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September 25, 2015
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Evan Vucci / AP

Pope Francis: He Told Them!

The visiting pontiff presents a moral energy that has been largely absent in our political discourse. In light of his comments, much of what we have heard in the presidential campaign now seems tawdry and small.


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Richard Drew / AP

The Black Drag Queens Who Fought Before Stonewall

Roland Emmerich’s new film has rightly been criticized for revising and whitewashing the history of the Christopher Street riots. What many of us fail to realize is that the Greenwich Village uprising was not the first chapter in the story of LGBT rights: Courageous rebels of color were fighting for their liberation long before June 28, 1969.
Rahmat Gul / AP

Murder, Mayhem and Rape in Afghanistan: Made in the U.S.A.

Central to our policy in Afghanistan—a country ravaged and warped by the longest war the U.S. has ever waged—is keeping the warlords as our friends. Americans are ordered to look the other way when these drug-dealing criminals sexually abuse small boys.
A/V Booth

In a speech titled “On Power and Ideology” delivered at The New School for Social Research in Manhattan on Saturday, world-renowned political dissident Noam Chomsky discussed the persistent notion of U.S. exceptionalism, Republican efforts to torpedo the Iran nuclear deal, and the normalization of U.S.-Cuba relations.

Saudi Arabia has been accused of human rights abuses for decades, from suppressing dissent to beheading people for minor crimes. So why has it been appointed to head a U.N. human rights panel?

Dalai Lama’s ‘Sexist’ Remarks Anger Equality Activists

The spiritual leader said in a BBC interview that a female dalai lama would have to be “very, very attractive” or be “not much use.”

FIFA Chief Sepp Blatter Faces Criminal Investigation in Switzerland

The president of the international soccer governing body is being investigated for “suspicion of criminal mismanagement and suspicion of misappropriation” of funds, Switzerland’s office of the attorney general announced Friday. The criminal case against him is another key development in a series of investigations that began in May with the arrest of 14 top soccer and marketing officials as they gathered for FIFA’s annual congress.

VIDEO: Chris Hedges on Pope Francis: ‘He Has Not Stood Up and Offered an Alternative’

While Pope Francis “has moved the church back into the realm of reality,” says Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges, “I don’t think by any stretch of the imagination he can be called a radical.”

Pope Francis Elevates the Discourse on Capitol Hill

“God bless America” sounds banal coming from politicians but profound when spoken by the shepherd of 1.2 billion souls. In his historic address to Congress, Pope Francis delivered a blessing of encouragement, not admonition—and spoke powerfully about the hot-button issues that keep our political leaders mired in bitter gridlock.



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SEC Chair Seeks to Oust Regulator Who Regulated Auditing Firms

The head of the Securities and Exchange Commission says she will replace the chair of a group formed to keep auditors of publicly traded companies honest with someone likely to be more amenable to corporate interests.

House Speaker John Boehner to Resign From Congress

Amid reports of conservative infighting, the speaker of the House of Representatives and congressman from Ohio for three decades announced at a party meeting Friday morning that he will resign in October to avoid becoming “the issue.”

Top U.S. Scientist: Pope’s Climate Push Is ‘Raving Nonsense’ Without Population Control

Without detracting from the moral significance of the pope’s message, a leading U.S. scientist has pointed out that the pontiff’s call for action on climate change is meaningless without a corollary call to limit the size of the human population.

Forest Loss and Land Degradation Fuel Climate Crisis

U.N. studies show that the combined effects of degraded farmland and the felling and burning of trees are costing the planet trillions of dollars in ecosystem losses.

VIDEO: The Kind of Society We Want

We celebrate the values of solidarity, of compassion, of social justice, fighting for the underprivileged, and of working for people at home and abroad. These things are not dreams, but practical realities that we, together, intend to achieve.

W.H. Auden, Complete

These six volumes of the work of W.H. Auden call to mind the great poet’s comment on the writing of another author: “It is a book in which one can browse for a lifetime without exhausting its treasures.”

Sonali Kolhatkar in L.A. Times on Turmoil at KPFK Pacifica Radio: ‘A Micro-Version of Greece’

If management at KPFK Pacifica Radio were to pick a comparison inspired by recent world events to illustrate the current status of their operation, they probably wouldn’t settle on Greece. But that’s just the route that an op-ed article by Sonali Kolhatkar took.

Saudi Regime in Crisis Mode as Hajj Stampede Death Toll Reaches 717

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman was working on disaster containment and prevention strategies after Thursday’s mass tragedy in Mina, where at least 717 people were killed and 863 others injured in a stampede during the Hajj pilgrimage.

10 Best Satirical Campaigns for President of the United States

They’re not much more ridiculous than the real thing, but in general they’re a lot more entertaining.

Why Right-Wing Christian Leaders Are Often Indifferent to Needless Suffering

Conservative readings of the Bible demand suffering for women, the sick and the dying. And this has an impact on our lives today.

In Historic Address, Pope Francis Urges U.S. Lawmakers to Be ‘Humane and Just’ Toward Immigrants

Speaking to a chamber that included Republicans who refused to take up a bipartisan reform bill last year, the Catholic leader urged U.S. lawmakers to listen to “human examples and consider them in the context of U.S. history and the Bible.”

Myth Surrounding Alleged Iranian Nuclear Facility Begins to Unravel

Credible challenges to claims that Iran sanitized an alleged nuclear site suggest that U.S. officials sought to cover their tracks for a day when international inspectors report discovering nothing incriminating.

U.S. Special Ops Forces Deployed in 135 Nations

They belong to the special operations forces, America’s most elite troops. And odds are, if you throw a dart at a world map or stop a spinning globe with your index finger and don’t hit water, they’ve been there sometime in 2015.

Investors Opt Out of Fossil Fuels as Climate Summit Nears

As momentum builds for a new deal on climate change, investors are becoming increasingly nervous about having their cash in fossil fuels.

A Solution We Didn’t Know We Needed: Now You Can Bequeath Your Tattoos

If you have a tattoo, you no longer have to worry about it dying out with your body, thanks to a new service; a piece explains why we’re unable to keep pharmaceutical companies from charging absurd amounts for drugs; meanwhile, a year after the Ayotzinapa disappearances in Mexico, relatives of the missing students are still seeking justice. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Will the U.S. Catholic Church Divest From Fossil Fuels and Buy Solar Panels Instead? (Video)

In his White House address on Wednesday, Pope Francis again brought up the urgent issue of global warming, linking climate change not only to the general welfare of people on earth but especially to the fate of the “excluded”—i.e., the poor.

Pope Francis Is Pushing to Help the Poor While Catholic Universities Are Leaving Them Behind

Many Catholic colleges leave low-income students with big debts. And wealthy Catholic schools that provide generous support don’t enroll many poor students.

The People’s Pope in the Land of the Dollar

Pope Francis seems intent on forging a new, progressive path.