Latest News for: malbas


Inside Malba: A Tour Of The Largest Museum Dedicated To Latin American Art In The World

MENA FN 06 May 2023
(MENAFN - USA Art News) It's not often that you get Frida Kahlo all to yourself. That was my fortune when visiting Buenos Aires in Argentina recently, as well as its celebration of Latin American ... .

Malba hatao, sheher bachao: Architects urge Delhi to dispose debris responsibly

The Times of India 19 Apr 2023
Delhi-based Malba Project team took the group for a walk around the periphery of the Hauz Khas complex to draw the attention of the participants towards the debris or malba dumped around the boundary of the sanitised complex.

MCD plans ‘Malba walk’ to promote better C&D; waste management

The Times of India 30 Jul 2022
Civic authorities have planned to hold a ‘Malba spotting walk’ in Najafgarh zone of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi on July 30-31, as part of which debris lying in the open would be collected by ...
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