Showing posts with label International Labor Rights Forum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label International Labor Rights Forum. Show all posts

Saturday, February 12, 2011



Valentine's Day is coming up on Monday, and now is a good time to look at the root of where a lot of our chocolate comes from ie child labour in the cocoa industry. Here's an item from the International Labor Rights Forum on what you can do to end this exploitation.
Valentine's Day 2011 Actions for the Hershey Campaign

Valentine's Day is a major chocolate buying holiday, but your gifts for your sweetheart should not come at the expense of workers rights! Forced labor, child labor and trafficking continues in the cocoa industry in West Africa. Almost all major chocolate companies have begun to commit to using independent, third-party programs to certify that their cocoa suppliers comply with international labor standards, but Hershey continues to lag behind the industry.

There are two easy and fun ways to take action to tell Hershey to go Fair Trade leading up to Valentine's Day:

1.SEND VALENTINES TO HERSHEY! Create your own personalized Valentine telling Hershey to start using Fair Trade Certified cocoa for its products, like the iconic chocolate Kiss. Address your Valentine to Hershey CEO David J. West and mail it to: 100 Crystal A Drive, Hershey, PA 17033. You can also download this PDF of a Valentine to mail to the company. If you make your own Valentine, please do scan an image of it or take a photograph of your Valentine and send it to ILRF Campaigns Director Tim Newman at: We'll post them online and you can get a 10% discount to Global Exchange's store by sending your images and photographs to us! Please mail your Valentines to Hershey by February 18, 2011.
2.HOST A SCREENING OF THE DARK SIDE OF CHOCOLATE! You can host a screening of this documentary that exposes the ongoing use of trafficked child labor in the cocoa industry in your community. Click here to order your DVD and click here to download a screening toolkit. ILRF and partner organizations across the country are especially encouraging people to host screenings during a national week of action leading up to Valentine's Day from February 4-14.
You can also send an e-mail to Hershey online here.

Together we can support cocoa farmers and workers and make Valentine's Day sweet for everyone!

Also, don't forget about our petitions to Hershey! You can download the petition here and collect signatures in your community.
If you want to get a jump on things go to this link to send the following letter to the Hershey Corporation.
Subject: Time to Raise the Bar, Hershey!

As a chocolate consumer, I am deeply concerned about labor rights abuses in the cocoa industry. Forced labor, trafficking and child labor continue on West Africa's cocoa farms.

While many companies are working to trace their cocoa and institute labor standards among their suppliers, I am disappointed to learn that Hershey is lagging behind its competitors in this area. I believe you can be a leader in responsible cocoa sourcing.

I ask that you meet the goals of the “Raise The Bar, Hershey!” campaign, which include:

* an agreement to take immediate action to eliminate forced and child labor in your cocoa supply chain;

* a commitment to sourcing 100% Fair Trade Certified™ cocoa beans by 2012 for at least one of your top five selling chocolate bars that prominently displays the Hershey name; and

* a commitment to making at least one additional top five selling bar 100% Fair Trade Certified™ every two years thereafter, so that Hershey’s top five selling cocoa bars will all be 100% Fair Trade Certified™ within 10 years.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


The following holiday appeal came in the other day from the International Labour Rights Forum. The ILRF has identified five of the world's top Scrooges for their anti-union and exploitative work practices. So how about we all put on our holiday ghost costumes and pay them a little visit. Here's the appeal....

Stop Scrooge! Protect the Right to Organize!‏

Stop Scrooge! Protect the Right to Organize!
Today, December 10th, is International Human Rights Day and the International Labor Rights Forum just released our annual report, Working for Scrooge: Worst Companies of 2010 for the Right to Associate. This report highlights five corporations and business associations that violated the right of workers to organize around the world this year -- and you can TAKE ACTION now to stop these Scrooges!

Among other rights related to workers, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests" (Article 23, Section 4). The companies on ILRF's list use intimidation and even violence to violate their workers' internationally recognized right to organize.

The worst offenders this year are:

◙Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA)
◙Del Monte
◙R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
You can view the full Working for Scrooge report online here.

Most importantly, you can TAKE ACTION to tell these companies to stop their Scrooge-like behavior online here.


This message is brought to you by the International Labor Rights Forum.
Please go to this link to send the following message to the 'five Scrooges'.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that, "Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests."

On December 10th, International Human Rights Day, the International Labor Rights Forum released its annual report, “Working for Scrooge: Worst Companies of 2010 for the Right to Associate.” This report ( highlights five global corporations and business associations that violated their workers’ right to organize in the workplace through the use of intimidation and violence.

I am disappointed to learn from the International Labor Rights Forum that workers in your global supply chain have seen their right to organize violated.

In the coming year, I encourage you to take stronger action to ensure that your workers’ rights are protected. I will be watching closely to see the improvements you will make recognizing your workers' right to organize as described in ILO Conventions 87 and 98. I am committed to showing my solidarity with your workers around the world to ensure that their conditions improve and their rights are respected.

Thank you for your time.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Molly's favourite holiday Halloween is just around the corner, and I've begun the long process of yard decoration. There is unfortunately a really scary part of this holiday that out spooks any graveyard gremlin. I'm talking about the vampires in the international chocolate industry who prey on the blood of child workers. This Halloween the International Labor Rights Forum is presenting a selection of ways that you can help drive a stake into the heart of these blood suckers. Here's the story. >>>
Three Ways to Stop Child Labor in the Chocolate Industry!‏

Take Action to End Child Labor in the Cocoa Industry!
It has been almost a decade since major chocolate companies committed to ending abusive child labor, forced labor and trafficking in their cocoa supply chains, but these abuses continue today. It is time to finally put an end to these egregious labor rights violations and ensure decent work for cocoa farmers. Together we CAN make a difference in the chocolate industry! Check out these new and exciting ways to take action.

1)Check out ILRF's new report on Hershey;
2)Host a Dark Side of Chocolate screening;
3)Sign up for Reverse Trick-or-Treating.
New Report on Hershey

This week, Hershey released it's first ever corporate social responsibility (CSR) report. In response, ILRF joined with Global Exchange, Green America and Oasis USA in publishing a new analysis of Hershey's CSR activities (particularly its cocoa purchasing), Time to Raise the Bar: The Real Corporate Social Responsibility Report for the Hershey Company. The report finds that Hershey lags behind its competitors in ensuring that its cocoa is produced without child labor and other abuses. You can check out the report here. After you read the report, take action by going to Hershey's CSR survey and telling Hershey that you will not be satisfied with the company's performance and transparency until it begins to source Fair Trade Certified cocoa and implement the recommendations of the "Time to Raise the Bar" report.
Host a Dark Side of Chocolate Screening

The Dark Side of Chocolate is a new documentary by U. Roberto Romano and Miki Mistrati that exposes the ongoing use of child, forced and trafficked labor in the cocoa industry in the Ivory Coast. It is a powerful film that should be seen by all chocolate consumers. Join ILRF and our campaign partners in hosting a local screening of the film. We are encouraging people across the country to show the film to their family, friends and communities throughout October 2010, especially during a national week of action starting on October 25th and culminating on Halloween.

Click here to order your copy of the Dark Side of Chocolate.

Sign up for Reverse Trick-or-Treating

Once again, ILRF is joining a broad range of organizations across the US and Canada to support Reverse Trick-or-Treating. As part of this fun action, young people go door to door in their communities handing out Fair Trade Certified chocolate and spreading awareness about labor abuses in the cocoa industry as they go trick-or-treating on Halloween. Sign up at NOW to participate! Make sure to indicate in your order form that you heard about Reverse Trick-or-Treating from the International Labor Rights Forum.

This message was brought to you by the International Labor Rights Forum.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The following story and appeal for solidarity with workers at Dole Plantations in the Philippines comes from the International Labour Rights Forum
Urgent Solidarity for Dole Workers in the Philippines!:
Workers in the Philippines are just like workers here in the U.S. who want a decent job so that they can provide for their families. Just two weeks ago ILRF staffer Brian Campbell sat down with some unionized workers in the Philippines to learn more about recent change on a Dole plantation there.

Unfortunately what we found out is that things have gotten worse for workers there and especially those workers that have chosen to be part of the independent union. Even more shocking we learned that some of the workers that Brian met with may have been suspended or fired from their jobs within hours of meeting with him.

As ILRF has highlighted in our past two reports on the worst global corporations for recognizing the right of workers to organize, Dole has frequently violated freedom of association. These latest incidents are part of a disturbing pattern of abuse. It's time to tell Dole that this behavior is unacceptable and must end now.

Please join us in expressing your urgent solidarity with union leaders at Dole Philippines.
Please go to this link to send the following letter to the managers of Dole Plantations.
I am outraged to learn about recent violations of workers' freedom of association at your pineapple facility in the Philippines.

It is clear that Dole Philippines must immediately change the way in which it engages and negotiates with the union AK-NAFLU-KMU in order to develop a more productive relationship between workers and management. This breakdown in industrial relations at Dole Philippines came as a direct result of the meeting between Kevin Davis, Robert Buranday and military operatives in the Philippines in 2006 where Mr. Davis and Mr. Buranday began working with the military to defeat the workers' democratically elected union AK-NAFLU-KMU at Dole Philippines.

The abuses of trade union rights are unacceptable and must be immediately addressed.
I call on you to take the following actions:
1) Dismiss Dole Philippines managers Kevin Davis and Robert Buranday immediately for working with the military and UR-Dole to conduct an intimidation campaign against the workers and their democratically elected union leaders for the past four years.
2) Cease all support of UR-Dole and denounce its efforts to campaigns against the union AK-NAFLU-KMU.
3) Recognize Jose Teruel and union officers of the independent union AK-NAFLU-KMU at Dole Philippines.
4) Stop violating the collective bargaining agreement and the law and provide all workers the full benefits and protections they workers' have earned.
5) End the growing use of labor-only contracting and ensure all workers enjoy the right to security of tenure.
6) Immediately review all Dole owned facilities and subcontractors for their adherence to international labor standards especially freedom of association as defined by the International Labor Organization.

I look forward to your urgent attention to these critical issues at Dole Philippines and throughout Dole's supply chain.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Molly can't claim to have much interest in the sort of thing discussed below. Quite frankly it has been decades since I was "in fashion" of any sort- regular or alternative. Others, however, may be interested. Here, from the International Labor Rights Forum is their summer selection of sweat free apparel.

Are you a Summer Fashionista?:‏

Summer is just around the corner! This year you can update your summer collection and support workers around the world at the same time. Before you hit the stores to stock up on flip flops and tank tops, check out our 2009 Shop With a Conscience Consumer Guide, where you can find a list of retailers that offer cool sweatfree summer selections, all produced by unionized workers or worker owned cooperatives.

For those of you not in the mood for shopping, check out this handy list of other ways you can support garment factory workers.

Below are just two options for you to check out. For a complete list of companies, go to the Shop with a Conscience Consumer Guide.
Looking for Something for Yourself?
Looking for Something for Your School, Group, Team or Organization?

No Sweat Apparel offers a little bit of everything for summer, from USA-made tees, tanks and accessories just for you or wholesale and custom printed tees - all year round! For your trips to the beach, score a new organic cotton tshirt, produced in Palestine. All of No Sweat's products come from unionized factories or worker owned cooperatives. It’s a great deal—reasonably priced clothing for you, and fair wages for workers around the world.

Ethix Merch offers an extensive selection of products that you can custom design for your team or organization. They have everything from apparel and sports equipment to custom made bags, pens, and mugs. The products they customize are all made by unionized workers, and they offer wide variety of recycled, eco-friendly products. Protect the environment and fair working conditions for workers and promote your team or group at the same time!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


At this time dozens of labour rights activists in the Philippines have an "arrest list" hanging over their heads because of their activities in defense of workers' rights. The following appeal comes originally from the Workers' Assistance Centre in the Philippines, but it has also been broadcast by the International Labor Rights Forum and the Maquila Solidarity Network. Here's the story and what you can do to help.
URGENT ACTION: 71 labour rights advocates put on arrest lists by Philippine Government‏ :

On October 3, 2008, the terror felt among labour activists in the Philippines grew even stronger. In addition to the arrest of Remigio Saladero, which MSN alerted you to earlier, another 71 people including well-known human and labour rights advocates were put on an arrest list by the Philippines government. Emmanuel "Manny" Asuncion, who is a board member of the Workers’ Assistance Centre (WAC) -- a close ally of MSN -- was included in the arrest order. At this point in time, Manny has not been arrested but there is increasing concern that he will be. WAC advises that the list of those to be charged was created without any due process or investigation period.

The International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF) has issued an action alert urging people to speak out against this possible arrest and the persecution of labour and human rights advocates in the Philippines. MSN urges you to support this appeal by sending an email to the Government of the Philippines and the Employers Confederation of the Philippines.

Click here to join the protest. (NOTE: This will take you to the ILRF site, where you can choose whether or not to receive further action alerts from them directly by checking or un-checking the appropriate boxes)

You might also be interested in ILRF’s blog posting Blind Justice Gone Awry in the Philippines: "Please, no questions asked." For further background on the case from WAC, please click here.
By clicking the link above you will come to the site where you can send the following letter to the government of the Philippines and the Employers Confederation of the Philippines.
I have just received an email from the International Labor Rights Forum indicating that there has been a continued effort by the Government of the Philippines with cooperation from the Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP) to continue to intimidate and thwart the efforts of labor unionists and supporters in demanding accountability for the violence against labor leaders.

Furthermore, I am shocked to learn that ECOP has stood in opposition of a formal investigation by the International Labor Organization (ILO) into the violence and targeting of labor leaders in the Philippines. Given that the ILO is an internationally recognized and respected body, I would expect the ILO would be welcomed to the Philippines.

I have also learned that no due process was followed before the 72 arrest warrants were filed which included arrest orders for many of the most outspoken labor leaders in southern Tagalog.
I send this email in the hopes that the government of the Philippines and ECOP will: - End the campaign of intimidation against labor leaders and supporters;- Invite the ILO to do a full independent investigation into the human rights violations in the Philippines;- Drop all the criminal charges against Emmanuel "Manny" Asuncion and to all other labor activists and leaders of people's organizations in Cavite.

I stand in solidarity with the workers of the Philippines and look forward to the day when they will enjoy the full benefits of internationally recognized labor rights.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

It's coming up to Christmas time again. Personally I would be very happy if the gift giving/ mad shopping part of it became as infinitesimally small as Steven Harper's conscience. That, however, is unlikely to happen in my lifetime. So...if you can't avoid consuming at least you may consume ethically. Here's a little blurb from the Sweatfree Communities and the International Labour Rights Forum about their new catalogue for shopping from companies that respect workers' rights.
SweatFree Communities and International Labor Rights Forum have teamed up once again to release the 2009 Shop with a Conscience Consumer Guide filled with excellent products made in good working conditions. We believe that one of the most important criteria for meaningful and dignified work is that workers have an effective, collective voice in determining their wages and working conditions. Therefore all the products in this shopping guide are made by workers organized into democratic unions or worker-owned cooperatives. All retailers and wholesalers listed in the guide have undergone a rigorous application process to give us and you the confidence that their products truly meet our sweatfree criteria. Please support organized workers by shopping with a conscience this holiday season and by helping publicize this guide.
View the 2009 Shopping Guide
Click below for various product categories

There is also a handy wholesale guide for those interested in buying products in bulk. You can also download the PDF of the Shop with a Conscience Consumer Guide to pass out to family and friends by clicking here.

If you know of a business that you should be included in the guide, encourage them to check out our criteria and application for more information.

And for those that would rather directly support workers around the world, consider donating to SweatFree Communities and International Labor Rights Forum.
Seasons greetings,
SweatFree Communities & International Labor Rights Forum

Friday, October 24, 2008

The following appeal comes from the International Labor Rights Forum, a project of the Union Voice website.this concerns the arrest of labour lawyer Remigio Saladero in the Philippines. read on.

Demand the Release of Labor Lawyer in the Philippines:
ILRF has just learned that on Wednesday Remigio Saladero, the chief legal counsel for the KMU (an independent labor federation in the Philippines) and the union representing Dole Philippines's workers, was illegally arrested by the Philippine government. Mr. Saladero is a close ally of ILRF and we are deeply concerned about his detention by the Philippine government.

Please take action now to tell the U.S and Philippine governments that the world is watching. We are asking the Philippines government to release Atty. Remigio Saladero, drop the charges levied against him as a pretext for his detention, AND create an independent investigating team to investigate the threats and intimidation to the Pro-labor Legal Assistance Center.

Mr. Saladero is being charged with conspiracy to commit rebellion and murder for allegedly participating in an undisclosed murder in Mindoro; charges such as these are becoming increasingly more common tactic used by the governments as it steps up its legal attacks against civil society organization in the Philippines, politicians, church leaders and labor activists, who speak out against the policies of President Arroyo.

ILRF is deeply troubled by Atty. Saladero’s detention because it further restricts the ability of both labor organizations, like the KMU, and the legal profession in the Philippines to exercise their rights and vigorously defend themselves and others against the Government of the Philippines, who is responsible for promoting a climate of violence and impunity, and companies like Dole Foods, who thrive in an environment where violence against trade unions is common and justice is rarely pursued.
About Remigio Saladero:
Atty. Remigio Saladero is a labor lawyer at the public interest law firm Pro-Labor Legal Assistance Center (PLACE) in the Philippines. Saladero is a graduate of the San Beda College of Law and was a law professor at the Lyceum and the Dominican College in the Philippines. He is a columnist for Pinoyweekly, a weekly newspaper based in Quezon City and he writes essays on various labor cases.
Please go to THIS LINK to send the following letter to the authorities in the Philippines.
Dear [ Decision Maker ],
(Edit Letter Below)
Given the recent arrest of Remigio Saladero, I am deeply concerned by the actions of the Philippine government in its choice to prosecute a labor lawyer that has defended the rights of workers for many years. I am troubled by the notion that this arrest is part of a broader effort by the Philippine government to silence those seeking justice for workers.

As you know labor lawyer Remigio Saladero, the chief legal counsel for the KMU (an independent labor federation in the Philippines) and the union representing Dole Philippine's workers, was taken into police custody on October 22 for charges that are considered completely false by labor advocates.

I am asking that you do everything in your power to:
- Release Atty. Remigio Saladero from custody.
- Drop the cases of arson, destruction of property, conspiracy to commit rebellion and frustrated and multiple charges filed against him.
- Create an independent investigating team to investigate the series of surveillances on PLACE law center.
[Your name]
[Your address]