Christine Jeffs (born 1963) is a New Zealand-born film director known for directing the British motion picture Sylvia, starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Daniel Craig, and the American independent film Sunshine Cleaning (2009), with Amy Adams and Emily Blunt.
Jeffs is the director and screenwriter of the New Zealand film Rain (2001).
Jeffs lives in Auckland with her partner John Toon, cinematographer of Sunshine Cleaning and her other films.
Training for swimming the Butterfly stroke, 1980's - Film 17693
Freestyle Swimming Technique | Stroke
Swimming Strokes - And How They Evolved (1933)
How To Do Butterfly Stroke For Beginners
Pt. 3 Strokes for Gold: American Swimming in the 1970s
Paddle vs. Propeller: Which Olympic Swimming Stroke is Superior?
How To Do Breast Stroke Swimming
How To Perform Front Crawl For Beginners
Sun Yang Front Crawl Technique (Under Water & Slow Motion)
How to Swim Faster Freestyle: A study of the freestyle stroke
All Strokes - Starts
How To Do The Breaststroke
How To Perform Backstroke For Beginners
How To Learn Swimming
Larceny, lust and lethal behavior. In icebound Wichita, Kansas, it's Christmas Eve, and this year Charlie Arglist just might have something to celebrate. Charlie, an attorney for the sleazy businesses of Wichita, and his unsavory associate, the steely Vic Cavanaugh have just successfully embezzled $2 million from Kansas City boss Bill Guerrard. But the real prize for Charlie is the stunning Renata, who runs the Sweet Cage strip club. Charlie hopes to slip out of town with Renata. But as daylight fades and an ice storm whirls, everyone from Charlie's drinking buddy Pete Van Heuten to the local police begin to wonder just what exactly is in Charlie's Christmas stocking - and the 12 hours of Christmas Eve are filled with surprises.
Keywords: attempted-murder, bag-of-money, bank, bar, bare-breasts, bare-breasts, bartender, based-on-novel, betrayal, black-comedy
Thick Thieves. Thin Ice.
'Twas the night before Christmas...
Charlie Arglist: As Wichita falls... so falls Wichita Falls.
Vic: He actually threatened to shoot Gladys if I did't tell him where the money was. But I think he was counting on a level of commitment and affection between her and me that just simply wasn't there.
Vic: Don't you want to know where the money is?
Vic: Don't be so worried. The hard part's done already. Everything worked just like you said it would.::Charlie Arglist: Yeah. I guess.::Vic: Just act normal for a few hours and we're home free. OK?::Charlie Arglist: OK.::Vic: OK.::Charlie Arglist: Uh, you wanna take the money and not me?::Vic: You wanna take the money?::Charlie Arglist: No, I-I-I don't know. I was just...::Vic: Well, if you wanna take the money... I mean, if you think you could do a better job at guarding two-million dollars...::Charlie Arglist: No, no, no. It should be you. It should be you. It's just that we didn't discuss that.::Vic: Are we through discussing it? Or is there more to say on the subject?::Charlie Arglist: No. We're done.::Vic: Cool. OK. Shut the door.::Charlie Arglist: OK.::Vic: And Charlie? Act normal.::Charlie Arglist: Yeah.
Vic: Well? How'd it go?::Charlie Arglist: Good. Went good.::Vic: How much?::Charlie Arglist: A lot.::Vic: Am I gonna have to slap the shit outta you? How much?::Charlie Arglist: Vic, it's a great, big, fuckin' pile of money: two-million - one-hundred - forty-seven-thousand dollars and change. My God, we're actually doing this.::Vic: No, we're not doing it. It's already done.
Pete Van Heuten: [standing outside his home where his wife's family is waiting to have Christmas dinner] That's my chair in there. You wanna know the truth? I can't fill it.::Charlie Arglist: Neither could I, if it makes you feel any better.::Pete Van Heuten: Listen, Charlie. Before we go in, there's something I have to tell you. It's been on my conscience, and you can punch me if you want to.::Charlie Arglist: I don't think I'm gonna want to.::Pete Van Heuten: Back when you and Sarabeth were still married, that last year... she and I were fucking.::Charlie Arglist: [not surprised] No kidding?::Pete Van Heuten: Like minks. Everywhere. Kitchen table, your bed, garage.::Charlie Arglist: Wow.::Pete Van Heuten: Jesus, Charlie, we were friends! It doesn't make you angry?::Charlie Arglist: Actually, it makes me curious. It makes me wonder who she's fucking now.
Renata: [answers phone] Hello?::Charlie Arglist: Renata?::Renata: Charlie.::Charlie Arglist: Listen. You were right. Vic and I have been skimming.::Renata: Well, duh!::Charlie Arglist: I think Roy Gelles must have found out, and I think he might have killed Vic.::Renata: That's terrible!::Charlie Arglist: So I was thinking it might be best if I left town, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me.::Renata: You have the money?::Charlie Arglist: What? Which?::Renata: The money we're talking about. That you and Vic have been skimming. Try to keep up, OK?::Charlie Arglist: No. Vic had it.::Renata: So, your idea is that we should run away together and be poor?::Charlie Arglist: I thought I'd give it a shot.
Vic: Pay no attention to the man in the trunk.
Pete Van Heuten: [waking up in back of Charlie's car] Ugh... Where are we?::Charlie Arglist: We're in heaven, Pete.::Pete Van Heuten: Oh... They got pancakes?::Charlie Arglist: They got everything.::Pete Van Heuten: Good.
Charlie Arglist: It's Christmas! Everyone's nice on Christmas!::Vic Cavanaugh: Only morons are nice on Christmas.
A Korean man seeks fame and fortune in 1930s America when he enters an all-comers martial arts competition despite the opposition of the Mob, his father and several imposing opponents.
Keywords: 1930s, action-hero, bare-chested-male, bare-chested-male-bondage, beefcake-martial-arts, brawl, chicago-illinois, chop-socky, combat, disarming-someone
A Martial Arts fight to the finish. Filmed in America by the producers of 'Enter the Dragon'.
Training for swimming the Butterfly stroke, 1980's - Film 17693
Freestyle Swimming Technique | Stroke
Swimming Strokes - And How They Evolved (1933)
How To Do Butterfly Stroke For Beginners
Pt. 3 Strokes for Gold: American Swimming in the 1970s
Paddle vs. Propeller: Which Olympic Swimming Stroke is Superior?
How To Do Breast Stroke Swimming
How To Perform Front Crawl For Beginners
Sun Yang Front Crawl Technique (Under Water & Slow Motion)
How to Swim Faster Freestyle: A study of the freestyle stroke
All Strokes - Starts
How To Do The Breaststroke
How To Perform Backstroke For Beginners
How To Learn Swimming
Breast stroke animation
Freestyle/Backstroke Stroke Instruction (swim technique lesson)
Butterfly Swimming Technique - How to swim butterfly
Jessica Hardy | Breaststroke Stroke - Swim Technique
Triathlon Open water swimming- how to use drills to improve technique
Swim workout using the Speedo Biofuse Power Paddles
Open Water Swimming Tips and Techniques: Stroke Mechanics for rough water swimming
How to Swim : How to Swim the Freestyle Stroke
Dave Scott And Paul Newsome On Swimming Stroke Technique
Strong Roots - Christine Jeffs
Free From All Encumbrances -- Christine Jeffs
A Calculated Decision - Christine Jeffs 18/08/13 AM at The International Church Mansfield
True or False? - Christine Jeffs
Sylvia - Película completa traducida al español.
UK Movie 2003 Sylvia Full Movie Biography, Drama, Romance Movie YouTube 360p
Stringer's End - Ep. 6: The Hammer
Stringer's End - Ep. 8: River Of Ice
Stringer's End - Ep. 10: Will All
Sunshine Cleaning (2008) Full Movie English - (Amy Adams, Emily Blunt, Alan Arkin) Movie HD 1080p
Christine Marie, Polygamy. Escaping a Prophet part two
Christine Marie. Polygamy, Escaping a Prophet part one
God Is - David Jeffs
The Blessing of the Life of Faith - Stephen Jeffs
WATCHIN YOU' - Episode 13 - "Asylum!!!"
WATCHIN' YOU - Episode 5 - "Music from The Elder"
Watchin' You - Episode 23 - No Topics No Edits - and a rare East Coast KISS Tribute Jam Session!
The Five Awesome Guys Show (3) - Ed Koch, Boy Scouts, 30 Rock, Super Bowl & more!
Big Brother - Live Chat: Jordan Lloyd
Jeff's Interview with Frankie
Yearning for Zion Ranch as a Case for Protecting Children, State Power and Individual Rights
How To Be Happy - Ruth Haynes
Living in Polygamy society - Inrural Districts in Iran
Sunshine Cleaning Movie Premiere at The Grove
Master Chef Christine Corley Radio Interview
The Liquidator - Jeff hires Christine
Sylvia | Part 1
Sylvia | Part 11
Big Brother 16 - Christine Brecht Gets Booed On Eviction Night
Jeff's Exit Interview
Christine Dupree, "Hollywood Exclusive" Interview
Big Brother 13 - Jeff Extended Eviction Interview
Joanne Whalley interviewed on THE WORD 1991
Audrey Middleton BB17 Interview with Jeff
Nicole and Jeff talk about Big Brother Clips
Sundance 2008 Red Carpet Day 2
Trailer: The New Twenty (NR) - In theaters: May 15, 2009
Nicole Franzel Big Brother 16 Cast Interview #bb16 | Reality Relapse
Porcaro Brothers Documentary (2015) - Toto - Steve Duddy Interview
Jeff Bliss Official Interview In Duncanville
Big Brother - Meet Cody
Rain Trailer
Jeff Loomis ~ Tragedy and Harmony
What Is A Stroke? - Narration and Animation by Cal Shipley, M.D.
Stroke Syndromes - CRASH! USMLE Step 2 and 3
Jill Bolte Taylor's stroke of insight
Reverse Stroke | Amazing New Stroke Cure
Stroke Signs, Symptoms Treatment | Dr. Reza Jahan - UCLA Health System
Stroke/TIA - CRASH! USMLE Step 2 and 3
2 Stroke Port Mapping
Man Stroke Woman - Man Stroke Woman | Series 1 | Episode 2
Stroke 9 - Nasty Little Thoughts (Full Album)
How To Install 80cc 2-Stroke Bicycle Engine Kit FULL DVD 66cc 48cc 50cc
D.S.A. | Ep. 20 - KX 125 2-Stroke Edition, Grilling My Ass cheek Story, And WR250F Dual Cam Action
Innovations in the Treatment of Stroke - Health Matters
Stroke Diagnosis and Rapid Treatment: Time is of the Essence
The Fugitive S03E20 Stroke of Genius HD 720p Full Episode
After Effects Tutorial: Intro with Trapcode 3D Stroke (english)
Stroke 9 - Rip It Off (Full Album)
NIH Stroke Scale Training - Part 2 - Basic Instruction
One Stroke Rose on a mirror.
Step by Step One Stroke Calla Callas - Primadonna - Carmen Gulino
Vitrolic a Stroke - Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean Music Extended
Erika Kovacs - zdobienia One Stroke
illegal Motorcycle Country Road Street Racing. Two Stroke, GoPro Full HD 2014
Step by Step: Using One Stroke Brushes
Stroke blog day 161
How to quick setting for stroke
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius Full Movie
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius Full Movie
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius [ 2004 ] Full Movie
Life After Stroke
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius [Full] Movie HD [English]
MAKITA BHX2501 4-Stroke Petrol Blower + Vacuum Set
FoxHunter Heavy Duty 4 Stroke 5.5HP Petrol Compactor
AK Farms MX | 125 2-Stroke Moto 1 | 8/16/15
AK Farms MX | 125 2-Stroke Moto 2 | 8/16/15
Makita RST210 21cc 2 Stroke Petrol Line Strimmer
McCulloch Garden Vac, Petrol Briggs & Stratton 4 Stroke
Brush Stroke (Paint) Logo Intro
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius (2004) fullmovie
Heat Stroke Finals
kolinsky Acrylic nail art brush stroke for ma
Obat Stroke Herbal NASA | Jual Obat Stroke | 08170429050(XL)
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius (2004) Full HD movie
珍珠鼓基础教学3 Single Stroke 7 Grant Collins演示—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看
A stroke of luck
smash some keys randomly
normality, insanity
sum it up
empty landscapes deceive
scratch the soil and you'll see
a rotting past never meant to be
rise in a world of dust
in the wind you die
walls are crumbling, close your eyes
write a message on the wall
a memory left in stone
acidic tasting rain, wash it all away
suicidal genocide, geocide
green, flickering...
it's a green world
rise in a world of dust
in the wind you die
walls are crumbling, close your eyes
naked in the streets
shard of genetic debris
wash it all away
shard, genetic debris
wash it all away
rise in a world of dust
in the wind you die