Hiroshima Day – 6 August

Stand up against war and for a nuclear-free future

Melbourne’s 2006 commemoration of the first use of an atomic bomb in war was partly overshadowed by continuing protests over Israel’s attacks on Lebanon and Gaza, but news of the delivery of US ‘bunker buster’ bombs tipped with depleted uranium provided an obvious link, if any was needed. So banners and placards condemning nuclear madness, proposals to extend the uranium industry’s reach in Australia, and in favour of clean, renewable energy sources, were joined by the Lebanese and Palestine flags and other banners that have been seen in Melbourne streets over the last few weeks. And the final gathering outside Parliament House saw the Israeli flag once again go up in flames. Some of the speeches, too, were perhaps rather more strongly worded than in the past. Other events on the day included “It’s all about power … Forum on a Nuclear Future” hosted by The Victorian Council of Christian Education and the Melbourne Anglican Diocese Environment & Social Responsibilities Committees, and a concert “Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Peace Concert 2006” presented by Japanese for Peace (www.jfp.org.au) at St Michael’s Church.

Banner at State Library - Stop the nuclear madness...

The next few photos were taken at the State Library before and during the rally and generally require no explanation:

Starting off, turning into LaTrobe Street. The next group of photos are from various points on the march:
Lebanese flags etc at head of march

Remaining photos taken outside Parliament House: