
Welcome to the Northwest Progressive Institute, a netroots powered strategy center working to raise America’s quality of life through innovative research and imaginative advocacy. We’re a think tank with the soul of a tech startup.

We research ideas and propose solutions to elected officials, opinionmakers, and the American people. We uncover the harmful consequences of right wing initiatives, particularly those sponsored by Tim Eyman. NPI is very different from most institutions – in part, that’s because it’s been built by activists, for activists. Our most important resources are human energy (your energy!) and the Internet – the most democratic medium for communication ever invented.

We exist to organize and mobilize progressive thinkers, and give activists an outlet to make their voices heard.

North·west (nawrth-west; Naut. nawr-west)
–noun: the northwestern part of the United States, especially Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.

Pro·gres·sive (pruh-gres-iv)
–adjective: favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are.

In·sti·tute (in-sti-toot, -tyoot)
–noun: a society or organization for carrying on a particular work, like advancing the common good and expanding freedom.

Headlines from our publications

Sep 24 China’s Xi can’t compete with ‘rock star’ pope in U.S. trip
China’s Xi can’t compete with ‘rock star’ pope in U.S. trip Writing for Bloomberg News, Andrew Davis and John Follain explain why Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States has been overshadowed by that of Pope Francis. Each man is a world leader with over a billion constituents.
Sep 24 How to meet Washington’s paramount duty and end the K-12 funding standoff
Today Governor Jay Inslee convenes the first meeting of his legislative workgroup in SeaTac to tackle the issue of how to meet the state Supreme Court’s order to fully fund K-12 public schools. It’s good that they’re getting down to work, but we shouldn’t expect a quick resolution. The Washington Legislature is deadlocked...
Sep 24 The Public Disclosure Commission meets in Olympia to consider taking enforcement action against T...
The Public Disclosure Commission meets in Olympia to consider taking enforcement action against Tim Eyman for violating Washington's public disclosure law
Sep 24 Margaret Carlson: Republicans will tune out half of what Pope says
While it seems almost everyone is in thrall to the visiting pontiff, many in the Republican base dislike much of what he has to say: climate change and poverty deniers reject his encyclical on degrading the planet or his call to help the poor; hawks can’t abide papal advice to make love, not war; immigration […]
Sep 23 Watch the White House State Arrival Ceremony for Pope Francis
Watch the White House State Arrival Ceremony for Pope Francis (with speeches by President Barack Obama and His Holiness Pope Francis)
Sep 23 Pass the popcorn! The feud between Donald Trump and Fox Noise is back on
Pass the popcorn! The feud between Donald Trump and Fox Noise is back on Donald Trump has announced he is boycotting the Fox Noise Channel because the network was treating him “very unfairly”. Fox, for its part, said it made the decision to cancel his planned Thursday appearance on the O’Reilly Factor, possibly because Trump [&...