Anti-IR rally 15 November

These photos were originally posted in three groups to Melbourne Indymedia as part of that site’s extensive coverage of the event (accessible in part at formerly posted on the website of Trades Hall Council is unfortunately no longer available.

Federation Square before the start

Federation Square before the start

ASU placard outside St Paul's

Do I make myself clear? – ASU placard outside St Paul’s

Staff from Slater & Gordon

Staff from Slater & Gordon

FairWear outside the Town Hall.

FairWear outside the Town Hall. Outworkers are set to be among the hardest hit by the removal of what protections they have

Sharan Burrow on large tv screen

Sharan Burrow. Supplementary screens were set up along the route for those unable to get as far as the Square to watch the hook-up. “We must not be the first generation of Australians to leave our children with less rights than we inherited, and we won’t be.”

Banner of Women's Health West.

Women’s Health West. Also waiting outside the Town Hall

Banner of State Indigenous Employees

State Indigenous Employees

Teachers with banner of Fairfield Primary School

Fairfield Primary School. One of scores of schools represented, making their way down Swanston Street for the start of the march

ALS banner under No Right Turn sign

Australian Labor Students … wonder if they chose the spot on purpose?

Australian Labor Students with banner

Same again, further up Swanston Street

HSU marchers

Health Services Union, marching down Swanston Street to join the rally in a great show of force, led by a piper and drum

AMWU contingent

Followed a little later by the AMWU, who arrived via Lonsdale Street before turning down Swanston Street in numbers that would have made a very respectable march just by themselves

Start of the march

Start of the march

Group 2 – some from Swanston street, mostly in LaTrobe – starting with a familar figure:

Martin Kingham and others on the march

Martin Kingham and others on the march

Vehicle workers.

Vehicle workers. The AMWU and especially the vehicle workers and Qantas maintenance workers were a major presence

MUA banner

The MUA, definitely here to stay

Firefighters Union banner

A large contingent of firefighters as always, with their familiar splendid banner

NZ bank workers' banner

New Zealand bank workers. A message of solidarity with Australian comrades

Banner of Victorian Psychologists Association

Victorian Psychologists Association

School. CPA and union banners

Princes Hill Secondary College, closely followed by the CPA. There was no counting the number of schools represented, and the total number of staff present must have run into thousands

Placard with details of Job Watch

Job Watch

Placard- Who do you trust? Nurses or politicians?

Nurses or politicians? Not hard to answer

Banner - Slave Generation

The prospect for the upcoming generation

Banner - simpler, fairer system - excluding politicians etc

One possible solution?

Group 3 – more pics taken on LaTrobe Street during the march – starting with ‘someone’ waiting on the corner
Snuff puppet with axe :

'John Vader' puppet

Placard attacking Howard
Man with 'bowl of rice' on head and anti-Howard placard

Placard - Greek community says OXI ...

A protest from the Greek community

More anti-Howard placards

Probably treasonable?

Placard promising a fight

Modified broadsheet flyer - Howard Stinks...

Placard - See Johnny 'Jump the Shark'

Portait of Howard with added horns  etc, captioned 'John Coward'

Poster - I'f rather be jailed for sedition and accept Howard's sedation ...

This poster appeared at various spots on the route