

Seriously?! Nolan signed on to direct #Akira as a trilogy–does that force me to re-evaluate my opposition to the Hollywood live-action version?

Depends: does “being faithful to the original manga” include "not featuring an all-gringo cast?”


Seriously?! Nolan signed on to direct #Akira as a trilogy–does that force me to re-evaluate my opposition to the Hollywood live-action version?

Depends: does “being faithful to the original manga” include "not featuring an all-gringo cast?”

(Source: tonylee90)








More Ultrafacts (Source)

Ahahaha why a rock!?

They use the rock as a tool to crack open clams and sometimes they play with it for fun. P.S: Not just sea otters, but ALL otters do this :)

this is adorable

my heart

this day just keeps getting better.








More Ultrafacts (Source)

Ahahaha why a rock!?

They use the rock as a tool to crack open clams and sometimes they play with it for fun. P.S: Not just sea otters, but ALL otters do this :)

this is adorable

my heart

this day just keeps getting better.

(via literaryreference)


British racists are such deluded losers - I’ve seen so much comment about how all refugees everywhere want to come here and take all our stuff. Like these stupid Brits genuinely think this is the best place to be when its way crapper and more unequal than a lot of European countries. I hate this revolting “Britain is so great everyone wants to be here” superior attitude. No one wants to be here. It’s cold, it’s wet, we are internationally renowned for having shit food, our parks are shit, our government is shit, were surrounded by beaches that we can’t hang out on because of aforementioned shit weather, and summer lasts 3 fucking days, there’s UKIP members all over the place, no one can afford housing, everyone’s drunk, fucking pop up shops are everywhere, the cinema costs ten fucking pound, no one can get benefits, even when they’re entitled and they jump through the flaming hoops suspended across the laser wearing sharks, the suburbs are occupied by boring white people, who move house to get their kids into a school exactly the same as the fucking school round the corner because “it’s got a slightly better reputation and new toilets”, our education and health system is being ruined by capitalist bureaucrats who give zero fucks about people being educated or healthy and the entire country, including me, sits transfixed watching people cry over baked goods every fucking Wednesday.

They don’t want to fucking come here. They’re fleeing a fucking war. Fucks sake.


why can’t it be both

This is my story and I’m sticking to it.


why can’t it be both

This is my story and I’m sticking to it.

(Source: colorful-detournement)


“When the Justice Department arrested the chairman of Temple University’s
 physics department this spring and accused him of sharing sensitive 
American-made technology with China, prosecutors had what seemed like a 
damning piece of evidence: schematics of sophisticated laboratory 
equipment sent by the professor, Xi Xiaoxing, to scientists in China.The
 schematics, prosecutors said, revealed the design of a device known as a
 pocket heater. The equipment is used in semiconductor research, and Dr.
 Xi had signed an agreement promising to keep its design a secret.But
 months later, long after federal agents had led Dr. Xi away in 
handcuffs, independent experts discovered something wrong with the 
evidence at the heart of the Justice Department’s case: The blueprints 
were not for a pocket heater.Faced
 with sworn statements from leading scientists, including an inventor of
 the pocket heater, the Justice Department on Friday afternoon dropped 
all charges against Dr. Xi, an American citizen.”For more, see Matt Apuzzo, “U.S. Drops Charges That Professor Shared Technology with China,” The New York Times (11 Sept 2015)Image: Mark Makela / The New York Times        


“When the Justice Department arrested the chairman of Temple University’s physics department this spring and accused him of sharing sensitive American-made technology with China, prosecutors had what seemed like a damning piece of evidence: schematics of sophisticated laboratory equipment sent by the professor, Xi Xiaoxing, to scientists in China.The schematics, prosecutors said, revealed the design of a device known as a pocket heater. The equipment is used in semiconductor research, and Dr. Xi had signed an agreement promising to keep its design a secret.

But months later, long after federal agents had led Dr. Xi away in handcuffs, independent experts discovered something wrong with the evidence at the heart of the Justice Department’s case: The blueprints were not for a pocket heater.

Faced with sworn statements from leading scientists, including an inventor of the pocket heater, the Justice Department on Friday afternoon dropped all charges against Dr. Xi, an American citizen.”

For more, see Matt Apuzzo, “U.S. Drops Charges That Professor Shared Technology with China,” The New York Times (11 Sept 2015)

Image: Mark Makela / The New York Times        

No new characters


The Abbey Theatre is offering a ‘prize’ of £100 for a new play, I believe. Apart from the objection that the proper typing of a full-length play would cost nearly that, it means more priests, kitchens, farmers’ wills, a dispute over land and a murder, perhaps. The prize should be at least £500, but subject to the condition that no new character may be used. The best characters have already been established by the masters, so why try to better them? New activities may, of course, be ascribed to them, but they must be activities-in-character: thus, a play which includes Iago and which causes him, before the end, to become a Carthusian monk would be summarily rejected.

I cannot see why a skilful writer could not combine, in one new play, the best characters in Shakespeare and Euripides. Could not Macbeth be married to Medea, for instance? Could one not, by an inspired misprint, make Hecuba queen of Tory, not of Troy, and substitute Finn MacCool for, perhaps, Agamemnon?

Myles na Gopaleen, from ‘Dramatis Personae’, in Hair of the Dogma (1977). A nice glimpse at some of the thinking behind At Swim-Two-Birds, written under another of Brian O’Nolan’s pseudonyms: Flann O’Brien.


happy first day of school

too close


happy first day of school

too close

(Source: comicbookcovers)