, et plus.
-> Avec des distributeurs de partout au Québec et en Amérique du Nord, des ateliers, des films, des discussions, des expositions, des activités pour les enfants et bien plus !
-> NOTE: Pour le Salon du livre de cette année, il y aura des tables d’exposition pendant DEUX JOURS : les 29 (samedi) et 30 (dimanche) mai, entre 10h et 17h.

Le Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal (ainsi que le Festival de l'Anarchie) rassemble les idées et pratiques anarchistes, par les mots, les images, la musique, le théâtre et les luttes quotidiennes pour la justice, la dignité et la libération collective.

Le Salon du livre anarchiste s'adresse aux anarchistes, mais également à celles et ceux qui ne se considèrent pas nécessairement comme anarchistes mais qui ont développé une certaine curiosité vis-à-vis de l'anarchisme. Le Salon est un espace où les anarchistes peuvent se rencontrer et échanger dans un esprit de respect mutuel et de solidarité. Tous et toutes y sont bienvenu-e-s.

Le Salon du livre anarchiste est organisé dans un esprit d'ouverture vis-à-vis des différentes traditions, visions et pratiques de l'anarchisme. Nous cherchons à promouvoir l'anarchisme en mettant en pratique des valeurs comme l'entraide, la démocratie par la base, l'action directe, l'autonomie et la solidarité, et en nous opposant à toutes les formes d'oppression.

Le Salon du livre et le Festival de l’anarchie sont une occasion importante de rassemblement et un point de référence pour les idées et les pratiques anti-autoritaires en Amérique du Nord.

-> Pour savoir « Qu'est-ce qui se passe au Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal? », suivez ce lien:
-> Énoncé d'accessibilité:


Plus de 100 kiosques de libraires, distributeurs, presses indépendantes, maisons d'éditions et groupes anarchistes en provenance de partout à travers le Québec, l'Amérique du Nord et l'étranger. Cette année, des participants de: France, Angleterre, Suisse, Belgique, Suéde; Oakland, Baltimore, Washington, Cincinnati, New York City, Indiana, Virginia, New Jersey, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut & Vermont; Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Fredericton, Halifax, Guelph, London Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston & Ottawa; Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Fredericton, Halifax, Guelph, London Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston & Ottawa; Trois-Rivières, Drummondville, Saguenay-Lac St-Jean & Quebec City; et plus! Pour les participants :

Des activités amusants, des jeux, des collations, des activités de plein air, des sports, une salle de repos et d’artisanat:

Art & Anarchie rassemble les créations de quelques douzaines d’artistes et de militants dont la pratique s’inspire de l’anarchie. Cette année, l’exposition comprend des sculptures, peintures, affiches, bannières, dessins, installations, ainsi que d’autres médias. info:

- Samedi le 29 mai à 13h:
* Un ABC de l’anarchisme (Anna Kruzynski & Marco Silvestro)
* Anarchism and Its Aspirations (Cindy Milstein).
- Dimanche le 30 mai à 13h:
* Sur les traces de l’anarchisme au Québec (Mathieu Houle-Courcelles)
* Anarchism without Anarchists / Anarchism with Anarchists: The Practice and Relevance of Anarchism (Jaggi Singh).

* 11am: Refusing to Be Abused: Histories and Present Realities of Copwatch as a Tool Against Police Repression (Copwatch Montreal & Winnipeg)
* 11h : Autogestion versus gestion capitaliste (Nicolas van Caloen)
* 1pm: Building land defence and anti-colonial resistance movements: Becoming a force to be reckoned with (Shabina Lafleur-Gangji & Matt Soltys)
* 15h : Cité sans frontières : La justice en matière de migration et la pratique quotidienne d’entraide et d’action directe (Solidarité sans frontières)
* 15h : La One Big Union et le syndicalisme révolutionnaire au Québec et au Canada (Mathieu Houle-Courcelles)
* 3pm : Practical strategies for anarchist writing (Alexis Shotwell)

* 11h: Les émeutes et l'anarchie (fr.) (Marc-André Cyr)
* 11am: Panel: Taking Ourselves Seriously: Developing Strategy for Social - Transformation (Chris Dixon, Cindy Milstein and Maia Ramnath)
* 12pm: Anarchist Writers of Fiction Meeting (bil.) (facilitated by Norman Nawrocki)
* 13h: Connaissances de bases en informatiques (fr.) (le réseau Koumbit)
* 3pm: Eugenics in Anarchism and Feminism (AJ Withers & Griffin Epstein)
* 3pm: Capitalist Authority versus Anti-Colonial Breakout: The example of the militant direct-action Civil Rights movement in one Northern u.s. city, 1960-1965 (J. Sakai)
* 15h: Piraterie maritime et Anarchisme, au-delà des idées reçues (fr.) (Marco Silvestro)

* Deux roues sur terre (Guillaume Girard, 2009, 66 min., FR, Uruguay / Canada)
* Slug love (J. Mary Burnet, 2009, 3min.30, ANG, Canada)
* Contre-culture à vendre (Pierre-Luc Junet, 2009, 7 min., FR, Québec)
* Tortilleria (Chloé Germain-Thérrien, 2010, 3min.30, sans dialogue, Québec)
* Motions for web (Anita Schoepp, 2010, 4 min., sans dialogue, Québec)
* I didn’t know what to say to him (Jessica McCormack et Stephen Brown, 2008 7 min., ANG, Québec)
* Psychic Capital (Jessica McCormack et Rae Spoon, 2009, 16 min., ANG, Québec)
* Si le SCRS venait cogner à la porte'' (Réseau de la commission populaire, 6 min., ANG, 2010, Québec)
* Interviews from Defenders of the Land 2008 (2008, extrait de 45 min., ANG, Winnipeg)
* Regards de société : Afrique, Palestine, Montréal (Santiago Bertolino et Steve Patry, 2009-2010, 65 minutes, FR, Québec)
* Les Anarchistes (2009, 25 min., FR, France)
* Whatever happened to Who's Emma (Lyndall Musselman, 2009, 27 min., ANG, Canada)

* 500 ans de Résistance autochtone (avec Gord Hill, Kwakwaka’wakw)
* Justice en Attente: Justice pour les femmes autochtones disparues et assassinées (avec Bridget Tolley, Algonquine de Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg)
* 20 ans après Oka: les communautés Kanienkehaka en résistance
(avec Clifton Arihwakehte, membre de la communauté Mohawk de Kanehsatake)

* Accouchement alternatif (avec Martine Quimper, Melissa Bellemare, Francine Rhéault, et d’autres)
* Éducation et apprentissage dans une perspective radicale (avec L’École libre de Montréal, Cap libre, Jerry Mintz d’Alternative Education Resource Organization à New York, Kamala Bhusal de Sri Aurobindo Ashram/Orphanage au Népal, et d’autres)
* Supporter les parents aux prises avec les autorités étatiques

* Réseau de mobilisation communautaire de Toronto/Résistance anarchiste du sud de l’Ontario (SOAR)
* G20, pouvoir et crise économique (présenté par les membres de la Coalition féministe radicale contre le G20)
* Résistance étudiante au G20 (avec le Regroupememt Anti-G20 Étudiant (RAGE))
* La crise économique et écologique du capitalisme (présenté par le comité d’éducation populaire de la Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes (CLAC2010))

CABARET ANARCHISTE (Vendredi le 28 mai à Il Motore, 179 Jean-Talon Ouest):
Une soirée de musique, hip hop et danse. Avec Micros Armés, Dramatik, Chaotic Insurrection Ensemble, Emrical and Don’t Put Charles on the Money. info:

Le Festival de l'Anarchie prendra place au mois de mai, avec des événements reliés à l'anarchisme, dans plusieurs lieux publics de Montréal. info:

Les dons recueillis lors du Salon du livre anarchiste édition 2010 seront versés à la bibliothèque anarchiste DIRA (Montréal) et le nouveau Fonds d’accessibilité au Salon du livre anarchiste. info:

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur l’anarchisme? Venez nous voir!

-> courriel:
-> web:
-> tél: 514-679-5800
-> liste d’annonces :
-> facebook:
-> twitter:

- VENDREDI le 28 mai, après 20h: Nous serons à Il Motore (179 Jean-Talon Ouest) pour le Cabaret Anarchiste.

- SAMEDI le 29 mai et DIMANCHE le 30 mai, 10h-17h: Cette année, le Salon du livre anarchiste se tiendra à deux endroits situés l’un en face de l’autre. Notre lieu principal sera le CEDA (2515 rue Delisle, métro Lionel-Groulx), un centre communautaire pour l’éducation aux adultes dans le sud-ouest de Montréal, site du Salon du livre depuis 8 ans. Nous nous servirons aussi du Centre culturel Georges-Vanier, en face du CEDA.

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Sunday, May 09, 2010


Coming up for its third kick at the (black) cat...the Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair will be happening this June 5 at the Westdale Highschool, 700 Main St. West, Hamilton Ontario. Here's the promo. For more information on what will be happening see the "Events" section of the Linchpin website.
Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair
June 5, 2010

Westdale Highschool
700 Main Street West,
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 1A5

It is time again to join us for our third edition of the Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair. Please come in big numbers. Vendors from across Ontario and beyond will be present again providing a variety of literature. We will hold several workshops this year with the main theme being the G8/G20 summit and links to local struggles.

Again this year free childcare and free food will be provided. The space is ramp accessible with all events on the main floor and a bigger bathroom is available. A gender neutral bathroom will be available. The event will be advertised as a scent-free space. We do try to make this event as accessible as possible for everybody so if you have any specific needs, please contact us at hamiltonanarchistbookfair(at)

Come learn about anarchist ideas for the first time or deepen your knowledge. Meet local organizers and connect with local struggles. Stick around for the after party!

Organized by Common Cause

This event is not endorsed by the HWDSB. The space is only rented to the organizers.

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Monday, April 05, 2010



De Le Salon du livre Anarchiste de Montréal /From the Montréal Anarchist Bookfair.

OUTREACH for the Anarchist Bookfair: Need your help (please read and reply)‏
Dear friends, supporters and participants in the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair –

Our publicity materials – flyers and posters, as well as online callouts – are ready! But we need your help and support in distributing these materials widely! Please read below about some simple steps you can take to help promote the Bookfair.

The Bookfair emphasizes outreach not just to anarchists, but also to people who might be interested or curious about anarchist ideas and practice. For that reason, we seek to poster, flyer and otherwise spread the word widely throughout Montreal (not just to other anarchists who all know about the Bookfair anyways). This year’s Bookfair will take place over two days (ie. there will be tabling, as well as workshops and other presentations throughout the weekend of May 29-30) and we look forward to welcoming many more newcomers who attend the Bookfair for the first time.

We would like to have posters on display, and flyers available, at community centers, schools, colleges and universities, laundromats, cafés, bars, dépanneurs and anywhere and everywhere else people might see them. We would also like to make announcements about the Bookfair and Festival of Anarchy at diverse events and gatherings throughout April and May. We would like to have posters up at key outdoor locations in the City as well as in all the main neighbourhoods in Montreal and surrounding areas. Online, we want to promote the Bookfair on websites, e-mail lists as well as social networking sites like facebook.

For all that to happen, we need your help (we especially ask for the support of people who attend the Bookfair as vendors and presenters).

Please consider the following ways you can help out with Bookfair outreach:


* Post a link to the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair website -- -- from your website. We can send you a jpg icon of this year’s main Bookfair image (just e-mail us at to get a file).

* Share the e-mail callout on announcements lists. Just get in touch to get the most recent e-mail callout ( ).

* If you’re on facebook, invite your friends to the event that has been set up for the Bookfair:

* Festival of Anarchy events will be posted on our facebook group, which is linked here:

* Our 11x17 posters are available online at the following links: (b&w) AND (colour)


We would like to coordinate a postering run on the evenings of April 8 (after 9pm) and April 15. If you can help with postering (we’ll provide you with postering materials) on these evening or any other times, please e-mail

If you can help coordinate postering in your neighbourhood (or at a university/college), please get in touch:

Please let us know about any upcoming events where we could announce the Bookfair, flyer and otherwise do promotion.

The Bookfair has taken place in the Little Burgundy/St-Henri neighbourhood for the past 7 years. We are considering doing some door-to-door outreach to encourage local residents to attend the Bookfair in greater numbers. But, we need HELP. Please get in touch if this effort interests you.

Postering and flyering are still great ways to get the word out about the Bookfair. We have street-ready black&white posters, as well as flyers, available for pickup at the following locations:

QPIRG Concordia
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204
(métro Guy-Concordia)
Mon-Thurs, 12pm-6pm
tel: 514-848-7585

L’Insoumise Anarchist Bookshop
2033 St-Laurent
(métro St-Laurent)
Tues-Wed, 12pm-6pm
Thurs-Fri, 12pm-9pm
Sat-Sun, 12pm-6pm
tel: 514-313-3489


Get in touch with us via and we can arrange to provide you with online versions of our poster and flyers to photocopy and distribute, and we can also try to mail you posters and flyers as well. Our 11x17 posters are available online here: (b&w) AND (colour)

-> e-mail:
-> web:
-> telephone: 514-679-5800
-> announcements list:
-> facebook:
-> twitter:

-> post: Montreal's Anarchist Bookfair
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Suite 204
Montréal, Québec, H3G 1N1
PROMOTION du Salon du livre Anarchiste: donnez un coup de main (veuillez lire et repliquer)‏
Chères camarades, supporters et participantes du Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal,

Les tracts, affiches et appels publics du Salon 2010 sont prêts et nous avons besoin de votre aide pour en faire la distribution ! Veuillez lire ce qui suit si vous souhaitez apporter votre contribution.

Le Salon du livre ne s'adresse pas exclusivement aux anarchistes : nous souhaitons rejoindre toutes les personnes qui s'intéressent de près ou de loin aux idées et pratiques anarchistes. C'est pour cette raison que nous désirons distribuer nos tracts et affiches le plus largement possible, en plus de faire passer le mot partout à Montréal par divers moyens (pas uniquement auprès des anarchistes qui vont au Salon de toute façon...). Cette année, le Salon aura lieu sur deux jours (c.-à-d. qu'il y aura des kiosques le 29 et le 30 mai, ainsi que des ateliers et d'autres présentations et activités. Nous espérons encore cet année accueillir plusieurs nouveaux et nouvelles venues au Salon.

Nous voulons que l'affiche du Salon soit bien visible et que nos tracts soient disponibles dans les centres communautaires, les écoles, les CEGEPS et les universités, les buanderies, les cafés, bars et bistros, les dépanneurs et partout où les gens pourraient les voir. Nous souhaitons également annoncer le Salon du livre et le Festival de l'Anarchie lors des divers événements et rassemblements qui auront lieu tout au long des mois d'avril et mai. Nous aimerions aussi que les espaces publics extérieurs particulièrement fréquentés à Montréal soient bien recouverts d'affiches, ainsi que tous les quartiers de Montréal et des environs. Sur Internet, nous voulons promouvoir le Salon sur les sites Web, les listes de courriel et les sites de réseau social comme Facebook.

Pour que tout ça se réalise, nous avons besoin de votre aide (nous demandons particulièrement leur soutien aux groupes et personnes qui participeront au Salon en tant que distributeurs/trices et présentateurs/trices).

Veuillez considérer les démarches suivantes, par lesquelles vous pouvez soutenir directement les efforts de promotion du Salon:


* Affichez un lien vers le site du Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal -- . Nous pouvons vous transférer une icône au format jpeg de l'image principale du Salon 2010 ( )

* Diffusez l'appel électronique sur vos listes d'annonces. Communiquez avec nous pour recevoir la version la plus récente de l'appel ( ).

* Si vous disposez d'un compte Facebook, invitez vos amiEs à l'événement qui a été créé pour le Salon 2010 :

* Les événements au programme du Festival de l'Anarchie seront affichés sur la page de notre groupe Facebook, ici:

* Nos tracts sont disponibles en format électronique à cette adresse : (noir & blanc) ET (couleur)


De plus, nous voulons coordonner des soirées d'affichage le 8 avril (après 21 h) et le 15 avril prochain. Si vous pouvez contribuer à l'affichage (nous fournissons le matériel) veuillez écrire à

Si vous pouvez participer à la coordination de l'affichage dans votre quartier (ou CEGEP ou université), communiquez avec nous le plus tôt possible !

Informez-nous de tout événement où il serait possible d'annoncer la tenue prochaine du Salon, de distribuer des tracts, d'afficher et/ou de promouvoir le Salon d'une manière ou d'une autre.

Pour la septième année consécutive, le Salon a lieu dans le quartier Saint-Henri/Petite Bourgogne. Nous envisageons la possibilité de faire du porte à porte pour encourager les résidents et résidentes du quartier à s'intéresser au Salon en plus grand nombre. Mais pour ça, nous avons besoin d'aide. Veuillez communiquer avec nous sans délai si cette démarche vous intéresse.

L'affichage et la distribution de tracts sont d'excellents moyens de passer le mot et de générer un buzz autour du Salon. Nous avons des milliers de tracts et d'affiches en noir et blanc pour distribution immédiate, disponibles aux endroits suivants :

QPIRG Concordia
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204
(métro Guy-Concordia)
lundi-jeudi, 12h-18h
tél: 514-848-7585

L’Insoumise Librairie Anarchiste
2033 St-Laurent (métro St-Laurent)
mardi-mercredi , 12h-18h
jeudi-vendredi, 12h-21h
samedi-dimanche, 12h-18h
tél: 514-313-3489


Communiquez avec nous à l'adresse et nous vous ferons parvenir des versions électroniques de nos tracts et affiches, que vous pourrez faire imprimer pour distribution. Nous pouvons également essayer d'envoyer des tracts et affiches par la poste si cela vous convient davantage. Les versions électroniques des tracts et affiches se trouvent ici : (noir & blanc) ET (couleur)

-> courriel:
-> web:
-> tél: 514-679-5800
-> liste d’annonces :
-> facebook:
-> twitter:
-> poste: Salon du livre Anarchiste de Montréal
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Suite 204
Montréal, Québec H3G 1N1

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Molly mentioned the upcoming Toronto Anarchist Assembly briefly before on this blog. Well, it's almost upon us...April 9 to 11. Looks like an interesting lineup. Here's the details from their website.


April 9, 10, 11

Friends – the anarchist assembly and bookfair is almost here!

It’s time for us to gather. To assemble and talk to each other. To bring together folks who secretly or not so secretly identify with anarchism, and continue to build a larger and more vibrant community. Building on last year’s “Toronto Anarchist Gathering” this will be a bigger and better weekend of events including panel discussions, booktables, workshops, social events and more.

Come participate in a weekend of fun and anarchism at the Toronto Anarchist Assembly on April 9-11th. This will be a space for a wide variety of anarchist individuals, radical political groups, and anti-authoritarian organizations to come together, meet, greet, educate, skill-share, and hear about each other’s projects and plans.

Hopefully this will be an opportunity to educate some people about what anarchism is all about, to encourage people to get involved with some of the organizing and organizations that exist in Toronto, and to provide a space for already-established groups to learn about one another’s work.

If you’re able to help out by making a donation, putting up posters, or volunteering to do childcare, that’d be awesome. Give us a shout at Also please let us know if you have any particular accessibility requests. We’ll do our best to accommodate.

The Toronto Anarchist Assembly is open to anyone who shares our anti-oppressive perspective against classism, sexism, racism, ableism, colonialism, homophobia, and other hierarchical attitudes, practices and crap.

See you there!

FRIDAY APRIL 9 - Bike Pirates (1292 Bloor Street West)(wheelchair accessible)

Panel Discussion: “Anarchism in the 21st Century”


Cindy Milstein is a well-known anarchist and educator. She has been involved with the Institute for Social Ecology in Vermont with Murray Bookchin, as well as the Institute for Anarchist Studies in Montreal. (not confirmed)

Lesley Wood is a longtime anarchist grassroots organizer in Toronto. She is an active member of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, the Toronto Community Mobilization Network against the G8/20, and a Professor at York University.

Karen Emily is an activist and organizer with the Anarchist Black Cross Federation – Toronto, working in support of political prisoners and prisoners of war.

SATURDAY APRIL 10 – The Steelworkers’ Hall, 25 Cecil Street, (near Spadina/College) (wheelchair accessible)

10:30am – 3pm: Bookfair and Workshops

3pm – 4:30pm: Giant Go-Around

5pm – 7pm: Food, Movies, Games

7pm – 12am: Music, Bar, Party

Workshop Schedule (details below):

11:15am – 12:15pm

Room 1: Introduction to Anarchism (Joanna Adamiak and Tom Malleson)

Room 2: Linux for Anarchists (gbby and Patrick)

12:30pm – 1:30pm

Room 1: Indigenous Solidarity and Land Claims (Shiri Pasternak and Heather Dorries)

Room 2: Anarca-Islam (Mohamed Jean Veneuse)

1:45pm – 2:45pm

Room 1: The Black Bloc and Diversity of Tactics (Mandy Hiscocks and Leah Henderson)

Room 2: Gender and Sexuality (Sandra Jeppesen)

SUNDAY APRIL 11 – The Steelworkers’ Hall, 25 Cecil Street, (near Spadina/College) (wheelchair accessible)

10:30am – 5pm: Bookfair and Workshops

Workshop Schedule (details below):

11:15am – 12:15pm

Room 1: Beyond Bars (Anarchist Black Cross Federation - Toronto)

Room 2: How to Start a Radical Anarchist Co-op (Eton Harris)

12:30pm – 1:30pm

Room 1: The Sociology of Radical Community (Richard Day)

Room 2: No One Is Illegal! (S. K. Hussan, Thomas Nail)

1:45pm – 3:45pm

Room 1: The G8/20 and Community Organizing (Mac Scott, Lesley Wood, Hussan)

Room 2: Hands-On Screen Printing (The Beehive Design Collective) (will be 3 hrs)

4:00pm – 5pm

Room 1: Know Your Rights (Movement Defence Committee)

Workshop Descriptions and Bios

Introduction to Anarchism - This will be a general workshop on anarchism, offering a brief overview of its history, highlighting some of the core ideas, detailing the main divergences from the Marxist tradition, and describing some models of contemporary anarchist organizing.

Joanna Adamiak lives, organizes, and studies in Toronto.

Tom Malleson is an organizer with No One Is Illegal, and a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto

Linux for Anarchists – This workshop will introduce GNU/Linux operating systems, and elaborate on why a free and open source operating system should be the first choice for anarchists everywhere. We will look at how the two market leaders, Microsoft and Apple, stifle creativity and collaboration, and explore ways that a GNU/Linux operating system can facilitate openness and knowledge-building. We will share simple installation, setup, and customization tips. This workshop is not just for geeks, though. We encourage everyone, no matter how technically proficient they might be, to join us. Bring a laptop if you have one!

gbby is a professional troll. Patrick is an archivist at the CBC.

Indigenous Solidarity and Land Claims – This workshop will break down the current land claims process and its uses in maintaining a long history of Indigenous dispossession on these lands. We will talk about Indigenous resistance today and the role of allies in the struggle for Indigenous self-determination, emphasizing the need to understand how being an ally has real impacts (both positive and negative) on the possibilities of building a broad based anti-colonial movement.
Shiri Pasternak is an organizer with Barriere Lake Solidarity-Toronto and a member of Circle of Support, an Indigenous solidarity Toronto network. She is also a researcher and writer.

Heather Dorries is a PhD student in Planning at the University of Toronto and her research rethinks the history of planning and municipalization in Canada through the colonial land grab.

How to Start a Radical Anarchist Co-op – This is a "how-to" workshop for groups that want to get a co-op going, including dealing with the state when it comes to legal structure, general policies around non-hierarchically organizing work, conflict resolution, and much more. We’ll talk about what's worked for us over the last 14 years at the Mondragon Bookstore and what we're working on getting better at.

Eton Harris has been a collective member of Mondragon Bookstore & Coffeehouse in Winnipeg since 1998 and is also a member of the newly formed Rudolph Rocker Cultural Centre ("Newly formed" ?????-Molly ).

The Black Bloc and Diversity of Tactics – This workshop will look at where insurrection anarchy tactics intersects with mass mobilization tactics. Discussions on how they work together, how they can work against each other, and how as a movement we can plan strategically to support each other.

Mandy and Leah

Anarchist Perspectives on Gender - We generally understand that gender is socially constructed, meaning that there is nothing essential, natural or presumed that can be said to be true about being female, transgendered or male. Instead we can think about gender as a narrative that we tell ourselves and each other, through our bodies, our clothes, our stories, our embodied desires, etc. Anarchist narratives of gender challenge mainstream assumptions about gender, such as presumed gender roles, gendered divisions of labour, racialized and ableist gendered stereotypes, the presumption that gender equals sexuality, etc. We consider gender as something more dynamic, open-ended and in process. We also consider disruptions to the static gender binary to be crucial to overthrowing white supremacist heteronormative patriarchal colonial capitalism—in other words the interconnected dominant systems of oppression operative in North America today. This workshop will introduce some ideas that might help us think beyond the gender binary, and then provide some space for open-ended discussion of people’s various experiences of gender oppression and liberation, and gender projects that people are engaged in.
Sandra Jeppesen is a Montreal writer, educator and activist, who has been active in
anarchist things for over ten years.

Beyond Bars: A dialogue on prison struggle, and the importance of including prisoners in everyday organizing. Prisoners, whether they are serving time for political actions, or
became politically conscious while incarcerated, know first-hand the brutal lengths of repression in capitalist society, and often offer the most radical critiques and perspectives. Prison writers like Malcolm X and George Jackson have been key in propelling social
justice movements forward and inspiring revolutionary activities on both sides of the walls. Prisons, using physical segregation and censorship, work to silence these vital voices. As anarchists we must renew our commitment to raising prisoners' voices in our work – and not just in "prison-centric" publications and events. It is through strengthening these relationships, and building links between social justice groups, that the movement will grow.
Sara Falconer and karen emily of Toronto Anarchist Black Cross Federation have been working in solidarity with political prisoners for almost a decade, collaborating
on projects including and ,the Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar.

Anarca-Islam - As an anarchist and a Muslim, I have witnessed troubled times as a result of extreme divisions that exist between these two identities and communities. To minimize these divisions, this workshop will argue for an anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian Islam, an ‘anarca-Islam’, that disrupts two commonly held beliefs: one, that Islam is necessarily authoritarian and capitalist; two, that anarchism is necessarily anti-religious. From this position I offer ‘anarca-Islam’ which I believe can help open-minded (non-essentialist/non-dogmatic) Muslims and anarchists to better understand each other, and therefore to more effectively collaborate in the context of what Richard JF Day has called the ’newest’ social movements.

Mohamed Jean Veneuse is an academic and activist who self-identifies as a Muslim anarchist.

The Sociology of Radical Community – This workshop asks what are the things that work and don't work, when one is trying to construct an explicitly 'political' alternative of a particular sort, here and now, where we are? For example, an urban infoshop, or a social centre, or a rural ecovillage. If there are people with experience in such things around, which I'm thinking there will be, it might be enjoyable and productive for them to 'theorize' a bi about this complex, deeply important, but much under-discussed topic.

Richard J.F. Day is an autonomy-oriented theorist and practitioner, whose work focuses on creating non-statist, non-capitalist, post-colonial, sustainable alternatives to the dominant global order. He has been involved in many experiments of this sort over the years, and currently works at Queen's University.

No One Is Illegal! - What is Migrant Justice? How do anti-imperialism, feminist, anti-capitalist struggles intertwine within Migrant Justice work? Exploring the No One Is Illegal! analysis, charting community based strategies for transformative change and building to the National Day of Action for Status for All! - May 1, 2010.

Hussan is an organizer for migrant justice and in defence of Indigenous Sovereignty.

Thomas Nail is an activist and PhD candidate in philosophy at the university of Oregon. He is a member of No One Is Illegal – Toronto, and a member of the Advisory Board for Upping The Anti: A Journal of Theory and Action.

The G8/20 and Community Organizing - An introduction to what is happening during the G8/G20 summits in terms of resistance, along with a discussion of why we hate the G8 and G20 and a discussion of how community organizing and anarchism intersect.

Mac Scott is an anarchist who does legal work. Go figure. He’s also in NOII and OCAP, loves his collective house, family, bad suits and beer.

Lesley Wood is a longtime anarchist grassroots organizer in Toronto. She is an active member of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, the Toronto Community Mobilization Network against the G8/20, and a Professor at York University.

Hussan is an organizer for migrant justice and in defence of Indigenous Sovereignty.

Hands-On Screen Printing - Learn easy ways to collaborate with others to design and reproduce an image on paper or fabric. This workshop fits into 3 hours including
Beehive Design Collective is an all-volunteer, grassroots arts-activist collective making anti-copyright graphics as education and organizing tools. Our mission is to 'cross pollinate’ the grassroots.

Know Your Rights – A legal workshop in preparation for the demonstrations during the G8 and G20 summits. People willbe given legal information on what their rights are during the protests and how to preserve those rights where possible.People will also be informed of what the legal support network will look like during the summit protests.Please note that the Movement Defence Committee supports a diversity of Tactics.The Movement Defence Committee will be facilitating this workshop. ; .

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010




1er Avril est la date limite pour les propositions du Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal/April 1 is the deadline for proposals for the Montréal Anarchist Bookfair.


April 1st (deadline): CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS (tables, art exhibits, films, Festival of Anarchy)
[NOTE: The deadline for tables, art exhibit proposals, film proposals and Festival of Anarchy events is APRIL 1.]

Mark your calendars …
MAY 29-30, 10am-5pm
at the CEDA, 2515 rue Delisle
(a short walk from Lionel-Groulx metro)
FREE. Welcome to all!

No gods, no masters, no bosses, no borders.
Curious about anarchism?: check us out!

-> Participants from all over Quebec and North America, booksellers and vendors, workshops, films, discussions, kids activities, art exhibits and more!
-> Part of the month-long Festival of Anarchy held throughout the month of May at venues and locations all over the island of Montreal.
-> NOTE: During this year’s Bookfair, tabling will take place over TWO DAYS: May 29-30, between 10am-5pm.

The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair -- and month-long Festival of Anarchy -- bring together anarchist ideas and practice, through words, images, music, theatre and day-to-day struggles for justice, dignity and collective liberation.

The Bookfair is for people who don't necessarily consider themselves anarchists, but are curious about anarchism, as well as a space for anarchists to meet, network and share in a spirit of respect and solidarity. All are welcome.

The Bookfair is organized in a spirit of openness towards the different traditions, visions, and practices of anarchism. Together we share a commitment to promoting anarchism through the values of mutual aid, grassroots democracy, direct action, autonomy and solidarity, while opposing oppression in all its forms.

The Bookfair and Festival of Anarchy provide an important gathering and reference point for anti-authoritarian ideas and practice in North America.

-> What Happens at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair? Read more here:;
-> Accessibility Statement:;

Tables, Art Exhibits & Films, Festival of Anarchy Events

a) Tabling at the Bookfair

The heart of the Bookfair is the main auditorium that includes booksellers, distributors, independent presses and political groups from all over Montreal, Quebec, North America, and abroad.

This year, there will be Bookfair tabling on BOTH days – Saturday, May 29 and Sunday, May 30, from 10am to 5pm.

Contact us at to request table space.

Please provide ALL the following information clearly if you are requesting tabling space at the Bookfair:
a) the name of your group and your geographic location (exactly as you want it to appear in our publicity);
b) provide your contact information (telephone, e-mail and web address); the telephone and e-mail is for Bookfair organizers only, while the web address is to link from our website;
c) indicate whether you want to table on BOTH days, on Saturday only, or on Sunday only;
d) indicate whether have you tabled at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair before; if you haven't tabled at the Bookfair before, please include a short description of your group and the material you intend to distribute at the Bookfair as well as indicating your agreement with the Bookfair principles:;

--> The deadline to request a table is APRIL 1, 2010.

b) Art Exhibits

The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair will again be displaying artwork relating to anarchism and anti-authoritarian, autonomous or anarchist-supported struggles. Please consider proposing an exhibit of photos, posters, original art, repros - anything within the parameters of the Bookfair that can be mounted on a wall or placed in a corner!

If you are making an art proposal, please provide the following information:
a) a clear title and short description (for our publicity);
b) the format of your submission (poster, photos, sculpture, etc);
c) your contact information;
d) if possible, please also send us a jpg or pdf of the art you wish to exhibit.

--> The deadline for art exhibit proposals is APRIL 1, 2010.

c) Films

The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair will also have a film room, showing films related to anarchism or anarchist-supported struggles, that fall within the principles of the Anarchist Bookfair.

If you are making a film proposal, please provide the following information clearly:
a) film title and short description, to be use for publicity purposes;
b) duration of film;
c) language of film, as well as subtitles if applicable;
d) format of film;
e) where a copy of the film is available.

--> The deadline for film proposals is APRIL 1, 2010.

d) Festival of Anarchy Events

The entire month of May comprises the Festival of Anarchy, with diverse anarchist-themed events occurring at different venues in Montreal. The Bookfair collective compiles a Festival of Anarchy calendar, but we count on you to organize the actual Festival of Anarchy events. Get in touch to reserve a date for your event in May (calendar dates are "first come first served"). Please note that the evenings of May 18-19 are already reserved for the Montreal Anarchist Theatre Festival, and the evening of May 28 is reserved for the Anarchist Cabaret.

When submitting a Festival of Anarchy event, please provide the following information: a) a clear title, date and description; b) contact information with the organizers of the event.

--> The deadline to submit Festival of Anarchy events, to be included in our public calendar, is APRIL 1, 2010


If you can help promote the Bookfair and Festival of Anarchy in your neighborhood, school or community, please get in touch:

We will be actively promoting the Bookfair all over the Montreal-area. Let us know if you can help with postering or flyering.

If you are from outside Montreal, get in touch if you would like us to send you posters and pamphlets. We are also hoping to have these materials available for download on our website soon.

For those of you on facebook, we encourage you to join and share our facebook group:

And, you can now follow us on twitter:;


If you have other ideas for the Bookfair or Festival of Anarchy, don't hesitate to get in touch with a proposal! Contact us to receive regular updates and announcements by e-mail.

-> announcements list:;
-> e-mail:
-> web:;

-> facebook:
-> twitter:;
-> telephone: 514-679-5800
-> post: Montreal's Anarchist Bookfair

1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Suite 204
Montréal, Québec, H3G 1N1

Ni dieux, ni maîtres; ni frontières, ni patrons!
1er avril (date limite): APPEL À CONTRIBUTIONS (tables d'expositions, oeuvres d'art, films, Festival
[NOTEZ : La date limite pour la réception des propositions de tables d'expositions, d'oeuvres d'art, de films et d'événements du Festival est le 1er AVRIL.]

À notez dans vos agendas …
Les 29 et 30 MAI, 10h-17h
Au CEDA, 2515 Delisle
(tout près du métro Lionel-Groulx)
GRATUIT. Bienvenue à toutes et tous!

Ni dieux, ni maîtres; ni frontières, ni patrons!
Pour les anarchistes et ceux/celles qui s'intéressent à l'anarchisme.

-> Avec des distributeurs de partout au Québec et en Amérique du Nord, des ateliers, des films, des discussions, des expositions, des activités pour les enfants et bien plus !
-> Tout le mois de mai 2010: Le Festival de l'Anarchie avec différents évènements en divers lieux
-> NOTE: Pour le Salon du livre de cette année, il y aura des tables d’exposition pendant deux jours : les 29 (samedi) et 30 (dimanche) mai, entre 10h et 17h.

Le Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal (ainsi que le Festival de l'Anarchie) rassemble les idées et pratiques anarchistes, par les mots, les images, la musique, le théâtre et les luttes quotidiennes pour la justice, la dignité et la libération collective.

Le Salon du livre anarchiste s'adresse aux anarchistes, mais également à celles et ceux qui ne se considèrent pas nécessairement comme anarchistes mais qui ont développé une certaine curiosité vis-à-vis de l'anarchisme. Le Salon est un espace où les anarchistes peuvent se rencontrer et échanger dans un esprit de respect mutuel et de solidarité. Tous et toutes y sont bienvenu-e-s.

Le Salon du livre anarchiste est organisé dans un esprit d'ouverture vis-à-vis des différentes traditions, visions et pratiques de l'anarchisme. Nous cherchons à promouvoir l'anarchisme en mettant en pratique des valeurs comme l'entraide, la démocratie par la base, l'action directe, l'autonomie et la solidarité, et en nous opposant à toutes les formes d'oppression.

Le Salon du livre et le Festival de l’anarchie sont une occasion importante de rassemblement et un point de référence pour les idées et les pratiques anti-autoritaires en Amérique du Nord.

-> Pour savoir « Qu'est-ce qui se passe au Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal? », suivez ce lien:;
-> Énoncé d'accessibilité:;

ateliers, tables d'expositions, oeuvres d'art et films

a) Tables d'expositions: Appel à contributions

Le coeur du Salon du livre est l’auditorium principal où se trouvent les tables des libraires, des distributeurs, des journaux indépendant et des groupes politiques de partout à Montréal, du Québec, de l’Amérique du Nord et de l’étranger.

Cette année, il y aura des tables d’exposition pendant les DEUX jours - samedi le 29 mai et dimanche le 30 mai, de 10h. à 17h.

Contactez-nous à pour faire une demande de table d’exposition.

S’il-vous-plaît, veuillez fournir TOUTES les informations suivantes clairement pour faire une demande de table d’exposition au Salon du livre:
a) le nom de votre groupe et l’endroit d’où vous venez (dans les mots exacts que vous voulez que nous utilisions dans nos publicités);
b) les informations pour communiquer avec vous (téléphone, courriel et l’adresse de votre site web); le numéro de téléphone et le courriel sont pour l’usage des organisateurs et organisatrices du Salon du livre seulement, mais l’adresse du site web servira de lien à partir de notre site;
c) indiquez si vous voulez votre table pour les deux jours, seulement samedi ou seulement dimanche;
d) indiquez si vous avez déjà eu une table au Salon du livre; si vous n’avez jamais eu de table au Salon du livre avant, s’il-vous-plaît joignez une brève description de votre groupe et une description du matériel que vous prévoyez distribuer au Salon, ainsi que votre accord avec les principes du Salon du livre:;

--> La date limite pour la réception des propositions de tables est le 1er AVRIL 2010.

b) Oeuvres d'art : Appel à contributions

Le Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal réserve un espace pour la diffusion d'oeuvres d'art liées à l'anarchisme, l'anti-autoritarisme, l'autonomie et les luttes supportées par les anarchistes. Faîtes nous part de vos propositions d'expositions de photos, d'affiches, de créations originales ou de reproductions. Le collectif du salon du livre considèrera toutes les oeuvres respectant les principes de base du salon. Les oeuvres devront être accrochées ou suspendues aux murs, voire placées dans un espace délimité.

Si vous faites une proposition artistique, s’il-vous-plaît fournissez clairement les informations suivantes:
a) un titre clair et une courte description (pour notre publicité);
b) le médium utilisé (affiche, photo, sculpture, etc.);
c) les informations pour vous contacter;
d) si possible, s’il-vous-plaît envoyez nous aussi un fichier jpg ou pdf des oeuvres d’art que vous voulez exposer.

--> La date limite pour les propositions pour l’exposition artistique est le 1er AVRIL 2010.

c) Films : Appel à contributions

Le Salon du livre anarchiste réserve également un espace pour la projection de films durant la tenue du Salon. Les films présentés doivent être en lien avec l'anarchisme, avec des luttes soutenues par les anarchistes ou doivent concorder avec les principes de base du Salon du livre.

Si vous faites une proposition de film, s’il-vous-plaît fournissez clairement les informations suivantes:
a) le titre du film et une brève description pour notre publicité;
b) la durée du film;
c) la langue du film et des sous-titres, s’il y en a;
d) le format du film;
e) indiquez où une copie du film est disponible.

--> La date limite pour les propositions de films est le 1er AVRIL 2010.

d) Festival de l'Anarchie: Appel à contributions

Le mois de mai dans son ensemble sera consacré aux idées ou pratiques anarchistes. Le Festival de l'Anarchie prendra place dans les semaines qui précèdent le Salon du livre (les 29-30 mai), avec des événements reliés à l'anarchisme, dans plusieurs lieux publics de Montréal.

Le collectif du Salon du livre compile les événements à être placés et produira un calendrier public. La seule fonction du collectif, en plus de diffuser le calendrier, concernant le Festival, est de veiller à ce que deux évènements ne se produise pas le même jour. Nous comptons donc sur vous pour organiser les événements du Festival de l'anarchie. Réservez rapidement une date pour votre événements dans le calendrier du mois de mai. Premierères arrivées, premierères serviEs!

S'il vous plait veuillez noter que les soirées des 18 et 19 mai sont déjà réservées pour le Festival de théâtre anarchiste de Montréal et que la soirée du 28 est réservée au Cabaret anarchiste.

Lorsque vous soumettez un événement pour le Festival de l'anarchie, svp incluez l'information suivante:
a) un titre, une date et une description claires;
b) un contact pour rejoindre les organisateurs.

--> La date limite pour soumettre un événement pour le Festival et pour être inclut dans le calendrier qui sera diffusé est le 1er AVRIL 2010.


Si vous souhaitez contribuer à la promotion du Salon du livre anarchiste et/ou du Festival de l'Anarchie dans votre quartier, votre école ou votre communauté, communiquez avec nous ( )

Nous ferons la promotion du Salon du livre anarchiste dans la région de Montréal. Avertissez-nous si vous pouver faire de l'affichage et du tractage.

Si vous résidez à l'extérieur de Montréal, communiquez avec nous si vous désirez recevoir des affiches, prospectus et dépliants. Le matériel de promotion sera aussi disponible pour téléchargement sur notre site Internet.

Pour ceux et celles qui sont sur facebook, nous vous encourageons à vous joindre à notre groupe facebook:

Vous pouvez aussi nous suivre sur twitter :;


Si vous avez d'autres idées pour le Salon du livre ou le Festival de l'Anarchie, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part! Vous pouvez nous rejoindre par courriel, par téléphone ou par la poste.

-> liste d’annonces :;
-> courriel:
-> web:;
-> facebook:
-> twitter:;
-> tél: 514-679-5800
-> poste: Salon du livre Anarchiste de Montréal
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Suite 204
Montréal, Québec H3G 1N1

Ni dieux, ni maîtres; ni frontières, ni patrons!

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