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  1. 10 мая
  2. 4 часа назад

    The PERFECT friendgroup

  3. 21 час назад
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  4. 8 мая
  5. 29 апр.

    so i been rewatching and did a few lil human designs

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  6. 6 мая
  7. 10 мая

    I love old jay and all the weapons that the creators forgot they gave him

  8. 10 мая
  9. 9 мая

    2022 redraw of an older character design piece I've done. I'm having so much fun with this sketchy art style with this new brush I got :D

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  10. 10 мая
  11. 3 мая

    It's been a while and I still don't know how to draw his hair..

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  12. 30 апр.
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  13. 7 мая
  14. 10 мая

    I guess Milton Dyer never gave him his promotion lol

  15. 10 мая

    Have you watch it? I REALLY CAN'T WAIT but at the same time, im scared and excited.

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  16. 22 часа назад

    Hey guys sorry I've been gone for a while I had surgery anyways I'm into ninjago now

  17. 19 часов назад

    I think they did a similar thing with the Troll Hunter series where they would still use the previous voice actor’s grunts and exclamations. It’s nice

  18. 4 часа назад

    시즌6 너무 재밌다.. 훌찌럭🥲 젱냐의 뽑호라니..

  19. 9 мая

    시즌5 후기..? 드디어 모로를 만났다 근데 사라졌다 으잉??

  20. 11 часов назад

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