Showing posts with label meteor showers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meteor showers. Show all posts

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tonight the annual Geminid meteor shower peaks, with the most likely time of maximum intensity being after midnight. The first quarter Moon will set shortly after midnight so there will be little interference from its light. Gemini itself will be rising in the east at about 9pm. Over the past few years the intensity of this shower has been increasing, and it is likely that it will put on a better show than the summer Perseids .
The Geminid shower was first seen only 150 years ago, and it is thought that they are the only meteor shower whose parent body is an asteroid, 3200 Phaethon, rather than a comet. Under good viewing conditions it might be possible to see 120- 160 meteors per minute. For more on this event see this article from wikipedia or, for the more technically minded see the International Meteor Organization Calender. The Astronomy Calender also has a multi-year listing for important sky events. Don't miss the upcoming lunar eclipse on the 21st, the longest night of the year.

Friday, November 05, 2010


Coming up in our night sky this weekend which, miraculously enough, is predicted to have clear nights skies.... With only a small low power telescope you'll be able to witness a rather unique event as all four of the Galilean moons of the planet Jupiter casts shadows that will be visible on the planet's surface. Jupiter can be easily spotted in the next few nights as it rises in the southeast and gradually makes its transit across the sky to the southwest as dawn approaches. It is quite bright ( -2.7 magnitude), and is in the constellation of Aquarius near to Pisces.

Tonight is also the peak night of the Taurid meteor shower, in Taurus of course. While not as spectacular as the Leonid meteor shower due to arrive later this month it has the advantage at least in Winnipeg of having good viewing conditions and relatively clement weather conditions.

Here's more on the upcoming "shadow transits" from the site.
Jupiter's Moons to Perform Weekend Show for Skywatchers
By Geoff Gaherty

This weekend, a remarkable series of events will take place on Jupiter: The planet's four big moons will cast shadows on the gas giant planet that can be seen from Earth using a small telescope.

The planetary shadow play, which begins Saturday night (Nov. 6) and runs through early Sunday, will be primarily visible from the western coast of the United States. [Illustration: Moon shadows on Jupiter]

The four bright moons of Jupiter are known as the Galilean moons after their discoverer Galileo Galilei. As they revolve around Jupiter, they sometimes pass across the face of the planet as seen from Earth, as well as behind the planet and in its shadow.

How to see Jupiter's moon shadows

First, a word of caution: The overnight between Saturday and Sunday is when we switch back from daylight saving time to standard time, so be careful you get the correct time for your location.

Because the complete sequence of events is only observable from the U.S. West Coast, we will use Pacific Time here to discuss the best viewing times. Observers further east will miss the later events, and should add the appropriate number of hours to the times depending on their location and time zone.

The show begins at 8:53 p.m. PDT (11:53 p.m. EDT) on Saturday (Nov. 6), when Jupiter's largest moon Ganymede begins to cross the planet's face.

Because Ganymede has a relatively dark surface, it appears bright against the limb of Jupiter — but quickly appears to change to a dark gray against the bright central parts of Jupiter's disk. This can be seen with telescopes that have as small as a 5-inch aperture.

At 9:47 p.m. PDT, a second moon — Europa — follows Ganymede across Jupiter's face.

Because Europa's surface is icy, it reflects a much more light than Ganymede, and closely matches Jupiter's cloud belts behind it. As a result, it vanishes in all but the largest telescopes, perfectly camouflaged.

At 10:24 p.m. PDT, yet another moon — the volcanic Io — begins to disappear behind the opposite side of Jupiter.

At 11:52 p.m. PDT, Europa's shadow starts to take a notch out of the western limb of Jupiter. This can be seen with telescopes that have as small as a 3-inch aperture. Two minutes later, Ganymede moves off the disk of Jupiter and is once again a bright spot in the sky.

But wait, there's more — the Jupiter moon show isn't over just yet. Here's a rundown of the movements of Jupiter's moons to watch for on Sunday:

At 12:31 a.m. PDT, Europa leaves the disk of Jupiter.
At 1:12 a.m. PDT, a second shadow, that of Europa, puts the bite on the west limb of Jupiter. We now have two shadows creeping across the face of Jupiter, while the moons casting them are off to the right, a wonderfully three-dimensional effect.
At 1:41 a.m. PDT, Io emerges from Jupiter's shadow, ending its eclipse.
At 2:00 a.m. PDT, Daylight saving time officially comes to an end, and you should move your clock back to 1 a.m.
Now, at 1:34 a.m., Pacific Standard Time, Europa's shadow moves off Jupiter's disk. Finally, at 3:08 a.m. PST, Ganymede's shadow also moves off the disk.
You may be puzzled by the fact that Ganymede leads Europa across Jupiter's disk, but Europa's shadow precedes Ganymede's all the way across.

That's because Europa orbits much closer to Jupiter than Ganymede, so that the angular distance between Ganymede and its shadow is much greater than the angular distance between Europa and its shadow.

Gallery: Photos of Jupiter and its Moons

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Well Molly has been back from vacation for a few days and is hard at it again. I'm almost over the agitating experience of coming back and having to make close to 70 phone calls. Let alone the usual set of mechanical disasters. It also means I'm back to my usual late nights. Good thing this evening as I was doing this, that and the other thing in the yard and at the car, and I had a chance to catch the pairing of the almost full Moon and the planet Jupiter when they were by my own crude estimate only 2 1/2 to 3 degrees apart. Quite striking.

As the diagram shows they will gradually separate over the next few days, but they still make a great sight. Jupiter is almost at the closest approach to Earth (it happened on September 20 last month) that it will have until 2022. The pairing with an almost full Moon (Hunters' Moon this Friday, October 22) makes for particularly good viewing. The best time today was in the early evening. By midnight clouds were already starting to obscure these strangers passing in the night.

The annual Orionid meteor shower is also due this week. The projected peak will be just before dawn on Thursday 21, but the almost full Moon will obscure all but the brightest meteors. The Orionids result when the Earth crosses through the debris of Halley's Comet.

This will probably be a disappointment, but do catch the couple now in the sky.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Tonight will be the best time for viewing the annual Perseid meteor shower (see diagram above). The peak will arrive at approximately 1:00 Universal Time. That is at about 7 PM CDT here in Winnipeg. To work out what that is in your own time zone see the Time and Date website. That also also gives useful information about such things as sunset and moonset. Tonight the very thin waxing crescent Moon will set early and provide little interference with meteor viewing.

The weather report from the Weather Network predicts overcast skies tonight here in Winnipeg. There is, however, a much better sight for forecasts of sky conditions. The Clear Dark Sky site also gives viewing conditions for the entire North American continent if you plug your location in. It lists not just cloud cover but other conditions that affect visibility. According to that sight there will be a window of opportunity here in Winnipeg for viewing between 9PM and midnight. That is exactly what it looks like to me observing the sky shortly before sunset. The best time for viewing meteor showers is usually after midnight, but you take what you can get. If tonight fails for you don't panic. While predictions for the Perseids this year say anywhere from 50 to 80 meteors per hour you will be able to see a diminishing number in the next few nights.

Molly has blogged extensively about the Perseids in previous years. For 2009 see here. In 2008 there was this, this and this. For 2007 see this and this. So, for all sorts of fun facts about this event and meteor showers in general consult these previous posts.

Here are a few other fun sites where you can read about the Perseids.
Shadow and Substance (an animation of the shower)

Happy viewing.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tomorrow evening (or for that matter just before dawn today- August 12) will be the optimum time for viewing what is usually the most spectacular meteor shower of the year- the Perseids. The estimated time of the peak (these things are never exact) is at about 15:00 Universal Time tomorrow afternoon. This translates into a Winnipeg time of 10:00 am. Fear not and do not despair. The Perseid meteor shower is actually quite a long drawn out affair,and an excess of meteors may be observed from July 23 to August 22. The Winnipeg branch of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada actually plans to hold their Perseid viewing gathering next Sunday, August 15, out at Bird's Hill Park, just northeast of the city. The view of meteors is, of course, best seen at a dark location outside of a city, such as Bird's Hill Park. Just as a fyi, however, the Astronomical Society will apparently have their telescopes out, for public education, at the Italian Pavilion down on Wilkes Ave. during this week of Folklorama. Telescopes are of no use for viewing meteors, but those interested can gain an appreciation of the hobby from members who will be present there. The occasion, Italy wise, is the 400th anniversary of Galileo's telescope. Would that we could celebrate a centenary of the end of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (the Holy Inquisition) who condemned Galileo, but that institution still exists today.

Sunset tomorrow here in Winnipeg is at 8:52 pm, and Moonrise (the Moon interferes with good viewing of meteors) is at 10:52 pm. For those in locations outside of the Central Time Zone please consult the Time and Date website to convert the time of the Perseid peak (and Sunset and Moonrise) to your local time. According to said website the weather conditions here in Winnipeg for tomorrow evening will be "partially cloudy". The Environment Canada site predicts "a few clouds for tomorrow evening. One of the best sites, the Clear Dark Sky site, says that the sky will be basically clear until Midnight, with clouds in the wee hours of Thursday, but clearing about 4:00am. The Clear Dark Sky site is actually one of the best sites to consult because it contains far more parameters than just cloud cover. It is also the site for readers anywhere on the North American continent because it will give viewing conditions for hundreds of sites elsewhere on this continent. So...if you don't live in the centre of the universe known as Winnipeg consult this site to see whether your viewing conditions for the Perseids will be good, bad or indifferent.
By the way, Molly has blogged extensively on the Perseid meteor shower before. If I fail to repost items from previous years (which might happen because of my schedule) try searching "Perseids" on this blog for much more information of this event.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Yes, the Perseid meteor shower will be peaking later this evening in the early hours before dawn tomorrow, but we sure won't be able to see them here in Winnipeg. Speaking of showers it's been raining cats and dogs since last night, and the weather reports (both Environment Canada and the Clear Dark Sky organization) say that this will persist until shortly before dawn on Wednesday morning. Maybe you'll still be able to catch a few meteors on that day, but at least for Winnipeg this years Perseids will be a "wash-out". The viewing conditions including cloud cover, transparency, visibility, etc. can be seen for Winnipeg by clicking the strange looking long rectangle divided into boxes at the bottom of our links section.
For people living elsewhere on the North American continent, however, conditions may be far better especially if you live on the west coast where the peak occurs when it is still dark. The Clear Dark Sky link reports conditions for 3,497 different locations in North America, from Mexico and the Bahamas in the south to Alaska, Yukon, NWT and Nunavut in the north. It's a great site and Molly encourages visitors to it. So, may you have better luck than we do here in Winnipeg.

Well, not exactly, more like the wee hours of tomorrow, August 12. But still "this night" has some meaning. Here are a few relevant times of other events that may affect your viewing from the Time and Date website. These times are for here in Winnipeg in the Central Time Zone. If you live elsewhere consult the above website for your local times.
Sunset today, August 11........................8:53 PM
Sunrise tomorrow, August 12...............6:15 AM
Moonrise tonight, August 11.................6:12 PM
Moonset tomorrow, August 12.............1:19 PM
As previously mentioned on this blog the peak of the Perseids will fall between 11:30 and 14:00 UT. This translates as 6:30 am and 9:00 am here in Winnipeg so observers in this province will miss the peak of the shower. Viewing in the early pre-dawn hours, however, may still be rewarding. The further west you go the better the timing, and people on the west coast should have a good show.
The diagram above shows the "radiant" for the Perseid meteor shower. The radiant in a meteor shower is the place in the sky where the meteors appear to be coming from if you trace back their paths. As you can see above the radiant of the "Perseids" is actually between Perseus and the constellation Cassiopeia. Still somewhat closer to Perseus however. See if you can determine the radiants of the meteors you see tonight.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

As mentioned previously the Perseid meteor shower will peak this coming Tuesday, August 12th between 11:30 to 14:00 hours UT. That would be 6:30 to 9:00 here in the central time zone in Winnipeg. To get an idea of the time in your locality see the Time And Date website. This website also gives the times of Moonset and Moonrise, important this year as the light from a waxing gibbous Moon will reduce meteor viewing considerably. The good news is that the Moon will be setting shortly after midnight. The bad news for European and eastern North American viewers is the time of peak. In Europe this will occur during daylight hours, and even in North America the Sun will be rising during at least part of the peak. Still, any meteors seen in the early predawn hours may turn out to be spectacular "Earth grazers".
A "meteor shower", also known as a "meteor storm" or a "meteor outburst" is when there is an unusually high number of meteors in the sky and when these events can be traced back via an imaginary line to a point of common origin in the sky called the radiant.

Meteors happen when the Earth encounters bits of cosmic debris in its orbit around the Sun. Like litter in a campground such debris is ubiquitous in space, and there is always a background of sporadic meteors that occur randomly. Some neighbourhoods, however, are filthier than others. Throughout the year the Earth periodically passes through particularly concentrated trails of material. These have usually been traced to the residue of passing comets, and their position in the orbital plane means that they regularly appear in the same place in the sky at the same time of year.

When the cosmic debris is just hanging around orbiting the Sun (maybe playing cards, smoking cigarettes and, like a Spanish policeman, doing as little as is possible) it is known as a meteoroid . It is only when the Earth catches up to this non-event that things begin to get interesting. As the Earth and the space particle collide the debris becomes a visible meteor . These pass into the Earth's atmosphere at anywhere from 14 to 71 kilometers per second. Most meteors become visible at about 60 kilometers up. They are heated to over 1,700 degrees centigrade, begin to glow from the heat and are usually consumed by the heat as they enter the inner atmosphere. This heating is not caused by "friction" but rather by something called "ram pressure". As the meteor plunges into the atmosphere it compresses the air in front of it, thus heating it up. The heat of this compressed air simple diffuses to the meteor itself. In other words the heat comes from a push rather than a rub.

Should the meteor actually make it through the atmosphere and strike the Earth it is called a meteorite. There are two basic kinds of meteorites. Iron meteorites are made up of about 91% iron. Stony meteorites contain a higher proportion of other elements such as magnesium and especially silicon and oxygen in the form of silicon dioxide- good old sand.

(Hey, Molly could make a song out of this...
"Let's build sand castles in the sky
Let them loose to see if they can fly")

Some meteors explode before they evaporate or strike the Earth. The result is commonly called a fireball, and its sound can be heard dozens of miles away. Iron meteors are more stable than rocky ones. Slow meteors are less likely to explode than fast ones. Meteors arriving at an acute angle to the Earth are subjected to less stress than those that come in at an oblique angle. Yet...even a slow travelling iron meteor that falls from near the zenith has a chance of exploding and creating a fireball.

There is reportedly another sound produced by meteors that is poorly understood. These events are referred to as electrophonic meteors which seem to produce a sound even though it is physically impossible for any sound to travel from the height of the meteor. See 'Electrophonic Meteors' and 'Listening to the Leonids'. The theory is that this sound, variously described as "sizzling" or a "snap,crackle,pop" is produced when electromagnetic radiation in the VLF range is converted into sound energy near the ground.

When a meteor strikes the ground it produces a crater anywhere from 12 to 20 times its own size. Smaller impacts produce simple bowls. When larger objects strike terrestrial rebound creates a central peak along with a rim that is often "terraced" as the ground subsides after the initial impact. The largest impacts of all create multiple inner peaks due to the creation of several rebounds.

The largest impact in recorded history occurred on June 30th, 1908 when an object struck in Siberia. This has become known as the Tunguska event. This object flattened more than 800 square miles of trees. The cause of this explosion has been disputed, but the present consensus is that it was an exploding meteor. An Italian research team has recently obtained results that are suggestive of a remnant of part of this meteorite at the bottom of Lake Cheko about 5 miles northwest of the epicentre of Tunguska. See for the article 'A Possible Impact Crater for the 1908 Tunguska Event'.

Every year many meteorite strikes are reported across the planet. The first structure to be proven as being due to a meteorite impact is the Meteor Crater of Arizona. This crater is 600 feet deep, about a mile across, and its rim rises 150 feet above the surrounding ground. The meteorite that produced this crater impacted sometime between 20,000 and 50,000 years ago. The largest meteorite ever recovered in the USA hit ground in southern Nebraska in 1848. Observers reported that the fireball, which occurred in the afternoon, was "brighter than the Sun" This item, weighing 2,360 pounds was found buried 10 feet deep in a wheat field. Of course the Russians always did it first and better, as anyone who has listened to Chekov in old Star Trek shows can tell you. In 1947 the Russian Sikhote-Alin meteorite created more than 100 small craters some 20 meters across. Eat them apples American imperialists.

There is even a recent controversial theory that the die-off of mega fauna in North America at the end of the last ice age was not due to over hunting by recently arrived paleo-indians-the accepted theory- but rather due to localized climatic change because of an impact event. Maybe yes, maybe no.

For those interested in learning more about meteors in general look to the following sites:
The International Meteor Organization
The American Meteor Society
Meteor Showers Online

Thursday, August 07, 2008


In most years the Perseid meteor shower is the most spectacular of the many meteor showers observable. There are usually between 50 and 80 meteors per hour on the night of its peak which this year falls in the early hours of Tuesday, August 12. Here's a little introduction to the constellation Perseus from which these meteors seem to originate.
The exact location of any constellation varies, of course, with the season and the time of night. Perseus, however, is a circumpolar constellation, and one can locate it easily by reference to other northern sky landmarks. At this time of year it can be found in the northeast;the later at night the higher it will be seen. Draw a line from the two "pointer stars" of the Big Dipper, Dubhe and Merak, across the Polaris the North Star. Continue the line onward past the inverted pentagon of Cepheus to the "W" of Cassiopeia. Look down towards the horizon, and you'll find the "K" of Perseus.
If this is not helpful there are a number of star maps online that can help you in locating any of the constellations. See:
Your Sky
The Dome of the Sky
and for a selection of many sky maps, some free and some not, go to Planetarium Software.

The diagram to the left above illustrates the major stars of Perseus. Molly has always seen Perseus as the "K" shape described by most commentators. Others have described it as a "fleur de lis", but I have consistently been unable to see such a thing in this constellation. Perseus contains four named stars. The brightest, alpha-Per, is usually called Mirfak, from the Arabic for elbow, and sometimes Algenib, from the Arabic for "the side" (though other stars also bear this name). It is a white supergiant of 1.8 apparent magnitude and is about 620 light years (lys) away. Mirfak is 62 times the size of our sun and 5,000 times as bright.

The most famous star in Perseus is beta-Per, Algol the demon star. The name comes from the Arabic "Alghul" which means "the ghoul" or "the demon". It is often referred to as "the head of the demon" because it is supposed to represent the head of Medusa (see 'The Legend of Perseus' later in this blog). This star is the classic eclipsing binary variable star. In these systems each member of the pair periodically eclipses the other. Algol consists of a blue main sequence star and a yellow-white subgiant. This system usually shines with a magnitude of 2.1, but every 2.87 days it dims to magnitude 3.4 for 10 hours as the subgiant passes in front of the other star. this system is 105 light years away.

Xi-Per is called Menkib from the Arabic for "shoulder". It is a blue star of magnitude 4 with a distance of 150 light years. Omicron-Per is called Atik from the Arabic for "collarbone". It is a blue giant of magnitude 3.8 and is 1,000 light years away.

Epsilon-Per (to the horizon from Mirfak and to the west of Algol) is the main radiant of the Perseid meteor showers. Note that the first diagram above is incorrect in this matter, though the casual observer could hardly tell the difference. There are also, however, other radiants within the constellation, and so not all the meteors seen will be traceable back to the neighbourhood of epsilon-Per. Epsilon-Per is a binary system about 130 lys from Earth. the brighter component is a blue main sequence star of magnitude 2.9, and the dimmer is only of the 8th magnitude. Stars dimmer than magnitude 6 are invisible to the naked eye.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

The short and snappy answer is that they're already here. Before you panic you should know that you still have plenty of time until the peak in the early hours of August 12. The Perseids actually extend from July 17th to August 24, growing in frequency towards the peak and declining thereafter.
The predicted peak will be at 11:30 UT. That's 6:30 am local time here in Winnipeg in the Central Time zone. To find out what time this is in your own local time zone consult the Time and Date website. This website also has the times of Moonrise and Moonset, an important thing as there will be a waxing gibbous Moon in the sky that could interfere with viewing. The Moon,however, will be setting near midnight, long before the time of best viewing. The constellation Perseus will be above the horizon through almost all of the night, rising higher as time goes on. This year there may be secondary and even tertiary peaks (at 16:40 UT and 21:30 UT, August 12. ), but they won't be visible from North America. Predictions are that the best viewing will be around the Pacific, including the west coast of North America and east Asia.
For more about the Perseids see the International Meteor Organization , especially their calender section.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

While often not the "best" meteor shower of the year the Perseids occur at a time of year-early August- that is comfortable (mosquitoes excluded) for viewing in Canada. This year the Perseids will peak on August 12th in the constellation Perseus, even though the rate of meteors has been increasing since July 17th. Stay tuned to Molly's Blog for more news about this astronomical event.

Thursday, December 13, 2007



The Geminid meteor shower, which usually peaks each year between December 12th and December 14th, is the most reliable and spectacular of the annual meteor showers even though observation is less comfortable than that of other showers such as the summer Perseids. On the other hand the skies are usually clearer in winter than at other times of the year. This year the predicted peak will occur at 16:45 GMT on December 14th. This is 10:45 here in Winnipeg in the CST zone. Consult the Time and Date.Com website for the equivalent time in your locality. Time and Date also gives the times of Sunrise/sunset and Moonrise/Moonset as well as a weather forecast. This year the Moon will not interfere with viewing as it is a thin waxing crescent that sets at 8:18 pm. The expected peak time will unfortunately occur during daylight, but a large number of meteors are likely to be visible tonight, especially in the early morning hours, or tomorrow night. The Geminids have a rather extended peak so that viewing doesn't depend on getting an exact time. All weather reports, whether from Time and Date, from Environment Canada or from the Clear Dark Sky website, indicate good clear viewing conditions tonight but overcast tomorrow night. The Clear Dark Sky site has a wealth of other useful information as to viewing conditions for a vast number of locations in North America.

The Geminids are a rather recent meteor shower, having first been observed by astronomers R.P. Greg, B.V Marsh and A.C. Twining first observed them. They were observed again in 1863 by A.A. Herschel. It was only during the 1870s that astronomers realized that a new annual shower was underway. The Geminids gradually increased in intensity during the last century. This year there may be as many as 120 meteors visible per hour near the peak period. Intensity will decrease only slightly from 6 to 1o hours on either side of the peak. The intensity increases gradually in the 2 to 3 days prior to the peak and then falls off rapidly. Thus tonight should be a good time for viewing, specially after 2:00 am when Gemini is high in the sky (the number of meteors visible is largest when their radiant approaches the zenith).
The meteors of the Geminids are of medium speed, approaching Earth at about 35 kilometers per second. They are bright and usually white in colour, and are often productive of some spectacular fireballs. Their apparent speed is slow, and they can sometimes been seen to have jagged paths and to seemingly split. They leave few visible trails however. The radiant will come from a point just to the northwest of Castor, the upper star in the constellation (see diagram above). The Geminids are rather unique in that they originate from an earth-crossing asteroid, 3200 Phaeton, unlike other meteor showers which originate from cometary debris. This parent body was discovered as recently as 1983 by S. Green and J.K. Davies, using the Infrared Astronomical Satellite. This year Phaeton will be making its closest approach since 1983, coming within 11 million miles of Earth. There is some dispute about the nature of Phaeton as some believe that it is not an asteroid but rather the burnt-out nucleus of a comet.
So look to the northeast early this evening, and higher in the sky later to find Gemini, and happy frigid viewing. Have a look out for Mars as well. It shines brightly at the right-hand side of Gemini as it merges into Taurus. But more on Gemini and Mars later.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The online space news site Space.Com has published a story written by Peter Jenniskens of the airborne Multi-Instrument Aircraft Campaign. This event was witnessed by only twp observers in 1994 and one in 1986. This year far more people, perhaps thousands, managed to catch the shower due to the predictions of the time based on modelling by Jenniskens' team. Observers in the eastern USA, Brazil and Europe, while unable to directly see the meteors, detected them by listening for distant radio signals. The peak rate at 4:04 PDT detected by the airborne observers was about 100/hour, and the airborne crew saw around 120 meteors each. This meant that they outshone the August Perseids, even if only for a very brief time (see blogs on this post for August and September for more about both the Perseids and the Aurigids). Further details on the results can be found at the above link and also at . The latter link also gives details on what was seen by ground observers who lived where the shower was visible that night.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Preliminary results for observations of the Aurigid meteor shower are starting to trickle in. The general consensus is that the shower was indeed spectacular but didn't rival the Perseids as some predictions said. The results from the Aurigid Meteor Shower Observing Campaign are now available at . They have published an account of the airborne observing campaign that produced a peak rate of 100/per hour as of 4:15 PDT. This research study has also asked for independent observers to note the rate at other locations. Go to the above website for further details. The peak rate was less than what was predicted by the researchers involved, and it also seemed to come about 18 minutes earlier than their prediction.
The International Meteor Organization has also begun to gather results for the Aurigid shower. They have so far gathered data from only six observers (at the time when Molly visited the site earlier today). I'm sure that more people will be reporting later. They report a similar peak activity to that of the AMSO. To see their results go to . It should be noted that only two of the IMO's reporters were placed to observe the maximum of the shower.
Finally Molly refers you to a blog, the E.O.A.S. (Earth, Oceans, Atmosphere, Space) blog, based in Kansas. This person saw four Aurigids even though he wasn't in the best viewing location. He has provided a diagram of the meteors that he saw. An interesting fact is that he saw no "green" meteors. All were either white or yellow.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Molly has blogged previously (see Aug. 29 'The Aurigid Meteor shower' and Aug 11 'The Perseids are Coming') on the subject of the "possible" meteor shower that will occur later this night, towards dawn tomorrow morning. If it does occur the shower will appear to originate from the constellation Auriga with a peak time at about 11:36 GMT. This will translate into a peak time of 4:36 PDT and slightly earlier in the central Pacific and Alaska. Auriga will be about two thirds up in the northeastern sky on the west coast at this time, but in Alaska and the central Pacific it will be considerably lower towards the horizon. This means that the shower will not be visible in east Asia because Auriga will not have risen at the peak time of the shower- and because the shower has a very short viewing time as compared to other annual meteor showers.
The possibility of an outstanding sight during this year's Aurigid time frame was first proposed 7 years ago by California astronomer Peter Jenniskens and Finnish amateur astonomer Esko Lyytinen. Jenniskens has since collaborated with Jeremie Vaubaillon of Caltech to produce a forecast of an extraordinarily intense meteor shower this night. Another forecast by astronomer Danielle Moser of NASA agrees with the timing but predicts a much less intense number of meteors observable. Only the event will tell which one is right.
The meteors from long period comets which are irregular in appearance are rather unique. Because the comets that produce them are such infrequent visitors to the inner solar system the meteors that they produce contain rather "pristine" materials from the early days of the solar system. They are low in sodium, often penetrate deeper into the atmosphere than usual and at higher speeds (producing more brilliant displays) . The colour of the meteors produced will give clues to their elemental composition. Past observations suggest that the remnants of "pristine cometary crust" will give a greenish hue to many of the meteors observed.
On August 11th Molly mentioned the 'Aurigid Meteor Shower Observing Campaign' that astronomers on the west coast of the USA are mounting to observe this once in a lifetime event. The people involved in this research are looking for the collaboration of amateur astronomers to supplement their own observations. To learn more about this campaign, to participate in the research or to generally learn more about the Aurigid meteor shower go to or see our August 11th post.
Happy viewing. Molly won't see this event, but good luck to all the people out in BC.
See also on this blog:
August 29: 'The Aurigid Meteor Shower'.
August 11: 'The Perseids Are Coming'

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

There may be another meteor shower heading our way in the early hours of Saturday, Sept. 1st. I say "maybe" because the Aurigid meteor shower, also known as the alpha-Aurigids, is not one of the regular annual meteor showers produced generally by "short period" comets. The parent body of this "perhaps" shower is a long period comet called Comet Kiess after the astronomer who discovered it in 1911. There is some dispute about the orbital period of this comet. NASA says that the appearance prior to 1911 was in 83 BC (plus or minus "a few centuries"). Others say that the previous appearance of Comet Keiss was in 4 BC plus or minus 40 years. This later reference is to the 'Aurigid Meteor Shower Observing Campaign' that Molly briefly mentioned in a post titled 'The Perseids Are Almost Here' on August 11th. More on this later. The Aurigids are a rare event because the dust trail from long period comets is extremely narrow and it is usually pulled away from the Earth's orbit. Only on occasion does the orbit intersect the dust trail. Jenniskens and Lyytinen have predicted that this year will produce an Aurigid meteor shower that may even eclipse the Perseids earlier this month in intensity.
Molly has seen quite a few people dropping by her blog trying to find out the time of this event and the possibility of viewing it. Will you be able to see it ? Throughout most of North America and all of South America the answer is unfortunately NO. If the predictions of Jenniskens and Lyytinen are right the meteor shower will have a duration of about 1 and 1/2 hour centred on about 4:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time. This is 11:33 AM in GMT. In most of Asia, Europe, Africa and most of the Americas the Sun will be up at the predicted time. If you want to find what time 11:33 GMT translates into in your time zone refer to the trusty old Time And Date website. This will also give you times for such events as sunrise,sunset, moonrise and moonset. The map pictured above gives a visual of the advance of dawn across North America at the predicted time of the Aurigids. Sunrise here in Winnipeg in the Central Daylight Time zone will occur 6:43 AM, just 10 minutes after the predicted peak time of the shower. Most meteors would be obscured by the gathering light of dawn, though it is theoretically possible that you might catch a few if you began observing at say 5:48 AM. For points east it simply won't happen. The best locations for viewing the Aurigids, if they occur, would be on the Pacific coast, in the Pacific Daylight Time zone. People in the southern hemisphere will be unable to view the event because the constellation will be above the northern horizon.
As mentioned above the Aurigids are quite a rare event. In previous appearances of this shower over Europe (1935, 1986,1994) poor viewing conditions and the poor timing of the shower meant that few people were able to observe it. It is estimated that there are only three people alive today who have ever seen this event. If you are lucky enough to see it you will be in a rather select group.
More on the Aurigids later on molly's Blog. Stay tuned.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The intensity of the Perseid meteor shower will fall off rapidly in the next few days. Tonight, however, you may still be able to catch more than a few meteors in a dark location. The skies here in Winnipeg have actually cleared, and viewing conditions may be quite good- a nice wind and few mosquitoes. Try and have a second go at it.
Monday/Tuesday//// August 13th/14th

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Tomorrow night (August 12/13) the peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower will be upon us. In actual fact the Perseids build up slowly to their peak. Meteors from this shower may be seen as early as July 23rd and as late as August 22nd, though the rate declines more rapidly than it builds up. This means that if the skies are cloudy on the night of the 12th/13th that you still have a chance of catching the shower tonight (11th/12th) especially in the predawn hours or on Monday/Tuesday night (13th/14th). Not all meteor showers are so accommodating (see the Aurigids later in this post).
A "meteor shower", also known as a "meteor storm" or a "meteor outburst" is when there is an unusually high number of meteors in the sky and when these events can be traced back via an imaginary line to a point of common origin in the sky called the radiant.
Meteors happen when the Earth encounters bits of cosmic debris in its orbit around the Sun. Like litter in a campground such debris is ubiquitous in space, and there is always a background of sporadic meteors that occur randomly. Some neighbourhoods, however, are filthier than others. Throughout the year the Earth periodically passes through particularly concentrated trails of material. These have usually been traced to the residue of passing comets, and their position in the orbital plane means that they regularly appear in the same place in the sky at the same time of year.
When the cosmic debris is just hanging around orbiting the Sun (maybe playing cards, smoking cigarettes and, like a Spanish policeman, doing as little as is possible) it is known as a meteoroid . It is only when the Earth catches up to this non-event that things begin to get interesting. As the Earth and the space particle collide the debris becomes a visible meteor . These pass into the Earth's atmosphere at anywhere from 14 to 71 kilometers per second. Most meteors become visible at about 60 kilometers up. They are heated to over 1,700 degrees centigrade, begin to glow from the heat and are usually consumed by the heat as they enter the inner atmosphere. This heating is not caused by "friction" but rather by something called "ram pressure". As the meteor plunges into the atmosphere it compresses the air in front of it, thus heating it up. The heat of this compressed air simple diffuses to the meteor itself. In other words the heat comes from a push rather than a rub.
Should the meteor actually make it through the atmosphere and strike the Earth it is called a meteorite. There are two basic kinds of meteorites. Iron meteorites are made up of about 91% iron. Stony meteorites contain a higher proportion of other elements such as magnesium and especially silicon and oxygen in the form of silicon dioxide- good old sand.
(Hey, Molly could make a song out of this...
"Let's build sand castles in the sky
Let them loose to see if they can fly")
Some meteors explode before they evaporate or strike the Earth. The result is commonly called a fireball, and its sound can be heard dozens of miles away. Iron meteors are more stable than rocky ones. Slow meteors are less likely to explode than fast ones. Meteors arriving at an acute angle to the Earth are subjected to less stress than those that come in at an oblique angle. Yet...even a slow travelling iron meteor that falls from near the zenith has a chance of exploding and creating a fireball.
There is reportedly another sound produced by meteors that is poorly understood. These events are referred to as electrophonic meteors which seem to produce a sound even though it is physically impossible for any sound to travel from the height of the meteor. See 'Electrophonic Meteors' and 'Listening to the Leonids'. The theory is that this sound, variously described as "sizzling" or a "snap,crackle,pop" is produced when electromagnetic radiation in the VLF range is converted into sound energy near the ground.
When a meteor strikes the ground it produces a crater anywhere from 12 to 20 times its own size. Smaller impacts produce simple bowls. When larger objects strike terrestrial rebound creates a central peak along with a rim that is often "terraced" as the ground subsides after the initial impact. The largest impacts of all create multiple inner peaks due to the creation of several rebounds.
The largest impact in recorded history occurred on June 30th, 1908 when an object struck in Siberia. This has become known as the Tunguska event. This object flattened more than 800 square miles of trees. The cause of this explosion has been disputed, but the present consensus is that it was an exploding meteor. An Italian research team has recently obtained results that are suggestive of a remnant of part of this meteorite at the bottom of Lake Cheko about 5 miles northwest of the epicentre of Tunguska. See for the article 'A Possible Impact Crater for the 1908 Tunguska Event'.
Every year many meteorite strikes are reported across the planet. The first structure to be proven as being due to a meteorite impact is the Meteor Crater of Arizona. This crater is 600 feet deep, about a mile across, and its rim rises 150 feet above the surrounding ground. The meteorite that produced this crater impacted sometime between 20,000 and 50,000 years ago. The largest meteorite ever recovered in the USA hit ground in southern Nebraska in 1848. Observers reported that the fireball, which occurred in the afternoon, was "brighter than the Sun" This item, weighing 2,360 pounds was found buried 10 feet deep in a wheat field. Of course the Russians always did it first and better, as anyone who has listened to Chekov in old Star Trek shows can tell you. In 1947 the Russian Sikhote-Alin meteorite created more than 100 small craters some 20 meters across. Eat them apples American imperialists.
There is even a recent controversial theory that the die-off of mega fauna in North America at the end of the last ice age was not due to over hunting by recently arrived paleo-indians-the accepted theory- but rather due to localized climatic change because of an impact event. Maybe yes, maybe no.
For those interested in learning more about meteors in general look to the following sites:


The Perseid meteor shower has been observed since antiquity. The earliest written mentions come from Chinese sources in 36 CE. The annual event was called 'The Tears of St. Lawrence' in medieval Europe because of its proximity to this Saint's feast day on August 10th. The St. Lawrence River in Canada was so named by its "discoverer" Jacques Cartier who came upon it at about this time of year.

The first truly scientific astronomical description of this event was penned in 1835 by the Belgian astronomer Adolphe Quetelet. The earliest recorded meteor count was in 1839 when the German E. Heis found a maximum of 160 meteors per hour. Comet Swift-Tuttle , the parent of this storm, was co-discovered in 1862 by the American astronomers Lewis Swift and Horace Parnell Tuttle. In 1992 the comet returned, and it was first seen by the Japonese astronomer Tsuruhiko Kiuchi. The reappearance created quite a stir as computations of its orbit at first predicted a "near miss" or even a "hit" on the Earth or Moon when it returns again on August 14th, 2126. (see )The predicted day of return in 1992 was off by 17 days. If the next passage was off by 15 days the comet would strike either the Moon or the Earth.

Later refinements in the calculations using data from as far back as 62 BCE improved the predictions and gave credence to the idea that the 2126 return would miss our planet by a wide margin. Further work, however, by the astronomer Brian Marsden predicted that a return in 3044 would bring the comet to within a million miles of the Earth/Moon system, making the chance of an impact quite likely. This is important because the size of Comet Swift-Tuttle puts it in the very scientific category of a BFC- a "big fucking comet". At about 10 kms across Swift Tuttle is about equal to the comet that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Well... no more sitcoms on the boob tube after this visitor drops by.

For more on Swift-Tuttle and its cosmic game of pool/billiards see: .

Between 1864 and 1866 the Italian astronomer G.V. Schiaparelli calculated the orbit of the Perseid meteor stream and found that it strongly resembled that of Comet Swift-Tuttle. This was the first time that a meteor storm had been attributed to a comet. Earlier in the 19th century it was supposed that they were due to the asteroid bodies that had been discovered then. Today most meteor showers have been linked to one or another comet (see ). Around the time of the return of Comet Swift-Tuttle the intensity of the Perseids is particularly strong. In 1993 (the comet returned in 1992) observers in central Europe recorded rates of 200 to 500 meteors per hour. In 1994 the peak was over North America and rates were also quite high compared to other years.

The radiant (the apparent point of origin) of the Perseids is actually quite complex. The main origin is near to the star Eta-Per, but as long ago as 1879 the British amateur astronomer William Frederick Denning claimed that he had found two other points of origin near Chi-Per and Gamma-Per. from observations between 1969 and 1971 researchers in Crimea confirmed these two radiants and also discovered other points of apparent origin near Alpha-Per and Beta-Per.

The radiant of a meteor shower is actually an illusion of perspective. Like two parallel train tracks that seem to converge in the distance meteors travelling in parallel lines seem to be coming from the same point of origin. Meteor showers such as the Perseids can exhibit variations in their intensity and apparent point of origin (hence the various radiants) because the meteoroid particles that make up the comet debris are not evenly distributed. The regular appearance of a comet leaves extra material in certain years. The material left behind gradually drifts, more in the direction of the orbit than laterally. The gravitational influence of major planets such as Jupiter will also pull the meteoroids into resonant orbits called filaments.

Encounters with planets such as the Earth will also accelerate or decelerate the meteoroids, leaving gaps in the dust trail. The end result is a "braiding" of the cometary debris that produces meteor showers. A final effect is radiation pressure from the Sun. This pushes smaller particles away from the main stream. Eventually these lose coherence with the meteor shower and become part of the background of sporadic meteors.

If you want to see the Perseid Meteor Shower to best effect you have to get away from city lights. This year the Moon, now in Gemini, will be in its new moon phase and thus there will be no moonlight to interfere with meteor spotting. So 2007 should be a good year for the Perseids. Take note that binoculars and telescopes are beside the point as meteors travel too fast to be properly seen in such devises. Your naked eye is the only instrument that you will need. See 'The Constellation Perseus' (August 7) on this blog to orient yourself.

Perseus begins to rise between 9 PM and 10PM . This is not the best time to see the largest numbers of meteors for two reasons. One is that there is still lingering twilight from the setting Sun, obscuring the fainter members of the Perseids. The other reason is that the hours before dawn are the best for observing any meteor shower. This is because the speed of the Earth is added to the speed of the particles as the Earth comes into the debris stream. This doesn't just mean that the meteors are "faster". It also means that the Earth "sees" the meteors that it may "outrun" on the dusk side of night. During the early evening the meteors are slower in general because the speed of the Earth is subtracted from their speed at such a time as it moves away from the striking objects. The early evening,however, when Perseus is just rising is the best time to spot the long slow trails of meteors known as Earth grazers. These are meteors that come in to the Earth at an oblique angle. Recall that an oblique angle is the one that puts the greatest stress on an incoming meteor, and so the Earth grazers are the meteors most likely to explode and produce fireballs. You may be lucky enough to see one if you begin your observations early enough.

The best time for observing the maximum number of meteors, however, will be between 2 AM and dawn. Perseus will gradually ascend throughout the night so that the radiant of the Perseids will appear higher as the night goes on. At the peak you can expect to see about one meteor per minute, but the meteors seem to come in "clumps". A lull will be followed by several meteors in rapid succession. The actual frequency is unpredictable, and only the broadest of estimates can be offered as predictions.

The Earth will enter the densest part of the cometary trail at about 2 AM EDT (about 1 AM here in Winnipeg). Because of the motion of the Earth previously discussed, however, the densest part doesn't necessarily coincide with the highest rate of sightings. This will occur somewhere in the 2 AM to dawn window of viewing.

Don't forget to bring along lots of mosquito repellent. Given the amount of rain that Manitoba has had recently it's a certainty that the little biters will be out in full force. The dead of night is also, unfortunately, happy hour for the species of mosquitoes that are the carriers of West Nile Virus, now in an outbreak here in Manitoba. This is the sort of time to use "nuclear DEET".

A reclining lawn chair may be a "must" as you will soon tire of cranking your head up to the sky, and you really don't want to lay back on the ground and be attacked from both above and below by the insects. Wear as much clothing as possible, once more because of the mosquitoes. Take along a good astronomy guide book and a small penlight to read it with (large lights will set back your eyes' adjustment to darkness). You may want to try and see other celestial items such as the other constellations mentioned in the Perseus myth cycle (see 'The Mythology of Perseus' on August 7th on this blog). Or maybe the nearby Pleiades (the seven sisters) or the constellations of Auriga, Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Orion. The planet mars also puts in an appearance in the wee hours(see the diagram above). Look down from perseus and the Pleiades towards the horizon and the constellation Taurus. Mars and Earth will be making one of their close approaches this December, and the Mars mission carrying the Phoenix Lander was launched earlier this month to take advantage of this window of opportunity. In the early Spring of 2008 the Phoenix will land in Mars' arctic regions and, amongst other things, will look for evidence of life past or present.

If you want to catch a photo of a meteor it is best to use a fast lens (f 2.8 or better) and ultrafast film (ISO 400 to 1600) if you are using a non-digital camera. The camera should be mounted on a tripod for stability. If you are in aparticularil;y dark area you may be able to set exposures for up to 20 minutes, but the greater the light pollution the shorter the exposure time that you can use. Point the camera not at the radiant but a short distance away in a region with several bright stars.

If you are using a digital camera first make sure to set the time exactly -yes "to the second". Choose a "night", "bulb" or similar setting. Set the light sensitivity to ISO 1600. Choose a field of view not larger than the great square of Pegasus. Wider fields of view will mean that the dimmer meteors won't be effectively captured by the camera. If possible take successive 10 second exposures. Don't reorient the camera if you want it to be an accurate record of the rate of meteors. You can also get a continuous record of the Perseids by videotaping them. Once more don't move the camera if you ant the result to be an accurate record of frequency.

The website Space.Com is interested in images of the Perseids. If yours are good enough they will put them up on their site. The American Meteor Society and the International Meteor Organization are also interested in amateur observations of meteor showers, both photographic and otherwise.

If you seem to get a handle on meteor photogarphy and you like the results you get with the Perseids you also have an opportunity to help out in ongoing research on saturday, September 1st when the rare Aurigid meteor shower will peak at about 4:36 AM on the west caoast of North America. This meteor shower, whose parent body is Comet Kiess discovered by Carl Kiess in 1911, is quite different from the Perseids. It is actually a rare rather than an annual event. Comet Kleiss has a period of almost 2,000 years. The duration of the Aurigids is extremely short, only about an ahour and a half. This is because the Earth only move through the thin dust stream from comet Kleiss on rare occasions, unlike the other more dependable annual showers. The meteors seen during this rare storm are, however, often extremely bright.

There is still a lot to be learned about both Comet Kleiss and the Aurigid meteors that it produces. Researchers are interested in knowing the duration and peak time of the event as well as the colour of the meteors. In addition to the International Meteor Organization and the American Meteor Society, the Aurigid Multi-Instrument Aircraft Campaign is interested in integrating ground based observations with their high altitude ones. You can also email your images to them care of .

That's it for now. Happy viewing. To read more about the constellation Perseus go to the post 'The Constellation Perseus' (August 7) on this blog. To read more about the legends behind the name of the constellation go to 'The Mythology of Perseus' (August 8), also on this blog.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007




In most years the Perseid meteor shower is the most spectacular of the many meteor showers observable. There are usually between 50 and 80 meteors per hour on the night of its peak which this year falls on Sunday August 12 and Monday August 13. Here's a little introduction to the constellation Perseus from which these meteors seem to originate.


The exact location of any constellation varies, of course, with the season and the time of night. Perseus, however, is a circumpolar constellation, and one can locate it easily by reference to other northern sky landmarks. At this time of year it can be found in the northeast;the later at night the higher it will be seen. Draw a line from the two "pointer stars" of the Big Dipper, Dubhe and Merak, across the Polaris the North Star. Continue the line onward past the inverted pentagon of Cepheus to the "W" of Cassiopeia. Look down towards the horizon, and you'll find the "K" of Perseus. The above diagram shows the nearby constellations and the radiant (the apparent origin of the Perseid meteors). If you observe late enough at night(best just before dawn) you will also see the planet Mars beneath Perseus towards the horizon.

If this is not helpful there are a number of star maps online that can help you in locating any of the constellations. See:

and for a selection of many sky maps, some free and some not, go to Planetarium Software.
The diagram to the left illustrates the major stars of Perseus. Molly has always seen Perseus as the "K" shape described by most commentators. Others have described it as a "fleur de lis", but I have consistently been unable to see such a thing in this constellation. Perseus contains four named stars. The brightest, alpha-Per, is usually called Mirfak, from the Arabic for elbow, and sometimes Algenib, from the Arabic for "the side" (though other stars also bear this name). It is a white supergiant of 1.8 apparent magnitude and is about 620 light years (lys) away. Mirfak is 62 times the size of our sun and 5,000 times as bright.
The most famous star in Perseus is beta-Per, Algol the demon star. The name comes from the Arabic "Alghul" which means "the ghoul" or "the demon". It is often referred to as "the head of the demon" because it is supposed to represent the head of Medusa (see 'The Legend of Perseus' later in this blog). This star is the classic eclipsing binary variable star. In these systems each member of the pair periodically eclipses the other. Algol consists of a blue main sequence star and a yellow-white subgiant. This system usually shines with a magnitude of 2.1, but every 2.87 days it dims to magnitude 3.4 for 10 hours as the subgiant passes in front of the other star. this system is 105 light years away.
Xi-Per is called Menkib from the Arabic for "shoulder". It is a blue star of magnitude 4 with a distance of 150 light years. Omicron-Per is called Atik from the Arabic for "collarbone". It is a blue giant of magnitude 3.8 and is 1,000 light years away.
Epsilon-Per (to the horizon from Mirfak and to the west of Algol) is the main radiant of the Perseid meteor showers. Note that the first diagram above is incorrect in this matter, though the casual observer could hardly tell the difference. There are also, however, other radiants within the constellation, and so not all the meteors seen will be traceable back to the neighbourhood of epsilon-Per. Epsilon-Per is a binary system about 130 lys from Earth. the brighter component is a blue main sequence star of magnitude 2.9, and the dimmer is only of the 8th magnitude. Stars dimmer than magnitude 6 are invisible to the naked eye.
Stay tuned tomorrow.