Saturday, February 27, 2010


The great Olympics party will soon be drawing to a close, and it's sure that the hangover will follow close behind as the taxpayers find out how much they will have to cough up. Public funding for the athletes will shrink until the nest needed boost for political optics. The opposition to the Games, however, plans to have some closing ceremonies of their own on the final day. Here, from the Olympic Resistance Network, is the line-up for tomorrow. You pick where these will sit on the podium.
Feb 28: Three events‏
North side of the Vancouver Art Gallery
9 am Sunday the 28th of February
Resistance bike ride! Bikes are green! Olympics are NOT green!
In resistance to these Olympics on stolen native land, to imperialism, hegemony, environmental destruction, criminalization of poverty... we'll ride to support real people in the streets! Come meet us at the VAG to leave very shortly after 9 am!
We will not let the oppressions of the world flow smoothly and be celebrated as a success! Afterward we'll party in the streets to show them that they're gonna to leave, but we're all stayin'!
[ please post far and wide - sorry for cross postings ]
Games Over! Resistance Lives!
*Celebrating Unity & Solidarity*
*Sunday FEB 28th, 2010 at 1:00 PM
Smithe and Cambie Followed by celebration at 4:30 pm of 2 weeks of dignity, hope and freedom at Olympic Tent Village. *[ more information on tent village here: ]
Bring the NOISE! Pots, pans, drums and noisemakers welcome! Join us in a noisy public festival to celebrate our communities and our resistance. Just because the IOC says the games are over doesn't mean it's over.
Our struggles for justice as indigenous, migrant, poor, working class and queer communities existed before the Olympic and Paralympic games and will exist after. The games have also provided a spark that we hope will inspire all effected communities to bind together in our coming struggles to attain justice.
These were not the greenest games - they were the corporate greenwash games. They were not the socially responsible games - homelessness tripled as billions were spent on highways and convention centers for the rich. And these games occurred on un-ceded territories where the indigenous communities continue to be on the front lines defending lands from industrial expansion.
In the coming budget BC residents will likely see massive cuts to healthcare, education, affordable housing, public transit, sports and recreation, and other priorities. While the IOC, VANOC and the ableist games will be gone, we are still here!
Join us after the rally at the Olympic Tent Village to celebrate 2 weeks of dignity, hope and freedom. The festivities start at 4:30pm at58 West Hastings.
Meal, drummers and entertainment.
All welcome!
*Solidarity & Unity!
The resistance will continue!
Join us and let's make some NOISE!
* For more information contact: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Please join us to celebrate 2 WEEKS OF DIGNITY, HOPE, AND FREEDOM!
58 W. Hastings, Across Army & Navy
Meal, Drummers, Entertainment
All Welcome!
The Olympic Tent Village was established on Monday February 15 on the empty lot at 58 West Hastings. The lot is owned by Olympic sponsor Concord Pacific, which has plans to build 160 condos on the site. Before being liberated as the Tent Village, the lot was being used as a VANOC parking lot.
Instead of empty lots and empty promises, the Olympic Tent Village calls for:
1. Real action to end homelessness now
2. End condo development and displacement in the Downtown Eastside
3. End discriminatory ticketing, police harassment, and all forms of criminalization of poverty
Press Statement:
The following is the "summing up" press statement from the Olympic Resistance Network.
ORN celebrates success of convergence and promises future action
(Statement to media released earlier this week, also for public distribution)
For Immediate Release PRESS RELEASE - February 25th, 2010
The Olympic Resistance Network celebrates success of convergence and promises future action
VANCOUVER - The Olympic Resistance Network (ORN) has declared the success of the Convergence and protests against the 2010 Winter Olympics as a victory both against the Olympic industry and for local struggles for social and environmental justice. In spite of the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) attempts to cover up the human rights and environmental violations of the corporate sponsors and host governments, the mobilization of communities across the country has forced the issues of homelessness, colonization, policing, public debt and environmental destruction into the public debate.
With just a few thousand dollars and volunteer labour, the success of the anti-Olympic movement is truly impressive considering the $6-7 billion budget backing the Olympic Games. The Games have left a clear legacy of resistance, as more than 30 cities across Canada disrupted the torch relay and hundreds of organizers, activists and independent media attended the Convergence from across Canada, the U.S., and internationally. The Convergence began with a two day summit of speakers, panels, and workshops in which hundreds of people participated. February 12th, the day of the Opening Ceremonies, the torch relay was disrupted 3 times in Vancouver alone. That afternoon more than 3500 people marched in the Take Back Our City demonstration that was led by indigenous elders and included environmentalists, faith-based organizations, student groups, migrant justice activists, anti-poverty organizers and many more.
On February 13th, the first full day of competition, the city woke up to the 2010 Heart Attack demonstration which attained its goals of clogging the streets and disrupting "business as usual" by shutting down the Lion's Gate Bridge traffic.(????-Molly)
February 14th, ORN stood in solidarity with the annual Women's Memorial March to honor murdered and missing women from across BC and Canada. The march was the largest in recent memory with at least 4000-5000 people.
On February 15th hundreds of people marched through the streets of downtown Vancouver against militarization and the Olympic police state. That same day, people established a tent city at 58 West Hastings Street, a Concord Pacific property leased to Vancouver Organizing Committee (VANOC). The site is still occupied so the world can see the ongoing resistance to the impact of the games and the broken bid promises.
The Convergence organized by the ORN provided the infrastructure to support these actions, some of which were coordinated by other groups and organizations. The ORN provided a diversity of ways for the public to get involved and voice their dissent over the Olympics industry. And while there have been suggestions of division within the anti-Olympics movement, organizers remain united in their opposition to the Olympics industry and celebrate the successes of the movement.
"We hope this corporate circus will continue to be confronted where ever it goes in the world by the people that are impacted by the Olympics industry including its sponsors. We hope that people will continue to see this spectacle as another point of resistance in addition to the WTO and G8. The impact of the Olympics on host communities can bring together the local struggles for justice and the struggles for radical change against these larger institutions” says Anna Hunter.
Much has been made of the politically motivated property damage on the morning of February 13th on the accusation that protesters discredited the movement. Yet drunken Olympic fans regularly engage in fist fights on the streets of Vancouver, urinate in alleys and commit random acts of vandalism. Not to mention the numerous security personnel sent home for misconduct. While focusing on a few broken windows, media have ignored the thousands of people that took to the streets fighting for social justice.
In the coming weeks BC residents will witness further cuts to social services. Tar sands pipelines, mines and logging operations continue to try and expand over unceded indigenous territories. And while the IOC, VANOC and the Games will be gone, we will still be here!
Community organizations and individuals that have participated in or supported activities of the ORN continue to fight for justice. On February 28th the ORN will be joining other community organizations in celebrating their resistance to the games and committing to ongoing organizing.
*Games Over! Resistance Lives! - Celebrating Unity & Solidarity*
*Join us Sunday February 28th 1pm at Smithe and Cambie*

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Friday, February 12, 2010


The 2010 Winter Olympics have finally begun with only one human sacrifice to the god of entertainment, a Georgian luger who was killed in a practice run on the fastest (and also most dangerous) run in the world at Whistler. As the Olympic torch was run through the streets of Vancouver on its way to its final destination the forces opposed to the games forced one final diversion from its appointed route. Here's the story from the Shot In Vancouver site. Check out this site for great photographs of this and other protests against the games being held in that town.
Anti-Olympics Protesters divert Vancouver Torch Relay at Hastings:
The 2010 Welcoming Committee’s protest and disruption of the Olympic Torch Relay in Vancouver stopped the torch in its tracks for over 10 minutes this morning at 9:20 am at Hastings Street and Cambie. The protest seemed to encompass a wide range of anti- slogans including anti-racism, anti-tar-fields, and of course, anti-Olympics. A few also came out that were pro-Marc-Emery and openly demonstrated their particular form of activism in front of the Vancouver Police.

After 10 to 15 minutes of tense stoppage and a close range face-off between protesters and police, someone made a decision to re-route the torch relay back on to Pender street and then back to its planned route. The Olympic torch runner has probably never run so quick as they did rounding the corner to get off of Hastings. Police then moved in on horseback to disperse the crowd.

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Sunday, February 07, 2010

According to the Olympic Resistance Network an independent reporter from the USA was barred from entering Canada as he to be covering the opposition to the 2010 Winter Olympics: Here's the story.

Reporter rejected at border:‏
For immediate release – Saturday, February 6, 2010
Independent media reporter rejected at border, detained by border agents and denied outside contact.
Martin Macias Jr., an independent media reporter from Chicago travelling to cover the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver BC, has been rejected by Canadian border agents and held without outside contact for at least 7 hours (as of 9pm) today.
Macias arrived in Vancouver from Chicago (via Minneapolis) on a 11:30 am Delta Airlines flight on Saturday, February 6, 2010. He was detained for hours by Canada Border Services agents in the Vancouver International Airport and questioned about his plans during the Olympics. Ultimately he was refused entry to Canada. He was then put on an Alaskan Airlines flight to the Seattle / Tacoma Airport (departing at 2:40pm). As of 9 pm he had not been able to contact legal counsel or his travelling companion since before his rejection at the border. The information on his rejection was only made available through the US Consulate. It is routine for people rejected at the border to be interrogated by both Canadian and US border agents; he may well still be detained for questioning in the USA at this point.
Although he is entitled to a phone call and legal counsel, nothing has been heard from Macias since about 2 pm when he still expected to be able to enter Canada as planned.
Martin was travelling to Vancouver for political events during the Olympic Resistance Network anti-Olympic convergence and to document the effects of the Winter Olympics on the communities of Vancouver. He was to leave Vancouver for the USA on Feb. 11. He was travelling with political organizer Bob Quellos of No Games Chicago, who was allowed to enter Canada. They were both to be picked up by Chris Shaw, a member of the Olympic Resistance Network, local Olympic critic, and author of ‘The Five Ring Circus’ who himself has been questioned and detained when travelling to a sports conference in the UK and repeatedly approached by members of the Vancouver 2010 Integrated Security Unit (Olympic policing body) regarding his political activities.
Canadian border agents, police, and intelligence units have been actively surveilling, questioning and harassing opponents of the Olympic Games (and their associates and families) for years. Media, such as Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, have been subject to questioning and increased scrutiny as well.
Macias (20 years old) was a leading member of No Games Chicago - which successfully opposed Chicago's bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics. He is a youth organizer for the Chicago Environmental Justice Coalition, and Comite 10 de marzo, an immigrant rights organization. He is also a media reform activist with community radio station Radio Arte where he serves as the host/producer of First Voice, a radio news zine. He has covered the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, Power Shift 2009 in Washington D.C., and local social justice issues in his community. He currently chairs the Peace Committee at the National Museum of Mexican Art.
Macias can normally be reached through . Independent media, activists and opponents of the Olympics are gathering in Vancouver for the Feb. 10-15 anti-Olympic convergence organized by the Olympic Resistance Network. It begins with a two-day conference (Feb.10-11) and a mass protest and march on the day of the opening ceremonies(‘Take Back Our City,’ 3pm Friday, Feb. 12 beginning at the Vancouver Art Gallery) organized by the 2010 Welcoming Committee, and continues with three days of political events and demonstrations.
Visitors have been subject to interrogations, detention, and rejection at the Canadian border repeatedly and members of the Olympic Resistance Network have been interrogated at the US border and denied entry to the USA for speaking tours.
Media Contacts:
Bob Quellos: 773-531-2341
Chris Shaw: 604-710-8291
- 30 -
Here's some valuable information for you to know if you plan to travel from the USA to attend the Anti-Olympic Convergence.
Updated Legal & Border Support Info‏
BCCLA Arrest line (if you are arrested): 604-689-9540
BCCLA Support line (friends and families missing someone): 604-689-9547
BCCLA Tip line (to report misconduct): 1-866-610-0385
Immigration/border line: 1-877-823-2010 or 604-630-7502
* Updated Border Crossing Information and what to do if you are stopped:
The Olympic Resistance Network is still looking for people to help out during the coming convergence. Here's what they would like.
Updated ORN Wish List:‏
Call-out for supplies and support
The Olympics Resistance Network ( is seeking support and supplies!
In addition to building ongoing educational and resistance efforts, the Olympics Resistance Network is hosting and coordinating logistics for an anti-2010 convergence, between Feb 10th-15th 2010. You can help by providing:
1. Housing for out-of-town activists: If you have a couch or extra floor space, please help us out by providing sleep space for out of town activists. Fill out the housing form at:
2. We are seeking volunteers to make the Convergence happen! We need everyone who is able to please take on shifts to staff the Welcoming Centre, help prepare food, provide childcare, and more. Please contact 604-723-1206 with your name, when you are available, what you are willing to do, and your contact information.
3. Safe spaces: There will be many people from out of town arriving in Vancouver for the anti-Olympic convergence and we are looking for allies who are willing to be listed in our Welcoming Package as safe spaces.These will not be places for anti-Olympic organizing, just a place to stop by and hang out. If your business, community centre, or other physical space is willing to explore the idea of being listed as a space sympathetic to the Anti-Olympic Convergence please let us know and we are happy to work with you in a way that most suits you.
4. Food and cooking supplies: coffee cream fresh veggies and fruit tea bread cups sugar non-perishable food (beans, rice, etc.) cutlery water bottles dish soap towels/clothes yoghurt containers crock pots garbage bags cooking utensils
5. Communications equipment: walkie-talkies working cell phones megaphones generators speakers/sound system
6. Other Supplies: tarps awnings/tents pens/paper childcare supplies duct tape banner-making materials blankets rain jackets/sweaters bungee cords ropes bikes flip charts/markers/tape chairs cots desks
6. Clinic Furniture/Materials:Folding cots, massage table, blankets, lots of spare clothes, chairs, folding tables, shelving, rubber maid containers, racks of various kinds and sizes.
7. Transportation: Contact us if you have a car or bike trailer and are willing to transport supplies during the anti-olympics convergence. We also need Bicycle donations - used, working and those needing minor repairs.
8. Please donate! Hosting this convergence requires significant funds, including legal defence funds. You can donate securely through PayPal on our website:
or cheques can be made out to Olympic Resistance Network and mailed to ORN, 6 - 1857 Kitchener St, Vancouver, BC, V5L 2W5.
Email to arrange direct deposits or other queries.
Drop-off points: If you would like to drop off donations, you can do so at:
1. Baaad Anna's: - 2667 East Hastings St., Vancouver. Monday - Sunday (11 am to 6 pm). 604-255-2577
2. Rhizome Café: 317 East Broadway, Vancouver. Tuesday - Sunday (11 am to 9 pm).
3. For pick-up in the Downtown Eastside, East Vancouver or Burnaby, call: 604-773-9057. Or contact us at: 604-723-1206

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Wednesday, February 03, 2010


The 2010 Vancouver/Whistler Winter Olympics are almost upon us. Out there on the west coast they are desperately trying to find snow for many of the events, and the population is gearing up for the mother of all traffic jams as road after road is closed to local traffic. The Games will be held (frozen precipitation permitting) from February 12 to 28. Meanwhile the anti-olympic forces are gearing up for their own party. From February 10 to 15 there will be an 'Anti-Olympic Convergence' . Here's a checklist of details from the Olympic Resistance Network.
Updates on Feb Anti Olympic Convergence‏
EMAIL: (preferred)
PHONE: 604-723-1206 (no voice mail, and not for media inquiries)
Here's some more info on some events that have been added to the calender of anti-olympic efforts.
Actions added to Calender‏
Please make note of updated schedule (details below)
1) Feb 13th - 2010 Heart Attack
2) Feb 15 (ONGOING): Rally for Homes and Support an Olympic Tent Village
3) Feb 15 - Anti War and Anti Militarization Moving Spectacle Full Convergence update at the bottom.
2010 Heart Attack!
You are invited to a March on Saturday, February 13th at 8:30am in Thornton Park. This demonstration will respect the diversity of tactics and aims to disturb "business as unusual" on the first day of the Games!
What do you mean by diversity of tactics?
Diversity of tactics means support for each others' chosen method of resistance while not threatening the lives of those around us. It is a way by which we hope to create space for the realization of tension, uncertainty, action, humour and beauty as we strive for new ways to engage with each other and against a common enemy. While we may practice one tactic or action, we do not chose yours. As participants we agree to leave the policing of tactics to our oppressors, not our comrades; we will not attack each other for using methods that are not our own. Through a diversity of tactics we are stronger and more cohesive towards our goal of giving Capitalism a massive coronary.
What should we bring?
* A Nalgene or bottle of water
* Sharpies
* Band aids
* Money to take a cab
Do you have an affinity group ?
Then you should register to attend the spokescouncil:
- please forward widely -
No More Empty Talk, No More Empty Lots.
* February 15th, noon at Pigeon Park (Carrall and Hastings, Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories).
Large and inclusive rally of all our neighbours and supporters.
Organizedby DTES Power of Women Group with the DTES Justice for All Network. Visit:
* Support the "Olympic Tent Village". Endorsed by Streams of Justice.
The upcoming 2010 Winter Olympics has escalated the homelessness crisis in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside and the Greater Vancouver area. Since the Olympic bid, homelessness has nearly tripled in the GVRD, while real estate and condominium development in the Downtown Eastside is outpacing social housing by a rate of 3:1. Meanwhile, a heightened police presence has further criminalized those living in extreme material povertyin the poorest postal code in Canada.
With the eyes of the world on Vancouver, residents of the Downtown Eastside and our supporters will be taking the streets to affirm our call for justice and dignity.
We want:
1. Real action to end homelessness now!
2. End condo development and displacement in the Downtown Eastside
3. End discriminatory ticketing, police harassment, and all forms of criminalization of poverty. No more empty talk and no more empty lots.
February 15th, 2010
*Come out and be part of an anti-war and anti-militarization moving spectacle. This event is a festive and creative demand for the Canadian government to respect and uphold human-rights, international law, the right to self-determination and civil rights. This event will also feature Gold Medal Award ceremonies for human rights violations, war mongering, and police brutality. *Meeting Point:*
Vancouver Art Gallery, Georgia side.
*When: * Monday February 15th, 2010 Gathering at 6:00pm and leaving at 6:30pm
The 2010 Winter Olympic Games reveal the same consistent, predictable and historical pattern of militarization and anti-democratic acts as they have everywhere that they are hosted. StopWar is especially concerned with the militarization of Vancouver and Whistler during the Games, with its accompanying restrictions on the democracy and safety of our community.
Enormous resources, including one billion dollars of spending, considerable military personnel and equipment, and countless thousands of police and private security personnel are being deployed. The Games are accompanied by the largest domestic military and security operation in Canadian military history. Featured among the identified “threats” to the Games are domestic protest.
The Olympic Truce movement has similarly revealed the hypocritical and rhetorical commitment of the Canadian government to peace that is contradicted by action. Despite Canada being in its 9th year of waging war on the people of Afghanistan, the Canadian Olympic Truce is calling on the world community “to cease hostilities during the Games and promote the ideals of peace through sport”, however, Canada has no plans to cease causing death and destruction in Afghan society. In an ironic twist of history, we remember that the 1980 Olympic Games hosted by the Soviet Union were boycotted by over 60 countries, including Canada, in protest of the Soviet occupation and war in Afghanistan that had begun a year earlier in 1979.
Bring your costumes, signs, banners and musical instruments! Join us in calling attention to the Canadian governments disregard of human rights, international law, the right to self-determination and civil rights.
We call on the Canadian government to end the occupation, war crimes, and human rights violations from Afghanistan to BC, to sign the UN Declaration of Indigenous Rights, and to abide by International law. To bring aid not militarization to Haiti. To bring equity not militarization within Canadian communities. Sponsored by: Stopwar.caFor more information contact:
Here's a special volunteer appeal for people living in the lower mainland out west way. The organizers of the anti-Olympic convergence need more billeting space. If you live out there help out of you can.
We need more billeting offers!‏
With just over a week to go spaces are still needed to house visitors coming to Vancouver to partake in anti-olympics protest and action. So, if you have a couch, or a floor, or a backyard, if you live in a co-op and you have common rooms, or know of church basements or other faith-related spaces, studios, gyms, warehouse spaces, offices, schools, rec centres, etc. please get in touch. Either send an email to: or call: 604-723-1206. Our form is available at:
Visitors have been informed that they will need to bring all their own sleeping gear. Any other requirements, needs, concerns or questions please get in contact. Thank you
Coming up from the States for the Convergence ? Here's some essential border information that the Olympic resistance Network would like to share with you. Gotta do it; the joke mandate is demanding to be heard.

*For an American tourist in Canada forewarned is not forearmed.

*American border guards may beat the living crap out of you while calling you every possible foul name. Canadian border guards may beat the living crap out of you, but they will call you "sir" or "ma'am" all the way through it.

*American border guards may threaten to take away your first born in the name of 'Jeesas'. Canadian border guards may threaten to take away your first born in the name of multiculturalism. Doesn't that make you much happier ?

*Don't drink the water in Mexico. Don't drink the beer in Canada. Both are more than you can handle. Speaking about things you can't handle take your first taste of BC Bud in small doses.

*If you get into a bar fight in Canada remember to say "excuse me" before you hit the other guy, not after.

*Don't try out your incredibly bad French in Calgary. Don't go anywhere near Calgary for that matter. This goes double for Regina. Hit the gas pedal on the bypass.

*Bring tire chains. It actually might snow in the mountains in BC. On the other hand it probably won't at the Olympic venues where they want it.
Border Information for entering Canada from the US‏:
Border Information for those entering Canada from the U.S.
Prepared by the Olympic Resistance Network, Jan. 2010
As the Olympics approach, American and Canadian Border Services Agencies (Homeland Security and CBSA) have teamed up to tighten what they call "security," particularly along the BC/Washington border. This means not only an increased level of militarization at border crossings, but also an intensification in the profiling of "suspicious persons." Border agencies are working hard to expand their range of targets from migrants, people of colour and indigenous people, to political dissidents at large.
Unfortunately, the Olympic Resistance Network (ORN) cannot predict exactly what kind of security measures will be in place at the border in February. This communique is an effort to offer as much guidance as possible to those needing to cross the border in order to attend the Anti-Olympic Convergencefrom February 10-15. While you may very well get through with no problem at all, do bear in mind that the border is a militarized zone, so people with sensitive personal histories, documentation issues, or health needs should assess the risk to themselves and act accordingly. Please be in touch with any questions to or contact us at 604-723-1206. Good luck and see you in February! *****************************************************
1. Required documentation for crossing Canada Customs:
(a) "When you enter Canada, a border services officer may ask to see your passport and a valid visa (if you are arriving from a country from which one is required).
*If you are a U.S. citizen, you do not need a passport to enter Canada; however, you should carry proof of your citizenship such as a birth certificate, a certificate of citizenship or naturalization or a Certificate of Indian Status, as well as a [government issued] photo ID.
* If you are a permanent resident of the United States, you must bring your permanent resident card (i.e. green card) with you. For more information on admissibility into Canada, read the fact sheet called Managing Access to Canada:"
(b) "Canadian law requires that all persons entering Canada carry both proof of citizenship and proof of identity. A valid U.S. passport, passport card or NEXUS card (see below) satisfies these requirements for U.S. citizens. If U.S. citizen travelers to Canada do not have a passport, passport card or approved alternate document such as a NEXUS card, they must show a government-issued photo ID (e.g.Driver's License) and proof of U.S. citizenship such as a U.S. birth certificate, naturalization certificate, or expired U.S. passport."
From U.S. Department of State. Bureau ofConsular Affairs. Canada -- Country Specific Information
2. Reasons the CBSA can refuse a person entry - in particular note criminal records:
3. CBSA's "Olympics" page: *******************************************************
Information from the ORN (disclaimer: this is not legal advice)*******************************************************
*Things to bring:
* 1. You cannot go through Canadian customs with only a driver’s license. Bring a valid passport, green card, Status card or government-issued photo ID plus birth certificate (see CBSA guidelines above).
2. Return travel tickets (if not traveling by car).
3. Relevant vehicle documentation (if going by car).
4. Contact information for where you are staying. You may be asked for this at the border, so confirm with your host whether it's ok to give their address out. If you are receiving housing through the ORN, you are asked NOT to give out the address you will be staying at *unless* you have the express permission of your host to do so. Please see a list of hostels (in appendix below) whose addresses you can provide instead.
5. Proof of ties to your country of origin: This can include contact info for your place of employment, if any, or documents like a housing lease. However, be advised that appearing "too prepared" can sometimes attract more attention!
6. Travel insurance, if any.
*Medications & Traveling with Minors:*
1. If bringing prescription drugs of any kind, they must be in the original bottle with a valid prescription printed on it. Avoid any things that will bring extra scrutiny to you, such as vitamins, especially those in gelatin capsules - they may be seized or cause a thorough and time-delaying search.
2. Minors also need to present ID (Birth certificate sufficient). Even if accompanied by one parent or guardian, minors must have a letter from absent guardian(s) stating that it is alright for the minor to travel, specifically across the international border into Canada, and listing who they are travelling with. Otherwise, the minor will be turned away at the border.
*Things NOT to bring:*
1. Don't bring any restricted items, such as fruit, soil, drugs (see CBSA site for details).
2. Don't bring any anti-Olympic or otherwise "subversive" materials – these things can be used as an excuse to detain you.
3. Avoid bringing materials that could be perceived to be for commercial purposes -- eg. lots of something to be distributed. Without proper licenses, the possession of commercial goods/merchandise can be grounds for refusal of entry.
4. Do not bring any electronics that are really precious or contain sensitive information. Be aware that cell phones can be searched/your address book recorded, and in some cases, police & intelligence agencies have been known to implant tracking or listening devices in phones.
5. We recommend against bringing laptops. Border agencies have the power to seize, search and hold laptops if you refuse to provide passwords or access to encrypted documents. Please contact us for a mailing address if you wish to send up non-electronic materials, like pamphlets, posters, T-shirts, etc.
*Getting through:*
1. Remember that border guards are likely to question people who fit their idea of an "activist" (or other "subversive") profile. Keep in mind that there will be many gung-ho tourists coming up as well, and use that to your advantage -- if you can, buy a hockey jersey and blend in! If you are traveling in a group then remind others of this too.
2. It is in your best interests to be as truthful and straightforward as possible when speaking to border guards about your reasons for travel. So for your convenience, we are providing a list of free entertainment and "Cultural Olympiad" events that you might like to include on your planned trip itinerary to reference. (See appendix below.)
3. Keep travel plans off line. Whenever possible, avoid communicating over email or through social networking sites, especially for final travel logistics. In-person communication is often ideal.
4. Discuss in advance with your travel buddies what you will do in the case that one or more should be refused entry.
5. If traveling alone, make sure someone knows where you are going, when you should arrive, and how to contact you or your hosts in Vancouver.
*Need a ride?*
The Cascadia Convergence Network ( ) is organizing carpooling for folks heading up to Canada from the Cascadia Bioregion (Pacific Northwest). If you need a ride please email . Please detail if you are associated with any organizations and why you are interested in carpooling to the games.
****************ORN Support:****************
1. ORN has arranged to have a lawyer on-call in Vancouver during February in order to assist with difficulties as they arise at the border. Check back for updated contact information closer to the date, or contact us for more details.
2. Please contact the ORN so we can keep track of any problems that occur at the border: 604-723-1206 or . For legal questions you can also email .
3. We will be updating our website in early February with more information on the legal rights of non-citizens and youth.
Columbia Hotel
303 Columbia Street
Vancouver, BC V6A 2R7
(604) 683-3757
Everett House B&B
1990 Everett Road
Abbotsford, BC V2S 7S3
(604) 859-2944
Country in the City B&B
32985 Harwood Place
Abbotsford, British ColumbiaV2S 7C2
Phone : 1 (778) 808-4827
Backpacker's Hostel
927 Main Street
Vancouver, BC V6A 2V8
(604) 682-2441
Cambie Hostel
515 Seymour St.Vancouver, BC
SameSun Backpacker Lodge
1018 Granville St
Vancouver, Canada
Hi-Vancouver Hostel
1114 Burnaby Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6E1P1
Below is a list of events happening during the convergence which you may wish to add to your trip itinerary. The events listed below are free and do not require tickets or reservations. More event listings can be found here:
February 10th & 11th, 2010
CUE: Artists’ Videos
When: 1/23/2010 - 3/21/2010
Daily: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tuesdays: 10:00 am to 9:00 pm
Where: Vancouver Art Gallery, Robson Street façade
750 Hornby Street, Vancouver
February 12, 2010
Place de la Francophonie 2010:
Type: Music
When: Friday, 2/12/2010 at 9:30 pm
Where: Place de la Francophonie
Performance Works,
Granville Island
1218 Cartwright St.,
February 13, 2010
Place de la Francophonie 2010:
Damien Robitaille
Type: Music
When: Saturday, 2/13/2010 at 9:30 pm
Where: Place de la Francophonie Performance Works,
Granville Island
1218 Cartwright Street,
Vancouver February 14, 2010 - February 15, 2010
Whistler Live! Karkwa
Type: Music
When: Saturday, 2/14/2010 at 2:45 pm
Where: Whistler Live!
Whistler Village Square
Let's close this out with the latest press release from the Olympic Resistance Network about their "press scrum" on Thursday, February 4. I truly hope they get a decent media turnout, but I seriously doubt it. I am almost "joked out" , but I still have a few rabbits in my hat. A poor turnout will not necessarily be because of some prejudice against lefty events on the part of editors. To say the least the average lefty "press conference" can hardly compete with others for the enthusiasm of reporters to press their editors so that they can attend. Free booze ? Forget it. The best that a reporter could hope for would be a marijuana leagalization event. Free food ? All that I can say on that subject is that it is doubtful, and, in any case, no food is better than a "vegan brunch" to those who are not true believers. But, all cynicism aside, here's the press release.
Release: Anti-Olympic Resistance Unleashed!‏
What: Olympic Resistance Network Press Scrum
When: Thursday February 4 at 2 pm
Where: Pigeon Park, Carrall and Hastings, Downtown Eastside of Vancouver
==> Schedule of upcoming anti-Olympic activities available at:
==> Comprehensive list of daily and issue-specific media availability:
February 3 2010,
Vancouver Unceded Coast Salish Territories
– Over the past three years, the Olympic Resistance Network has coordinated anti-Olympics efforts in Vancouver and across the country. Due to a growing and vibrant movement to oppose the Olympic Games, VANOC and government officials are no longer able to host large public Olympic events in Vancouver without being shamed. During the RBC and Coca-Cola sponsored Olympic Torch relay, protesters in over thirty cities, towns, and Indigenous communities brought forward their message of “No Olympics on Stolen Native Land”, “Get your torch off our land, we don’t want your Olympic scam” and “2010 Homes not 2010 Games”.
In many instances, activists successfully disrupted the Torch Relay, forcing delays and route cancellations, with at least thirteen arrests associated with anti-Torch related actions. Anti-Olympic activists note that the Olympics are not simply about the athletes. According to Harjap Grewal, “With public funds invested by all levels of government nearing $7 billion, VANOC and their corporate cronies are escalating their propaganda to the world and international media about the positive legacy of the Games. The reality is that residents are increasingly disenchanted with the Games and we will not be silenced despite harassment and intimidation by the Vancouver Integrated Security Unit and ongoing attacks on our basic civil liberties.”
On Thursday February 4, representatives from the Olympic Resistance Network and allied groups will be hosting a press scrum. The Olympic Resistance Network notes: “While Olympic corporate sponsors are getting bailed out, Indigenous lands are being stolen, people are becoming homeless, thousands are losing their jobs and access to public services, the environment is being destroyed, and civil liberties are being eroded with almost a billion dollars sunk into surveillance. This negative Olympic legacy is turning into a growing anti-Olympic legacy of resistance across the country.”
According to Gord Hill, a member of the Kwakwaka’wakw nation, “The 2010 Winter Olympics are taking place on unceded Indigenous land. As a result of the negative social and environmental impacts of the 2010 Olympics on Indigenous peoples our struggle against colonization has only increased, which poses a significant threat to Canada and Canada’s image.” - 30 –MEDIA LIASONS:
Harsha Walia: 778 885 0040,
Gurb Gill: 604-376-0366

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Thursday, January 21, 2010


Here are the latest updates from the Olympic Resistance Network, beginning with an appeal for the things they are going to need soon at the upcoming Anti-2010 Convergence. Help them out if you can, especially if you live on the west coast.

ORN Wish List !!! and Upcoming Meetings, Actions, Events:‏
* ORN General Meeting (open to all!) will now be every Sunday, beginning in January 2010, 6pm @ Spartacus Books, 684 E. Hastings
* 2010 Welcoming Committee: Thursdays at 7:00 pm at 1707 Charles Street (off Commercial Drive). Meeting to plan a broad-based mobilization on Feb12, 2010, the day of the Olympic Opening Ceremonies.
1) ORN WISH LIST: Callout for Support and Supplies.
2) Updated: Anti Olympic Speaking Tour in BC and US West Coast!
3) Jan 22: Solidarity in the Face of Police Repression
4) Updated: Feb 2010: Anti Olympic Convergence
5) Rethinking the Olympics: UBC SJC Conference
Olympic Resistance Network Call-out for supplies and support
The Olympics Resistance Network ( is seeking support and supplies! In addition to building ongoing educational and resistance efforts, the Olympics Resistance Network is hosting and coordinating logistics for an anti-2010 convergence, between Feb 10th-15th 2010. You can help by providing:
1. HOUSING:If you have a couch or extra floor space, please help us out by providing sleep space for out of town activists. Fill out the housing form at:
2. VOLUNTEER to make the Convergence happen! We need everyone who is able to please take on shifts to staff the Welcoming Centre, help prepare food, provide childcare, and more. Please contact 604-723-1206 with your name, when you are available, what you are willing to do, and your contact information.
3. SUPPLIES DROP OFF/STORAGE:If your local business, community centre, work place, home, or union hall is willing to either accept or store any of the supplies listed below, please let us know. We are in desperate need for drop-off and storage space especially for our medic supplies.
4. SAFE SPACES: There will be many people from out of town arriving in Vancouver for the anti-Olympic convergence and we are looking for allies who are willing to be listed in our Welcoming Package as safe spaces. These will not be places for anti-Olympic organizing, just a place to stop by and hang out. If your business, community centre, or other physical space is willing to explore the idea of being listed as a space sympathetic to the Anti-Olympic Convergence please let us know and we are happy to work with you in a way that most suits you.
5. FOOD AND COOKING SUPPLIES:coffee cream fresh veggies and fruit tea bread cups sugar non-perishable food (beans, rice, etc.) cutlery pots and pans water bottles dish soap towels/clothes yoghurt containers crock pots garbage bags cooking utensils
6. COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENTS:walkie-talkies working cell phones megaphones generators speakers/sound system
7. OTHER SUPPLIES:tarps awnings/tents pens/paper childcare supplies duct tape banner-making materials blankets rain jackets/sweaters bungee cords ropes bikes flip charts/markers/tapechairs cots desks
*Wound Care*:
Non-Sterile 4x4s, Non-Sterile 2x2s, Sterile 4x4s, Sterile 2x2s Sterile Roller Gauze, Non-Sterile Roller Gauze, Non-latex Bandages (all sizes and kinds), Non-adherent dressings, Coban, Kerlix, Non-latex bandage tape, Medical tape (all kinds), Chemical Ice Packs, Hand Warmer Packs,Sterile Irrigation Water, Irrigation Syringes, Alcohol Swabs, Iodine Swabs, SAM Splints, Finger Splints, Traction Splints, Backboard, C-Collar, ABD Pads, Ace Bandages, Steri Strips, Tincture of Benzoin, Multi Trauma Dressing Topical Anesthetic (non-antibiotic if possible), Scrub Sponges, Povidone iodine, Isopropyl alcohol, Chlorhexidine
Stethoscope, BP cuff, Pen lights, Trauma shears, Bandage shears Duct Tape, Flashlights, Glucometer, Digital Thermometers (with sheaths)
*Other Clinic Supplies*:
BVMs, Laceration Trays, Multi-use Vials - 2% lidocaine, Assorted sutures and needles, Inhalers, Nebulizers, 02 Tank, Cannulas & Non-Rebreathers, Glucometer, Electrolyte solution
Non-Latex Gloves in S, M, L, XL, Masks, Safety glasses Hearing protection (LRAD is deployed in Vancouver now)
*Herbal Supplies:
homeopathic remedies, essential oils, Bach flower remedies, herbs, herbal tinctures, salves, and infused oils. Tincture bottles, salve jars, kettle, and tea pots.
*Clinic Furniture/Materials:
Folding cots, massage table, blankets, lots of spare clothes, chairs, folding tables, shelving, rubbermaid containers,racks of various kinds and sizes.
9. TRANSPORTATION: Contact us if you have a car or bike trailer and are willing to transport supplies during the anti-olympics convergence. We also need Bicycle donations - used, working and those needing minor repairs.
10. PLEASE DONATE: Hosting this convergence requires significant funds, including legal defence funds. You can donate securely through PayPal on our website:
or cheques can be made out to Olympic Resistance Network and mailed to ORN, 6 - 1857 Kitchener St, Vancouver, BC, V5L 2W5. Email to arrange direct deposits or other queries.
DROP OFF POINTS: If you would like to drop off donations, you can do so at:
1. Baaad Anna's: - 2667 East Hastings St., Vancouver. Monday - Sunday (11 am to 6 pm). 604-255-2577
2. Rhizome Café: 317 East Broadway, Vancouver. Tuesday - Sunday (11 am to 9 pm).
3. Spartacus Books: 684 E. Hastings St., Vancouver. (12 - 7 pm).
4. For pick-up in the Downtown Eastside, East Vancouver or Burnaby, call: 604-773-9057. Or contact us at: 604-723-1206
-- please forward to contacts in BC and US West Coast
- Why Oppose the 2010 Olympic Games
As part of a provincial and west coast speaking tour, join us in a series of events to learn more about the Olympic industry and its impacts, why opposition to the Games is growing, and how you can participate in and support the resistance. We will also hear about plans for a global Feb 10-15 anti-colonial and anti-capitalist convergence against the Games.
No Olympics on Stolen Native Land!
Watch: Eight Reasons to Oppose the 2010 Winter Olympics: DATES!
Check back on Facebook for updates:
Or subscribe to our low traffic list to receive updates:
* Fri Jan 22: ORANGE COUNTY at 6 pm. Women's Civic Club, 9501 Chapman Ave.Garden Grove. Contact: or 714-478-3155
* Fri Jan 22ndNANAIMO at 7pm. VIU, bldg 355, room 203.
* Sat Jan 23rd – COMOX VALLEY at 7 pm. BCGEU meeting room, 2nd Floor, 910 Fitzgerald Ave, Courtenay. Contact Ernie at 250 338 3504 or .
Solidarity in the Face of Police Repression
Mass Demonstration
Friday, January 22nd, 2010
6 pm
Anyone posing even a potential threat to Olympic Security is being subjected to police “friendly visits” and blatant harassment, from active organizers and their families to people who attend events or write critical letters. These visits have escalated and are likely to continue escalating as we near the February games.
Some have faced the sharper swords of prosecution, imprisonment, deportation, and even death in the case of Harriet Nahanee. We see the clear connection between Olympic repression and ongoing police intimidation & brutality, the mounting deaths in police custody, the gross negligence in missing women cases, the social cleansing in the Downtown Eastside, and all the other symptoms of this unjust system.
We call for a mass public outcry and for increased resistance amidst this climate of increasing social control. To show we do not fear their tactics when we rise together. Tell your friends and family, co-workers and classmates. Let's show that our solidarity can be stronger than their repression.
We are planning on this march being a family friendly demonstration of our solidarity against police repression. We intend to create a festive atmosphere that is safe and inviting for a wide range of people. Our goal is to spread information and to strengthen our will to band together and support each other in the face of ongoing police repression.
We ask that people not attempt to provoke the cops. This said, we are not responsible nor can we control attempts by authorities to suppress our solidarity, and therefore, we stress the importance of supporting those who choose to defend themselves and others against police abuse. We invite everyone to bring their friends and family, as well as banners, chants, noise makers, flags, torches and, most importantly, lots of energy!
Let’s bring the celebration of our resistance into the streets!
If you have any questions, please leave us a comment and we will respond ASAP. If you do not wish to make your comment public, please let us know and we will act accordingly.
- please forward widely -
* New promo video!
The 2010 Winter Olympics will take place in Vancouver & Whistler, on unceded Indigenous land, from February 12-28 2010. We call on all anti-capitalist, Indigenous, housing rights, labour, migrant justice, environmental, anti-war, community-loving, anti-poverty, civil libertarian, and anti colonial activists to come together to confront this two-week circus and the oppression it represents. We are organizing towards a global anti-capitalist and anti-colonial convergence against the2010 Olympic Games.
The Convergence is called for Feb 10-15:
- Wed Feb 10- Thurs Feb 11: Conference and People's Summit
- Fri Feb 12: Take Back Our City! “Welcome” the 2010 Olympic Torch with Free Games, Free Speech, and Free Food! Beginning with a festival at the Vancouver Art Gallery at 3 pm, followed by a parade and protest to BC Place Stadium. Details, including childcare, at:
- Sat Feb 13 and Mon Feb 15: Autonomous days of action including anti-corporate actions, rallies to oppose militarization, and more.
- On Sun Feb 14th, we will be standing with the 19th Annual Women's Memorial March to honour all the missing and murdered and women in the DTES (this is not an anti-Olympic protest).
Details at:
ADDITIONAL EVENTS: We will also be updating this description and our website with additional anti-Olympic events occurring during the entire month of February: or
- Wednesday Feb 3 from 7-9 pm. The Olympics are Coming, Let's Yack! WISE Hall, 1882 Adanac Street. Planning, sharing Olympic resistance activities.
Organized by Community Olympics Watch.
- Friday Feb 5 till Monday Feb 8: Indigenous Peoples Assembly in Secwepemc Territories. For Indigenous people only. For information email . Full callout posted at:
- Sunday Feb 7. 3rd Annual Poverty Olympics in the DTES. Relay starts at 12:30 at VANDU (380 East Hastings St.), 1-3 pm at Japanese Hall (487 Alexander St) Free, family event.
- Saturday, Feb 20. Rally for a National Housing Program from noon-2 pm, north Side of Vancouver Art Gallery. The UN now calls Canada's housing crisis, 'a national emergency.' Come join this rally to pressure the federal government to once again re-establish a national housing program in Canada. Organized by Impact on Communities Coalition.
We are working to coordinate the logistics to host this convergence. For information on billeting (whether you are in need of billeting or can provide billeting), travel and border information, legal updates, food and childcare arrangements, community spaces, welcome package, and more, please check frequently for updates.
1) Sign-up for our low-traffic list (1-2 emails per week) to stay updated on upcoming events, meetings, and actions. Please email and ask to be added to our announcement list or subscribe directly at
2) If you are part of another group (artist, activist, community, union, campus etc) and are planning any kind of activity or event to oppose the Games during Feb 2010, please do let us know and stay in touch.
3) Host an anti-Olympic educational on your campus or at your next conference. Or invite a speaker to your next meeting to discuss what your group can do. We are able to provide educational materials including films, tshirts, comics, buttons, stickers and more!
4) Get involved in the Olympic Resistance Network or other anti-Olympic groups in your neighbourhood or campus. The ORN has regular General Meetings on Sundays as well as many committees.
5) Spread the word about the convergence! Forward this notice to your contacts, download posters and flyers about the convergence from our website and pass them on!
6) Please donate! Hosting this convergence requires significant funds, including legal defence funds. You can donate securely through PayPal on our website:
or cheques can be made out to Olympic Resistance Network and mailed to ORN, 6 - 1857 Kitchener St, Vancouver, BC, V5L 2W5. Email to arrange direct deposits or other queries.
The 2010 Winter Olympics will take place on unceded Indigenous land. Far from being simply about sport, the history of the Olympics is one rooted in displacement, corporate greed, and repression. As Olympic promoters and sponsors seek to present their sanitized corporate brand image to the world, the real impacts of the Games are apparent to everyone:
* Expansion of sport tourism on Indigenous lands
* Increasing homelessness across the province and especially in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside
* Misdirected public spending and debt totaling $6 billion while funding for the arts, education, and health care are suffering cutbacks
* Corporate bailouts and profits for companies with some of the worst social and environmental records.
* Threats to basic civil liberties and free speech
* Union-busting and vulnerable working conditions for migrant labour
*Unprecedented destruction of the environment
* Unparalleled $1 billion police and security spending that is turning our city into a militarized zone.
Watch: Eight Reasons to Oppose the 2010 Winter Olympics:
The ORN supports the international resolution passed by over 1500 Indigenous delegates at the Intercontinental Indigenous Peoples Gathering in Sonora, Mexico to “ boycott the 2010 Olympic Games” based on Resolution #2 of the Gathering which states “We reject the 2010 Winter Olympics on sacred and stolen territory of Turtle Island–Vancouver, Canada”.
Based on this call, our organizing as natives and non-natives alike is largely being done under the slogan of "No Olympics on Stolen Native Land".
Rethinking the Olympics: A Conference
As the city declares "free speech zones" we declare our right to speak freely wherever we may find ourselves. As the city fills with spectators,we insist on participation.
Join us for speakers, panels, films and workshops Jan.26th-28th! (All at UBC Student Union Building, organised by the Social Justice Centre.)
Jan. 26 Rethink the Olympics: A panel discussion featuring Chris Shaw, Gord Hill, Alissa Westergard-Thorpe and others.
Jan.26th 2-3:30 (SUB 214/216) Art and Activism: A Hands-On Workshop.
Jan.26th 3:30-5:00 (SUB 214/216)
Jan. 27 Imagining Activism: A panel discussion on the future of the activist, featuring Bruce Baum, Lorraine Weir, Geraldine Pratt, Christina Paris and Stefanie Ratjen.
Jan.27th 12:00-1:00 (SUB 214/216) Know Your Rights: A Workshop led by the BCCLA.
Jan.27th 1:00-2:00 (SUB 211) Impact on Housing: A panel discussion featuring local housing activists.
Jan.27th 2:00-3:00 (SUB 214/216) Food not Bombs!: A Food Security workshop.
Jan.27th 3:00-5:00 (SUB 245)
Jan. 28 The Coca-Cola Case: A film spotlighting the labour policies of the olympic sponsor.
Jan.28th 12:30-2:00 (Norm Theatre) Celebrating Resistance Party!: Music! Drinks! Good Times!
Jan.28th 6:00-10:00pm (Koerner Penthouse, GSC) and check out for updated info and events. contact:
FB event info:

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Sunday, January 17, 2010


The 2010 Winter games draw nearer, though it's hard to say if Mother Nature will cooperate and provide not just snow but even the conditions necessary to produce artificial snow. One can only imagine the scramble if this doesn't happen. In the meantime the protests against the Olympics continue, tapping into a Canadian sentiment encompassing almost 50% of the population-more in BC where the public cost will be higher- that too much has been invested in the Games at a time of economic downturn. Here, from the Olympics Resistance Network, is the latest on the upcoming events. I have deleted everything that has already happened; yeah, I've been late on this one.
Meetings, Events, Convergence Information:‏
* Check out new promotional video:

* ORN General Meeting (open to all!) will now be every Sunday, beginning in January 2010, 6pm @ Spartacus Books, 684 E. Hastings

* 2010 Welcoming Committee: Thursdays at 7:00 pm at 1707 Charles Street (off Commercial Drive). Meeting to plan a broad-based mobilization on Feb12, 2010, the day of the Olympic Opening Ceremonies.

1) Updated: Anti Olympic Speaking Tour in BC and US West Coast!

2) Jan 16: Flyering and Skate-in Against Corporate Sponsors (deleted)

3) Updated: Jan 20 - 21: Dave Zirin in Vancouver

4) Jan 22: Solidarity in the Face of Police Repression

5) Updated: Feb 2010: Anti Olympic Convergence

6) Indigenous Peoples Assembly and financial support (Eng/Fr)


-- please forward to contacts in BC and US West Coast -

Why Oppose the 2010 Olympic Games

As part of a provincial and west coast speaking tour, join us in a series of events to learn more about the Olympic industry and its impacts, why opposition to the Games is growing, and how you can participate in and support the resistance. We will also hear about plans for a global Feb10-15 anti-colonial and anti-capitalist convergence against the Games.

No Olympics on Stolen Native Land!

Watch: Eight Reasons to Oppose the 2010 Winter Olympics:

DATES! Check back on Facebook for updates:

Or subscribe to our low traffic list to receive updates:

* Tues Jan 19 - OAKLAND at 7 pm, Eastside Arts Alliance, 2277 International Blvd.

Suggested donation: $5-10 sliding scale (no one will be turned away for lack of funds) Co hosted by: Chiapas Support Committee,East Side Arts Alliance, and others.

* Wed Jan 20 - SAN FRANCISCO at 7 p.m. Station 40, 3030B 16th Street (at Mission Street BART). Hosted by the Institute for Anarchist Studies

Suggested donation: $5-10 sliding scale, to support tour (no one will be turned away for lack of funds)

* Thurs Jan 21 - DAVIS at 7 pm. East Conference Room, Bottom Floor of the Memorial Union, UC Davis campus. Contact: Alapay Flores, or 408-886-1524.

* Fri Jan 22 - ORANGE COUNTY at 6 pm. Women's Civic Club, 9501 Chapman Ave. Garden Grove. Contact: or 714-478-3155

2) BC:

* Mon Jan 18th - GOLDEN at 7pm. Jita's Cafe. B-1007 11th Ave South.

Organized by Council of Canadians-Golden Chapter.

* Tues Jan 19th - KELOWNA at 7 pm. Okanagan College 1000 K.L.O. Rd Kelowna.

This presentation is sponsored by Kelowna Chapter of the Council of Canadians. For information, please contact Tisha@250-806-8034

* Fri Jan 22nd - NANAIMO at 7pm. VIU, bldg 355, room 203.

* Sat Jan 23rd - COMOX VALLEY at 7pm. BCGEU meeting room, 2nd Floor, 910 Fitzgerald Ave, Courtenay. Contact Ernie at 250 338 3504 .



Award-winning sports writer Dave Zirin will be speaking in Vancouver on the politics of sport and mega sporting events on January 20 and January 21, 2010. You will not want to miss him!


Wed Jan 20 @ 2:30-4:30

MBC 2290, SFU Burnaby campus

Organized by Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU),


Wed Jan 20 @ 6:30 pm.

Maritime Labour Centre, 1880 Triumph Street (corner Victoria Drive).

Suggested donation $10, no one turned away.

* Dave will be available for a book signing, People’s Co-op Books will have his books for purchase.
Organized by Olympic Resistance Network,
Endorsed by: Vancouver Action, Submedia, No One Is Illegal, Anti Poverty Committee, Council of Canadians, Warrior Publications,, Impact on Communities Coalition, Streams of Justice, Student Christian Movement -UBC, 2010 Watch, 2010 Corporate Campaign.
Thursday, Jan. 21, 4pm
UBC - Student Union Building,
Room 205
Organized by UBC Social Justice Centre.
Named one of the UTNE Reader's "50 Visionaries Who Are Changing Our World", Dave Zirin writes about the politics of sports and resistance ins ports. His writings appear in the Nation Magazine, SLAM Magazine, the Progressive, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, New York Daily News, and Los Angeles Times. Zirin is also the host of XM satellite's popular weekly show, Edge of Sports Radio. He has brought his blend of sports and politics to other television and radio programs including ESPN, CNN, MSNBC, Al-Jazeera, C-SPAN, Democracy Now, National Public Radio, Air America, and Pacifica.
Author of several books, his new book is "A People's History of Sports in the United States," part of Howard Zinn's People's History series for the New Press.
* Some recent articles:
Amy Goodman and Canada's Olympic Paranoia
Message to Obama: You Can't Have Muhammad Ali
Tiger Woods Falls from Grace
Obama's Olympic error: Caster Semenya: The Idiocy of Sex Testing
Gaza anger overwhelms hoops contest
* More about Dave and his writings:
Solidarity in the Face of Police Repression
Mass Demonstration
Friday, January 22nd, 1:00 pm
Anyone posing even a potential threat to Olympic Security is being subjected to police “friendly visits” and blatant harassment, from active organizers and their families to people who attend events or write critical letters. These visits have escalated and are likely to continue escalating as we near the February games.
Some have faced the sharper swords of prosecution, imprisonment, deportation, and even death in the case of Harriet Nahanee. We see the clear connection between Olympic repression and ongoing police intimidation & brutality, the mounting deaths in police custody, the gross negligence in missing women cases, the social cleansing in the Downtown Eastside, and all the other symptoms of this unjust system. We call for a mass public outcry and for increased resistance amidst this climate of increasing social control. To show we do not fear their tactics when we rise together.
Tell your friends and family, co-workers and classmates. Let's show that our solidarity can be stronger than their repression.
We are planning on this march being a family friendly demonstration of our solidarity against police repression. We intend to create a festive atmosphere that is safe and inviting for a wide range of people. Our goal is to spread information and to strengthen our will to band together and support each other in the face of ongoing police repression. We ask that people not attempt to provoke the cops. This said, we are not responsible nor can we control attempts by authorities to suppress our solidarity, and therefore, we stress the importance of supporting those who choose to defend themselves and others against police abuse.
We invite everyone to bring their friends and family, as well as banners, chants, noise makers, flags, torches and, most importantly, lots of energy! Let’s bring the celebration of our resistance into the streets! If you have any questions, please leave us a comment and we will respond ASAP. If you do not wish to make your comment public, please let us know and we will act accordingly.
- please forward widely -
* New promo video!
The 2010 Winter Olympics will take place in Vancouver & Whistler, on unceded Indigenous land, from February 12-28 2010. We call on all anti-capitalist, Indigenous, housing rights, labour, migrant justice, environmental, anti-war, community-loving, anti-poverty, civil libertarian, and anti colonial activists to come together to confront this two-week circus and the oppression it represents. We are organizing towards a global anti-capitalist and anti-colonial convergence against the 2010 Olympic Games.
The Convergence is called for Feb 10-15:
- Wed Feb 10- Thurs Feb 11:
Conference and People's Summit - Fri Feb 12: Take Back Our City! “Welcome” the 2010 Olympic Torch with Free Games, Free Speech, and Free Food!
Beginning with a festival at the Vancouver Art Gallery at 3 pm, followed by a parade and protest to BC Place Stadium. Details, including childcare, at: -
Sat Feb 13 and Mon Feb 15:
Autonomous days of action including anti-corporate actions, rallies to oppose militarization, and more.
- On Sun Feb 14th, we will be standing with the 19th Annual Women's Memorial March to honour all the missing and murdered and women in the DTES (this is not an anti-Olympic protest).
Details at:
We will also be updating our Facebook group
and our websites
( or
with additional anti-Olympic events occurring during the entire month of February:
- Friday Feb 5 till Monday Feb 8:
Indigenous Peoples Assembly in Secwepemc Territories. For Indigenous people only. For information email .
Full callout posted at:
- Saturday Feb 6. Squelcher Parade at Vanier Park, 1100 Chestnut Street,from 1-4 pm.
Join us to welcome the Olympic Torch to Vancouver with a giant symbolic fire extinguisher. This will be a fun, non confrontational event with bands, jugglers, mobile DJ's and more.
Organized by Workless Party.
- Sunday Feb 7. 3rd Annual Poverty Olympics in the DTES.
Relay starts at12:30 at VANDU (380 East Hastings St.),
1-3 pm at Japanese Hall (487Alexander St) Free, family event.
- Saturday, Feb 20. Rally for a National Housing Program from noon-2 pm, north Side of Vancouver Art Gallery.
The UN now calls Canada's housing crisis, 'a national emergency.' Come join this rally to pressure the federal government to once again re-establish a national housing program in Canada. Organized by Impact on Communities Coalition.
We are working to coordinate the logistics to host this convergence. For information on billeting (whether you are in need of billeting or can provide billeting), travel and border information, legal updates, food and childcare arrangements, community spaces, welcome package, and more,please check frequently for updates.
1) Sign-up for our low-traffic list (1-2 emails per week) to stay updated on upcoming events, meetings, and actions. Please email and ask to be added to our announcement list or subscribe directly at
2) If you are part of another group (artist, activist, community, union, campus etc) and are planning any kind of activity or event to oppose the Games during Feb 2010, please do let us know and stay in touch.
3) Host an anti-Olympic educational on your campus or at your next conference. Or invite a speaker to your next meeting to discuss what your group can do. We are able to provide educational materials including films, tshirts, comics, buttons, stickers and more!
4) Get involved in the Olympic Resistance Network or other anti-Olympic groups in your neighbourhood or campus. The ORN has regular General Meetings on Sundays as well as many committees.
5) Spread the word about the convergence! Forward this notice to your contacts, download posters and flyers about the convergence from our website and pass them on!
6) Please donate! Hosting this convergence requires significant funds, including legal defence funds. You can donate securely through PayPal on our website:
or cheques can be made out to Olympic Resistance Network and mailed to
6 - 1857 Kitchener St,
Vancouver, BC, V5L 2W5.
Email to arrange direct deposits or other queries.
The 2010 Winter Olympics will take place on unceded Indigenous land. Far from being simply about sport, the history of the Olympics is one rooted in displacement, corporate greed, and repression. As Olympic promoters and sponsors seek to present their sanitized corporate brand image to the world, the real impacts of the Games are apparent to everyone:
* Expansion of sport tourism on Indigenous lands
* Increasing homelessness across the province and especially in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside
* Misdirected public spending and debt totaling $6 billion while funding for the arts, educations, and health care are suffering cutbacks
* Corporate bailouts and profits for companies with some of the worst social and environmental records.
* Threats to basic civil liberties and free speech
* Union-busting and vulnerable working conditions for migrant labour
* Unprecedented destruction of the environment
* Unparalleled $1 billion police and security spending that is turning our city into a militarized zone.
Eight Reasons to Oppose the 2010 Winter Olympics:
The ORN supports the international resolution passed by over 1500 Indigenous delegates at the Intercontinental Indigenous Peoples Gathering in Sonora, Mexico to “boycott the 2010 Olympic Games” based on Resolution #2 of the Gathering which states “We reject the 2010 Winter Olympics on sacred and stolen territory of Turtle Island–Vancouver, Canada”.
Based on this call, our organizing as natives and non-natives alike is largely being done under the slogan of "No Olympics on Stolen Native Land".
Friday, February 5 - Monday, February 8, 2010
Neskonlith, un-surrendered Secwepemc Nation (so-called Chase, British Columbia, Canada) <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Weytk Xwexweytp.
Greetings to the World. The Secwepemc Peoples and the Native Youth Movement are inviting Indigenous Peoples throughout the Western Hemisphere and the World to come and join with us at an Indigenous Peoples Assembly at Neskonlith, un-surrendered Secwepemc Territory from Friday, February 5th to Monday, February 8th, 2010.
Considering that we, as Indigenous Peoples, have continued to resist the invasion and destruction of our Water and Territories for 518 years. That the last of our remaining Lands, Water and Territories are being plundered and raped and that it is our duty and responsibility to defend Life by any means.
We understand that our common oppressor has used all tactics to try to exterminate our Indigenous Peoples and Ways and by doing this they are waging War on the Earth itself. All Indigenous Peoples are encouraged to come and share their history, stories and struggles of Resistance, so we may begin to know each other and build our alliance and unity of Resisting Red Nations.
At the time of this Indigenous Peoples Assembly, so-called British Columbia and Canada will be in the global spotlight, with the 2010 Winter Olympic Games taking place just days away in the neighboring Indigenous Nations of un-surrendered Coast Salish and St’at’imc Territories. It will be an opportunity for Us, as Indigenous Peoples, to come together to send a clear and unified message and let our Struggles be known Worldwide. We also call on all Indigenous Peoples and Peoples of the World to attend the 2010 Convergence, the mobilization against the 2010 Winter Olympic Games from February 10-15, 2010 in Vancouver, un-surrendered Coast Salish Territories.
All Indigenous Peoples, Communities and Nations are invited to demonstrate their clothing, songs, dances, and other traditional forms of expression, both at the Indigenous Peoples Assembly and the 2010 Convergence. To get directions, discuss travel information and confirm attendance contact: . To make a donation to the Indigenous Assembly contact: Secwepemc Nation Youth Network: To get more information about the 2010 Convergence contact: ******************************
Sovereign Nations Alliance
Sovereign Mohawk Territory, "Montreal QC"
contact: Billie Pierre, 514.618.2299
Request to Supporters for $20 donations.
Sovereign Nations Alliance Mission Statement:
Sovereign Nations Alliance is committed to assessing Issues and Concerns for the Montreal Native community and actively work to bring about positive change. We are also committed to Work to Strengthen unity between the Montreal native community and other native communities and actively support their campaigns to defend their people and Mother Earth.
I'm Billie Pierre and I am writing a letter on behalf of a newly formed local group called the Sovereign Nations Alliance. We've been actively involved in promoting the anti-2010 Campaign from BC and helped organize the anti Olympic Torch rally last month.
For the past month, we've been working to fundraise our flights to BC so that we could attend the 2010 Convergence. So far, myself, and my young daughter have our way covered to Edmonton, one way, where I am scheduled to speak about the impacts of the Olympics on Native Land at the Everyone's Downstream conference on the Tar Sands.
We are looking to secure funding to cover the rest of our travel costs, and also the costs to fly 2 other people, as we've been invited to a gathering at a Secwepemc community thats on the forefront of anti Olympics organizing.
Contributions Sovereign Nations Alliance has made in Montreal to this date.
This past December, people who'd eventually form SNA worked with Montreal Indigenous Solidarity organizers to bring Miranda Dick, a representative of the Secwepemc Nation who was recently in the city during the time the 2010 Olympic Torch was in Kahnawake Reserve and Montreal. The torch went through Montreal on December 10, United Nations' International Human Rights Day.
This was the 8 year anniversary of when Sun Peaks Ski Resort corporation, with the support of the RCMP and provincial government, bulldozed 2 Secwepemc Sweatlodges, and 2 traditional Secwepemc homes that had been built on land where Sun Peaks wanted to build ski trails, and a Delta Hotel on. This desecration of sacred homes reveals the real relationship that corporations, and the provincial government have with sovereign nations in BC.
The Olympics is an event, that gives the BC, and Canadian governments an excuse to dump government funding into development projects that rape and pillage native land, and into the law enforcement agencies that attempt to repress any indigenous resistance to encroachment and unwanted development.
Miranda Dick, our visitor from the Secwepemc Nation also informed natives, and non-native supporters about the Superhighway project that is being built from the Alberta Tar Sands to the Vancouver Port. This destructive expansion has unearthed a 7000 year old Ancestor in Secwepemc territory last spring, and Secwepemc People have re-buried her in a proper manner and are actively protecting her from the possibility of being re-dug up by the Ministry of Highways for this road expansion.
We stand strong in Solidarity with the Sovereign Nations in the west that are being negatively impacted by the 2010 Winter Olympics that is displacing natives from their traditional land, and from their homes in the city of Vancouver. We also stand in Solidarity with the Secwpemc and Cree nations, and all the nations that this Super Highway is threatening to cut through.
Down with the Olympics,
Down with the Alberta Tar Sands!
Donations can be made to: Caisse Populaire Desjardins (Desjardins Bank) 077 30284 815 0209395.
This is a chequing account.

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