Friday, September 03, 2010



Here's an upcoming event down Toronto way in the wake of the massive arrests surrounding the G20 summit in that city.

Strengthening Our Resolve
Time September 17 · 6:30pm - 11:30pm

Location Ryerson University - Rogers Communication Centre, room RCC 204 (Eaton Lecture Theatre), (80 Gould Street, Toronto ON)

Created By Toronto Community Mobilization Network
(or the website -Molly)

More Info
Strengthening Our Resolve: Movement Building and Ongoing Resistance to the G20 Agenda

Speakers include Alex Hundert, Jen Meunier, Judy Rebick, Liisa
...Schofield, Ro Velasquez, Harsha Walia, and a representative from the
Greater Toronto Workers Assembly

This is a Pay What You Can event. All contributions go to the G20
Legal Defence Fund ( )

While 40,000 demonstrated and over 1000 were arrested in the streets of Toronto, so-called leaders met behind a security fence and 10,000 police to further their exploitation of people and the Earth. Hundreds face G20-related charges stemming from an unprecedented coordinated police operation, and political dissent remains criminalized as arrests of community organizers have occurred as recently as September.

Meanwhile, across the globe we see G20 austerity measures snatching away health, educational and social services, while the governments of G20 countries continue to bail out banks and corporations. Locally, we witness racist criminalization of migrants and refugees becoming more vicious, while colonization and destruction of Indigenous nations and their lands continues. Many of us daily experience the entrenchment of a racist, ableist, patriarchal, queer-phobic, profit-driven culture, while countless bodies bear the violence of an oppressive police state that enforces these norms.

Join us in this event with speakers and discussion about responses the G20 agenda, and making linkages across issues and ongoing struggles. With courage and with care, this event is about building solidarity and understanding, about creating real alternatives to this
exploitative and destructive system, and to strengthen our resolve to
continue resisting.

For more information email or call 416 922 4595.

Sponsored by: Toronto Community Solidarity Network, the 247 G20
Defence Committee, CAW Sam Gindin Social Justice and Democracy Chair, OPIRG York, OPIRG Toronto, CUPE 3903 First Nations Solidarity Working Group, CUPE 3907

- Alex Hundert is a G20 defendant charged with “conspiracy” who was arrested in a violent pre-emptive house raid. He has been targeted as a “ringleader” for his role in Indigenous solidarity and anarchist networks including AW@L, SOAR and the Six Nations Solidarity Network.

- Jen Meunier is an Anishinaabekwe (Algonquin) Indigenous
sovereigntist who has been involved in land defense struggles from
Site 41 and Six Nations to the No Olympics on Stolen Native Land

- Judy Rebick is an author, past CAW-Sam Gindin Chair in Social
Justice and Democracy at Ryerson University, past president of the
National Action Committee on the Status of Women, media commentator, and founding publisher of

- Liisa Schofield is a documentary filmmaker, an anti-poverty activist
with the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, and an activist for
Palestinian rights.

- Ro Velasquez is an artist, York University student, and a member of
the Queer Resistance Network. She is active in movements rooted in
racialized, immigrant, and queer communities of resistance.

- Harsha Walia is an organizer with No One Is Illegal-Vancouver. She
is involved in migrant justice, Indigenous solidarity,
anti-imperialist, anti-poverty, feminist organizing. She has been
active in the 2010 Olympics and G20 convergences.

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Friday, August 27, 2010



Tomorrow, Augst 28, there will be a public forum at McGill University in Montréal focusing on the movement against the g8/g20 and its present relevance today. Here's the promo.>>>
Summit Up: Reflections on the Movement against the G8/G20
Tomorrow · 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Saturday August 28th at 3:30 pm Shatner Ballroom (3rd floor, 3480 McTavish)

Created By Rad Frosh, A.p. Mals, Qpirg McGill, Andrea Figueroa

More Info Summit Up: Reflections on the Movement against the G8/G20

Saturday August 28th at 3:30 pm
Shatner Ballroom (3rd floor, 3480 McTavish)

This panel will be focusing on the events of this summer in Toronto, an attempt to get beyond the media’s one-sided coverage and hear from those directly involved in mobilizing efforts. By giving historical context to the summit against the G8/G20, panelists will discuss how the anti-globalization movement arrived at this moment.

The intention of the panel is;
to highlight why different groups became involved in the movement
against the G8/G20,
to share their analysis of the movement as it stands today,
to highlight successes and/or lessons that have been learned this year.

Featuring speakers from QPIRG McGill, No One is Illegal, PolitiQ, and CLAC 2010.

This panel is part of Rad Frosh 2010, organized by QPIRG McGill. Find out more at and!

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Saturday, August 21, 2010



Molly just got an interesting notice about a new talk series hopefully starting soon here in Winnipeg...the Black and Red Talks. Here's the info from Viva Mondragon. >>>

Black & Red Talks #1
Public Event
Time August 27 · 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Mondragon Bookstore & Coffee House
91 Albert
Winnipeg, MB
Created By Viva Mondragon

More Info
This is the kickoff/planning session for the Black and Red Talks series. Every month we're bringing together local smart-folk, the odd "expert" and you for a sit down style panel discussion about a whole range of topics. This first meeting will be for planning the next several months of speakers and topics.

Come out and help us spread knowledge and points of view through out the community.

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Monday, August 16, 2010



The following notice of a public meeting to demand that charges against those arrested at the G20 summit in Toronto be dropped comes originally from the G20 Toronto Mobilize group. It came Molly's way via the Ontario Coalition against Poverty (OCAP).

Drop G20 Charges!
Resisting the Criminalization of Dissent
Date: August 17th
Time: 6pm - 7:30pm
Location: Room 116, Wallberg building, 200 College Street, Toronto, ON

Speakers include Lesley Wood, Syed Hussan and organizers from OCAP. Full list of speakers and video statements to be announced!

For ten days at the end of June, the Police led a coordinated armed assault against Toronto's civilian population. Community organizers were in particular targeted. Mobilizations for justice, for dignity and for self-determination were infiltrated, harassed and intimidated. A Canada wide response is at hand... as people fight to have the criminal charges dropped and to continue the struggle against the G20's anti-people and anti-environment policies. (Support the Legal Defence Fund! )

To understand why people mobilized against the G20 and how organizers were targeted; to hear accounts of police brutality and repression; and to understand the political nature of the bail conditions, the criminalization of dissent and ways to support the people facing charges, join us for an informative panel and discussion.

This event is focused towards activists, grassroots organizers and people who are interested in knowing more and acting in solidarity with local struggles and defendants.
Endorsers: Ontario Coalition Against Poverty No One Is Illegal - Toronto Rainforest Action Network - Toronto Common Cause - Toronto Branch Sponsored by: Hussan Freedom Committee, Ontario Public Interest Research Group - Toronto
LESLEY WOOD is a Professor of Sociology at York University and a member of the Toronto Community Mobilization Network and the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty. Lesley will be speaking about G20 policies, police violence during the summit and the role of global justice movements and community struggles. Read her latest movement article at:
SYED HUSSAN is a member of the Toronto Community Mobilization Network and No One Is Illegal-Toronto. He was arrested on the morning of June 26, 2010 and held for 12 days. Hussan will speak about his arrest, bail conditions, and the need for solidarity and ongoing organizing. Read statements from No One Is Illegal at and

ONTARIO COALITION AGAINST POVERTY is a grassroots anti-poverty organization that faced increasing police repression following mass demonstrations in 2001. Organizers will be speak about the targeting of various community groups in 2001 and during the G20 and the need to struggle against the G8/G20 policies in the coming years. Read more at and

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Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Thursday, August 19...a panel discussion on the recent g20 summit in Toronto and its effect on civil liberties. Here's the blurb.
G20 Perspectives:
A Panel Discussion on Civil Liberties and Global Justice
Time August 19 · 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Location Carol Shields Auditorium, Millennium Library, 2nd Floor
251 Donald St.
Winnipeg, MB

Created By Canadians Demanding a Public Inquiry into Toronto G20 (Winnipeg Chapter)

More Info Join us for a panel discussion on issues pertaining to the recent G20 Summit in Toronto.

The panelists will be:
-David Camfield: Member of the editorial board of New Socialist webzine
-Joan Grace: Professor of Politics at U of W specializing in civil society and policy advocacy, state architecture and political engagement.
...-Chris Powell: Professor of Sociology at U of M
-Dan Lett: Political Opinion columnist for the Winnipeg Free Press
-Robert Chernomas: Professor of Economics at U of M and board member of the Council of Canadians

The above list is subject to change.

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Saturday, July 31, 2010



Here's an upcoming public forum to be held here in Winnipeg on August 4. I have to say that this sort of thing makes me somewhat "itchy" and not just because its sponsors such as the 'Council of Canadians' are in most other circumstances advocates of centralization in the Canadian federation. It's also because their presumed "strategy" of reducing carbon emissions via delegation of responsibility to the provinces would only get 'self-interested support' in an unequivocal manner in two Canadian provinces - Québec and Manitoba. Their invocation of Ontario is, in my mind doubtful even with Ontario's commitment to nuclear power thrown in for good measure, and as for the other provinces..forget it. I could go on and on about the "political illusion" here, but I'll leave that to the readers' imagination. I also think that arguments about provincial/federal responsibilities in terms of power generation are very much beside the point as the real argument is local/municipal versus all other levels of government. The old anarchist argument about localism versus statism. All that aside here's the promo for the meeting.
Public forum on Trade threats to provincial leadership on climate change


Location Buchwald room, Millenium Library .
251 Donald St.
Winnipeg, MB

Wednesday, August 4

7:00 – 9:00 pm

Buchwald Room, Millennium Library ( 251 Donald Street )

Faced with federal impotence on the climate file, Canada 's provinces are taking independent steps to reduce their carbon consumption. At the same time, new international trade agreements, such as the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), that the provinces are actively negotiating alongside the Harper government threaten to undermine these new provincial efforts to mitigate climate change.

The Ontario Green Energy Act, which prioritizes locally produced renewable energy, is one example of the kind of forward-looking policy the provinces should be adopting. But European trade negotiators are putting enormous pressure on federal and provincial governments to get rid of local content or sustainable sourcing requirements that are necessary to help Canadian communities and companies transition away from dirty energy, and create good, green jobs. Efforts to phase-out tar sands production are also compromised by these trade agreements.

On the eve of the 2010 meeting of the Council of the Federation in Winnipeg, come learn more about this provincial contradiction -- between a need to move further and faster than the Harper government on climate change and a willingness to compromise environmental policy in trade deals -- and why the provincial governments need to reject any trade deals with Europe or other countries that threaten their shift toward sustainability.

Steve Guilbeault, Co - Founder and Deputy Director, Equiterre
Brendan Reimer, Prairies & Northern Territories Coordinator, CCEDNet
Stuart Trew, National Trade Campaigner, Council of Canadians

Presented by the Council of Candians Winnipeg Chapter and Climate Action Network Canada - Reseau action climat Canada

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Saturday, July 10, 2010




Bientôt à Montréal ... Rencontre avec l'auteur Matinik Doubout. Parrainé par l'Union Communiste Libertaire.
Coming soon in Montréal...meeting with author matinik Doubout. Sponsored by l'Union Communiste Libertaire.

Conférence et discussion avec l'auteur du livre Matinik Doubout.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Studio Levier Noir (Métro Place St-Henri)
Street: 4525 rue St-Jacques
City/Town: Montreal, QC

Description.Matinik Doubout: Lutte anticolonialiste et lutte de classe en Martinique et dans les Antilles.

L’Union Communiste Libertaire-Montréal vous convie à une conférence estivale.

En février-mars 2009, la Martinique a été secouée par le plus puissant mouvement populaire du siècle dernier. Des milliers de Martiniquais-es se sont retrouvé-es dans un mouvement de grève générale qui s’est étendu comme une trainée de poudre dans les Antilles Françaises.

Nemo, enseignant, témoin et acteur de ces événements et militant d’Alternative libertaire présentera une conférence qui traitera de la lutte anticolonialiste et de la lutte des classes en Martinique ainsi que dans les Antilles. Il est l’auteur du livre Matinik Doubout, qui raconte au jour le jour le mouvement de 2009 et analyse les perspectives politiques et économiques quil a ouvertes.

Cette conférence abordera l’historique de ces luttes, la situation actuelle ainsi que les perspectives à l’ombre de la crise économique mondiale. Cette conférence sera suivie d’une période de discussion et de questions.

Un billet portant sur le bouquin:

(english version)

Conference: Matinik Doubout - The anti-colonialist, class struggle in Martinique and the Antilles

The Montreal branch of the Union Communiste Libertaire invites you to a summer conference with the author of the book "Matinik Doubout".

When? Thursday 22 July 2010 at 7.00pm

Where? 4525 Rue St-Jacques, Montreal (metro Place St-Henri)

In February and March 2009, Martinique was shaken by the strongest popular movement seen in the country since the last century. Thousands of Martinicans found themselves as part of a general strike movement which spread like a powder-trail throughout the French Antilles.

Nemo, a teacher and member of Alternative Libertaire Martinique, was a witness to and participant in these events. He will be presenting a talk on the anti-colonialist struggle and the class struggle in Martinique and the rest of the Antilles. He is also the author of the book "Matinik Doubout", which gives a day-by-day account of the 2009 movement and analyses the political and economic conditions which lay at its root.

This conference will cover the history of these struggles and the current situation, also in the light of the global economic crisis. The talk will be followed by an opportunity for questions and debate.

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Thursday, June 03, 2010



Like in many other cities people will be protesting the recent Israeli attack on the 'Gaza Flotilla'. In TO this happens this Saturday, the same day as the 'G20 Teach In'. Here's news about both events from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP).

Saturday: Solidarity with Gaza and G20 Teach-in‏
This coming Saturday, June 5th, 2 Important Events:

1) Emergency Demonstration in Solidarity with Gaza: 1pm

2) Toronto vs. G20 Mass Teach-in

*all details below


1) Gaza Freedom Flotilla

Global Day of Action:

Saturday, June 5

On Saturday, June 5, human rights and community organizations will mobilize to join an emergency Global BDS Day of Action called by the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC). In Toronto, join us to protest the fatal attacks by apartheid Israel on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip (please see full BNC call-out below).

R A L L Y & M A R C H

Date: Saturday, June 5

Time: 1:00 p.m.

Location: Israeli Consulate, 180 Bloor Street West

June 5 also marks the 43rd anniversary of the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Our action aims to draw the world’s attention to Israel’s continuing illegal occupation, its refusal to abide by international law, and its massacre of innocent humanitarian workers.

Please join us, and stand with Palestine! Tell your friends and family. Bring Palestinian flags. Organized by:

Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid

Palestine House Community Centre

Canadian Arab Federation

Toronto Coalition to Stop the War

Canadian Peace Alliance

Find us on Facebook:

To endorse, please email


2) Toronto vs. the G20

Community action for global justice

Saturday, June 510:30am-6pm

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

252 Bloor Street West

What are we protesting, again? It’s a good impulse to feel contempt for the G20. It’s a better impulse to want to talk about it. Join student and community activists to learn about the G20 and current social and environmental justice campaigns in Toronto, and to get involved. Free citywide teach-in. Lunch included!



11:00 INTRODUCTION: What is the G20 and why should we care about it? OISE Auditorium 11:30 OPENING PLENARY - OISE Auditorium Economic Justice in Ontario: Poverty, Disability, and Workers’ Rights The theme of this G20 summit is “recovery and new beginnings.” But the G20 isn’t pursuing anything new. The G20 has used the economic crisis to reinforce the myth of its own legitimacy, on the backs of poor and working people around the world. In Canada, austerity measures have already provoked outrage and opposition. Why should poor and working people pay for a crisis that capitalism imposed ? Hear from anti-poverty activists,union organizers and workers.

1:00 FREE LUNCH Join the *Free Gaza Flotilla Rally* directly after the opening plenary outside the Israeli consulate (180 Bloor St West, one block from OISE). Lunch will be extended by 30 minutes in solidarity with this action.

For information: .

2:15 SESSION ONE (choose one)

Migrant Justice, Imperialism and the G20 – Room 5260

Food and Water Security – Room 5180 At Home and Beyond: Gender Justice in a Neoliberal World – Room 5170

G20 and the University – Room 5280

3:45 SESSION TWO (choose one)

Climate and Environmental Justice – Room 5170

Indigenous Sovereignty and the G20 – Room 5280

Apartheid and the G20: Palestine Solidarity in Canada – Room 5260

5:15 CLOSING PLENARY - Room 2214

On the Ground in June: Know your rights! Massive demonstrations, black blocs, human chains and nonviolent resistance, police brutality, tear gas, and mass arrests. Sound dramatic? Romantic imagery of protests and demos can obscure the realities of the work that goes into making them happen and the range of skills and knowledge that make them successful. From Seattle WTO to Quebec FTAA; from Pittsburgh G20 to Vancouver anti-Olympics; and finally in Toronto this June, prepare for what’s coming by learning from the past.

Join us for an historical workshop on demos, a primer to your legal rights on the street,and an overview of possibilities for participation, presented by the Toronto Community Mobilization Network. [[ All events are wheelchair accessible. Regrettably, ASL interpretation is not available. ]]




Sponsored by University of Toronto Students’ Union * Ontario Public Interest Research Group * Toronto Community Mobilization Network * Sierra Youth Coalition * Science for Peace * Canadian Youth Climate Coalition *University of Toronto Graduate Students' Union * Health Studies Students' Union * Diaspora and Transnational Student Union * Native Students' Association * Caribbean Studies Students' Union * Equity Studies Students' Union * Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3902 * No One Is Illegal- Toronto * Ontario Coalition Against Poverty * And others!

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Sunday, May 16, 2010



Coming up soon here at the Rudolf Rocker Cultural Centre, 91 Albert St...a workshop on anarchism and non-violence. Here's the details.

Anarchism & Non-Violence Workshop
Date: Sunday, June 6, 2010
Time: 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Rudolf Rocker Cultural Centre
Street: 91 Albert St. - 3rd Floor above Mondragon
City/Town: Winnipeg, MB

Please join us at the Rudolf Rocker Cultural Center for an exciting and timely workshop this coming Sunday, June 6th, on an interesting (and perhaps controversial) topic and an important topic to Winnipeg: Anarchism and Nonviolence followed by Urban Ecologies and Homeless Geographies.

We will be welcoming activist and socio-political scholar Randall Amster, who has generously offered to share his knowledge and expertise of Anarchism and Nonviolence with us, in the spirit of finding commonality and practical balance between these two important, grassroots-based, and often misunderstood philosophies. Randall is an author, activist, and educator in areas including peace, ecology, homelessness, and anarchism, and he puts on a great workshop — you will leave his talk entertained but also informed. The early part of the day will be focused on Anarchism and the second half will lead into a discussion of homelessness and activism.

to RSVP please email

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Wednesday, May 05, 2010


It's been 20 years since the 'Oka Crisis' where the Canadian army was called in to supress an occuption of native lands in and around the town of Oka. The occupiers had previously forced the Sureté de Québec (the Québec provincial police) to withdraw from the area. Where does the struggle for native self government stand today 20 years after this event ? As part of the Montréal Festival of Anarchy speakers from the various first nations involved will be holding a public meeting next Wednesday May 12. Here's the details.
20 Years Since Oka: Kanienkehaka Communities in Resistance
Informational Meeting
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: de Sève Cinema
Street: 1400 de Maisonneuve Ouest
City/Town: Montreal, QC
View Map

Description.[français ci-dessous]

20 Years Since Oka: Kanienkehaka Communities in Resistance
with speakers from Kanehsatake, Kahnawake, Akwesasne, Tyendinaga & Six Nations

de Sève Cinema, 1400 de Maisonneuve Ouest
(métro Guy-Concordia)

Free. Wheelchair accessible.
Presentations in English with whisper translation available into French.
If you need childcare, please contact 514-848-7583 48 hours in advance.

Speakers include:

-> RUBY MONTOUR: Ruby is a member of the Six Nations of the Grand River, Mohawk nation, Turtle Clan. She faces a multi-million dollar lawsuit for her actions to reclaim her land and stop illegal development that annexes un-ceded Indigenous territory.

-> SHAWN BRANT: Shawn is a member of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Community, active in the defense of the land and rights of his people, for which he has been targeted for arrest and prison, as well as a lawsuit by CN Rail.

-> JOE DEOM: Joe is a member of the Bear Clan and a member of the Longhouse in Kahnawake. He was a negotiator on behalf of Mohawks during the events of 1990.

-> CLIFTON ARIHWAKEHTE: Clifton is a member of the Kanehsatake Mohawk Community and a participant in the events of 1990.

[Speaker from Akwesasne to be confirmed shortly.]

Twenty years ago this July, the people of Kanehsatake and Kahnawake rose up in defense of their ancestral lands, facing off against government officials, the police, and the Canadian Army. Kanienkehaka (Mohawk) communities have been on the forefront of resistance to colonialism in Canada. The events at Kanehsatake and Kahnawake were a crucial landmark in the history of Indigenous resistance to colonialism, and in the assertion of Indigenous self-determination.

This event brings together community members from Kanehsatake, Kahnawake, Akwesasne, Tyendinaga and Six Nations. The panelists will reflect together about the impact of the events of 1990 as well as current struggles for justice in their communities.

Presented by the Indigenous Solidarity Committee & No One Is Illegal-Montréal.
Part of the Festival of Anarchy during the month of May in Montreal.
Co-sponsored by the Quebec Public Interest Research Groups (QPIRG) at Concordia & McGill.
The Indigenous Solidarity Committee is a working group of QPIRG Concordia.


20 ans après Oka : les communautés Kanienkehaka en résistance
Avec des conférenciers de Kanehsatake, Kahnawake, Akwesasne, Tyendinaga et de Six Nations.

Cinéma de Sève, 1400 de Maisonneuve Ouest
(métro Guy-Concordia)

Accessible aux chaises roulantes. Gratuit.
Présentations en anglais avec traduction chuchotée vers le français.
Si vous avez besoin d’un service de garde, svp contactez-nous 48h avant l’événement au 514-848-7583.

Les conférenciers incluent :

-> RUBY MONTOUR : Ruby est membre du Clan de la Tortue de la nation Mohawk du territoire des Six Nations. Elle fait face à une poursuite de plusieurs millions de dollars suite à ses actions de réclamation de sa terre et de blocage d’un développement illégal annexant un territoire autochtone non cédé.

-> SHAWN BRANT : Shawn est un membre de la communauté Mohawk de Tyendinaga. Il est actif dans la défense du territoire et des droits de son peuple, raisons pour lesquelles il a été arrêté et incarcéré ainsi que poursuit par CN Rail.

-> JOE DEOM : Joe est un membre du Clan de l’Ours et de la Maison longue de Kahnawake. Il a agi en tant que négociateur pour les Mohawks lors des événements de 1990.

-> CLIFTON ARIHWAKEHTE : Clifton est un membre de la communauté Mohawk de Kanehsatake et un participant aux événements de 1990.

[Un conférencier d’Akwesasne sera confirmé sous peu.]

Il y a aura 20 ans ce mois de juillet, les peuples de Kanehsatake et de Kahnawake se soulevaient pour défendre leurs territoires ancestraux, affrontant ainsi les fonctionnaires, la police et l’armée canadienne. Les communautés Kanienkehaka (Mohawk) ont été au front de la résistance contre le colonialisme au Canada. Les événements de Kanehsatake et de Kahnawake furent des jalons cruciaux dans l’histoire de la résistance autochtone au colonialisme et de l’affirmation de l’autodétermination autochtone.

Cet événement rassemblera des membres des communautés de Kanehsatake, Kahnawake, Akwesasne, Tyendinaga et de Six Nations. Les panélistes réfléchiront collectivement sur les impacts des événements de 1990 ainsi que sur les luttes actuelles de leurs communautés.

Présenté par le Comité de Solidarité Autochtone et Personne n’est illégalMontréal.
Cet événement s’inscrit dans le Festival de l’anarchie tenu au mois de mai à Montréal.
Endossé par le Groupes de recherche d'intérêt publique (GRIP) à Concordia et à McGill.
Le Comité de Solidarité Autochtone est un groupe de travail du GRIP à Concordia.


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Tuesday, April 06, 2010



Another day, another last minute notice. This came in late last night from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP).

Reminder- TOMORROW:Poverty and the Provincial Budget - Public Forum, April 6‏

-----------please forward widely----------------
Poverty and the Provincial Budget
_______Health, Jobs and Resistance_______
The Ontario 2010 budget, released on March 25th, confirms that the McGuinty government's "poverty reduction" efforts are all pretense. Poor and working people are being forced to pay for the economic crisis. New cuts to social assistance are the most devastating since Mike Harris slashed welfare rates in 1995. We saw this coming and we need to respond. How can welfare recipients,labor unions and social justice activists organize together ? Join us for a discussion about current conditions and strategies forward.
*Tuesday, April 6
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)
252 Bloor St. West, Room 5260
*John Clarke*, Organizer with the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty.
*Michael Hurley*, President of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions and Vice-President of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Ontario.
*Dr. Roland Wong*, Occupational and Community Medicine Physician.
Sponsored by:
Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG-Toronto)
University of Toronto Health Studies Students' Union
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP)
Health Providers Against Poverty

OISE is an accessible location. For more information about this event, contact OPIRG-Toronto at .

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Monday, April 05, 2010



Les mardis de l'anarchie est un événement tous les mardis à LAgitéE (251 rue Dorchester, Québec, Québec) qui est "un événement d'échanges, de discussions et de débats abordant des thèmes libertaires chaque mardi à Québec"./// The Anarchist Tuesdays are an event every Tuesday at L'AgitéE (251 rue Dorchester, Québec City) that is "An event of exchanges, discussions and debates concerning libertarian themes every Tuesday in Québec).
Ce mardi///This Tuesday...
6 avril: Rencontre avec l'Haïtien James Darbouze

"Quelques éléments pour penser les difficultés de la re-construction en Haïti, à partir d'une perspective populaire."

En Haïti, il y a un proverbe créole qui dit Se depi nan samdi pou nou konn kouman dimanch nou ap ye (C’est en regardant nos samedi que nous pouvons savoir comment seront nos dimanche).

Tous les éléments auxquels nous avons accès aujourd'huidepuis maintenant trois mois que le séisme du 12 janvier est passéindiquent que la re-construction d'Haïti n'aura pas lieu (analyses réalistes pragmatiques) ou du moins que, si elle doit avoir lieu (analyses optimistes), cela nécessiterait une véritable mobilisation des couches populaires défavorisées ouvrières et paysannes.

Partant du décalage entre les discours qui d’un coté, n’arrêtent pas de tonner que la re-construction ne pourra se faire sans une démarcation claire et nette avec les recettes traditionnelles (politiques néolibérales) et, de l'autre, les pratiques actuelles imposées par les bailleurs de fonds – dans le prolongement de celles qui ont lieu depuis plus de trente années –, nous allons essayer de réfléchir aux difficultés concrètes qui se posent pour la re-construction en Haïti.

James Darbouze, militant, doctorant en philosophie, travaille en Haïti, dans l’enseignement supérieur public notamment.

Mardi 6 avril à l'Agitée 251 Dorchester dès 20 heures.
April 6: meeting with Haitian James Darbouze

"Some matters for thought to suggest the difficulties of re-building in Haiti, from the perspective of the people."

In Haiti, there is a Creole proverb that says Se depi nan pou nou Konn Kouman saturday sunday new ap ye (In looking at our Saturday that we can know how our Sunday will be).

All items available to us today - now three months since the earthquake of January 12 is past - indicate that the re-construction of Haiti will not happen (a realistic, pragmatic analysis), or at least that, if should take place (optimistic analysis), this would require a genuine mobilization of the lower classes, the disadvantaged workers and peasants.

Beginning at the gap between the discourse that on the one hand, does not stop to thunder that the re-construction will not be done without a clear-cut demarcation with traditional recipes (neoliberal policies) and on the other hand, practices current imposed by donors - in line with those held for more than thirty years - we will try to reflect on the practical difficulties that arise for re-building in Haiti.

James Darbouze, activist, PhD in philosophy, working in Haiti, in particular in public higher education.

Tuesday, April 6 at L'AgitéE 251 Dorchester at 8:00 pm.

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Sunday, April 04, 2010



Molly is pretty well dating herself here, but she is old enough to remember that "brief shining moment" in the late sixties and early 70s when the "left" actually had both a sense of humour and a sense of fun. It was a time when the old Stalinism of the traditional Communist Parties was an object of ridicule rather than attraction and the new Stalinism of the Leninist groupuscles and the hordes of those who came to make a living out of political correctness hadn't yet buried what was called the 'New Left'. It was a time when guilt was considered a sign of ignorance rather than a sign of enlightenment. Certainly the seeds of the end were there, but they were at least held partially at bay.

Now, like old Father Christmas returning from banishment by the puritans, here comes Paul Krassner to speak this April 10 at the Mondragon, Winnipeg's infoshop. See the wikipedia article and his website you you are not old enough to remember. Yeah, I know that that time has long since passed, but it's nice to see him still doing his stand-up routine after all these years. Here's the details.

Paul Krassner "Who's to Say What's Obscene?" Book Launch
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Location: Mondragon Bookstore & Coffeehouse
91 Albert St.
Winnipeg, MB

Hey folks, exciting news here at the Drag. Paul Krassner, co-founder of the Yippies, editor of Lenny Bruce's autobiography, youngest person to perform at Carnegie Hall, stand-up comedian, prolific writer and founder of the Realist, and all around amazing human being will be launching his latest book "Who's to Say What's Obscene?" Check out the bio below, it's ridiculous.

"Who's to Say What's Obscene?" Book Launch with Paul Krassner
Saturday April 10th
12 noon
Mondragon Bookstore and Coffeehouse

Paul Krassner calls himself an investigative satirist. Don Imus labeled him “one of the comic geniuses of the 20th century.” (Imus has since apologized for that quote.) And, according to the Los Angeles Reader, “Krassner delivers 90 minutes of the funniest, most intelligent social and political commentary in town.”

On the other hand, a couple of FBI agents went to one of his performances and stated in their report, “He purported to be humorous about government policies.” His FBI files indicate that after Life magazine published a favorable profile of him, the FBI sent a poison-pen letter to the editor, complaining: “To classify Krassner as a social rebel is far too cute. He’s a nut, a raving, unconfined nut.”

“The FBI was right,” says George Carlin. “This man is dangerous--and funny; and necessary.”

ABC newscaster Harry Reasoner wrote in his memoirs, “Krassner not only attacks establishment values; he attacks decency in general.” So Krassner named his one-person show Attacking Decency in General, receiving awards from the L.A. Weekly and DramaLogue. He is the only person in the world ever to win awards from both Playboy (for satire) and the Feminist Party Media Workshop (for journalism). When People magazine called Krassner “Father of the underground press,” he immediately demanded a paternity test. Actually, he had published The Realist magazine from 1958 to 1974. He reincarnated it as a newsletter in 1985. “The taboos may have changed,” he wrote, “but irreverence is still our only sacred cow.” The final issue was published in Spring 2001.

His style of personal journalism constantly blurred the line between observer and participant. He interviewed a doctor who performed abortions when it was illegal; Krassner then ran an underground abortion referral service. He covered the antiwar movement; then co-founded the Yippies with Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin (writing a few animated re-enactment scenes for the documentary "Chicago 10" four decades later). He published material on the psychedelic revolution; then took LSD with Tim Leary, Ram Dass and Ken Kesey, later accompanying Groucho Marx on his first acid trip (The mind boggles-Molly ).

He edited Lenny Bruce’s autobiography, How to Talk Dirty and Influence People, and with Lenny’s encouragement, became a stand-up comic himself, opening at the Village Gate in New York in 1961. Ten years later--five years after Lenny’s death--Groucho said, “I predict that in time Paul Krassner will wind up as the only live Lenny Bruce.” He was nominated for a 2005 Grammy Award in the Album Notes category for his 5,000-word essay accompanying a 6-CD package, Lenny Bruce: Let the Buyer Beware. Krassner rarely works the comedy-club circuit, preferring to perform on campuses, at theaters and in art galleries.

He has been a guest on Late Night with Conan O’Brien and Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher; on Air America Radio with Janeane Garofalo and with Marc Maron. He hosted his own radio call-in show in San Francisco.

Paul writes columns for High Times, AVN [Adult Video News], and is an occasional contributor to the Huffington Post. His articles have appeared in Rolling Stone, Spin, Playboy, Penthouse, Mother Jones, the Nation, New York, National Lampoon, Utne Reader, the Village Voice, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Los Angeles Times, the L.A. Weekly, New York Press, and Funny Times.

His venues have ranged from the New Age Expo to the Skeptics Conference, from a Neo-Pagan Festival to the L.A. County Bar Association, from a Swingers Convention to the Brentwood Bakery, where members of the audience were each given a free pastry of their choice. Over the years, he has built up a cult following that has steadily been edging into mainstream awareness.

His reviews have been highly complimentary. The New York Times: “He is an expert at ferreting out hypocrisy and absurdism from the more solemn crannies of American culture.” The Los Angeles Times: “He has the uncanny ability to alter your perceptions permanently.” The San Francisco Chronicle: “Krassner is absolutely compelling. He has lived on the edge so long he gets his mail delivered there.”

He was head writer for an HBO special satirizing the 1980 presidential election campaign, did on-air commentary for the Fox network’s Wilton-North Report, and — a decade after poking fun at Ronald Reagan — was a writer on Ron Reagan’s syndicated late-night TV talk show.

Mercury Records released his first two comedy albums, We Have Ways of Making You Laugh and Brain Damage Control. Artemis Records released his next four: Sex, Drugs and the Antichrist: Paul Krassner at MIT, Campaign in the Ass, Irony Lives! and The Zen Bastard Rides Again.

His autobiography, Confessions of a Raving, Unconfined Nut: Misadventures in the Counter-Culture, published by Simon & Schuster, sold 30,000 copies. An expanded online issue is being published by New World Digital.

His other books include: The Winner of the Slow Bicycle Race: The Satirical Writings of Paul Krassner, with an introduction by Kurt Vonnegut; a trilogy of anthologies--Pot Stories For the Soul, with an introduction by Harlan Ellison, Psychedelic Trips For the Mind and Magic Mushrooms and Other Highs: From Toad Slime to Ecstasy--Sex, Drugs and the Twinkie Murders: 40 Years of Countercultural Journalism; Impolite Interviews; Murder At the Conspiracy Convention and Other American Absurdities, with an introduction by George Carlin; One Hand Jerking: Reports From an Investigative Satirist, with a foreword by Harry Shearer and an introduction by Lewis Black; In Praise of Indecency: Dispatches From the Valley of Porn; and Who's to Say What's Obscene: Politics, Culture & Comedy in America Today, with a foreword by Arianna Huffington.

In May 2004, he received an ACLU Uppie (Upton Sinclair) Award for dedication to freedom of expression. At the 14th annual Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam, Paul Krassner was inducted into the Counterculture Hall of Fame--“my ambition,” he claims, “since I was three years old.”

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