Activist Education

Activist Education is about skill-sharing and educating of our peers with content that is relevant & useful for collectives, campaigns or continuing along the path of creating social change.

The resources on this page share radical learning tools for educating activists and activist educators.


Our projects including designing and facilitating programs at ASEN’s annual summer activist Training Camp; running workshops at Students of Sustainability; supporting new educators; running skill-shares across the continent; the ASEN activist education handbook; and organising, designing and facilitating strategic planning for community climate change groups at Climate Action Summits, state skillshares and other events.

If you’re interested in ASEN running a workshop for your collective/group or want advice on running one yourself we’d love to hear from you! Email us at info[at] You can also join our national Activist Education mailing list to receive updates and share your ideas with us.

What is a Workshop?

Workshops are a fantastic way to support learning and skill-sharing among activists. You don’t need to be an ‘expert’ in the chosen topic to run an effective workshop. Participatory workshops draw on participants own knowledge created through their daily life.

There is no perfect, standard or ‘correct’ workshop outline. A workshop structure and purpose reflects the creativity of the facilitators, the needs and aspirations of participants and the context in which it’s being experienced. Be creative!

Workshop Preparation Resources

The ASEN Workshop Package

Here you’ll find workshop outlines on a range of topics. Check out the “how to use” guide for these workshop resources.

Our work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License. You are welcome to copy, distribute, adapt and transmit the work, under the following conditions: you attribute the work, you may not use this work for commercial purposes, and you share alike. To view a copy of this license, visit here. For further information, contacts of facilitators to run these workshops, please email info[at]

ASEN Youth Climate Leaders Training

In 2008, ASEN hosted a two-day youth climate leaders training at UTS. We designed a new and innovative training program and materials drawing on our experience, existing research on communicating climate change, and new research on the specific needs of university students. For further information contact info[at] and please credit the resources if you use them!

Resources & Links

  • Training for Change – USA-based, with heaps of awesome resources on anti-oppression, nonviolent change, strategy, team building, etc.
  • RANT Collective – mainly focused on nonviolent action and strategy
  • Beyond Just Education
  • Cooperative Learning Theory
  • Freirian Facilitators
  • Max Min Learning
  • Philosophy of Education
  • Check out this documentary and performance project on popular education, “I Want to Do This All Day: Redefining Learning and Reinventing Education.” In the spring of 2006 these cool young folks set out to investigate the living history of the “radical learning” movement, and compiled their findings in this 2hr 30min audio piece. The documentary uses interviews from 23 different learning spaces to illuminate the grassroots movement of people and communities taking power over their own education and creating learning environments based on freedom, cooperation and social change. To listen, go here
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