Thursday, October 21, 2010



It's just another day in another workers' paradise, and three workers are due to go on trial for organizing a strike. The "proletarian justice" they may face can mean up to 15 years in prison. Here's the story and appeal from the online labour solidarity site Labour Start.

Vietnam: Labour rights advocates face prison

Three Vietnamese labour rights advocates face 5-15 years imprisonment for helping organise a strike by 10,000 workers at the My Phong shoe factory in January 2010. Doan Huy Chuong, Nguyen Hoang Quoc Hung, and Do Thi Minh Hanh, all in their 20's, have been detained virtually incommunicado since their arrests in February. The trial is expected in late October 2010.

The "crimes" alleged by prosecutors are that Doan Huy Chuong, Nguyen Hoang Quoc Hung, and Do Thi Minh Hanh worked in an organised manner, distributed leaflets expressing discontent about working conditions and about the authorities, and helped workers to organise a strike. All of these activities ought to be legal, under Vietnam's own Constitution and in international instruments to which Vietnam is a signatory. The charges that they encouraged workers to destroy factory properties are without evidence and appear made-up.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the Vietnamese authorities.

I call on the Vietnamese government to release jailed labour rights advocates Doan Huy Chuong, Nguyen Hoang Quoc Hung, and Do Thi Minh Hanh.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010



Molly first saw this appeal at the online labour solidarity site Labour Start. It comes originally from the Building and Woodworkers International union where more information on this struggle can be found. Interested readers might also like to check out the independent Cambodian news site KI Media.
Cambodia: Reinstate sacked construction workers
The Building and Wood Workers Trade Union of Cambodia (BWTUC, an affiliate of BWI, has been struggling to organise the KC GECIN Enterprise, located at No.500, National Road 2, Sangkhat Chak Angre Loe, Khann Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. KC GECIN Enterprises is a local construction company, owned by Mr. Kim Chhean, a Cambodian national. This company has two main construction producing sites - one located in Prekho, Kandal District and another main site is located in Kilo 10, Khann Russei Keo, Phnom Penh. It employs around 160 workers all in main headquarter and in the two main sites. However, instead of recognising the union and starting a process to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement, the company has resorted to drastic and discriminatory measures as evident by the illegal termination of 25 union leaders and activists on August 13th and another 25 members who had participated in a legitimate trade union seminar.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the management of the KC GECIN Enterprises in Cambodia.
We strongly urge you to immediately reinstate the dismissed union leaders and members without preconditions, refrain from intimidating the workers on strike, recognise the union as a primary step that would lead to normalcy in the employee-employer relationship towards settling the industrial dispute through a collective bargaining agreement.

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Saturday, July 31, 2010



There's an ongoing struggle in Turkey to unionize employees of the multinational UPS. Here's an appeal from the ITF via the online labour solidarity site Labour Start for solidarity with these workers.
Turkey: Support sacked UPS workers
UPS workers in Turkey need your support.

The ITF-affiliated TÜMTIS has been taking steps in the recent months to unionise this company and its sub-contractors. As a result, 120 employees in Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir have been dismissed without any application of the procedures stipulated by Turkish law. UPS is a global company which says publicly in its corporate social responsibility report that it supports the rights of its workers to become members of a union. The reality in Turkey, however, is very different.

All of the 120 dismissed workers are union members or sympathetic to TÜMTIS. Others are constantly harassed not to join the union. Some were taken by force to a notary to resign from the union. On 2 July, the conflict escalated in Izmir when a manager of a sub-contractor pulled out his gun and started shooting in front of a notary. More recently, a new company brought in replacement workers in Istanbul. Such action contradicts with the claim by the management that they are reducing the workforce due to economic reasons. After these recent incidents, the ITF has written to the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to raise its concern.

The ITF and its affiliates are firmly backing TÜMTIS in their struggle against UPS. Unions from around the world have sent their messages.
Trade union delegations have been visiting the picket-line on a regular basis to show global solidarity.

However, there has been no response from the company to TÜMTIS or to the ITF. Add your concern by sending a protest letter to the Prime Minister of Turkey now. Copies of the letter will also be sent to UPS representatives including CEO Scott Davis and local management in Turkey. We want all these workers to be reinstated and all intimidations to be ceased.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the Turkish Prime Minister (and also to the Turkish division of UPS).
Dear Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan,

I am writing to you to express my grave concern over the serious violations of trade union rights at UPS in Turkey.

I have reason to believe that 120 workers who work for UPS and its sub-contractors in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir have been dismissed because they support the union, TÜMTIS. Other workers are constantly harassed by the management not to join the union. There was a shooting incident in Izmir which was caused by a senior manager of the company's sub-contractor.

These recent events violate the fundamental workers' rights as enshrined in the Core Conventions of the International Labour Organization. It also goes without saying that accession to the European Union will require some fundamental changes to the current climate of industrial relations in Turkey. Actions taken by the UPS Turkish management and its subcontractors are also damaging the reputation of this global company, which enshrines in its Code of Conduct the promotion of a sound relationship between trade unions and the management.

I urge your immediate intervention to resolve this situation so that all the sacked workers are reinstated unconditionally and steps are taken to ensure that no further victimisation takes place at UPS and its subsidiaries.

Yours sincerely

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Saturday, July 24, 2010



Well, the new Iraqi government is proving itself to be following the methods of the old one. Last month they banned the Iraqi electricity unions. But what did you really expect ? Here's an appeal from the online labour solidarity organization Labour Start for support for the Iraqi unionists.
Iraq: Minister closes all union offices in Saddam-style move
Police raided and shut down electricity unions across Iraq in mid-July, carrying out an order from the Minister of Electricity that could have been lifted from Saddam Hussein’s rule book.

The order prohibits "all trade union activities at the ministry and its departments and sites" and authorizes the police "to close all trade union offices and bases and to take control of unions' assets properties and documents, furniture and computers."

The leader of Britain's Trades Union Congress has called upon the Iraqi government "to withdraw the order, and allow unions to operate freely, underpinned by a fair, just and ILO-compliant labour law."

The Iraqi trade union movement is calling on trade union members everywhere to raise their voices in protest.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the Iraqi authorities.

To Mr Hussain al-Shahristani
Minister of Electricity
Baghdad, Iraq


I have learned about Ministerial Order No 22 244 issued on 20 July 2010 which "prohibit all trade union activities at the ministry and its departments and sites" and orders police to raid union offices across the country.

This order is a clear violation of international labour standards which your government is obligated to uphold, and I call upon you to reverse course and stop this assault on Iraqi unions.
Thank you.

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Saturday, July 03, 2010



The Turkish government is presenting holding five unionists on trumped up charges. The Public Service International believes that this is part of a deliberate campaign being waged against workers in Turkey and particularly those of Kurdish descent. The online labour solidarity site Labour Start has initiated a campaign to demand that these people be released. Here's the appeal.

Turkey: Free jailed trade unionists now
Five trade unionists belonging to PSI affiliates in Turkey are currently in prison on trumped up accusations of "belonging to illegal or terrorist organisations" or making propaganda on behalf of such organisations. The prison conditions are harsh and concern is growing over the mental and physical health of the imprisoned unionists. PSI contends that these arrests are part of a deliberate policy by the Turkish authorities to misuse the courts in order to harass and intimidate trade unionists, particularly those belonging to the largely Kurdish confederation, KESK.

During the International Labour Conference in June, Turkey was questioned about the spate of arrests of trade unionists. The cases of Meryem Özsögut and Seher Tümer from SES were specifically mentioned, as well as those of Metin Findik and Ferit and Bestas Epözdemir of PSI affiliate Tüm Bel Sen.

A cloak of secrecy surrounds each case, on orders of the public prosecutor. This means that lawyers are denied access to the detainees and are unable to view their case files.

You can help by sending a letter of protest to the Turkish government.
The Letter:
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the President of Turkey.
Dear President,

I write to the Government of Turkey to protest in the strongest terms possible against the continued judicial persecution of trade unionists.

Ms Meryem Özsöðüt, Executive Board member of PSI affiliate SES (trade union of Public Employees in Health and Social Services) was arrested on 19 June 2010, in connection with her trade union activities. This is the second time Ms Özsöðüt has been imprisoned on allegations of terrorist activity. She previously spent 8 months in an F-type prison without any clear evidence being presented of her involvement in or membership of a terrorist organization.
I also voice outrage at the sentencing of Ms Seher Tümer, Branch Secretary of SES, and the on-going detention of Mr Metin Findik, Mr Ferit Epözdemir and Mrs Belkýza Bestas Epözdemir, members of PSI affiliate Tüm Bel Sen (Union of All Municipality Civil Servants).

I call on your government to take the necessary steps to secure the immediate release of Ms Özsöðüt and her fellow trade unionists and request once again that Turkey abides by its international obligations to secure the human and trade union rights and freedoms of its workers.

Yours sincerely,

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010



Last May 21 the government of Algeria shut down a union centre in the city of Bach Djarrah in response to independent union organizing. The following appeal for solidarity with the unionists affected comes from the online labour solidarity site Labour Start.
Act NOW!
Algeria: Union headquarters shut down
On 12 May 2010, Algerian authorities effectively shut down La Maison des Syndicats (2 Rue El Oued, Bach Djarrah, Algiers), the headquarters of an important coalition of independent labor unions fighting for workers rights, including the Syndicat National Autonome des Personnels de l'Administration Publique (SNAPAP). Their website has also been shut down.

The closure was justified on the grounds that the space was being used as a meeting place for young men and women, meetings were held that were not authorized by the government, foreign nationals were invited to some of these meetings without government authorization, and a general disruption of public order by the occupants.
The Letter:
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the Algerian authorities.

I am concerned that La Maison des Syndicats at 2 Rue El Oued, Bach Djarrah, Algiers has been shut down by your government and demand an immediate and unconditional reopening, as well as an end to all anti-union repression.

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Sunday, May 16, 2010



The following call to protest the recent execution of Iranian political prisoner Farzad Kamangar comes from the online labour solidarity site Labour Start.

Iran: Farzad Kamangar executed
Together with four other Kurdish political prisoners, Farzad Kamangar was executed, in secret, on Sunday 9 May at Evin Prison in Tehran. Kamangar, a 35-year-old teacher and member of the Teachers' Trade Association of Kurdistan, was accused of "endangering national security" and "enmity against God". He had lived with the threat of the death penalty since February 2008, when it was imposed upon him after a sham trial that lasted less than five minutes. In prison, Farzad suffered torture and psychological pressure.

Although the Iranian authorities had accepted Farzad’s appeal, the case stalled when it should have been sent to the Supreme Court for review. After further delays, Farzad's lawyer was told that his file had been lost. Despite the evident lack of independent inquiry into the allegations and the absence of a fair judicial process, Farzad has been executed.

Farzad's case is particularly troubling because of the opaque and secretive manner in which his trial was conducted, the lack of basic rights he had access to whilst in prison, and the fact that neither his family or legal representatives were informed of his execution.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the Iranian authorities.

I strongly condemn the execution of the Kurdish teacher trade unionist Farzad Kamangar on 9 May 2010.

Despite the evident lack of independent inquiry into the allegations, the absence of a fair judicial process, the fact that Mr Kamangar's appeal was still to be reviewed by the Supreme Court, though Mr Kamangar's lawyer had been told that the file had been lost, Mr Kamangar has still been executed. I denounce this inhumane treatment of Farzad Kamangar, and the fact that neither his family, nor his lawyer, were informed about the execution.

This brutal execution raises anxiety about the fate of other detained teacher unionists, such as Rasoul Bodaghi, Hashem Khastar, Bahman Goudarzzade and Abdolresa Ghanbari. I am also concerned about the continued detention of Mansoor Osanloo and Ebrahim Madadi, leaders of the Tehran Bus Workers' Union (Vahed Syndicate), Mohammad Olyaiefard,
lawyer for the Haft Tapeh and Tehran Bus Workers' Unions, and Ali Nejati, Chairman of the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Company Workers' Syndicate.

This execution will also intensify the already pervasive climate of fear and persecution surrounding trade union activities in Iran.

I urge you to:

Investigate the legal framework of the execution of Farzad Kamangar and clarify why his file was not reviewed by the Supreme Court in accordance with national law;
Ensure, in law and practice, all guarantees of due process of law established in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, including the principle of presumption of innocence and elimination of torture and ill-treatment in prison;
Respect the full exercise of the right to freedom of expression and rights to association and assembly, as recommended by the Committee on Freedom of Association of the International Labour Organisation;
Announce a moratorium on executions.

I look forward to hearing about your positive intervention on this very serious matter

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010



The "tech miracles" that gain such enthusiastic praise (and even more enthusiastic marketing) often have a grimy core that is hidden beneath the gee-whiz. One such situation is the Young fast Optoelectronics company in Taiwan, manufacturers of touch screens for some of the biggest players in the world tech market. The following appeal for these workers is from the online labour solidarity site Labour Start.
Taiwan: Touch panel screen workers struggle for basic rights
Workers at Young Fast Optoelectronics (YFO) in Taiwan urgently request your support for their struggle to defend their union and basic labour rights against the company's union-busting actions and the Taiwanese government's negligence of the law. YFO is one of the major manufacturers for touch panel screens in the world; its buyers include: Samsung, LG, HTC and Google. Although making tremendous profits, the working conditions in YFO's Taoyuan Plant are worse than most people expected. The unacceptable conditions include child labour, excessive and forced overtime working, deduction of overtime wages, and poor health and safety conditions. YFO has been sabotaging the union YFOTU since its establishment in December 2009. It dismissed five union officers and more than ten active union members in March 2010, under the pretense that their production line will be moved to China. Trade unionists in Taiwan believe that this is a deliberate union-busting action and gross violation of the Labor Union Law. YFOTU and National Federation of Independent Trade Unions (NAFITU), which YFOTU is affiliated with, have waged a campaign since the illegal dismissal.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to both the Taiwanese government and to corporate management.
I am deeply concerned about the working conditions and union-busting actions at Young Fast Optoelectronics (YFO), which is a supplier to Samsung, LG, HTC, Google, Qualcomm, Vodafone, Verizon, Chunhwa Telecom and Taiwan Mobile, and I am writing to request you to look into the case and correct the abuses of labor rights in YFO. In support of YFOTU and NAFITU, I call on the above mentioned corporations to communicate with YFO aiming to reinstate the dismissed union officers and members; resolve the labor dispute through dialogue with YFOTU and NAFITU; monitor the labor rights and working conditions, and prevent repetition of labor rights abuse in YFO. I also strongly urge the Taiwan Government to make a thorough investigation on the working conditions and labor rights in YFO; and to take concrete actions against the illegalities and to protect the workers in YFO.

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Saturday, April 10, 2010



It has been only 14 months since the workplace death of Kevan Chandler in Alberta, but in that short time there have been 13 other farm worker deaths in that province. Across the country there have been 59 such deaths. This carnage must stop. Here's a story and appeal from the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) who are campaigning to have Alberta apply the simple minimum protection that other workers enjoy to farm workers in that province.

Premier Stelmach: End the Harvest of Death!
Premier Ed Stelmach: 14 months and
13 deaths later and still no action
It’s been 14 months since Justice Peter Barley told Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach that farm workers in Alberta should be granted the same health and safety rights as everyone else.

Despite asking Justice Barley for his advice, the Premier doesn’t want to hear it, and farm workers are paying the price.

After being asked by the Premier to investigate the workplace death of farm worker Kevan Chandler, Justice Barley found that farm workers must be included in Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to prevent future workplace injuries and deaths.

To date, Premier Stelmach has ignored that advice, and since then 13 more people have been killed on Alberta farms in work-related accidents.

Since Kevan Chandler died at work on Father’s Day nearly four years ago, an additional 59 people have been killed in agriculture-related accidents.

As the leader of a majority government, Premier Stelmach is the “decider”. He has the power to save lives with stroke of a pen by granting basic health and safety rights to farm workers – they’re the same rights that most of us already have.

Tell Premier Stelmach to do the right thing by ending the deadly discrimination against Alberta farm workers.

Click here to tell Premier Stelmach: End the Harvest of Death!
Please go to this link from the online labour solidarity site Labour Start to send the following message in support of Alberta farmworkers to Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach.

Dear Premier Stelmach:

I am writing to you to express my displeasure over your government’s inaction in providing farm workers in Alberta coverage under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.A. 2000 CH.0-2.

In the Public Fatality Inquiry into the death of farm worker Kevan Chandler, Judge Peter Barley recommended that farm workers be covered under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Mr. Premier the death of one farm worker is one too many, yet Alberta has averaged nineteen farm worker deaths per year since 1997. I urge you and your government to take a proactive role in preventing further industry deaths and join the national consensus by immediately implementing the recommendation of Judge Barley and give Occupational Health and Safety coverage to the farm workers of Alberta.

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010



The following appeal for solidarity with the General Federation of Iraqi Workers came Molly's way via the online labour solidarity site Labour Start.

Iraq: Pass a fair and just labour law!

International call for a fair and just labour law in Iraq
We the undersigned call on the Iraqi Government and Parliament to implement a fair and just labour law.

Almost seven years have passed since the fall of the former regime, yet many of its laws and decisions continue to apply, denying workers the most basic of freedoms. Workers in the public sector are denied the right to organise and join trade unions and collective bargaining is almost impossible. Without laws guaranteeing freedom of association, various state ministries are threatening to seize union assets and ban their activities.

These laws are undermining the immense contribution democratic and independent trade unions can make to Iraq’s fledgling democracy.

We support the Iraqi Labour Campaign and its call on the Iraqi Government and the Parliament to put in place a fair and just law labour law which would:

•Enable workers to make workplaces safer, prevent discrimination and harassment, ensure equality of opportunity, improve skills and education, increase workplace productivity and morale, collectively bargain for fairer wages, protect the most vulnerable workers and be part of a mature system of industrial relations.
•Allow trade unions to be supported by their members, accountable to their members according to internal rules and free from outside political interference.
•Finally give workers their fundamental rights as provided for in the Iraqi constitution and the core conventions of the International Labour Organisation.
•Help build a free, fair and prosperous federal Iraq for everyone.
Please go to this link to add your name to the petition above.

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Sunday, March 28, 2010



The following appeal for solidarity with fired workers at the Bauxite Company of Guyana comes from the online labour solidarity site Labour Start.

Guyana: Stop union-busting - respect workers rights
57 trade union leaders of the Guyana Bauxite and General Workers' Union (GBGWU) were summarily sacked, without recourse, in late 2009 when miners at the Bauxite Company of Guyana Inc. (BCGI) went on strike. BCGI is 90% owned by the Russian aluminum company RusAl and 10% by the government of Guyana.

The company gave 600 miners the choice of accepting one of three bargaining proposals, and when miners voted to accept management’s least desired offer, BCGI terminated its collective bargaining relationship with GBGWU and fired the union's leaders for strike activity that was caused by this collective bargaining charade.

Subsequently, BCGI has used coercion, intimidation, and fear to get workers remaining on the job to sign a deauthorization petition in order to decertify GBGWU. RusAl and BCGI managers have held captive meetings in which they used threats and intimidation to get workers to sign the petition and to turn away from their long-time union.

Such actions are flagrant violations of core labour standards, and the GBGWU is requesting that labour activists worldwide register that complaint directly with Guyana's Minister of Labour. The message is that he halts this employer-perpetrated, union destroying initiative immediately.
The Letter:
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the Guyanese authorities.

Mr Manzoor Nadir, Minister of Labour, Human Services, and Social Security, Republic of Guyana

Dear Minister of Labour Manzoor Nadir,

I write to urgently request that you fully examine the elements surrounding deauthorization of trade union Guyana Bauxite and General Workers’ Union (GBGWU) at the mining company BCGI. As one who has followed this dispute since late last year, I believe that management of this bauxite mining operation has used coercion, intimidation, and the duress of workers during a very difficult time to unfairly capture signatures on a petition in order to dismiss GBGWU as the lawful bargaining representative.

I strongly encourage you to set aside this current de-unionizing effort, and find a fairer way to determine the union status at BCGI. Guyana ratified ILO Convention 98 (the Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention) in 1966 and ILO Convention 87 the Freedom of Association and the Protection of the Right to Organize Convention) in 1967.

Your government, through the Ministry you direct, is in violation of these paramount global labour standards if you allow management interference to intercede in workers' legitimate right to freely and openly select the union of their choice.

Yours Sincerely,

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Monday, March 22, 2010



The following came to Molly's attention via the online labour solidarity site Labour Start. It's originally from the international union federation, the IUF. There's a website and a Facebook page for the international campaign to make Nestlé treat its workers fairly
Stop Nespressure in Russia!
Rights and Recognition for Nestlé Waters Workers and their Union!
In November 2009 workers at Nestlé Waters Direct in Domodedovo, near Moscow, joined together to do something about eroding real wages and deteriorating working conditions. They formed a legal union - and management responding by harassment, discriminatory work assignments, cutting drivers' wages by half and sacking the union vice-chair, who was formally accused of damaging the company by doing his job too well! The workers are determined to defend their union and win their rights - you can support them by using the form below to send a message to management of Nestlé, the world's largest food company.
The letter
Please go to this link to send the following letter to Nestlé management.
To Stefan De Loecker, Market Head Russia
cc Alfredo Silva, Assistant Vice-President, Human Resources - Zone Europe
Dear Sirs
I am shocked to learn that management at Nestlé Waters Direct in Domodedovo has responded to the formation of a union by imposing pay cuts on drivers who join the union and by firing the union vice-chair Sergei Strykov on January 27. I call on you to immediately reinstate Strykov, to reinstate all union members to their former driver work assignments, to end all anti-union discrimination through rates, bonuses and job assignments and to enter into good faith negotiations with the union on working conditions and overtime pay.
Yours sincerely

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Thursday, March 11, 2010


The following appeal for solidarity with railway workers in Thailand is from the online labour solidarity site Labour Start.
Support railway workers
The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) and its affiliate, the State Railway Workers' Union of Thailand (SRUT) are demanding the Thai rail management (SRT) stop its anti-union practices and improve its industrial relationship with the union. Six union officials in the Hat Yai Branch were unfairly dismissed in October 2009 for taking part in national industrial action. Union members refused to drive unsafe trains after a fatal accident had occurred. The driver in the crash had fallen asleep on duty because he had been working for a month with only one rest day. Background to this incident are the lack of investment and a large-scale reduction of jobs in the SRT by the government. To investigate the dismissal case and to study the safety conditions in the SRT, the ITF sent its mission to Bangkok and Hat Yai in January 2010. Based on its findings, the team recommended the management to (a) reinstate the dismissed workers; (b) stop further victimisation of union officials; (c) drop the law suit for damages filed against the union and (d) build a new safety culture in the Thai railways with the workers and the union where whistle-blowers are not penalised. The ITF visit coincided with the meeting of the State Enterprise Labour Relations Committee, which was investigating the dismissal case. On 15 January, this tripartite panel voted 5 to 4 against the management's decision. Nevertheless, the Transport Minister is pushing the SRT to take the case to court. In the meantime, the SRT tried to revoke the collective bargaining agreement but was forced to withdraw its proposals within days, after being confronted with a very unpopular response from the workplaces. The management has only a week left to submit the case to court. Now is the time to act and urge them to stop this.
The Letter:
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the Thai State railway Board.
Yutthana Thapcharoen
Governor The State Railway of Thailand (SRT)
I am hereby expressing my support towards the campaign by the ITF in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the State Railway Workers\' Union of Thailand (SRUT).

I subscribe to their demands to (a) reinstate the six dismissed workers in Hat Yai; (b) stop further victimisation of union officials; (c) drop the law suit for damages filed against the union and (d) build a new safety culture in the Thai railways with the workers and the union where whistle-blowers are not penalised.

This is not the time to escalate a conflict with the union. Instead, you must take a strong initiative to urgently improve railway safety together with the union and to rectify the current industrial relationship.

I will be following this case through information provided by the ITF and Labour Start until it is resolved.

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Wednesday, March 03, 2010


The following appeal for solidarity with Mexican mineworkers in the 'Los Mineros' union comes from the online labour solidarity site Labour Start. Note that the workers have occupied the mine.

Mexico: Support the Cananea miners

Some 1,200 members of Mexico’s National Miners’ and Metalworkers’ Union, or Los Mineros, have been on strike since July 2007 at the Cananea mine over health and safety and other contract violations. Grupo Mexico – the mining giant which operates Cananea – and the Mexican government have continuously tried to end the strike and crush the union. The Government of Mexico has threatened and jailed union leaders, illegally frozen union bank accounts and failed to investigate or prosecute assassinations of union members. On February 11, a federal court gave Grupo Mexico permission to fire the striking workers and terminate the labor agreement, effectively eliminating the right to strike in Mexico. The Mexican government has threatened to use armed force to gain control of Cananea. The Los Mineros members at Cananea are resolved to continue occupying the mine until a fair labour agreement is reached. Los Mineros is one of the strongest and most democratic trade unions in Mexico.For more information see the ICEM and IMF websites.
The letter:
Please go to this link to send the following letter of protest to the Mexican government.
We support Los Mineros in their fight for justice against the Mexican government and the attack on labor and human rights posed by Grupo México throughout the country, and specifically at Cananea. We call on the Mexican government to withdraw its threats to use armed force in Cananea and instead seek a peaceful solution to the conflict that respects the right to collective bargaining and the right to strike. Your government’s interference in union governance, its threatening and jailing of union leaders, freezing union bank accounts, declaring strikes illegal and failing to prosecute the killers of union leaders, are serious and unacceptable violations of basic human rights.

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Sunday, February 28, 2010


The following appeal for solidarity comes from the international labour solidarity site Labour Start.
Act NOW!
Turkey: Free Seher Tümer
Union activist Seher Tümer, Branch Secretary of PSI affiliate SES (the trade union of public employees in health and social services), will spend International Women’s Day 2010 in prison.

But international solidarity action could open the door to freedom for her.

Ms Tümer has now been detained in an F-type prison for almost a year, with no clear charges being brought against her. PSI is convinced that her arrest is linked to her activities in the labour and women’s movements in that country, including participating in International Women’s Day activities last year. Tumer, who is Kurdish, was arrested and imprisoned in April 2009. Her case mirrors that of fellow union leader Meryem Özsöðüt, who faced similar charges of belonging to a terrorist organisation. (Özsöðüt was released after eight months in prison following a major international protest campaign led by PSI.)

PSI has been closely following this case. Ms Tümer’s next court appearance is planned for 9 March, PSI and EPSU have sent a joint letter of protest to the Turkish Prime Minister demanding that all charges be dropped and that she be immediately released.

PSI urgently calls on trade unions and concerned organisations to write similar letters of protest. Join the Labourstart Campaign and send a letter of protest now.
The Letter:
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the Turkish authorities to demand the release of Seher Tumer.
Mr Recep Tayyip Erdoðan
Prime Minister
Republic of Turkey
Dear Prime Minister,
I write to demand the immediate release of Ms Seher Tümer, Branch Secretary of SES (Trade union of public employees in health and social services), Turkey, an affiliate of Public Services International (PSI).

Ms Tümer has now been detained in an F-type prison for almost a year, with no clear charges being brought against her. We are convinced that her arrest is linked to her trade union activities.

We are sure that, as a member of the International labour Organisation and an aspiring member of the European Union, your Government will want to act swiftly to ensure that this breach of fundamental human and trade union rights is corrected.
Yours sincerely,

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Friday, February 26, 2010


Workers at Green Isle Foods, County Kildare Ireland, have been on strike for six months, and some workers are now resorting to a hunger strike to try and make the company see reason. They are asking for your support. Here's the story and appeal from the online labour solidarity site Labour Start. The strikers also have a strike website that you can access here.
Ireland: Trade unionists on hunger strike at Green Isle Foods:
Two trade unionists are on hunger strike outside the Green Isle Foods plant in Naas, Co Kildare, Ireland. They are members of the Technical Engineering and Electrical Union. The first of the men began his hunger strike on February 17th, the second on February 24th, a third will join them on March 3rd. They embarked on this action after being left on the picket line for six months because the company, a wholly owned subsidiary of British based conglomerate Northern Foods, rejected every initiative of the Irish state's industrial relations machinery to resolve their dispute. The dispute began over the unfair dismissal of three TEEU members and the company's refusal to recognise the union. It has also refused to accept an Irish Labour Court recommendation that it reinstate the dismissed workers with compensation for lost earnings or pay them €160,000 compensation for the loss of their jobs. Since the hunger strike began the company has finally engaged in talks but we know there will only be a successful outcome if we can increase the pressure generated by the heroic action of these men.
The Letter:
Please go to this link to send the following letter to management at Green Isle Foods.
I will not be putting any more Northern Foods products such as Goodfellas and San Marco pizza, Donegal Catch, Dalepak or Green Isle frozen vegetables in my shopping trolley while this company behaves so callously towards its own employees. It should be ashamed that its behaviour has forced employees to resort to hunger strikes before it will engage with them and their union, and that it has rejected all attempts by the industrial relations machinery of the Irish state, including the Irish Labour Court to resolve this dispute. Recognise the men's right to be in a union and respect the Labour Court's findings if you want my business back.

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Monday, February 22, 2010


The world is full of sneakiness, and it does my old heart good when I see the "forces of good" do an end round around the "forces of evil". The following from the online labour solidarity site Labour Start is one such instance. It seems that the evil clown Ronald McNasty has tried to suppress criticism of the corporation by buying up internet domain sites, but, as is usual when you pay a manager 150,000 per year or a consultant a one time payment of $500,000, the uselessness of such people comes through. In this case David has done an end run around Goliath. Here's the story.
McJobs -- we all know what those are.
One online source defines a McJob as "a low-paying, low-prestige job that requires few skills and offers very little chance of intracompany advancement". McDonald's was never very happy about the use of this term.

In fact, the company bought the domain name "" just to make sure that no one could use it.

But they forget to acquire ""( To "oops" is management-Molly ) -- and the global union federation for food workers, the IUF, together with LabourStart, bought the name and today are pleased to announce the public launch of, the website for McDonald's workers around the world.
If you work in McDonald's, or know anyone who does, or are just curious, please do check it out:
Eric Lee

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Friday, February 05, 2010


The online labour solidarity site Labour Start is holding its first "labour video of the year" contest. Here's their call for nominations.
Labour video of the year‏:
For the first time ever, Labour Start is sponsoring a Labour Video of the Year competition, open to trade unionists and film-makers from around the world.

Videos submitted must be on the web, and less than 10 minutes long. They must focus primarily on work, workers or worker's issues.

You do not have to be the owner or producer of a video to nominate it.

Please submit your nominations before midnight GMT on 15 February 2010.

Our international panel of judges will prepare a shortlist, with voting expected to take place in March 2010.

Winners will be announced after two weeks of online voting and winning films will screened at the Labour Start conference in July 2010.

There will be prizes for the winning videos, to be announced soon.

Spread the word -- pass this message on to friends, fellow union members, co-workers and anyone who know who might have suggestions for the best labour videos out there.
Eric Lee

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Thursday, January 28, 2010


The following item came to Molly's attention via the online labour solidarity site Labour Start. What is it / It's a great new weekly series of podcasts on labour issues available at the new Radio Labour site. Here's the promo.

RadioLabour launching next week:‏
A new weekly presentation of international labour news is being organized on the Internet.
The audiocast - called Solidarity News - will be available on every Monday morning.

RadioLabour is the brainchild of Marc Belanger -- the founder of SoliNet, which was the first trade union online network back in the 1980s.

Solidarity News will focus on union and workers' activities and issues from around the world with special emphasis on emerging market and developing countries.

RadioLabour reporters will provide regular weekly presentations, but a special feature of the audiocast will be reports from unionists who want to report on particular events or publicize an activity of their organization.

Scripts of the audiocasts will be available as aids for unionists who want to learn the use of English as an additional language in the international labour movement.

For more information about RadioLabour, listen to the audiocasts, or provide reports, visit the RadioLabour site. Or write directly to Marc at .

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Tuesday, January 05, 2010


The online labour solidarity site Labour Start has a few interesting promotions going on. First of all, following directly below, are references to two very exciting labour film sites.
Union films and videos:‏
First of all, a very happy new year to all of you. 2010 promises to be an exciting year for LabourStart and I wanted to start things off by talking about union films and videos.

We're very pleased to be co-sponsoring the online labor film database together with the DC Labor Film Fest. This extraordinary resource includes no fewer than 1,465 union films and videos. I think it's a fantastic resource for trade unionists everywhere and we should all be grateful to Chris Garlock and the Washington DC Metro Labor Council for putting this together.
If you have videos to suggest for inclusion in this list, please send them on to .

We're also now co-sponsoring the online labor film festival site, now featuring thirty such festivals around the world -- featuring festivals in Argentina, Canada, Ireland, Korea, Norway, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, and the USA. You can help keep this list up-to-date and inclusive by emailing .

Attentive readers will have noticed that for the first time since 1998, LabourStart is not promoting a Labour Website of the Year competition. There are a number of reasons for our decision not to continue with this, and one of them is that we've been holding a very successful photo of the year competition -- and also that we're planning to launch a labour video of the year competition in 2010. Details coming soon.

I hope you've all had a good festive season and would like to encourage you to take a moment and make sure that you've sent out messages in support of all four of our current campaigns . Thanks!
Eric Lee
And, like I said, see the film, read the book. Here's another item from Labour Start about a great new book on labour film.
Union films - the book‏
Tom Zaniello is a living, walking encyclopedia of films about labour.

I heard him speak at a conference once, but it wasn't so much a speech as a high-speed tour through dozens of film clips, lovingly selected, all aiming to make a point.

I don't know anyone who knows more about cinema and the labour movement than he does.

And Working Stiffs, Union Maids, Reds, and Riffraff: An expanded guide to films about labor is his, well, encyclopedia about the subject.

It's a 434 page guide to 350 labour films from around the world, ranging from those you’ve heard of — Salt of the Earth, The Grapes of Wrath, Roger & Me — to those you’ve never heard of but will fall in love with once you see them.

Zaniello describes all the films in detail, tells you whether they’re available for rental or purchase, and, if so, where.

Fiction and nonfiction, the films are about unions, labour history, working-class life, political movements, and the struggle between labour and capital.

Each entry includes critical commentary, production data, cast list, suggested related films, and annotated references to books and Web sites for further reading.

If you want to know more about labour films, buy this book.

And remember that every copy you purchase helps support LabourStart.
Thanks very much.
Eric Lee

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