Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Decolonial Gathering Confirmed and Proposed Speakers -- Donate Today

Event Community Page:

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Confirmed Speakers:

Sakej Ward - Warrior Alliance
Sakej (James Ward) belongs to the wolf clan. He is Mi’kmaw (Mi’kmaq Nation) from the community of Esgenoopetitj (Burnt Church First Nation, New Brunswick). He is the father of nine children, four grandchildren and a caregiver for one. He resides in Shxw’owhamel First Nation with his wife Melody Andrews and their children.
Sakej is a veteran of both the Canadian and American militaries. During his military career, he volunteered and excelled at some of the most demanding leadership courses in the military, including the Special Forces Infantry Leader’s Course. He finished his military career at the rank of Sergeant.
Wanting to pursue academics, he immediately went to university and immersed himself in politics where he graduated from the University of New Brunswick from the Honour’s program with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science with a specialization in International Relations.
Recognizing the value of an academic background, he continued to advance his studies and attended the University of Victoria where he successfully completed the Master’s of Arts Degree in Indigenous Governance.
Sakej has a long history of advocating and protecting First Nations inherent responsibilities and freedoms, having spent the last 21 years fighting the government and industry. This deep desire to bring justice to all Indigenous people has given Sakej experience in international relations where he spoke on behalf of the Mi’kmaq Nation at the United Nations Working Group for Indigenous Populations (WGIP). For his efforts in protecting Indigenous people, freedoms and territory he has received the National Aboriginal Achievement Award.
Having taught, organized, advised and led various warrior societies from all over Turtle Island down into Guatemala and Borike (Puerto Rico) Sakej has made warrior-hood his way of life. He has been on over a dozen warrior operations and countless protest actions. He dedicates all his time to developing warrior teachings and instructing warrior societies from all over

Dylcia Pagan
Dylcia Pagan is a former Puerto Rican political prisoner, who was granted Clemency in September of 1999. Dylcia Pagán was born in New York City on October 15, 1946. She attended Brooklyn College were she majored in Cinematography and Sociology, participated in the struggle for students’ rights and founded the Puerto Rican Students Union. Dylcia was captured April 4, 1980 along with other comrades, for participating in the underground wing of the Puerto Rican independence movement, with the Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion Nacional . She sentenced to 55 years on charges of seditious conspiracy, among others. She completed an 8-year state sentence. After years of separation, she has been reunited with her son Guillermo. Dylcia’s patriotism has manifested itself in many artistic forms which include painting, ceramics, poetry and her writings. She has participated in the production of a video about her life and lives of her compañeros in the struggle. Throughout her capture, trial and incarceration she has maintained her position as an anti-colonial prisoner of war (POW) resisting the illegal U.S. occupation of her homeland. For more information please consult:

Ras Munyiga Nosakhere
member, co-founder, organizer and presently International Coordinator within the Black Autonomy Federation. He is the former program coordinator of the Black Community Youth &Resource Center in Regina Saskatchewan, and was active in several Black Revolutionary Nationalist groups in
the early 70's. Born and raised in Southern California within the Compton, Watts and LA areas: Munyiga started with the LA Chapter Black Panther Party as a youth, to leadership within Black Student Organizations in High School, to the Black Student Union, while in University. He worked with Michael Zinzun as an Organizer of the Los Angeles based Coalition Against Police Abuse and RAM. In the Eighties he became attracted to the ideals of anti-authoritarian class based revolutionary anarchism, and has worked tirelessly in projects benefiting the African Black Working class and poor. He has over 45 years of organizing experience. He has worked behind the scenes in building many community, youth and student organizations. (In both Canada and Throughout North America) He lives and works in Regina, Saskatchewan, and still very much active in grassroots based, autonomous community organizing.

Klee Benally -

is a Diné (Navajo) musician, traditional dancer, filmmaker, & Indigenous anarchist. He currently lives in Flagstaff, Arizona where he helped establish Táala Hooghan Infoshop, Indigenous Action Media, & Outta Your Backpack Media. Klee is originally from Black Mesa and has worked most of his life at the front lines in struggles to protect Indigenous sacred lands. From occupying Border Patrol headquarters in Arizona to call an end to border militarization to multiple arrests in direct action to protect the San Francisco Peaks and other threatened sacred places, Klee fights for a livable and healthy world.

www.kleebenally.com | www.indigenousaction.org

Vision for the Decolonial Gathering 

Why this Gathering

We are living in a time of struggle and upheaval, which is a good thing, lets talk strategy and build strategic alliances based on clear principles and guidelines for a world free of occupation, colonialism, white supremacist hetero-patriarchal capitalist-imperialist system. Mother Earth is in crisis, combativity needs to increase if we hope to have a world to pass to the next generation. 
Lets start by learning from each other, our elders, women, children, etc, lets democratize knowledge. Lets build a network, and share resources all over Turtle Island, Abya Yala and beyond. Lets smash this system, and create the world we want to see today. 

Who we hope to build with:

-anyone hoping to build a better world.
-anyone with a colonial slave name as well as freedom children especially original keepers of the lands that are currently occupied 
Who's not invited:
-anyone with unchecked privileged and with a white-savior mentality
-all law enforcement
-politicians and political-careerists
-anyone looking to profit from our oppression
-vanguard parties/authoritarian left

August 29th, 2015
Where: CIELO Galleries
3201 Maple Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90011

What now:
Lets discuss, plan, organize for the gathering. 
We hope to have regional meetings starting here in Southern California and hope other regions can do the same.

Lets raise funds to bring folks out who need assistance, hopefully those regions can do their own fund raising.
Lets create the vision for the gathering together, and discuss all proposed topics, and create the agenda for it.
In struggle. 
This is a call to communities in resistance in particular and those who dream of a better world in general.

Call for Decolonial Teach-In and Gathering in Los Angeles 
Date TBA

This is a call to communities in resistance in particular and those who dream of a better world in general. We understand to get there we need vision, strategy, organization and to build alliances. We are putting out this call to those communities building autonomy, and revolution. 
We are in a time in history where not only do we face many injustices in the communities where we live, but great potential for something much better. We see rebellion in all forms in many communities across not only the united states, but all of Turtle Island. We all want a better world!
We hope to not just organize another event or teach-in; we hope that we can build a network to begin with and strategic alliances as we fight this system of white-supremacy/capitalism/imperialism/colonialism/patriarchy, and towards common goals and vision. We also hope folks can learn from each other, common experience, so we can continue to advance towards a decolonized and free world. 

If what we are talking about is true decolonization and autonomy, something that is land based, the indigenous people from this continent and hemisphere have to be in the forefront of this struggle (from Alaska to Argentina), and the fight to free the land, water, air and ourselves of colonialism has to be supported across imperialist borders and all regions. 
In the coming weeks we will begin to fundraise for communities and collectives wishing to make it out from different regions, as well as to plan and organize for the gathering and teach-in. 

This event is not made for organizations to promote themselves but for communities fighting to build and strategize with each other. 
In struggle.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Descarga el folleto “Grecia Arde”, sobre la revuelta helénica de 2008

Este texto se hizo para seguir avivando las llamas entorno a lo que está ocurriendo actualmente en Grecia y ver las cosas desde otra perspectiva.”
 –Palabras publicadas en el periódico Punto de Fuga-

En el marco del referéndum griego para determinar su continuidad en la Unión Europea, les dejamos el folleto “Grecia arde” elaborado por Rodolfo Montes de Oca, sobre la revuelta popular que se escenificó en la capital helénica como respuesta al asesinato de un ciudadano y que fue la primera expresión de la crisis en la cual estaba sumergida la nación mediterránea.

El 06 de diciembre de 2008, tras la muerte del joven anarquista Alexander Grigoropolus en manos de un gendarme, se inicia un proceso de insurrección en la región helénica, que se manifestó en el asalto violento de establecimientos y la destrucción generalizada de los símbolos de poder y dominación.

Sin embargo, estas acciones que captaron la imaginación de un puñado de antiautoritarios que vieron una suerte de “grand soir” de la anarquía, pronto se desvanecieron al ver como la algarada se sofocó a las pocas semanas. Este folleto trata de indagar en las razones de ese apaciguamiento y alerta sobre la posibilidad de empujar la disconformidad más allá del simple enfrentamiento, para así poder generar cambio social.

El folleto se puede descargar en esta dirección: http://goo.gl/1QPW1v

Friday, May 8, 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Against all Law Enforcement and Former Slave-Catchers


Against all Law Enforcement and Former Slave-Catchers 

Cop Watch Los Angeles Statement on U.S. Marshal Attack on Our Comrade in South Gate

On Sunday, April 19th, 2015, CopWatcher Beatriz Paez was going for a run in her neighborhood of South Gate in Los Angeles.  She noticed that there were law enforcement agents armed with assault riffles and in Police and Sheriff uniforms; they were raiding a neighbor's house.  With the recent and countless police murders on her mind, she then takes out her phone and begins to film them.  They begin to intimidate and attempt to bully her to leave.  As Beatriz, stands her ground, one of the agents rushes her, assaults her, snatches her phone and smashes it on the ground, and he finishes it off by kicking it.  Beforehand, she had gotten community members to film and to support, and one of the people even gave her safe-housing after the police attacked her, in solidarity.

Beatriz, having the support of Cop Watch organizations, uploads the video to the internet and hopes to expose South Gate law enforcement, and all law enforcement, while giving people courage to stand up to all police when they see them carrying out these type of activities in their communities.  The video has since been seen all over the world, and has shown her righteous resistance to people as well as the cowardly act of law enforcement to everyone.  She has been speaking out and will continue to organize in her community with the support of Cop Watch LA and other Cop Watch organizations. 

Since the video has aired, the U.S. Marshals have taken credit for being in charge of the operation that day (even though there were also South Gate Police Department officers present that day).  To give a brief history on the U.S. Marshals, which is one of colonialism and slave-catching for a white supremacist – patriarchal – capitalist-imperialist society.  The U.S. Marshals were once given the duty of enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, where they would recover and arrest fugitive slaves who escaped to the “North” and bring them back to their slave masters in the “South.”  They were the main law enforcement agency as the u.s. Settler-colonialists expanded to the West.  They even helped suppress the “Pullman Strike” in 1894 of railway workers.  The U.S. Marshals are not our heroes, and this is their legacy. (source: Wikipedia)

We want our communities free of all colonial law enforcement agencies.  Their role as a whole is one of maintaining illegitimate power and system.  Their are occupiers on stolen land.  Los Angeles, is Tongva territory, and they are all an army of the rich white men who are in power.  Cop Watch is a direct action tactic, where folks can start building their fighting capacity in the community against this illegitimate system, and defending themselves with different tools; so, people can start realizing that they do have power, and that they can fight back in an organized way.  We hope folks can one day build a culture of resistance by taking these actions and organizing their blocks against these occupiers.

We know Beatriz was attacked because these pigs are servants for this patriarchal system, and thought no one was watching and no one would care.  This is how this pig society views women.  They wanted her to submit, but she did not back down.  We stand with our sister, and will continue to fight against all law enforcement, and slave-catchers for the empire.

We all have the right to film the police, and defend ourselves from this oppressive state, from Palestine, to Ferguson, to Cheran, to Los Angeles - we will fight to win.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Support Indigenous Life School


Indigenous Life School Planting Project & Cultural Exchange.

The Indigenous Life School is a family based Indigenous homeschooling program born out of the Native Youth Movement (NYM). It is a Land and Water based curriculum that differs in each Territory and season according to each Nation in which the schools exist.

One of the Secwepemc Life Schools is currently fundraising to do a cultural exchange and planting project with the Taino Life School, (Orocovis, Borike).
This cultural exchange will include the planting of over 20 types of Indigenous fruit trees to the Carribean jungle which has been getting choked out with the european couch grass, among many other invasive plant species. 

There is also the increasing threat of Monsantos GMO food on the island which is devastating the Indigenous plants and foods of Taino Territory.

The Indigenous Life Schools believe in cultural exchanges not just to share songs and dances, but to also share in the labor and help that other Life School projects need to help their Lands and Waters as well as the Indigenous people who depend on them.

There will also be workshops on Indigenous forms of traditional healing and networks established with local Indigenous health practitioners.

Our objective in theses cultural exchanges is to help each other build capacity and strength in re-building our Indigenous Nations.

Thank you for your help and support of Indigenous youth.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Call for Decolonial Teach-In and Gathering in Los Angeles

Call for Decolonial Teach-In and Gathering in Los Angeles

Date TBA

This is a call to communities in resistance in particular and those who dream of a better world in general.  We understand to get there we need vision, strategy, organization and to build alliances.  We are putting out this call to those communities building autonomy, and revolution. 

We are in a time in history where not only do we face many injustices in the communities where we live, but great potential for something much better.  We see rebellion in all forms in many communities across not only the united states, but all of Turtle Island.  We all want a better world!

We hope to not just organize another event or teach-in; we hope that we can build a network to begin with and strategic alliances as we fight this system of white-supremacy/capitalism/imperialism/colonialism/patriarchy, and towards common goals and vision.  

We also hope folks can learn from each other, common experience, so we can continue to advance towards a decolonized and free world. 

If what we are talking about is true decolonization and autonomy, something that is land based, the indigenous people from this continent and hemisphere have to be in the forefront of this struggle (from Alaska to Argentina), and the fight to free the land, water, air and ourselves of colonialism has to be supported across imperialist borders and all regions. 

In the coming weeks we will begin to fundraise for communities and collectives wishing to make it out from different regions, as well as to plan and organize for the gathering and teach-in. 
This event is not made for organizations to promote themselves but for communities fighting to build and strategize with each other. 

In struggle.

Members of CWLA, NYM…and others

Friday, November 21, 2014

My critique of the new Hunger Games film

I think you can divide the Hunger Games movie into two:

The bad-

It doesn't break away from the idea of bourgeois republican democracy,  and the need of vanguard party type/top-down leadership; also, the president of District 13 was a Hilary Clinton type. 

The good-

The idea that folks need to train and build skills, in secret until there is a need from the people and/or crisis (District 13's people's army and Katnis'/Jen Lawrence's hunting and survival skills) and how mass insurrection/direct action/sabotage can lead to civil war and aid in the revolutionary process. Also the need to build strategic alliances along the way.