Saturday, October 24, 2009


Ah, the joys of 'Imperialism-Lite'. The new Democratic Administration in the USA is gradually creeping up to its first year in power, and very little has changed in terms of US policy towards the rest of the world. Yeah, President Obama has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize despite the fact of having accomplished nothing. America's two foreign wars continue and will do so for the foreseeable future. The immovable object of Israeli/Palestinian peace remains just as unachievable as it has been for decades. No doubt others have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for empty words, but this may be most glaringly empty award in history. Meanwhile the one substantial change in US policy ie backing down from an anti-missile system in eastern Europe may not be as substantial as its appears, as the following story hints at.

The following came to Molly's attention via the A-Infos website. It is originally from the Polish anarchist news site Centrum Informacji Anarchistycznej.
Poland, NO TO PATRIOTS! Anarchist Antimilitarist Action During Biden's Visit to Warsaw:
On Oct. 21, US Vice-President Joe Biden visited Poland as part of a four-day visit to Central Europe and the Balkans meant to seal various sorts of military deals in the region. The Campaign Against Militarism protested during his visit with the Prime Minister.
---- Before the protest, one activist accidentally met Biden on the way to an announced trip to the monument of the Heros of the Warsaw Ghetto and came within arms reach of the VP with a banner reading "No Patriot Missiles". Poland is trying desperately to obtain Patriot Missiles. Previously the US had offered its ass-licking ally only training versions of the missiles, without any real warheads.
---- Upon arrival at the Prime Minister's Office, the police, secret service, etc. etc., tried to detain the first protester and claim that there could be no protest.
The person naturally refused to be led to the police wagon and journalists became interested in this action. When more people arrived, the police tried parking police vans in front of the protesters, which, although a decidedly modest group of people, were apparently not to be shown to the US Vice President or the media. The police also tried to block the banner, but one person jumped out around them with another banner. All the time the police were harassing and trying to block the protesters, which pissed one journalist off so much that he called the police headquarters complaining. Journalists also had reasons to be pissed off: the government announced that yes, they can go to a "press conference" with Mr. Biden - but nobody would be allowed to ask any questions.
And there are lots of questions to be asked. Nobody knows much about the SM3 IB, the version of anti-ballistic missile which Poland may receive sometime after 2018 since it is still in testing. Nobody knows about the warheads on the ten Patriot missiles Poland is supposed to get (at a cost of 300 million dollars for just the missiles) or what exactly the US soldiers at the military base scheduled to open next year in Poland really will be doing. And nobody knows for sure what America's missile defense plans in the region really are.
Eventually the cops had to leave the protesters alone.
In the meanwhile, the case of some people arrested in Slupsk in March 2008 after a demonstration against the planned missile shield is finally in court. So far, people are only denied the charges; witnesses will be heard next week.
Leaflet: No to Patriots!
The Campaign Against Militarism strongly protests against the location of Patriot and SM3 IB rockets in Poland. All of these rockets, regardless of their kind, are instruments of war and imperialist politics. War is killing in the interest of governments, power elites and business. In wars the ruling classes always win, and normal people always lose.
The military policy of the USA has for a long time rested on the promotion of the arms industry, to profit corporations. Wars are conducted ensure corporate profit, foreign governments are overthrown for the same reasons. The Polish government, supporting the military adventures of the ISA like the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq often says outright that they are in it for the profit (for example for contracts in Iraq), or for strengthening their relations with the USA. We oppose Poland's participation in these criminal campaigns,
No to Polish and American Imperialism!
No to Pro-War Manipulation!
No War for Profit!
No More Hate Wars!
Campaign Against Militarism

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Saturday, August 08, 2009


The following may be something of 'stale news', but it still bears repeating given the delusions of many on the left about the "socialism" of the regime in power in Venezuela. Molly has mentioned the case of the 'Sidor 14' before on this blog. basically they are some of the many workers in Venezuela who have felt the wrath of the so-called socialist regime for actually thinking that socialism means the interests of the workers rather than that of the state functionaries. Here's the story from the English language section of the Polish anarchist news site Centrum Informacji Anarchistycznej.
Caracas: Picket in Solidarity with the SIDOR 14 and against the Repression of Social Protests:
On July 29, a protest was held outside the main Prosecutor's Office in Caracas. The demonstrators were protesting in defense of the right to social protest. It was a response to growing repression of political protests in Venezuela.

The demo was supported by various groups including human rights organizations as well as socialist, worker and anarchist groups. Activists pointed out at the same time as the government is repressing social protest, the murderers of farmers and trade unions have gone unpunished.

A representative of the Prosecutor's Office of course denied that they repress workers for protesting but claimed there were other reasons. The date of the demonstration was not accidental: early that morning was to be a hearing in the case of the 14 SIDOR workers charged with "misappropriation and restricting the freedom to work", crimes invented by the government in 2005 to restrict the right to strike. The case was postponed until February 2010.

The protesters demanded that all laws which criminalize protest be repealed, that an investigation be made into the killings of unionists, farmers and social activists, that all activists arrested for social protest be released and not be required to report to authorities and that the police stop repressing protest and not be allowed to used teargas or firearms against protesters.

More than 2,200 people, including dozens of labor union representatives, have been indicted on criminal charges stemming from their participation in protests over the last four years.

Venezuela's National Security Law allows as much as 10 years in prison for anyone involved in demonstrations within "security zones" ringing government offices, oil installations, military garrisons and other public facilities. Another law punishes people who "prevent the production, importation, gathering, transportation, distribution or marketing of essential goods" with six to 10 years in prison. "Restricting the freedom to work" is also a crime, just right for strikebreakers.
More (in Spanish)
(in Polish)
Photos from the protest

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Friday, July 17, 2009


Over the past two decades there has been a slow but steady growth in anarchist ideas in one non-traditional setting- the country of Turkey. Turkey today hosts a wide and growing anarchist movement, one relatively unknown outside of eastern Europe. This fall the movement will contest state power once more, as they protest the upcoming meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World bank in Istanbul. The following notice first came to Molly's attention at the website of the Polish anarchist news service the Centrum Informacji Anarchistycznej. It has also been previously published at the Anarkismo website. The following has been slightly edited for English grammar and spelling.
Coordination of Resistance Days against the Meetings of IMF/WB in Istanbul:
Representatives and bureaucrats of multinational capitalist companies will be in İstanbul in 6 – 7 October for the annual meeting of the World Bank and the IMF (International Money Foundation) where they will make decisions to blacken billions of people’s lives.

Another peak gathering to protect the benefits of capitalist sovereigns, where economic packages which have no other use than adding another ring to the exploitation chain for poor billions and for the future of the planet that we live on, reconstructions and austerity policies, constitutional accordance conditions will be discussed…

The experiences of real life (Argentina, Jamaica, Ecuador, Nigeria, Kenya etc.) evidently showed that the World Bank and the IMF policies that are applied have no benefit to people other than offering indigence and exploitation, and there is no other way. The IMF and the World Bank which are the leading architects of globalism of capitalism, are the primary responsible instruments for the banishment of poor people from their habitats and their homes by urban transformation policies (to ennoble the term), having property rights on water which is the primary need of life by a few companies, by condemning the local breeder to global capitalist patrons via agriculture policies, to add new rings to the chains of people who work by new employment legislation.

13.000 robbers and many more armed forces who take orders to protect them will be walking amongst us in those days. Probably, they will show us hell! Frisks, ID checks, road blocks, fencing etc…

Come on, let us show hell to them in those days! Let’s turn our bonfire into their nightmare!

We would like to organise some concerts, workshops, exhibitions, movie presentations, conversations and activities against the IMF and the World Bank between 1-8 October. Sheltering needs for those coming from other cities and other countries will be met. People who want to participate in preparations for the activities and organisations can get in touch with us via the contact information. Also, those who want to receive regular information regarding the preparation phase of the activities can visit our web site that will be updated periodically.

Hoping to raise the international solidarity in the bonfire days of resistance!
Autonomy of the People Against Global Capital!
Add Your Voice to the Outcry Against National and International Capital!

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Friday, April 10, 2009


According to the English language section of the Polish anarchist news site Centrum Informacji Anarchistcznej the latest issue of Abolishing the Borders from Below (no 34) is now available for distribution. The ABfB has a website, but it is not up to date. Their magazine, however, continues its regular and excellent reporting from Eastern Europe.
Abolishing the Borders from Below #34 is out :
Abolishing the Borders from Below #34, an anarchist journal from Eastern Europe, is out. The March'2009 edition of this excitingly irregular anarchist magazine has 64 pages, following the slogan on the cover “The turning point is here – lets turn crises into system collapse!” and includes following materials:
-“These shards are our tears” – we wont forget you Stas and Nastya;
-Students on the streets of Chisinau after 29 years old student was shot dead by Moldavian police;
-Czechoslovak anarchist Federation in 2008 report;
-“Towards an education for freedom” text from Russia;
-“20 years after the round table” – a brief look at capitalism in Poland;
-“Instead of proletarian struggles” – text by Barricade Collective;
-“What causes the economic crisis” – crisis from polish anarchist perspective;
-Renaissance of squatting movement in Czechia-“Dept-strike as one of possible answers to he crisis” – text from Hungary;
-Interview with Black Flag Rec. on anarchist movement in city of Lodz;
-Minsk Zine-Fest from a slightly other point of view;
-Workers Initiative under attack from employers and state - Poland;
-Workers in Ukraine seize their plant – various reports and statements;
-Platform minimum of Czechoslovak Anarchist Federation;
-Reports from solidarity actions with “Greek-Revolt” around Eastern Europe;
-Rozbrat – a free space in an unfree world – report on situation in Poznan;
-Report from protests against NATO-summit in Krakow (Poland);
-“Russian prisons are amongst the most rebellious in the world” - on prison resistance in Russia;
-“All governments are the same scum!” – report from March 8 demo in Warsaw;
-Unknown moments of East European anarchist history – anarchist groups in Lodz (Poland) 1905-1939;
-“The case of the Janov neighbourhood” – antifascist report from Czechia;
-Antifascist action Budapest – Day of Honour report;
-“No repression for standing up to fascism” – polish state protects fascists and anti-semites;
-Interview with Russian anti-racists;-... and many more information, announcements and contacts;
ABB is available in many anarchist bookstores and distributions around the globe.
You can order as well directly by editorial collective under:
Contact ABB-collective under:

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009


After protest against the upcoming NATO summit, what then ?
Here's a call for a "summer of resistance". The following comes from the English language section of the Polish anarchist news site Centrum Informacji Anarchistycznej. the following has been slightly edited for English grammar and spelling.
Call for Summer of Resistance‭ ‬2009‭ ‬:
Collapse the security architectures‭!
Against NATO, G20, G8, Frontex and the “Stockholm Programme”!
Since the end of the last millennium a modification of the‭ “‬security architecture‭” ‬within the EU has taken place,‭ ‬which has been accelerated by the attacks of‭ ‬11‭ ‬September‭ ‬2001‭ ‬in the United States.‭ ‬Visible phenomena are, for example, the entanglement of internal and external security,‭ ‬a‭ “‬pooling‭” ‬of prosecution authorities and intelligence services and a simplified data exchange.‭‬ At the technical level we are confronted with new digital surveillance cameras,‭ ‬satellite surveillance,‭ ‬biometrics,‭ ‬drones,‭ ‬software for intelligent search in databases and new broadband networks to manage this huge flood of digital data.‭‬New institutions and authorities have been created,‭ ‬including the‭ “‬European Police Office Europol,‭ ‬the police academy CEPOL,‭ ‬the border agency Frontex and the‭” ‬Committee for the Management of Operational Cooperation‭ " ‬of all police agencies of the EU within its intelligence operation assessment center.‎
‏At the initiative of former French Defense Minister‎ (‏and current Interior Minister‭) ‬Michèle Alliot-Marie the‭ "‬European Gendarmerie Force‭ (‬EGF‭) ‬was founded and has been established in‭ ‬2004.‭ ‬The EGF shall ensure the‭ “‬public order‭”‬,‭ ‬combat insurgency,‭ ‬obtain intelligence information and protect property in conflict areas.

The security industry is likely one of the few branches that profits massive from the current crisis of capitalism and the resulting battles.‭

‬Europe’s police forces are preparing themselves for protest and resistance against the impact of the crisis.‭ ‬Even the chairman of the International Monetary Fund IMF admits that in future more riots are expected.‭‬
The institutions of the‭ “‬leading economic nations‭” ‬are forced to re-organize themselves.‭ ‬The‭ “‬summits‭” ‬of NATO,‭ ‬G8‭ ‬and G20‭ ‬are of central importance for this reorganization.‭ ‬Topics such as climate,‭ ‬migration and agriculture are considered as threats to the security of a‭ “‬western lifestyle‭”‬. ‭‬Within the European Union,‭ ‬domestic political changes are taking place,‭ ‬whose effects are currently difficult to predict.

Every five years,‭ ‬the interior and justice ministers of the new EU adopt new directives for a common domestic policy.‭ ‬The‭ “‬Tampere Program‭”‬,‭ ‬terminated in‭ ‬1999‭ ‬under the Finnish Presidency,‭ ‬was primarily a‭ “‬management of migration flows‭”‬:‭ ‬In addition to the appreciation of the police authority Europol was established a‭ “‬Task Force of EU Police Chiefs‭’” ‬which‭ ‬deals with‭ “‬international terrorism‭” ‬and‭ “‬violent political activism‭”‬.

With the‭ “‬Hague Program‭” ‬in‭ ‬2004,‭ ‬it has been agreed upon for the creation of an‭ “‬area of freedom,‭ ‬security and justice‭”‬.‭ ‬Again it was decided on intensification of migration policy,‭ ‬including the construction of the Border Agency‭ “‬Frontex‭” ‬and the interception of refugees already in their home countries.‭ “‬The Hague Program‭” ‬puts the‭ “‬defense of terrorism‭” ‬in the center.‭ ‬At the level of information exchange and cooperation we can now count on the‭ “‬principle of availability‭”‬.
‭‬The guidelines of‭ ‬2004‭ ‬are already implemented by many EU member states:‭

Standardization of the‭ “‬terrorism‭” ‬legislation,‭ ‬data retention,‭ ‬expansion of existing databases and shared access,‭ ‬cross-border police cooperation , for example at sporting events or political mass protests,‭ “‬Border Management‭”‬,‭ ‬fingerprints when applying for an EU visa,; ‬from‭ ‬2009‭ ‬new biometric identifiers in identity documents,‭ ‬the development of security research,‭ ‬cooperation in criminal matters,‭ ‬police abroad etc.

‎"‏The Hague Program‭" ‬is running out and a new program should be decided on in the autumn of‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬in Stockholm under the Swedish EU Presidency. ‭‬During the 2007 German EU Presidency‭ ‬,‭ ‬the German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble created with the,‭ ‬then. European Commissioner for Internal Affairs‭ ( “‬Justice and Home Affairs‭”)‬,‭ ‬Franco Frattini,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Future Group‭”‬.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Future Group‭” ‬describes itself as‭ “‬informal body‭” ‬of European interior ministers,‭ ‬which drafted guidelines for European home affairs.‭
To adopt the new‭ “‬Stockholm program‭”‬,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Future Group‭” ‬submitted a wish-list for‭ "‬police cooperation,‭ ‬the fight against terrorism,‭ ‬management of missions in third countries,‭ ‬migration,‭ ‬asylum and border management,‭ ‬civil protection,‭ ‬new technologies and information networks‭ "‬.‭ ‬Priorities are the maintenance of the‭ “‬European model‭”‬,‭ “‬coping with the growing interdependence between internal and external security‭” ‬and ensuring of‭ an ‬Europe-wide best possible data network‭”‬.

The measures which shall be decided in Stockholm will be noticeable by the member states within its ratification in a few years.‭ ‬There are profound changes in the game:
Development and standardization of police databases,‭ ‬a central population register,‭ ‬"cross-border online search‭"‬, more control of the Internet,‭ ‬better satellite tracking,‭ ‬risk analysis‭ “‬software, ‭”‬e-borders‭" ‬and‭ “‬e-justice‭”‬,‭ common deportation planes and flights,‭ ‬new refugee camps in‭ “‬third countries‭”‬,‭ ‬the use of the military defense of migration,‭ ‬more police interventions outside the EU,‭ ‬the expansion of a paramilitary‭ “‬European Gendarmerie Force‭”‬,‭ ‬more cooperation between domestic and foreign secret services,‭ ‬etc.‭

The aim is a kind of domestic NATO,‎ ‏with the creation of a‭n “‬Euro-Atlantic cooperation in the area of freedom,‭ ‬security and justice‭” ‬by‭ ‬2014.

Also NATO attaches value to the central role of European domestic politics.
On one hand,‭ ‬more and more police missions in‭ “‬third countries‭” ‬were launched,‭ ‬which perform there military tasks ,‭ ‬strike down local uprisings and train local police units.‭
On the other hand,‭ ‬NATO-strategists play the ball back to the European interior ministers and refer to the importance of European‭ “‬Homeland Security‭” ‬without which a‭ “‬strong defense‭” against the outside wouldn’t be possible.‭ ‬ NATO sees itself within member countries as the guarantor of security of‭ “‬critical infrastructure‭” (‬like energy,‭ ‬transportation,‭ ‬communication‭)‬.‭‬
The strategy document‭ “‬Towards a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World‭” ‬authored by five ex-generals,‭ ‬who are anchored in the defense industry,‭ ‬calls for the expansion of‭ “‬civil-military cooperation‭”‬.‭ ‬Considered as a‭ “‬civilian elements‭” ‬are for example police,‭ ‬intelligence,‭ ‬research,‭ ‬academies,‭ ‬civil protection but also the private security industry.‭ ‬NATO wants to intensify the fall back on the‭ “‬European Gendarmerie Force‭”‬.‭‬
With the‭ “‬civil-military cooperation‭” ‬the militarization of social conflicts is increasing,‭ ‬underpinned by domestic political rearmament and new‭" ‬anti-terror‭ "‬laws.

The former EU Commissioner for Justice and Home Affairs,‭ ‬Franco Frattini,‭ ‬has changed in Berlusconi’s Cabinet after the elections in Italy‭ ‬2008.‭ ‬As the new foreign minister,‭ ‬he is now responsible for the G8‭ ‬on the Sardinian island of La Maddalena.‭ ‬Frattini sees‭ “‬security‭” ‬as the central profile of the new G8‭ ‬structures:‭ “‬Europe can,‭ ‬rather than be just a consumer,‭ ‬be a producer of safety.‭ ‬But EU and NATO need to integrate,‭ ‬rather to interfere with each others.‭ ‬We back up these thoughts in the context of the G8‭”‬.‭‬
Italy adopted a‭ “‬security package‭” ‬in May‭ ‬2008‭ ‬with far-reaching tightenings for migrants.‭ ‬After the EU already equipped Libya with financial help for refugee defense,‭ ‬ Italy also signed a new cooperation agreement.‭
The Italian arms corporate group‭ “‬Finmeccanica‭” ‬delivers speedboats and the Interior Ministry is pleased that migration would now be diminished to‭ "‬zero‭"‬.

Frattini traveled early‭ ‬2009‭ ‬to Angola,‭ ‬Sierra Leone,‭ ‬Senegal and Nigeria to negotiate over‭ “‬readmission agreements‭” ‬for migrants,‭ ‬to equip the countries with refugee camps,‭ ‬and to introduce tamper-proof passports.‭ ‬It’s again all about the securing of raw material and police enforcement:‭ ‬In return Frattini acknowledges an audience with the G8‭ ‬summit for the countries,‭ ‬to‭ “‬promote the dialogue between oil producing and‭ ‬-‭ ‬consuming countries‭”‬.‭
In the delegation travelling with Frattini, was ‬the Italian police chief who immediately implemented new contracts for police training and cooperation procedure.‭

‬As the consequence of the collapse of global capitalism around the world,‭ ‬more uprisings are expected.‭ ‬With the recent riots in Greece,‭ ‬Iceland,‭ ‬Sweden,‭ ‬Lithuania,‭ ‬Latvia,‭ ‬Bulgaria,‭ ‬France,‭ ‬Guadeloupe and Lampedusa,‭ ‬the EU became the venue of intense contradictions and militant struggles with, in the numerous directives,‭ ‬bilateral agreements and treaties,‭ ‬of the past few years concerted measures for‭ “‬Europe as an area of freedom,‭ ‬security and justice‭”‬,‭ ‬are
being brought into position against resistance and radical projects, and movements are covered with investigations and prosecutions for‭ "‬terrorism‭"‬.‭ “‬Joint investigation teams‭” ‬research‭ ‬-‭ ‬supported by Europol‭ ‬-‭ ‬international networks.‭ ‬Manuals and databases on‭ “‬Troublemakers‭” ‬will aim at bringing protests at major international events under control.

Resistance against the increase in surveillance and control,‭ ‬against repression and anti-riot is still stuck too much often on a national level.‭‬ Therefore we call to push for the development of a transnational struggle against the‭ “‬security architecture‭”‬,‭ ‬in‭ ‬2009‭ ‬at several cross-border mobilizations,‭ ‬whether they are promoted by NATO,‭ ‬the G8‭ ‬or the EU.‭

‬We see the action day at the NATO summit as the kick off of the campaign for a‭ “‬Summer of Resistance‭ ‬2009‭” ‬against the global‭ “‬security regime‭”‬:‭

‬¡No Pasarán! France Gipfelsoli Dissent! France NoLager Bremen Resistance des deux rives / Widerstand der zwei Ufer transact six hills Berlin kein mensch ist illegal Hanau
Collapse the security architectures‭!

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Saturday, February 21, 2009


Yesterday and the day before NATO held an informal meeting in the Polish city of Krakow(see previously on this blog). Several hundred people gathered to protest NATO and its policies. Here is a report from the English language section of the Polish anarchist news site Centrum Informacji Anarchistycznej.
Anti-Nato Demonstration and Conference in Krakow:
On the 18-20 of February there was an informal meeting of defense ministers from NATO countries in Krakow. Anarchists prepared protest activities during that time.

On 18 of February there were anti-militarist films. The main events, a demo and counterball, were held on Feb. 19. A few hundred people demonstrated against NATO, mostly anarchists. They had slogans such as "The government to the front" "No war but class war" and "NATO - legal terrorists".

The situation was very tense since the city was like a police state. The cops were checking people at the borders, even though there weren't more than an handful of people from other countries there. Before the demo, the sound truck was stopped and police were stopping people and checking their bags. One guy who did not answer a call to go to the police in relation to the Nov. 11 demo in Warsaw was arrested as was somebody with a flare.

(Ironically, protesting police demonstrated in Krakow and Gdansk that day and they threw firecrackers. So only police are allowed to use "illegal" pyrotechnics.)

During the demo there were some speeches and a march to the location of the NATO meeting, although police tried to block this, people eventually got through.

In the evening there was a counterball across from the venue of the NATO ball. There was a much smaller crowd since most people left after the demo - a shame since the next day also had some events. The ball was however hard to notice because three times as many cops than anarchists surrounded it and blocked the view. It was extremely difficult to get to - basically it was only possible if you were a single person who managed to slide pass the cops. Afterwards, when everybody was going home, the police started harassing people again and arrested somebody for having a stick. At least a dozen people had sticks since people had flags with them, but this guy took his flag off, which apparently made the stick a weapon.

The next day there was a modest conference on NATO, militarism and responses to it. There were films, presentations and talks made by the Anarchist Federation Krakow and ZSP. There was also a guest from the Anarchist Federation of France who invited people to attend the anti-NATO demos in Strasbourg at the beginning of April.

More information on that can be found on the Dissent! page:
Videos from Krakow:
Here's another report on the demo from the A-Infos site. A note in passing-the Polish union movement is incredibly fractured and actually quite weak. The three main federations NSZZ Solidarnosc, OPZZ and FZZ together have only about 1.9 million members. There are another 200,000 nationwide in various local unions and smaller federations of which the 'August80' (Sierpien80) is one. Besides not representing a large percentage of the workforce (97% of workplaces have no union) the fragmentation means that there may be over 17 unions in a given workplace. It seems the Poles have outfrenched the French in this regard.
Anarchists, trade unionists host anti-NATO summit:
Warsaw - Some 300 people held a largely peaceful anti-NATO protest in Krakow's main square as the alliance's defence ministers met in the southern Polish city.
--- The protests were organized by the Stop War Initiative, the August 80 trade union and the Anarchist Federation, as reported by the Polish Press Agency PAP.
--- 'We're against NATO's politics, and we demand pulling out forces from Afghanistan and a halt to the arms race,' protester Katarzyna Puzon told PAP. 'We find it equally absurd to be spending public money in the times of crisis.'
--- Demonstrators held signs saying, 'Stop NATO. Stop War,' and 'We don't want to be America's shield.' The crowd included Czechs who came to oppose a US anti-missile shield, which would be based in Poland and the Czech Republic, based on current proposals.
'Europe should play a role as guardian of democracy and peace in the world and not export war,' said Graziella Mascia of the European Left political party. 'Events in Iraq and Afghanistan prove that the politics of war don't pay off.'
Defence Minister Bogdan Klich said he thought protesters were voicing minority opinions, because it was 'hard to believe' Poles want to 'back out of international responsibilities, which in reality decide our security.
'Organizers are planning a slew of events for the 'NATO anti- summit,' reported PAP, including panel discussions, concerts and film showings.
A founding member of the Cold Era Warsaw Pact, Poland joined NATO along with Hungary and the Czech Republic on March 12, 1999, about 10 years after shedding its communist past.
Not everyone who participated in the demo was pleased with all the results, as the following, also from the A-Infos makes plain. There is also quite a lively debate following the article in Polish at the Centrum site. You can at least get a sense of it from a machine translation. The problem discussed below is a persistent one, but it is becoming less and less important as the anarchist movement grows and leftist sects shrink. Leninism only awaits the coroner these days to be declared officially dead. Social democratic reformulations, however, are a different matter entirely, and they still have a lot of life left in them in pretty well all countries.
Poland, About anti-NATO in Krakow:

About 500 people came to protest against the informal NATO summit in Krakow on Feb. 19 organized mainly by the Anarchist Federation Krakow. There was an extremely heavy police presence and some problems with arrests and attempts by the police to block the demo, but in the end people protested across the city. In addition to local activists, a guest from France and the Czech republic spoke. In the evening a smaller group of people made their way to the location of the ball/banquet of the NATO bastards and had a counterball.
After the ball, again the police were acting up, surrounding people and searching them. One person was arrested but later released.
The next day there was a conference. There were talks and presentations by members of FA Krakow, ZSP and from AF from France who invited people to the anti-NATO protests in Strasbourg.
There are a couple of videos here:
Criticism of leftists:
There was some controversy in the weeks before the demo about inviting August 80 to co-organize or not. The leadership of the union also have a political party and the people from the union at demos are usually not rank and file activists, but professional unionists, who are often also party members. Usually it just looks that way that the leader gets people out of work, puts them on the bus using union funds, and gives them a flag to hold during the demo. There was a discussion with FA Krakow about what percent of party flags they should have in proportion to union flags before agreeing to co-organize with them. The main argument for this cooperation and allowing the party to come with their flags was that the union boss promised to bring 1000 people with him to the demo.
Nobody knows why some anarchists want to believe politicians. As some people predicted, only 100 of them showed up. Besides that, they invited, without previous discussion with the anarchists, the Stop War Initiative to be a co-organizer. FA Krakow at that time proposed to make a separate anarchist demo but the Anarchist Federation voted against this. Members of ZSP agreed with the idea not to have the politicians.
In the end, the party/union only dragged 100 people to Krakow. Anarchists were at least 300 of the 500 people. At least the Stop War Initiative made and put up posters and helped with information. In addition to the party/union, the careerist Young Socialists showed up and immediately started demanding that their left party sponsors from abroad be given the speakers' platform and complained when they were not allowed to dominate the whole event.
Nothing good of the leftist presence, they just were waving their flags and trying to promote themselves and their social democratic shit - but some anarchists like them. In general the anarchists could have done everything themselves with no lose of quality and a clearer message. Not that I think non-anarchist shouldn't participate, but the party and party wannabe leftists suck.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009


As the defense ministers of NATO gather today in the Polish city of Krakow anarchists and their allies are gathering to protest this militaristic alliance. Here's a report from the A-Infos website. For further information (in Polish) see the Polish anarchist news site Centrum Informacji Anarchistyczej.
Anarchists protest NATO meeting in Krakow:
As a two-day informal meeting of ministers of defence from NATO countries gets underway in the city of Krakow, southern Poland today, anarchists and other ‘anti-war’ organisations hope to use the occasion to protest against ‘NATO hypocrisy’. (photo: Anarchists and leftwing groups gather in market square, Krakow).
In a darkened apartment in Kraków’s Kazimierz district, the Anarchist Federation invited members of the press, Wednesday, to explain what exactly they are planning for the “anti-summit”: a protest against the informal meeting of NATO defence ministers taking place in Poland’s southern city on 19-20 February.
“I will make speeches, I will scream, I will sing: we will see what happens”, Artur, head of the anarchist march in Kraków, told
In conversation with the mild-mannered anarchist, Artur said that of course the Anarchist Federation “wants to see the destruction of capitalism and the state”, but for the NATO conference in Kraków the federation has more modest goals, wanting to voice their protest against what they call the “hypocrites from NATO”.
The informal NATO meeting in Krakow is an important one, even though no official declarations are to be made. It is Jaap de Hoop Scheffer’s last summit as head of the organisation before NATO’s 60th anniversary celebrations in Germany and France in April this year. United States’ defence secretary Robert Gates will also be in attendance and it will be the first such gathering since the new Obama administration took over the White House in January. And it is Poland’s 10 year anniversary in the Organisation.
The main topic of the meeting will be the multi force ISAF mission in Afghanistan. The gathering will be attended by representatives of all ISAF participants – the 26 member states that make up the Atlantic alliance and 15 countries outside NATO. The Afghani defence minister is also expected to appear.
The ministers will discuss the problem of securing presidential elections in Afghanistan, the struggle against the production of opium poppies which fund the Taliban insurgency,and training of the Afghani army and police.
The meeting in Krakow will also be a chance to hold numerous bilateral talks, as well assessions of the NATO-Georgia and NATO-Ukraine enlargement committees.
The defence ministers are also to deal with the draft of the Atlantic security declaration, which is being prepared for the official NATO summit which is to take place at the French-German borderland in Strasbourg and Kehl in April.
The gathering in Krakow will be accompanied by several demonstrations against the arms race and the war in Afghanistan. The organizers of the demonstrations - the “Stop War”Initiative, the “August’80” trade union and the Anarchistic Federation - expect around one thousand demonstrators.
The Mayor of Kraków has given the go-ahead for a march to be held on February 19, with protests to be staged on the Main Market Square at 4pm, and a “No Logo” street party to beheld by the National Museum at 7.30pm. As another anarchist told us: “The party is to show that we don’t need the government’s money to have a good time”, a response to unofficial reports that the Polish Ministry of Defence is forking out almost 9 million zloty for the NATO event.
The protest march hopes to attract many from the Czech Republic, where the radar
installation of the US-sponsored missile shield is to be based.

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Friday, January 16, 2009


As Molly has said before on this blog events have returned to "normal" in Greece, but the word normal is quite relative. Even in "normal" times the country of Greece is in a state of perpetual ferment. A group of those infamous "outside agitators" are calling for an international day of action this coming January 25. Here's the callout, copied from the Polish anarchist news site Centrum Informacji Anarchistycznej.
A CALL FROM GREECE - 24 January day of action:
As a group of people who came from many countries and who took part in the struggles in Greece over the past weeks, it is now clear to us that there is no such thing as a "Greek problem", that the situation that sparked the intense riots here is the same that the people are facing everywhere abroad. The murder of Alexandros Grigoropoulos on December 6th was not the source of this conflict, it only opened and made more clear a conflict that was already ongoing not only here but everywhere around the planet.

In these unstable times, fearing the threat of a deeper, more global movement of insurrection, the authorities have shown their weaknesses in their protection of the dominant capitalist order. Through the enforcement of anti-terrorist measures, tightening of social control, crackdown of different areas of resistance, mass arrests, targeted assassinations, the illusion of democracy is falling and the veil of social peace is starting to burn.

The more the State is taking a defensive stance, the more it is time for us to stop fearing its retaliation and to go on the offensive. It is not the time to withdraw into fear, which would lead us further into a dangerous social peace, but the right time for multiplying the offensives and intensifying the struggle against capitalism and its State, coordinated with the revolt that is happening here.

The core of these events being that we are in a state of war, the only way to get through it is to assume it and to take the offensive even further. That is why we are calling for a global day of actions on January 24th for you to carry out and perpetuate the revolt, to increase the instability. It is NOT a call for you to support the Greek people, but for you to take action where you are.

The 24th of January will be a day of demonstrations and actions all around Greece in support of the prisoners who fell into the hands of the system during this struggle. Wherever you are, let's attack this system that is oppressing us all !
From Saloniki, Greece
Molly doesn't agree with the general thrust of what is said above. There is an old word for it- "triumphalism", and such an attitude is particularly inappropriate in conditions where you should be reviewing reasons for a defeat rather than trying to sustain an illusion that the defeat never happened. In any case, here from Athens Indymedia, is a report of recent actions in Greece, with at least a realization that the struggle will be longer and certainly broader than that imagined by those who rarely speak to anyone outside of their small circle of friends.
Actions Report from Greece, 14 January:
Translation of the main articles in the Athens IMC Newswire, on today's events and actions
More than 270 people have been arrested in connection to actions, since the beginning of the insurrection, on December 6th, in 15 cities. 67 of them have been detained, while 50 immigrants that were arrested the first 3 days, were rapidly condemned to 18 months of imprisonment and are being deported. 19 arrestees in Larissa face charges under the anti-terrorist law. Countless of people were brought to the police departments but were released with no charges in the end. ( 969401 )

On Saturday 17/01 there will be a nationwide demonstration in Larissa, for solidarity to the arrestees.

One person has been arrested and detained since yesterday in Thessaloniki. He is being accused for explosion (felony) and for organising a gang (minor offence, luckily not connected with the anti-terrorist law), related to the effort for arson for a police department. There was a solidarity demonstration, on Tuesday night, outside the Police Headquarters, where he is kept. He is going in front of the Interrogator and the Public Prosecutor on Thursday noon.
Liberated spaces
The building of the Journalists' Union is still occupied by young people and employees in the media. In solidarity to the revolt of December, they also focus on employment problems, pushing the mainstream media for alternative coverage of the actions, etc..

A municipality cafe on a central street of Zografou district, has been occupied by antiauthoritarians, in order for it to function as an open space for counter-information, discussion and co-ordination of actions.
Solidarity to Konstantina Kouneva
Employees and workers from 27 first-grade unions, had a sit-in in the office of Evangelismos hospital, where Konstantinta Kouneva is being treated. This hospital is also using cleaning services by subcontracting agencies, similar to the one Konstantina was hired by.

The Worker Unions' Center in Volos, after having been occupied by activists for 2 days, was released in the morning. It was an action of solidarity to Konstantina Kouneva and the arrestees of the revolt in December .

*Konstantina Kouneva, a woman, immigrant and unionist, was violently attacked with acid on her face, due to her political action against the employers.
Universities and High schools
A lot of general student union meetings have been taking place in Universities all over Greece, 62 faculties are currently occupied, while many of others stay open, due to the support by the communist, the social democratic and the pro-government student parties.

An education-wide demonstration will also take place on Thursday in many Greek cities.Parents of a high-school in Pireas, protest against the authorities of the schools, who terrorise the students that took part in the school occupation in October, where a lot of students were beaten up and sent to court.

The students of the 3rd High-school of Ilioupolis, Athens, have occupied their school, against the decision of the teachers to move 4 students to another school and not allow another 5 to attend courses, for 5 days (969734), as a punishment. They are also protesting against the surveillance cameras outside their school building.
Workers' struggles
120 people were sacked, last month, from the iron-nickel factory in Larimna. 3 people were fired from a local Athens TV station.

The employees of the water supply company in Thessaloniki are on a strike, staying in the building (despite being terrorized by their employers), making sure that there will be no problem with the water supply. They are against the privatization of the company. the inner corruption and they ask for more personnel to be hired.

The Higher court decided for the second time against the construction of a mall in Eleonas.
War in Palestine
A demonstration against the war in Palestine is being organised for Saturday 17/1. Arion, the ship of the Free Gaza movement, that transfers doctors and food towards the Gaza people, is threatened to be stopped by the Israeli authorities. The Greek government and the mainstream media didn't pay attention to the issue.

Meanwhile, people, student unions and organizations of the left have mobilized for a demonstration on Thursday, in order to prevent transfer of US weapons towards Israel, through the private port of Astakos, on the Aegean Sea .
Mainstream Media reports
Mainstream media published the results of the official police ballistic report on Alexis Grigoropoulos' shooting, stating that the bullet hit a marble ball (functioning as a barrier in the edge of the sidewalk) which was next to Alexis, and then turned towards his body. Commenters think that this proves that the cop actually fired towards the young persons. (Molly comment-this is highly credible. having seen the Greek police in (in)action Molly would have serious doubts about their marksmanship)

Mainstream media announced that the so-called "terrorist organisation" named "Revolutionary Struggle", (as it had been suspected by the police) issued a communique for the shooting against three police officers in Athens, resulting into the serious injury of one of them.
Molly Comment:
Molly has mentioned before the suspicion in Greece that the shooting of three police officers in Athens was an act of provocateurs. The fact that this has been "claimed" by one of Greece's tiny Maooid sects doesn't deny this accusation any credibility. Like most such sects, anarchist ones unfortunately included, such collections of 1/10th educated true believers are easy prey for police manipulation. Their acts never have any positive consequences anarchism-wise, socialism-wise, or any "wise" in terms of any social struggles outside of the struggle in the minds of their perpetrators to "prove themselves". They usually, but not always, serve the interests of the powers that be as one of their greatest advertisements. If a group that is certainly infiltrated by the secret police and may be controlled by same claims an action it merely moves the index of suspicion to a higher level rather than obliterating it. Let those who deny such a thing study history, especially Russian and French history (and American history too).

Greece is full of such nonsense, both "anarchist" and the decaying remnants of Maoism. The USA (and unfortunately my own country Canada) also has such bullshit. Take the US example, subtract the ridiculous bows to politically correct guilt (truly bizarre actually). Make the tiny armed struggle groups 10 times as effective (even if there still is no point to what they are doing), and you have the situation in Greece. The problem...even increasing the efficiency of those who think they can bomb and vandalize their way to social change by one order of magnitude still leaves 4 orders (X 10,000) before such actions can be something other than useless or merely serving the interests of the state.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Across the world the situation of immigrant workers is inevitably worse than workers native to the country. This is true here in North America, and it is especially true in the country of Russia. All too often this injustice goes to the ultimate-death. Here's a story from the English language section of the Polish anarchist news wire Centrum Informacji Anarchistcznej (a fine source for news about eastern Europe) about a recent such atrocity in Moscow.
Moscow: Migrant Workers Die in Illegal "Housing":

Seven Tadzhik construction workers were killed yesterday in Moscow when a fire broke out in an underground parking garage where they were being illegally housed. At least 20 other workers were caught in the blaze but were rescued.

Construction firms most often provide migrant workers with makeshift housing (such as containers or garages) in flagrant violate of health and safety regulations.

The workers said that over 100 people were living in the garage, below the 24-floor building site being constructed by the company MegaStroiPolis. There were kitchens set up there - often on gas tanks - and there were many dangerous heating devices which were used in subzero temperatures. The garage was otherwise not heated.

The site was supposedly "examined" by the official City Hall Committee for Construction Supervision on Dec. 26. No safety violations were found.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009


The following item is from the Polish anarchist newswire Centrum Informacji Anarchistcznej.
11th Anniversary of Schoolboy Killing:
11 years ago today, on Saturday Jan. 10 1998, police killed a 13-year old boy in the city of Slupsk in northern Poland. The boy was murdered because he was among a group of people who decided to cross a red light.

After going to a basketball game, 13-year old Przemyslaw (Przemek) Czaja was in a crowd of hundreds of fans who were leaving the game. The large group of people decided to cross a street on the red light. The crowd was attacked by police. A cop struck Przemek on the head with his baton multiple times and was knocked unconscious. Despite the fact that the crowd demanded police call an ambulance, they did nothing and the boy died.

The next day a group of people went to the place of the murder to erect a cross and then marched to the police station. The prosecutor made a public statement claiming that the boy "tripped and hit his head". However there were dozens of witnesses to the events. As news spread of the prosecutor's cover-up, angry people began to mobilize. Police stations and vehicles came under attack. Three days of rioting followed.

239 adults and 251 minors were detained. 72 police officers were injured, two of whom were hospitalized.

In 2001 Dariusz W., the officer who killed the boy, was sentenced to 8 years. However, he was released after 4 years due to poor health. Another officer, Robert K. who was sitting in a cruiser during the incident, was accused of failing to help the victim.
Short film of riot

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Wednesday, January 07, 2009



As the bombs continue to rain down on Gaza opposition to the Israeli government's actions continues to grow. Some Israeli citizens oppose the actions of their government as well, and amongst these are the Israeli Anarchists Against the Wall. The following story has been here, there and everywhere across the internet. I too the version below from the Polish anarchist news service Centrum Informacji Anarchistcznej.
Palestine-Israel, more news of Anarchists against the Wall (AAtW) from a war zone:
Israel’s harshest assault on Gaza since 1967 - code named "Operation Cast Lead" - which began on Saturday morning and left over 250 Palestinians dead on its first day alone, was met with widespread condemnation around the world, including dissent within Israel itself.

Protest actions began already the day before Israel’s "Shock and Awe" aerial offensive, when activists demonstrated in the heart of Tel-Aviv, warning against the looming escalation and calling for peace talks with Gaza’s democratically elected officials. This demonstration, organized by the Coalition against the Siege on Gaza, was virtually ignored by the mainstream media.

On Saturday, December the 27th, as we learnt of the carnage and devastation Israeli warplanes inflicted that morning on Gaza’s already suffering, besieged population, AATW activists joined over a hundred angry protesters on a virtually-spontaneous demonstration in the city of Jaffa (many local residents have relatives in the Gaza strip, since a large part of Jaffa’s population were forced to flee to Gaza in 1948).

At the same time demonstrations broke out in dozens of cities and villages across the West Bank, as well as East Jerusalem, many resulting in clashes between Palestinian youth and Israeli troops. Later that evening, AATW took part in a thousand-strong, Arab-Jewish protest march through the streets of Tel Aviv, along members of other organizations. The protesters led an emotionally-charged, energetic march from the Cinemateque Square to the Ministry of Defense (video), chanting "the occupation is terrorism" and carrying signs such as "Israel’s ministers are war criminals". On the way, demonstrators were attacked without provocation by Israeli Special Patrol Unit backed by aggressive mounted policemen. Further clashes took place on the Ministry of Defense’s lawn, when anarchists knocked down security fences and attempted to block traffic on Kaplan Street. Six demonstrators were arrested, all of which were released by a judge the next day.

On Sunday, December the 28th, as the number of dead in Gaza climbed closer to 300 on the second day of Israel’s attack, AATW activists joined a demonstration in the village of Ni’ilin against Israel’s war crimes in Gaza. Israeli forces opened fire on stone-throwing youth, killing one protester and leaving another in critical condition. Arafat Rateb Khawaja, 22 years old, was shot in the back with live ammunition, and died at 14:45 in Ramallah Hospital. Mohammed Kasim Khawaja, 20 years old, was shot in the forehead with live ammunition from close range, and remains in a condition of clinical death in Ramallah hospital.

Sunday, December the 29th, evening saw AATW take part in yet another charged demonstration in central Tel Aviv, with dozens of people calling for an end to the current military operation in Gaza and to the occupation in general. Protesters held placards saying "International intervention now!" and "Israelis & Palestinians oppose war".

Monday, December the 30th, saw an extremely charged funeral in Ni’ilin, followed by a day of clashes with the army, as well as hundreds of students voice their opposition throughout the campuses of Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem’s universities - all of which involved clashes with police and/or fascist counter demonstrators, as well as violent arrests.

Later that day demonstrators gathered in front of the Egyptian embassy in Tel Aviv, protesting Egyptian silence and collaboration with the Israeli offencive. The protesters were met by an extremely large contingent of border and riot police, which, when prodded by an inflamed crowed of passer-bys, used extreme violence to disperse the the demonstration. Six were arrested, all of them Palestinian citizens of Israel.

Later that afternoon, AATW members joined an Arab-Israeli protest against the atrocities in Gaza that took place in the city of Jaffa. Several hundred people raised Palestinian flags and shouted slogans of solidarity with Gaza’s population and support for the Intifada. The event culminated in a loud and disorderly march through the streets of Jaffa - at times blocking traffic - which was eventually dispersed without violence after being confronted with a large number of riot and border police reinforcements.

Tuesday 31 saw another hastily organized and enraged demonstration of about 200 people at the center of Tel Aviv. Despite the large presence of police, eggs and empty bottles were thrown at the protesters.

On Friday, January the 2d, early in the morning activists of the AAtW out smart the police, shortly blocked the road and staged a street theater of a "die in" at the entrance to the military air port of Tel Aviv - where the pilots and other high ranking are flayed daily to the far bases in the south and north for the daily war crimes. 18 comrades were arrested and the shamed police avenged by asking the court judge for three days jail time for them being dangerous and for "investigation". The judge order their stay in jail for the two days weekend (till Sunday morning).

Tel Aviv (Sdeh Dov airport) demonstration Friday 2.1.2008 at
AATW *Press Release*
*Die-in Against the War in Gaza*
*18 activists from ’Anarchists Against the Wall" were arrested this morning, as they blocked the entrance to the Sde Dov air force base.*

*The demonstrators lay on the entrance road to the base and pretended to be dead in opposition to the killing in Gaza.*

About 20 activists from ’Anarchists Against the Wall’ arrived today, Friday morning, at 6am, to the air force base Sde Dov, and blocked the entrance to the base. The activists lay on the road and pretended to be dead, dressed in white and covered in red paint, representing the large amount of blood on Gaza’s streets. After about 10 minutes all of the activists to joined the die-in were arrested.

Ayala, one of the activists: "We pretended to be dead as an installation that is meant to illustrate to the IDF’s pilots the results of their actions in Gaza. A pilot who is at a height of thousands of feet, who aims toward a target, and presses a button, can ignore, forget or even not grasp that in this very instant he killed innocent people. We came here to remind this.*

Since the beginning of this war, the air force has bombed Gaza 300 times. In these bombings more than 400 Palestinians have been killed, hundreds of civilians. It is impossible to be against the bombing of civilians in Sderot without being against massive killing of citizens in Gaza.

International Laws of War obligate as much avoidance as possible from harming civilians. The Israeli air force’s bombings on heavily populated Gaza cannot but harm civilians and are a war crime. Every pilot that bombs Gaza bombs a civilian population and he is a war criminal.
Because of too many arrested early in the morning we participated in joint demonstrations against the separation fence only in Jayyous - where lot of tear gas was used, and in Bil’in - which was again an experimental field for "low lethal means for crowd control". This Friday In Bil’in, the state force did another experiment with the noise machine and new bullets. In the experiment of the noise machine, it replaced at the beginning most of the state repression. For long time they did not use tear gas or shooting with rubber coated bullets in spite of intense barrage of stones thrown by the kids. It seems the state force main task - besides the experiment, was to prevent the recurring of the cutting of the separation fence as done on the Sunday demonstration against the war in Gaza.
SATURDAY, January the 3d
During the week was distributed the call for demonstration on Saturday in the name of the coalition of organizations against the war (in Gaza) - the Anarchists against the Wall initiative are in it:

"The killing in Gaza continues. Hundreds have been killed, thousands injured, air-strikes have caused utter devastation and entire families are left homeless.

Civilians in the south of Israel are being held captive by a government which lies to them and abuses them. Destruction and death in Gaza will not ensure their future, but rather lead to more violence and killings. Join us in protest this coming Saturday, 3.1.2009, in Tel Aviv. Together we will call out:
***Stop the Killing! No to the Siege! Yes to life for both peoples!
***In these dark days, let us stick to our message:
***Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies!
***Our demand: A full truce and the lifting of the siege on Gaza NOW!

Please note: For the past week mass arrests have been carried out amongst Palestinian citizens of Israel who are exercising their democratic right to protest. On Saturday, at 13:00, before the Tel Aviv demonstration, a mass protest rally will be held in Sakhnin by the High Committee of Arab Israelis against the killing in Gaza. Please make an effort to join - your presence is of the essence!”

At the evening, after the highest court forbidden the police from interfering with the content of the demonstration thousand of people converged in the city square - including many who participated at the early afternoon in the demonstration at Sakhnin in the north. Few hundreds participated in the anarchist block. The drumming circle was the center of the block all along the demonstration. Anarchist flags banners and chants were targeted along the route by rightists who failed to cause any disturbance.
Palestine-Israel, Rough translation of report on the murder in Ni’ilin in the Sunday 26-12-08 shooting, written for Btselem by an AAtW member
On Sunday, the 28/12/08 there was in Ni’ilin a demonstration in protest of the massacre in Gaza. Very fast the demonstration escalated into confrontations in few locations between the army & gendarmes that shoot bullets covered with rubber & tear gas and villagers that threw stones on the state force.

The biggest focus of confrontation was in the main entrance to the village, near the intersection between road 446 and road 4460, and there were concentrated lot of gendarmes. A second focus was a bit to the south-west of the 4460 in an olive plantation adjacent to the village houses. The most marginal building - a poultry, is already within the olive plantation and around it were confrontations. The soldiers were on one side of the poultry and the demonstrators - about 15-30 young villagers on the other side.

I stood near the second focus of confrontation, about 30-40 meters from the stone throwers.
For a long while the state force used tear gas and rubber coated bullets. [which are much less lethal - I.S] At a certain moment, the noise of shooting changed into that of non automatic live ammunition (based on my experience). I approached to the stone throwing people to warn them that the state force started to use live ammunition.

At that moment, the demonstrators stood behind a high pile of stones adjacent to the poultry and about 4-5 soldiers who were about 20 meter from them, were walking freely to and fro behind a low field wall ("terasa").

It was clear from their behavior they did not perceive any danger to their life*. The shooting of live ammunition (not upward in the air) continued for few minutes.

Because of the danger, after warning few of the youth there of the danger I started to retreat backwards looking all the time towards the confrontation. After about 5 meters of retreat one of the demonstrators was hit in his leg. I run to him and was the second to reach him. We carried him about 15 meters backwards, towards a team of para-medics who were there. About 30 seconds or less passed and we heard shouts about another casualty. I run back but half way I saw four people carrying a limp body - a person that was shut in his back and seemed dead. Later I learned it was Arafat Khauagha.

I looked at the location where the people were shot and I have seen another one shot at and collapsing. The people around him carried him and cried that he was shot at his head. Later I learned that his name is Muhamad Khawaga.

The fire continued. The head of the injured was covered with blood that was flowing in a big stream. The people who were carrying him were covered with his blood.

I run towards Arafat Khawaga and replaced one of these who carried him. I held his left shoulder and his head so it will not be shaken. My hand that held his shoulder and back was covered with his blood. Then, one of the youth replaced me. There was no ambulance at that place at the moment and he was evacuated in a car of one of the villagers. The ambulance arrived a minute later and evacuated the other three injured ones to the Ramallah hospital.
I will stress again that the use of live ammunition was not of short duration and was not because of any distress of the soldiers that could have been interpreted as threatening their live[**]. The duration of that shooting was along few minutes in which the soldiers were behind a cover with out retreating. In addition, a short distance from them there was a much bigger force - tens of border guard gendarmes, that had not come "to save them" - proving that no danger was felt there.

In addition, Araphat Khawaga was shot at his back, meaning his back was towards the soldiers while he was shot at - hardly any threat to them at all.
** The spokesperson of the Israeli army declare each time the state forces murder a Palestinian that "they were just protecting themselves as there was a threat on their lives..."

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