Berkeley Attempts To Circumvent Prop. 209

I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true: the University of California is trying to get around — or maybe just run roughshod over — Prop. 209’s (and now the California constitution;s) prohibition on racial preferences. It has announced a new African-American Initiative at the core of which is a $20 million scholarship fund to attract and enroll more black students … in order to make the current black students feel more “included.” Berkeley administrators claim this program does not challenge Prop. 209 “directly” because it does not involve preferences in admissions and the scholarships will be “administered” by a private group.

See my recent post on National Review Online’s Phi Beta Cons.

Ouch! Psychology On The Couch

[NOTE: This post has been UPDATED]

I have a new essay on Minding The Campus, “Almost Two Thirds Of Psychological Studies Are Wrong.” Unless, of course, the Reproducibility Project psychologists evaluating those studies are wrong….

UPDATE 8 Sept.

Northeastern University professor Lisa Feldman Barrett has an article in the New York Times arguing that “Psychology Is Not In Crisis,” that “the failure to replicate is not a cause for alarm; in fact, it is a normal part of how science works.” All that published research that could not be replicated is just a bunch of scientists doing what scientists do.

Prof. Barrett’s argument was utterly demolished by Scott Alexander in a long post on his impressive blog, Slate Star Codex.

What Do Democrats Believe?

Conor Friedersdorf has an interesting — and in places unintentionally amusing — piece at The Atlantic, “‘Hillary 2016′ Has Never Made Sense For Democrats,” criticizing Democrats for annointing Hillary even though she has taken numerous positions at variance with the current inclinations of “the base.” She voted for the Iraq war, is cozy with Wall […]

Another Journalist Gets Hillary’s Emails Wrong

Writing in The Atlantic, Yoni Applebaum asserts that “Clinton, and her loyalists, insist that the email probe is a distraction, and that there is no evidence that she deliberately broke any rules, much less violated the law. And so far, those claims have been borne out by each new round of disclosures.” That assertion is […]

More Shaky Studies On Women And STEM

“Readers of the higher education press and literature may be forgiven,” my new essay on Minding The Campus begins, “for supposing that there is more research on why there are not more women in STEM fields than there is actual research in the STEM fields themselves.” In it I discuss several recent studies on the […]

Hillary Emails: Search … And Ye Shall (Probably Not) Find

Back in March Time revealed that this is how Hillary determined which her emails were private and which should be printed out and handed over to the government: She commissioned a review of the 62,320 messages in her account only after the department—spurred by the congressional investigation—asked her to do so. And this review did […]


Everyone assumes Hillary was joking in her recent press conference when she replied to Ed Henry’s question about whether she’d wiped her server, “What? Like with a cloth or something?” I’m not so sure. Remember her first attempt to justify her personal server back in March? “Well,” she said then, with a straight face, “the system […]

Hillary’s Emails: The Silence Of The Historians

Obama Administrations Sides With Palestinians Over Terror Victims

Richard Cohen Is Confused About Hillary’s Emails

“Disparate Impact” Hits Below The Belt …

Is “Diversity” The Ultimate “Microaggression”?

Crony Quota-ism

“Disparate Impact” And The Iran Deal

If Reagan Were Alive …

A Former Admissions Dean Admits…

Poetic Justice