Palestinian Teen Killed By Israeli Army Fire Near Jenin

Israeli soldiers shot and killed, earlier Saturday, a Palestinian teenager in the al-Jalama Israeli military roadblock, north of Jenin, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

Photo By Fars News Agency
Photo By Fars News Agency

Eyewitnesses said the soldiers fired several rounds of live ammunition on the child, inflicting several serious gunshot injuries, causing him to die of his wounds later.

The Red Crescent Society in Jenin said the soldiers prevented its medics from reaching the seriously wounded teen, and left him to bleed, before dragging his body behind the main gate of the military terminal.

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Young Palestinian Man Killed By Israeli Army Fire In Hebron

Palestinian medical sources in Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, have reported that a young man was shot and killed by Israeli army fire, near the Ibrahimi Mosque, south of the city. The army claimed the Palestinian attacked a soldier, mildly wounding him.


The sources said the slain Palestinian has been identified as Mahdi Mohammad Ramadan al-Mohtasib, 23 years of age.

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Palestinian voice speaks out: Twenty war crimes in a month by Israeli soldiers against Palestinians

25th October 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Hamza Khalil Abu Eltarabish | Gaza Strip, occupied Palestine

Hamza Khalil Abu Eltarabish is a freelance journalist who graduated from the Islamic University of Gaza


The young Palestinian man Fadi Alon performs the dawn prayers in his home in the west of Jerusalem and browses his Facebook and other social media, until he falls hungry. He heads then to get some fresh Palestinian cakes for breakfast.

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Francesco Ruggiero in 12th International Conference on the Palestinian Diaspora

Author: Francesco Ruggiero|Date: September 2015


During the month of August 2015 I attended Diyar’s 12th International Conference on the Palestinian Diaspora that was held in Bethlehem, Palestine.  It was a four-day event and there was the opportunity to meet many individuals, many of them Palestinians.  For more information on Diyar, go to the website

Among the presenters was Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh who spoke about Arab-American activism for Palestine (Qumsiyeh directs a museum of natural history and its website is; Ms. Kholoud Khoury presented information about Arab and Middle Eastern Lutherans and the Disapora; Ms. Hadeel Fawadleh, who did some of her research in the San Francisco Bay Area spoke about the identity of Palestinian Christians in the US; Dr. Mahmoud Issa (his website ) spoke about Religion and Memory’s Character, Function and Role in Identity Construction among descendants of dispossessed “Lubyans” in Denmark (a case study); and Professor Manzar Foroohar, who is originally from Iran, presented information about Palestinians in Central America obtained from her many travels to Honduras and other neighboring countries.  At the conference, I also met Maha Saca who has a museum of Palestinian heritage in Bethlehem (The Palestinian Heritage Center).  That center’s website is

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THIS SUNDAY: The Bullet, the Ballot, and the Boycott: Racism in Israel Today, with David Sheen

PLEASE NOTE:  Cheryl Davila, who was removed from the Berkeley Human Welfare and Community Action Commission (HWCAC) for refusing to withdraw a BDS resolution, will update us at David Sheen’s Oct. 25 event (see below) on the latest developments following a meeting meeting on Wednesday October 21st at 7pm at the South Berkeley Senior Center.

Sheen tour photo

David Sheen is an independent journalist and filmmaker from Toronto, Canada, who now lives in Israel. Sheen has worked as a reporter and editor at the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. His documentary on ecological architecture, First Earth, was translated into a dozen languages and published by PM Press in 2010. Sheen gave a TEDx talk on the topic of the film in Johannesburg, South Africa later that year. He is writing a book about African immigrants to Israel and the struggles they face (more at

When:   Sun., Oct. 25, 2:00 PM

Where:    Uptown Body & Fender, 401 26th St, Oakland

Donation:   $10 suggested, no one refused for lack of funds

Sponsors:   ISM-NorCal, Jewish Voice for Peace-Bay Area

More info:, (510) 236-4250

– endorsers welcome to table; call (510) 828-2833 –

Funeral for yet another martyr in Gaza

23rd October 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza team | Gaza Strip, occupied Palestine

Thousands of persons attended the funeral of Ahmad Serhe, 27 years old, in Deir El Balah on 21st October 2015. He was killed the day before in Bureij by an Israeli sniper.

Funeral procession

Funeral procession

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Shoot First Don’t ask Questions Later

International Solidarity Movement | West Bank, occupied Palestine

A video posted on October 12th by Shehab news agency described as an attack on a Palestinian girl from Haifa in her twenties for allegedly trying to assault a taxi driver in Tel Aviv after an argument between them. The video shows a woman pinned to the ground by a man as passers-by argue about whether or not to beat and kill her. One woman claims she saw the woman had a knife and screams “Why are you playing around. They are coming to kill our children!” and demands her execution. Another bystander asks the man “Did she come at you with a knife?” and he replies “She put her hand in her pocket.” Yet Another kicks her in the head. Sharon Puwler from Haaretz Daily reported on 20th October 2015 that the woman did not carry any weapon.

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Further information about the David Sheen events in California, October 21-29

Cheryl Davila, who was removed from the Berkeley Human Welfare and Community Action Commission (HWCAC) for refusing to withdraw a BDS resolution, will update us at David Sheen’s Oct. 25 event (see below) on the latest developments following a meeting meeting on Wednesday October 21st at 7pm at the South Berkeley Senior Center to show solidarity with Cheryl and to discuss tactics and strategies.  We urge everyone to attend both events.

The International Solidarity Movement in Northern California and

Jewish Voice for Peace – Bay Area present

The Bullet, the Ballot, and the Boycott

Racism in Israel Today, with David Sheen

Oct. 25, 2015 in Oakland

Sheen tour photo

David Sheen is an independent journalist and filmmaker from Toronto, Canada, who now lives in Israel.  Sheen has been a reporter and editor at the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.  His documentary on ecological architecture, First Earth, was translated into a dozen languages and published by PM Press in 2010.  Sheen gave a TEDx talk on the topic of the film in Johannesburg, South Africa later that year.  He is writing a book about immigrants to Israel and the struggles they face (more at

When:         Sun., Oct. 25, 2:00 PM

Where:        Uptown Body & Fender, 401 26th St, Oakland

Donation:   $10 suggested, no one refused for lack of funds

Sponsors:   ISM-NorCal, Jewish Voice for Peace-Bay Area

More info:   (510) 236-4250

– endorsers welcome to table; call (510) 828-2833 –

Other David Sheen presentations in California:




Sponsored by

More info

Wed., Oct. 21


100 Sweeney Hall, San Jose State University

SJSU Students for Justice in Palestine

Thu., Oct. 22


Rm. A1, Hearst Annex, UC Berkeley

Zaytuna University

Wed., Oct. 28


Humanities Auditorium, Scripps Campus, Claremont, CA

Pitzer College Students for Justice in Palestine

Thu., Oct. 29


The Markaz, 5998 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles

The Markaz & JVP-LA 310.657.5511

$10 entry

California tour organized by ISM-Northern California

Israeli forces encroaching on every-day live in occupied Jerusalem

16th October 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | al-Quds (Jerusalem), occupied Palestine

The Old City of al-Quds (Jerusalem) in the last few weeks has witnessed an explosion of Israeli forces’ presence, supposedly for ‘security reasons’. But having a closer look at – or just opening your eyes for – the multitude of restrictions, hindrances and fears aroused by this, proves that all of this has nothing to do with ‘security’ – but everything with instilling fear in the Palestinians still resisting the manifold ways the Israeli forces are trying to expel them not only from the Old City of Jerusalem, but all of Jerusalem in general.

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Escalating tear-gas deployment against school children in Hebron


Monday morning, October 12th, 2015 Israeli forces pummeled Palestinian children going to school near Salimeh & Queitun checkpoints in Hebron with a total of 19 rounds of tear-gas and one stun grenade fired. The onslaught began at 7:41 am when a crowd of children could be heard playing noisily in the street near several primary schools. Suddenly their laughter turned to screams and the sound of running and gunfire as the first canisters were shot and could be seen flying over the crowd with their white streams of gas. The children scattered, many towards an adjacent street near Queitun checkpoint, where they milled around or walked back and forth, joking with each other in between being attacked with a total of 14 more canisters on that side and 3 more on the side where the first shot was fired. Israeli forces went so far as to fire at least one shot directly into an enclosed school yard where two children, ages 11 and 14, were injured to the point of requiring treatment by ambulance. Teachers and school administrators on the scene report that this is a near-daily occurrence, which is echoed by the number of children who exhibited the normal physical symptoms of exposure to tear-gas, but appeared undeterred from their daily business as though hardened soldiers. Of course they are not soldiers at all, but mostly pubescent and pre-pubescent children who are being displaced from any normal sense of peace and from their natural role as students by constant threats to their lives and safety. For these Palestinian youths, childhood is another of many precious things being stolen, occupied, or destroyed by Israeli Forces and the Zionist government.

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