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The Bill of Rights Sentinel, JULY 2015. Get your e-copy  HERE 

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Group Claims Armed Citizens Have Killed
More Americans than All Wars Combined
alerts2015 / alert20150927.htm

September 27th 2015

Group Claims Armed Citizens Have Killed
More Americans than All Wars Combined


Almost as a follow-up to our last alert, with Gabby Gifford's group making its own false and convenient interpretation of the Pope's speech to congress. Now, we find out more deception, with innacurate statements regarding comparisons about gun deaths.

By AWR Hawkins. 26th September, 2015

On September 21 Americans for Responsible Solutions -- the gun control group founded by Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly -- tweeted numbers from the Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAP) claiming armed citizens in America have killed more people since 1989 than all wars since 1776 combined.

The tweet contains a meme which says, "The number of deaths from gun violence just since Reagan's presidency is higher than the number of soldiers killed in combat in all of U.S. history."

Regardless of any accuracy or not with CAP's own figures, they are dwarfed by some real totals, very conveniently ignored...... -->

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Recent JPFO Alert, 1 of 3 … September 25th 2015 – (hover cursor to pause)

Pope Scolds Congress for Gun and Weapons Sales: Actually having a go at global arms sales but guess what - Giffords decides to use that as an excuse to push her own agenda at home.

Recent JPFO Alert, 2 of 3 … September 24th 2015 – (hover cursor to pause)

Last gun shop in San Francisco confirms closure due to new law: Regulation by stealth? No - total registration. The result of a despicable ordinance. The 2A haters will try anything and everything.

Recent JPFO Alert, 3 of 3 … September 23rd 2015 – (hover cursor to pause)

NH Gun Control Advocate: Cars Good, Guns Bad: In a letter to the editor in new Hampshire's, Anthony McManus compares motor vehicle deaths and those associated with guns.

The JPFO Alerts Index Page … Alerts page 2015 – (hover cursor to pause)

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