Donald Trump (Michael Vadon)

The open sore of a sick American political system

Only in the warped world of U.S. politics could a real-estate billionaire pretend to represent working people against the Washington status quo.

Reaching a wrong conclusion

Learning the lessons of SYRIZA requires analyzing the concrete conditions in Greece and how they differ from those in the U.S.

Surrender, peace or neither?

The anti-Iran hardliners are denouncing the Obama administration's nuclear agreement, but that doesn't make it a victory for peace.

What drives the refugee crisis?

While the West constructs fortresses to keep out refugees, imperialism creates the conditions for massive human displacement.

Mizzou workers need fair pay

The opulent salaries of Mizzou administrators are matched only by their disregard for the grad workers that make the school function.

Is Black Mass the whole story?

The movie Black Mass is a gripping portrayal of crime boss "Whitey" Bulger, but it leaves out something important: racism.

Find out about the activities of the International Socialist Organization
Marx Matters: A collection of SW articles on the Marxist tradition
International Socialist Review |

The latest issue of the ISR is out, featuring Manuel Gari on "Spain's Podemos: A New Left Rising?" For that and more articles on socialist theory and practice, go to the International Socialist Review website.

Pressure to fire a killer cop

Family members of Chicago police murder victim Rekia Boyd were joined by several hundred supporters for a #SayHerName rally.

Exploiting a "crime wave"

LAPD officer arresting young Latino men (Chris Yarzab)

The New York Times sounded the alarm about a "startling rise in murders"--and by sheer coincidence, it shifted the spotlight off the killer cops.

Why Trump got red in the face

The artist whose portrait of Donald Trump went viral explains why she thinks the painting struck an international nerve.

The market's anarcho-madness

There are few better examples of the waste built into capitalism than the periodic stock market crashes like the one in mid-August.

Andrew Cuomo sees the light

What's behind the spectacular conversion of New York's governor into a supporter of a $15-an-hour minimum wage?

A vote to invest in violence

After a challenge from the movement to divest from Israel, the Minnesota pension board voted to disregard human rights.

The fight for Dyett will go on

Education justice activists in Chicago have called an end to their hunger strike, but they are vowing to continue the fight.

Building a clock while Muslim

A 14-year-old boy who wanted to show his teacher an engineering project has become the latest symbol of Islamophobia.

A legal victory against charters

A leading education advocate explains the significance of a Washington state ruling against charter schools getting public funds.

The meaning of our strike

A leading union and education justice activist considers the successes and shortcomings of the five-day educators strike in Seattle.

Fighting for what they deserve

A tentative agreement to end the strike of 5,000 Seattle educators contains important gains--but union activists say the deal isn't good enough.

On strike for student health

Two school nurses on strike at Seattle Public Schools talk about the district's systematic disregard for student health care.

We stand with Seattle teachers

Seattle educators walk the picket line (Seattle Education Association)

Educators across the country are signing a statement of solidarity with striking members of the Seattle Education Association.

East Harlem needs housing

The homeless and their advocates held a protest against police abuse and New York City's lack of affordable housing.

NYC stands with the refugees

New Yorkers joined protesters around the world in solidarity with Syrian refugees--and put a spotlight on their government.

Take the bucks from the banks

Budget cuts that target Chicago schools but leave bankers' profits intact have sparked renewed protests against Rahm Emanuel.

Still dreaming after 15 years

A new book about DREAM activists shows the power and problems of one of the most vibrant protest movements in recent years.

What's next after the election?

Greek socialists respond to the outcome of the September 20 elections and explain the tasks for the left ahead in the struggle against austerity.

The left's new challenge

A leading Greek socialist explains how the new alliance Popular Unity was formed to confront the betrayals of Alexis Tsipras' SYRIZA government.

Keeping the flame of resistance

The elections in Greece come at a critical turning point: the end of one political period and the beginning of another.

Europe's war on war refugees

As the refugee crisis in Europe grows more dire, one government after another is using violence and repression to send the message: Keep out.

America's favored dictatorship

Saudi Arabia has launched a barbaric war on Yemen, among other crimes, but its rulers are still hailed as friends of the West.

A "no entry" sign for refugees

Desperate people seeking safety for their families will press up against the barriers that European governments have erected.

Impasse in Ecuador

Left and indigenous forces in Ecuador are trying to build an alternative to both President Rafael Correa and the right.

The meaning of Corbyn's win

Jeremy Corbyn arrives at a refugee rights rally after his victory in the Labour Party leadership vote

In a repudiation of those who engineered its rightward shift, the Labour Party has elected the most left-wing leader in its history.

The RISE of the Scottish left

One of the leading voices in a new party formation in Scotland explains the background and the politics of its launch.

Why is Europe building walls?

Europe faces its worst refugee crisis since the Second World War, but political leaders are sending a message that will make things worse: Keep out.

Where do socialists belong?

There is an ongoing discussion on the left assessing the experience of revolutionaries who have taken part in broad left formations.

Why you should get organized

Despite being written off, socialism is in the air these days. That’s a start, but we need to build the political forces that can make it a real alternative.

We win by fighting together

A Black Lives Matter activist talks about how and why he spearheaded a historic statement of Black solidarity with Palestine.

The indispensable Trotsky

Leon Trotsky's 45-year political career spans some of the most inspiring and terrifying moments in human history.

Vanguard of the '60s revolt

The director of a new documentary about the Black Panthers explains why the history is relevant for a new generation of fighters.

The measure of a revolutionary

There's a tendency among defenders of the status quo to turn great historical figures like Eugene Debs into harmless icons.

No puedes luchar solo

A pesar de haber sido declarado muerto, el socialismo sigue latente. Para hacerlo una realidad necesitamos fuerzas políticas que aún debemos construir.

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