Sunday, January 10, 2010




Molly has already blogged a couple of times before on the fact that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Spanish CNT. As promised I'll be presenting various statements from Spain on this anniversary. Today it's the turn of the Spanish anarchosyndicalist union that still bears the name, the CNT. There's now a CNT associated Facebook page on this milestone, Centenario CNT. Their basic information follows, but be sure to drop on over to their site to see all of the photos, events and videos contained therein. A feast for the curious.

Basic Information

May 1, 1910
Barcelona, Spain
Relationship Status:
In an Open Relationship
Interested In:
Looking For:
Political Views:
Religious Views:
Contact Information

Education and Work

Universidad de Extremadura '98
High School:
el brocense '20
See All (35)

cnt-ait sindicato de oficios varios de adra

Mandiamoli a casa!

fora-ait - sociedad de resistencia de oficios varios mendoza

cnt-ait sov de barcelona

fora-ait - sociedad de resistencia de oficios varios san martin
See All (45)

Member of:
POR EL OCASO DEL CAPITALISMO, ASI - Vršac, CNT, Solidarity with FAU against Union Prohibition!, 1.000.000 de personas en contra de la Pornografìa Infantil, LOS MARGINADOS DEL ESTADO, Fédération Anarchiste Francophone, A VER CUANTOS ESTAMOS EN CONTRA DE LA MANIPULACION DE ESTA GENTUZA, ITALIA ANTIFASCISTA, Miguel Hernández - El PP de Orihuela pretende desvirtuarlo., La Rinascita del Gruppo Anarchico!, Kasalet (Terrassa), CNT AIT Cornellà i comarca, NO a Intereconomía ! contra la contaminacion informativa, NO A LA PRIVATIZACIÓN DE LOS SERVICIOS PúBLICOS EN EXTREMADURA, Refinería NO!!!, Contra la privatización de la Sanidad Pública, UNETE CONTRA EL ACOSO LABORAL. Campaña de Solidaridad con Pedro Torrado, ANTIFASCISTS INTERNATIONAL, A la memoria Carlos Palomino joven Vallekano asesinado por un militar nazi, Célula Anarquista "Fabrizio De André" - Santiago, Chile., Stories About Us, libertari@s unido@s, Hay que juzgar a Aznar por crimenes de guerra!, salvemos a lobo iberico, MARINALEDA, una justicia para el pobre y otra para el rico., Banqueros a la CARCEL, Igualdad Animal / Animal Equality, UNA VIA PER CAMILLO BERNERI AD AREZZO, İntihar

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Saturday, January 02, 2010


Well, the Winter Olympics will soon be here and gone. If, however, you're still feeling the "demonstration itch" there's something else coming up next summer in Toronto. I'm speaking of the gathering of the G20 which will surely be shadowed by a gathering of opponents of the G20. Funny how these things work out.
There's a Facebook page for the upcoming opposition to the Toronto get together of the planners amongst our rulers. Here's the info.
Easy Link To This FB Group:
Partner Web Site:
On June 26-27 of 2010, Toronto will host the next summit of the G20, a group of finance ministers and central bank governors from the world’s largest economies who meet twice yearly to discuss and coordinate the international financial system. Around 1,500 delegates, including heads of state, will be here along with more than 2,000 members of the media, and thousands of police and security agents tasked with squelching dissent.
Now that the system these leaders have forced on the world is in crisis they continue to operate as if they have the answer. We know that they do not. To save countries, they propose we turn to institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), an entity that has historically imposed murderous structural adjustment programs on the world’s poor.
The real value of this summit, to its participants and those resisting it, is not in the substance of the "leaders’" discussions. Our power is not in whether or not we have the ability to prevent a bunch of finance ministers and heads of state from talking. The real importance is in the way an undisrupted ceremony reinforces the dominant worldview. If that view is flawed, it must be rejected, and the spotlight such a gathering creates must be one in which people will manifest liberating social conflict.
For different reasons, we are organizing and defying the alienation and desperation that defines the height of corporate globalization. Instead of utilizing the traditional and accepted channels of change, inspired by movements and heroes from the past, we focus on direct forms of organization. Most important, our actions inspire countless people to believe that, what is, does not have to be. (read more)
Open: All content is public.
Information to come.

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Ah, the wonderful world of Facebook. Here in Winnipeg, as in many other cities where good taste takes a back seat to revenue generation, the administration of Mayor Sam Katz has determined that "naming rights" for various city properties should be sold to private interests. The possibilities, of course, are endless. The Steven Harper Memorial Urinal ? The Stockwell Day City Garbage Bin ? You could, of course, name sewer drains after personal enemies. A group of Winnipegers has an appropriate idea to memorialize the directing hand behind this campaign. Here's the intro to the "Committee to rename a city service to 'Sam Katz Hates Poor People'" Facebook page.
Committee to rename a city service to 'Sam Katz Hates Poor People':
We plan to pay the City of Winnipeg to rename an as-yet-undecided public city service using the recently announced program to sell naming rights to city services for cash.
The new name is also undecided, but will more than likely be unflattering to Mayor Katz, and could include any of the following:
* 'shill for rich property developers'
* 'tax-dodging hypocrite'
* 'all-around sleazy jerk'
Any other suggestions are welcome!
See this CBC News article for background on what looney-tunes idea Katz has now: (read more)
Privacy Type:
Open: All content is public.

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Monday, September 21, 2009


Molly just recently joined a new Facebook group, the Viva Mondragon for fans of Winnipeg's local infoshop and vegan restaurant (now also a grocery store). Here's all the info about them from their page.
Basic Information

Winnipeg, MB
Relationship Status:
It's Complicated
Interested In:
Political Views:
anarchist & pareconist
Religious Views:
something about an opiate
Contact Information
Current Address:
1A- 91 Albert StreetWinnipeg, MB R3b 1G5

See All (72)

Member of:
Peace Alliance Winnipeg, The Royal Albert Arms, The Lo Pub, Critical Mass - Winnipeg, MB, No One Is Illegal RADIO, Room 720, Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), Makeshift Productions presents Concrete Jungle @ The Embassy Lounge , scott nolan, Get rid of Mayor Sam Katz!, Stop the Privatization of Winnipeg Water, I Support Comprehensive Insured Health Services for Transgender Manitobans, The Tallest Poppy, the Outspoken Wordsmiths, March on Gaza, Jan. 1, 2010 - Gaza Shall Not Die!, Democracy Now! @ The Organic Underground each weekday at 5:00 pm, Victoria Anarchist Bookfair, Youth Activist Retreat, Remembering Stonewall, Friends of the UWSA Community Garden :), Ashanincan Shaman Visits Winnipeg, W.A.A.R., People Against Beating Kids, The Boreal Action Project, Bike Winnipeg, War All The Time, Precursor Productions /, FemRev - new rebELLEs OC, Free The Pirate Bay, Salon du Livre Anarchiste de Montreal @ Montreal Anarchist Bookfair
Oh, oh, Molly feels one of her petty gripes (or puzzlements) coming on. I guess that it is fair game to also have a website. I checked. It is still active. A lot of groups, people, businesses, etc. do this to increase their exposure. But the new group made me look to the old Mondragon facebook page to see if it was time to give it a decent burial from the Links section and move it to 'Zombies'. To my amazement it is still active as well. For the life of me I can't see the point of this. No doubt there are individuals in this world who have more websites, blogs, Facebook and Myspace sites than I have fingers and toes. Personally I doubt that such a thing will get them even 15 nanoseconds of fame. Can somebody please enlighten me as to the purpose of having two Facebook groups running in tandem.

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Saturday, January 17, 2009


Here's one to break the monotony of endless political posts. What follows is a Facebook event for which I have an invitation. I thought I'd share it with my readers. I'm not a great fan of zombies. Vampires are more my taste (just finished reading another Anne Rice novel a few weeks ago). I guess, however, that the least romantic of the undead deserve some sort of recognition. Besides, any old excuse for a holiday. So shuffle on over if you dare.

Lets make 1/23 a day to forget (because the part of our brains that retain memories will be eaten)
Event Info
National Institute of the Undead
Party - Holiday Party
Start Time:
Friday, January 23, 2009 at 12:00am
End Time:
Saturday, January 24, 2009 at 12:00am
Contact Info
Zombies deserve some recognition and celebration, so we've decided to do what should have been done long ago- and made a holiday just for them. We will be showing our discontent with the negative light Zombies are shown in in popular culture by painting our faces and dressing like these proud and hugely misrepresented peoples. We ask for your support! Pull out those old ripped jeans and go crazy with the fake blood! And please, bite as many non-believers as possible.
Disclaimer for administrators and other such authority figures who can't take a joke: This "holiday" is merely for fun, because we need some (ANY) form of entertainment in order to keep from turning into "Zombies" ourselves. Go watch Sean of the Dead.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Molly is not a great fan of the social networking site Facebook, but she is signed up and duly wastes some of her time there. Every once in awhile some true gems comes via this portal. Here's a couple of new groups that Molly has discovered during her latest prowl. The serious one first.
Boycott BMI airlines:
We call for a boycott BMI airlines for aiding the deportation of people from the UK that are at risk of persecution.This weekend (20th September) Babakhan Badalov, (Babi) the openly gay, internationally renowned radical artist and poet from Azerbaijan has been deported from the UK - aided by BMI.Please write to BMI stating that you will ensure none of your friends and family travel with them in the future, that you will campaign ceaselessly against them, for they have acted selfishly, with no regard to an individual’s health and mental well-being.
And the just for fun.
Joe the Plumber sucks:

Are you sick of Joe the Plumber? Do you seriously want to throw up in your mouth anytime his name is mentioned? Are you wondering, "What the Hell?" anytime McCain or Palin mentions him? Then you must think that Joe the Plumber sucks.


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Sunday, January 27, 2008


Here's a little David and Goliath story to warm your heart. Like in the original the good guy won, at least this time. Facebook (Goliath) is of course, the mega-giant and the villain in this piece. Started on February 4, 2004 Facebook has grown to presently include over 60 million active users. It averages about a quarter of a million users per day, and see over 65 billion page views per month. There are about 1.7 billion photos on Facebook, and last spring a poll conducted in the USA found that it was the most visited site amongst people aged 17- 25. There are about 2.2 billion "friends" tagged in user photos, and more than 60 million photos are added each week.
OK, that's Goliath. Let's go to David. Derek Blackadder (see for his Facebook page- note that you have to register with Facebook to view anything on their site) is an union organizer for the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE). He is also a Canadian contributor to the labour solidarity website Labour Start which Molly has often referenced here on this blog. Blackadder fell afoul of the powers that be at Facebook by adding too many "friends". As an union organizer this is just the sort of thing that he does- he expands his social network as fast as possible. Facebook threatened, and then they lowered the axe by banning him. This, however, didn't go over too well with other union activists that use Facebook, and a protest site( ) was rapidly set up by John Wood of the UK. The campaign was promoted by Labour Start as well. Within 8 hours almost 2,400 people had signed up in solidarity with Blackadder. Fearing further bad publicity, Facebook relented, and Derek is now back online doing what he does best. One small victory for the little guy.
There is actually quite a bit of controversy about sites such as Facebook. Many have predicted that their popularity, and the resulting traffic jam of useless photos and video (see YouTube), will lead to such a slowing of online communication that the internet will become virtually useless (some may say has always been that way). Specific to union organizing, however, Eric Lee of Labour Start has written an essay entitled Bandwagons and Buzzwords: Facebook and the Unions about the limitations of using Facebook as an organizing tool. The John Wood mentioned above wrote a rejoiner titled In Defence of Facebook (Sort Of) which disagrees with Lee, but also points out the author's own reservations about this tool.
Look over both of the above essays to see what their authors say. In the meantime Molly raises a glass to Derek Blackadder. Long may he "face" or whatever the verb derived from the noun may be in this case.

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