Featured | Katrina Pacey among Canadian Lawyer’s Top-25 Most Influential

Vancouver, BC [August 4]—Katrina Pacey, executive director of Pivot Legal Society, has been named been named by Canadian Lawyer as one of Canada’s 25 most influential lawyers.


International Overdose Day: End the war on drug users
Monday, August 31st is International Overdose Awareness Day. Read more

Lawyering on the Margins
Since 2011, Open Society Foundations has sponsored Lawyering on the Margins (LOTM), a unique global gathering of lawyers working with marginalized groups: people who... Read more

Care Not Criminalization: How the case of Bobbi O'Shea changed the way we look at our intoxication laws
Photo by Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press When Bobbi O’Shea called for help while suffering an anxiety attack, she set off a chain of events that... Read more

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