Haze is traditionally an atmospheric phenomenon where dust, smoke and other dry particles obscure the clarity of the sky. The World Meteorological Organization manual of codes includes a classification of horizontal obscuration into categories of fog, ice fog, steam fog, mist, haze, smoke, volcanic ash, dust, sand and snow. Sources for haze particles include farming (ploughing in dry weather), traffic, industry, and wildfires.
Seen from afar (e.g. approaching airplane) and depending upon the direction of view with respect to the sun, haze may appear brownish or bluish, while mist tends to be bluish-grey. Whereas haze often is thought of as a phenomenon of dry air, mist formation is a phenomenon of humid air. However, haze particles may act as condensation nuclei for the subsequent formation of mist droplets; such forms of haze are known as "wet haze."
In the United States and elsewhere, the term "haze" in meteorological literature generally is used to denote visibility-reducing aerosols of the wet type. Such aerosols commonly arise from complex chemical reactions that occur as sulfur dioxide gases emitted during combustion are converted into small droplets of sulfuric acid. The reactions are enhanced in the presence of sunlight, high relative humidity, and stagnant air flow. A small component of wet haze aerosols appear to be derived from compounds released by trees, such as terpenes. For all these reasons, wet haze tends to be primarily a warm-season phenomenon. Large areas of haze covering many thousands of kilometers may be produced under favorable conditions each summer.
Mr. Badger doesn't want his only goal in life to be the hunt for food. He is smitten by the theater and his dream is to get on a big stage in the city. However, separating him from his dream is a highway, which no animal has been known to cross alive. A film for the young and old, people or animals.
A crew of young, amateur surfers put their lives on hold to surf at all 14 coastal counties in California, in only 14 days. On a shoestring budget, they bought an RV on the Internet for only $1,000 and planned the trip of a lifetime. They are starting their journey at the Oregon border and working their way down the coast to the Mexican border. Besides surfing an array of California beaches, they will also be trying new and exciting activities they discover along the way. This surf trip highlights the positive powers that surfing offers and shows how much fun surfing is at any skill level.
Sometimes there's more to surviving than just staying alive
Sadistic producer, Vengeance, commissions a new kind of reality show, which he delightfully nicknames "snuff reality." Six people volunteer for what they think is a reality program filmed in the lap of luxury but find themselves in a dungeon. Hilarity ensues as the team, now larger due to the addition of the biracial half-twins already squatting in the dungeon, battles disease, the producers' challenges, starvation and a violent samurai.
Keywords: african-american, alternative, dark-comedy, fictional-reality-show, independent-film, providence-rhode-island, satire, underground-film, urban-setting
Snuff Reality
We like to think of it as a new genre, Snuff Reality
Sadistic producer, Vengeance, commissions a new kind of reality show, which he delightfully nicknames "snuff reality." Six people volunteer for what they think is a reality program filmed in the lap of luxury but find themselves in a dungeon. Hilarity ensues as the team, now larger due to the addition of the biracial half-twins already squatting in the dungeon, battles disease, the producers' challenges, starvation and a violent samurai.
Keywords: african-american, alternative, dark-comedy, fictional-reality-show, independent-film, providence-rhode-island, satire, underground-film, urban-setting
Snuff Reality
We like to think of it as a new genre, Snuff Reality
Dylan Hewitt is a young, desperate gambling addict plummeted into financial ruin. That is until a strange, anonymous caller - who happens to know every intimate detail of Dylan's life - offers a unique solution to his problems. Lured by the promise of easy money and the beauty of an enigmatic woman, Dylan enters a lurid underworld of counterfeiters and con artists, where he becomes the unwitting pawn in a scheme far more elaborate and ruthless than he could have ever imagined.
Keywords: con-artist, counterfeiting, gambling-addiction, murder
The game of deception has but one rule: There are no rules.
Don't Believe Your Eyes.
Dylan Hewitt: That's six times in a row you've beaten me just now. I've never lost more than six hands in a row, ever. You know what that means, don't you? It means your luck's gotta run out.
Haze: Just remember, Hewitt: a man needs only to be turned around once with his eyes shut in this world to be lost.
A businessman, Tsuda, runs into a childhood friend, Tajuki, on the subway. Tajuki is working as a semiprofessional boxer. Tsuda soon begins to suspect that Tajuki might be having an affair with his fiance Hizuru. After an altercation, Tsuda begins training rigorously himself, leading to an extremely bloody, violent confrontation.
Keywords: bare-breasts, beaten-to-death, blood, blood-on-wall, blood-spatter, bloodbath, boxing, boxing-gloves, boxing-ring, covered-in-blood
[Tsuda has just been beaten nearly to death]::Tsuda: At least I don't have any problems staying awake anymore.
eh xavales escuchá lo k os digo
t digo a ti xavalito con poco mas d 10 años k no pruebes er tabaco me
lo agradeceras con 20 años dejar un poko d lao a la play k no es weno salí
a la calle aser deporte mas sano k no? x q tu y tu no vais ar colegio no se dais
cuenta k conosereis al diablo en forma d droga k la calle no enseña na weno,no dejeis
los libros todavia estais a tiempo k no vas a ser mas respetao x llevá esos mueyes
er cordon x fuera er pelao d marra k er respeto se gana saviendo escucha y no
actuando como un cobarde matando como los etarras k los españoles estamos artos
d los estadounidiense señor aznar andalucia fue arabe en er caso marrueko sera
mañana un asunto grave acuerdate dejad d margastá la pasta en dimensiones cruentas
como las armas biologicas kimicas o d la destrucion masiva x k no utilisais vuestros
sientificos en acabar con er cancer y er sida ayé fue afganistan hoi irak y mañana
corea del norte iran o siria maginsirio ar pueblo k se suban a un rin dirigente contra
dirigente se partan los dientes en directo respetá ar pueblo x k no sale mis
canciones en la radio x k er contenido es violento, agresivo ,duro? mas agresivo
rsulta er furbo y ver a un niño iraki sin brasos sin familia y sin un duro PAZ Y AMOR
Conoses el oro blanco, conoses lo + presiado, conoses esa sustansia q se llama cocaina, la conoses no la pruebes! la probaste,
no repitas! q + tarde te presenta a su hermana eroina, te la presentaron una noxe, te la dio a probar un compi, no pensaste q asi la conosen todos y algunos ahora son yonkis, si lo sé, no me importa, yo controlo, eso mismo me desia un amigo ahora está solo, eso mismo me
desia otro amigo en el chabolo, eso mismo me desia un conocio ahora está loco, crees q merece
la pena probar aunq sea un poco? ya se, x un oido entra y x otro sale, hoy en dia no exan
cuenta a nadie lo xavale, yo les digo es mu triste acaba entre matorrales absorviendo humo en plata, no la pruebes x tu madre.
t stas arrastrando x un paketillo, no tienes mujé no tienes familia ni tampoko amigos,
to se lo ha llevao, to se lo ha llevao, ay d golosas rayas blancas es kerer vivir deprisa
la inosensia la ignoransia (bis)
tu familia t dise, deja esa mierda! tu consiensia repite, deja esa mierda! el spejo
t cuenta, deja esa mierda!
ya ves la coca mata cmo mata la envidia en la tierra,
el oro blanco es destructivo tu serebro anda un poko saturao, cuando llegas
a la cama despues d la ultima raya, en tu consiensia ese eco, no kiero + (x4) tu estas colgao, deja la estopa, olvida la coca, cocaina periko pogra o cmo kiera llamarla la tropa,
caminas x un sendero entre reptiles y farlopa descalsos sobre cristales pensando volcamos otra?
el mundo está en guerra y tu pensando en una copa y yo pensando en lo q piensa
el pensador
q sta escuxando mis pensares entre notas,
xo lo q stas pensando, juegas al borde d un barranco, resbalas xo estas manco,
alguna vez vista a tu madre llorando?
vendiste tu alma x el preciado oro blanco.
leire lereilerei lereire...
too los dias luchando en la calle no tiene precio como lucha los biene
en la carcel los presos como lucha ese yonki aparcando por jaco como disfruta
el martagon liando eso k se mezcla con tabaco esos kies no se enteren kien es
er k entiende er rap esos crios de papá y mamá ta er kni agacha er pala'da xavá
k aki er k manda es kani toma k tomaaaa!! k t fumas toa la goma no dejas ni la
cartona y ese diego q t digo se fuma asta sus neuronas la mamona va asé rico al
der cerro sa fumao robles y ensinas sus purmones son de jierro son mis perro me
siento tan orgulloso andaluz no niego k alla musho flojos pero envidia nuestro
aje tu ese haze k ase ya ve no es er desfase yo t juro x mis niños k nunca probé
la base probé un cashito tranki estoi echo un kani preguntale x esa noche al sami
desde entonse pastillas las del medico con los niños ya tiene necesario ya ve toda
una cronica k aturde a un comisario no es aprologia la delinkuensia esto es rap living
los pájaros living la vida loca esesla.
k de personaje ahi en este barrio escucha esta rumbita pa k t alegre
los calbarios cuantas mañanitas levanta temprano y t encuentra tu pa k
descanse su hermano (bis)
el sin me la come x mu trempano k se se levante mantente ar margen ten cuidao
con lo k ase t ekivocas yo no soi kie d pinxaso ni d sable sosterme er cable ten
cuidao con los k ase x sierto empese a pensá en mi consierto fue mi barrio entero
pero ni un rapero me cago en sus muerto yo no kiero tu chatarra en este puerto a mi
me apoya er barrio tus pesetas t las kedas en er capote cuenta er rubio ahi mushas
guiris wapas er ijo puta se osesiona x tirarse una mulata cuando puede fuma agenda
nunka la dao a la plata y d xico nos pedia fumaitas d pirata cuantos personajes t
acuerdas der bar ibiza todo un barrio suplemao niños criao entre jeringas cuantas
maanifestasiones simbolisan er dolorq prosesó la juventu la heroina cuantos santos
volviendose diablos al probá e polvo blanco los 80
si la lio en tu consierto eres primo dime si o no olvidate d rimas y microfonos
yo tan trankilo manejando a mil planetas d ideas en un universo d papel a
traves d un lapiz escucha tu rap es fragil aski en er barrio todo funsiona con
pasta a veses en las cenas me comparan con pasta a ti combusta xupamela k se q t
gusta escribe un porro entero deja d escribir la xusta aki en er bollo no a ti
restaurante d mierda pero si en el un trabajo honrao es lo k cuenta ma cordao k
tengo k pelarme su primo sin problemas 5 euros y vamos a casa er pepino kien soi
yo k ago aki no sigas mamá solo t digo k grasia por darme la vida grasias,
grasia mamá...
esta knsion va dedicá a mi niña mimá,la musa d mi inspirasion,la estreya k ilumina mi universo del verso,a ti,a la + bonita melodia sonriente,esta cansion e pa ti,tuya.
mi rap es calor,dolor es esperiensia,sin sabor mi rap es crudo,t imaginas k se apaga
el sol?mi rap es noxe de lamento pa almas sin sentimiento,golpea la cabesa
contra semento,k tu amor eres mi diosa,t reso a ti mi todo,poderosa,eres la salvasion
sureña lus vela ensendia en sta kye oscura.yena de seres presos d la luna.
oasis n el desierto,ere mi lokura,eres mi todo y no hay +.y t pido k ndie m pueda
venser en el rap.kieres volar en mi mano?kieres nadar entre versos del mar,kariño,tus
ojos,el mismo sielo,y sk incluso o el + kie,alguna ves dijo tk.
eres mi estreya,la k m gia en el kmino,cmpañera.la k provok mis suspiros,ven a mi vera,
y ere cm awa en 1 desierto d tristesa ay cmpañera.ayy ere mi estreya.
ctg vivo el paraiso,xo angel cm t anelo,qando sueño k m muero,y no t hayo entre mis deos
tota akarisio el viento,doloroso siento selo,qando el sol rosa tu piel,la enrojese
siento selos,te kiero,ya estube en el infierno,peleando cn tantos diablos,
escupiendo versos,tu presa d tntos entuertos,xo grasias dios mio,x otorgarm la mujer
de mis sueños,en invierno las kyes son tan frias,yo m refugio en el klor k emite
tu alegria,refugiame en tu alma,ya k tu corason,dicta mis pasos,tus dulsuras,m
mntiene en klma,y sk amada mia,no existe en la tierra,poesia ni poeta,ni tinta
ni pluma ni lapis,k meresca definir exactamente,to el arte k despierta mi niña,
andalusia,seviya y su beyesa...
amada mia...
a las 9 tmpranito estas n klse,mdio adormilao,otra ves en el colegio
la maestra t pregunta:"los deberes no los haces?"
--señorita,m dolia la kbeza
no pude acabar la frase.--"Sin problema el gafita d la klse,
si los tiene y qando
sale a la pisarra,tu y tu amigo recordai esa tarde
cn la play jugando ar fifa,
uno donuts d merienda,unos goles y unas risas,
k bonito es la infansia qando
xiko no abia prisa.
en el recreo al estudioso d la klse lo insultais
y no replik el xavalito
k nunk abria la bok,(-"m tan pegando srta")k cruele
son los niños qando 1 sekivok.
recuerdo qando d mi s reian, xk no tnian mark
los deportes k klsaba akeyos dias.:
"papa,yo kiero los juma d raya grise","k va ijo no se puede,veremo ave lo k puede
asé el mes k viene"y se reian d mi,cosas d niño k cruele.
niños,sois ksi adolescente,secundaria obligatoria,k sorpresa,no vea el kxondeito
cn las niñas,buskndo en su maleta las compresas.
os aseis mayore y el ma xulito
esta fumandose 1 sigarro.xk fumas?xk no sera tan malo
ya k fuman n la tele,y asta fuma el mayor d tus ermanos.
olvidalo,no es sano.
la vida es dura y estudiá es nsesario,la kye t traisiona
cm t traisiona el barrio
recuerdas qando ablamos?t kdaron 6,hermano.
yo pnse en tu futuro,m asome x la ventana
k claro lo staba viendo.esos golfos d la kye
to el dia malviviendo,orguyosos xk roban,tengañan y t indusen a la droga.yo tayudo en los estudios deso puede tar seguro,la cultura
es el arma k defendera lo tuyo en el futuro.
aunke sigamos yevando un niño dntro ya somos adultos,muy pokos yegan a universitarios,arrepentios los k si k pudieron y sin embargo por peresa no estudiaron.la mayoria d xavale,curriculum n mano deseando esa yamada esperada
k les diga hay trabajo.asi es la vida e o no?
tenamoras y a vese sin kere dja tu novia embarasá,ya nesesita un hoga,nido d amó pa un bebe,no se cm lo vamo asé,mujé no texes a yorar.
saldremo,voy al banco cn mi padre a solisitáun prestamo,la cosa sta k arde,esperemo,k nos
consedan el dinero,un momento directó
tu y yo nos conosemo,el director del banco
era er de la gafa,tacuerdas?akel xava k se jartaba d estudia mientras tu jugabas a la play...
Mi segundo episodio er bola su arma una california una ruea levantá y
una cocacola ya con 13 k? duro pa despue comé de ven en cuando le kitaba
un porro a su hermano Manuel k k? k ya empesó a tangarse del vistoria 10 vendia
las marias er jamon der dia kon mucho sabé k ya no iba ar colegio k con 15 años
ya tomaba rayas con su ermano er sergio 1 año despué ar luis sernuda fue a caé tan
solo 3 semanas sufisiente para no volvéy empiesa ya er peligro x las noches con su hermano er chato y la varilla ya se han echo un coche y en las curvas abusando er freno mano con derroche todo era perfecto diversion sin peros, pero x la mañanita a descansá en er punto 0
porque siempre tas robando tu no comprende k eso no es weno
ahi k tu solito t esta metiendo en un infierno
porq no dispierta y deja a un lao er sufriento
porq tu no t da cuenta k esta vida dura mu poko y k la masgasta asiendo daño pokito a poko k entre 4 parede ahi comprañero k vuelven loko
Ayé parti en er barrio un ford y tengo visto un CBR antié
sake d 5 bares 70 billetes verdes vamo ar prika a compra un
corta k me lo han kitao me dan 30 talego x un jog refrigarao y
aver con lo poko k duraba la alegria ya planeaban er asalto a las
mejores joyerias cuantos dolares eran pa alimentá sus bocas? un carajo
todo era pa ropa nike y coca en roca se escapo d 8 colegio d regien semiabiarto
y enserraron en carmona con todo un regimiento colegas d las 3000 er aleman y er
quini todos rescataos ar poko tiempo x la banda der pimiento despue t escapa d un
par d colegios mas primero con kesus jarrillo d jaen despue d cordoba t van na mas
llegá a los juzgaos a ti y ar chorla no vea la k abei liao
Esperate q aun keda acsion k en tu mente solo abita la codisia der dinero a su esparda otro marron k junto ar chato er 5 d enero vuelven ar butron y donde fue? motos rochelambert despue der palo t agarraron y ar megan kieto
joder kisiste escapá y a pokos metros a ostias con el despue d un rato
se t presentaron varios fallo en er megan con er motor ensendio pisaste
a fondo pero fue pa ná tu d aski no escapa t esposaron y golpearon y kedaste
custodiado x er kapa pobre viejo le pego dos torta y salio x patas deskerida mas
d 50 kausas y cientos d piras a k aspiras? asta los veintitantos presos? x k suspiras?
bola k no es un juego esbila k viene er marco tras leyenda en un barrio suicida
Andalucia flamenko es kye,Nueva York el rap es calle,
Bagdad caxarras negocios,sombras,sescapan detayes.
A mi mencantan los corales el calor
de mi tierra,el mbrujo k despierta el flamenkito
por sus kyes (ole ahi)
Mis vivencias m asen desi k akel flmanco s rap.
Algun rapero d seviya tiene caye?enga yaa!
Barrio pobre flmenkeo,corgante d kmaron
no signifik k el rap nasiona se corte cn ese patron
1 saludo al instituto d mairena dl alcor,
y a lo sentro d menore,educadore,no prohibais a lo xavale
escuxa er compa der jase pork pa eyo representan liberta en su corasone.
-->ay mi flamenkito como me domina y en una candela yo lo yevo dentro
y esk en el barrio sescuxa y en kada eskina y un duende flamenko
k canturrea y desafina.
Candelitas surmano,vamo a por un paleno os ase farta maderita
pa k no pare de arde.cantanos argo jose cantanos rosa maria
y dsd el sielo los angele cantaran x alegria.
Rap del sur de sus plasuela,del albero k t asfisia improvisando en la feria
el toma k toma k toma rap del sur se manifiesta trabaja cm er k ma no tamo
to el año d fiesta.
a esos xavale k cresieron en barrio entremaldao nesesito cm un micro
a mi lao asiendo rap.d barrio xungo malhablao,eso siginfik cani ok?
no beba armaniu voi klsando nike ya lo veis?en el talego bailas a ritmo d rap
t lo pone haze,los pajaros,libertá.
ESTRIBILLO---ay ay ayyyyyy ay ay yy rosa mª rosa mª si tu m kisiera k feli seriaa
weno pa empesá mi nombre e haze lo pajarito mi barrio er bola una d mi cansiones
haze cronica dl barrio 2 joe no savia q iba a tener tanto esito muxa grasia por
vuestro reconosimiento !grasiapero x dio dejarme come no pirateei mi
umilde maqueta q solo vale 3 euro
donde s ecuxa mi rap aver en donde en palmete padre pio la doctora ole aiiiiiii
donde eta mi rap sonando roxelanbert gasia lorca las aguilas toma!
donde suena ese jase ijo d puta en sueminencia en el zerro en el trebol ya ve
y aora donde ta sonando poligono nort san pablo pinomontano ajaa
dnd rompen mis graves potentes?en tu krro dale vo e o no?
mi rap es nº 1,sentros penitensiarios,en corresionale libertaa
donde ta partiendo en montequinto los merrys la oliva ji ome
tambien suena en plan rural en dos hermana gines bormujo san jose y lo palacio
lo coxes mas potente en las 3000 en la 800 en falconde q aje
en la plaza platanero ahi!en TORREBLANCA si si
y mi rap donde s ecuxa en madre d dio santaurelia aiii....su webo
donde silva lo etribillo lo pajarito aii suurmano
donde nacio este rapero las candelaria,la reina y en to lo keli q tumban y
eiralafuente esos pisos nuevos uno a uno y donde se tararean loetribillo
en to lo barrio obreros luchando por vivir cronica d barrio 2003 segunda parte q s arruine el prada mi rap suena en tu carro dale voz coño
sube el volumen surmano haze y ten cuidao con lo q haze
(ese haze ese haze hé hé)
él nació en las 3000 donde er flamenco e legendario creo k tenia unos 9 años
cuando aterrizo aki en er barrio cuando pekeño era mu travieso trataba
a los niños asin con despresio xo k va,nono, no era tan malo,sabe? iba a su rollo si se mataba
con su hermano asi,jugando de broma en er barrio y como er bola en los supermercaos triunfaba se gana sus
libritas vendiendo lo k sacaban ya t digo aleman ese es un nombre d niñato navegaba entre
cristales era er rey del aparato kien a sio?actuaba cuando er barrio dormia y la varilla era su llave vamos a llevarnos un fiat empeso con los butrones enpeso a vé dinero y controla k los
nombraron los reyes der bolitero convivian entre rayas y los audis TT er k? ji ome ji omersinson
er corason bombeaba y los paraban como un tanke estais todos como bush y su puto mundo yanki
y en los pisos aleman t acuerdas d esos ratos k me desias cantames rap haze k ta wapo
(joe deberia cambia surmano so neas mamona escucha atentamente lo k t canta tu hermana mona)
y k le digo yo a mis hermanito k disen k el amor alli es mu bonito
k no se dejen lleva x ese camino
q no va a encontra rosa si no ahi espinos
Y k le digo yo a mis hermanitos
kacaben con esa kapa d niñatillos
k la lus d la mañana x ser suspiro
mu lejos d akellos muro ay de presidio
Ya tengo trasao un plan su confi le voi
alargá en er barrion me esperan no vea la k via liá q coño ase aki aleman k me acaba d fugá del colegio d carmona
ahora si van a flipá vamos hermano tengo vista una tienda d moto vamos
a triunfá son muchos talegos loko pero joé una mierda tia la chivata se fue d
la lengua la perra metio la pata....
se aproximan varias patrulleras caballos empotraos d
chapa k iluminan d azul todas las faxadas se a inisiao una
rebata operasion niño sin alma operasion agua sin fuente operasion
un mar sin calma lo siento agente no fue nuestro dia mas tard er aleman
yasia en algesiras aunke se fugo en navida despué d mil tirones el volvia
Eh peluca t acuerda d tus melenas? ya t vale con 12 años
vasilando a los xavales y der medico nos ibamos todos al parke
amate destripasteis y en los arboles veian 100 primates luego pasante
por la jara y carmona duraste poco y empesaste a empuñá una pistola ya
iba enserio esto es un atraco!! miles d euros en gasolineras se llevais er
toca con er piojo d fuga t acuerdas los del barrio x er suelo t acuerdas
der porraso k t dieron t marcaron las esposas en er craneo pero no escarmienta
sigues en er juego ahora er negosio es er descuido ahora pegale er tiron der
movi primo (joe no t da qenta k la
vida no es eso k la vida es buskrte una parienta,un trbajo...)
geasia a dios k despertastes ahora en almeria t sentrastes ole tus webos
x la mañana estudiando y x la tarde hosteleria no es mejon asin hermano? a
shuparla las tonteria yo x ti me alegro kieres mucho a tu mama y seguro
k ella no t falla como fayan las tenasas destrosando las persianas...
ayo ayo
well guess who's taken over this
just like supreme soviet
is down by lord's gover
fit up all the fist
brown skinned man
as puerto rican places
still making plans
while they make the better
i spit better
the quite essential mic phenom
the rhyme dealin
when dealing true fellon and
this new world up
we like to call hold up
hold what a greater free and the unknown wrong with host of future
black moguls
blue collar whites
with the mic define roaches
that's utopia
I'm getting over ya
hell gets the lead head heart
when I hold it to the paper write a song
so you all can sing along
fuck that
i reggea along
so your school's out
as bombs over baghdad and iraq
two at same time
I'm sick of you Labrons
you're praying when game time
Surviving the storm
up go multiple forms
psychodelic with the relic stargate to beyond
2001 space osessy in the sun
like try 'em in the game so deep in the blood
following hope
pushin over stumbling blocks
holding on to the little bit of love that I've got
for my peoples in the city stapping cultivate on
to my peoples in the country that we built in they homes
to my fathers that paying child support to their kids
to my dolling out brothers in jail doing bits
keep your head up
heart strong
with fists in the air
keep your weight up
for Cise Star
we're taing advance of brief
We're gonna kill it with the spirit of change
I be the only brother fed other flames
Move it to this
move it do it
make your daddy proud
now we speak into
shit too deep
we stack up a crowd
they go
I see people how they want to be seen
just an another human being tryin makin a dream
it's the little thing that mean so much in this life
So I'ma treat you like a brother
fuck a wicked device
be the more better blues
when you are good you lose
be the black man surviving
paying my dudes
being ridiculous wickedness
I'm singing on news
that makes up witty cam
hit a missle
what do we do
cultivation new experience
open your arms
place everything around you cause living with god
holding on
holding strong
cause we're living it now
keep it on
hope is on
cause love is found
for real
speak easy to the gravel on streets
ask for more than beats
immanent inner heat
be many many tears casue the role is harsh
Oh, loveless yawning has poured out
While their understanding is not around
We've no way of asking the reason (the reason is not clear)
They have none
They've closed up the entrance
We see this every day
Feel all their covers
That haze the lights
What we'll discover
Has stolen lives
We've no way (to be sure) of thinking
The order (the order of things now) is chaos
They're hiding behind us
We see this every day
Holed into his life now
For the squeezing on the road
Let's sit up down
I'm here alone all by myself with no one else
I need someone to share these thoughts about myself
I don't know who I can trust
(Oh yeah)
This picture's starting to rust
And as I press upon myself a form of torture
I write these words for someone else just like an author
I don't know who I can trust
I don't know who I can trust
Everybody, won't you come with me?
We'll take a ride across the sea
When we get there if we don't drown
I'll turn your whole life upside down
(Upside down)
And later on with each illegal breath I take
I lose resistance for an instant to my fate
How I'll miss you when you are gone!
Oh yeah
I'm a number lower than one
I'm on my own, I think this stuff is getting stronger
I'm wide awake and I can't take it any longer
How I'll miss you when you are gone!
I'm a number lower than one
Everybody, won't you come with me?
Help me find what I can't see
I'm sick of crawling along a ground
Help me turn my world around
Everybody, won't you come with me?
Everybody come with me
If I don't find what I've come for
You won't see me anymore
Sometimes it's hard just to find some piece of mind
It feels like I am going crazy almost all other time
And if we can't live this way then what will I do?
Like my father and my mother, I'm depending on you
You've got to fight just to keep your piece of mind
You've got to hold on tight, don't cross that line
Sometimes I cry like a baby when I look outside
I'm on a losing streak, driving through moss side
Like a river deep or the ocean wide
Like a river deep or the ocean wide
Like a river deep or the ocean wide
There's a crack in a wall but I just can't hide
(Can't hide, can't hide, can't hide, can't hide)
Can't hide, can't hide, can't hide, can't hide
Can't hide, can't hide, can't hide, can't hide
Can't hide, can't hide, can't hide, can't hide
Can't hide, can't hide, can't hide, can't hide
Is a flaw of humanity
In between two masters
Why can?t we see behind the lies
By a haze of darkness
No longer will I stand
In silence as we suffer
No longer will I be a slave
To the beast
From the depths of hell
To the heaven?s sun
We are one
Left with a choice to
Follow or betray
Children we shall rise
Please let me in, I wasn't introduced
I really want to be your friend
I'd like to know, I wasn't introduced
I really want to make amends
There's a place that I know, it's so hard to find
I'd like to take you there, if you've got the mind
'cause I never dreamed at all I'd know someone like you
The temple of your secret hell is the heaven I've been through
We'd like to know, it's kind of confidential
But where on earth did you go
We're just your friends and that's coincidental
But do you really like the end
I wish I was so strong, I wish I was so good
I'd show you all those things I know I never could
We just go round and round, the circle has decreased
You're starving for some lovely love the vultures scarf the feast
Beware of freaks, they really mess your mind
You're looking fabulous this time
They shook you up, you rattled and you rolled
Another generation crime
A man without a heart, is a ship without a rudder
You run into the rocks, feel our timber shudder
You're greedy with your time, who can lay the blame
If I was as young as you I guess I'd be the same
You played the game, you lived on consequences
Without a dollar to your name
Up on the hill your busy man advances
Are you so scared to stand still
Take a look around, see the stranglehold
The winters are so warm, the summers are so cold
And it's ugly out there now, the wind is whispering things
You haven't heard the last of this the rumors have grown wings
Coming back to me
Coming back to me
Coming back to me through a haze of memory
Foxes in the sky, the dunes dark and deep
Jury swinging on the vines, while I make a scene
Days and days of rain, mushrooms by the ton
Waiting for our clothes to dry, mr. watson cleans his gun
Walking 'round the fences, a sister left behind
A visit by a country doctor, two years from going blind
Sundays at the big house, cream and sheffield steel
Still the talk of singapore, and how it feels real
It crawls across the grassland, a wall of shining heat
Coming on back to me through rocky seat
The hands that bind your mind
And be nice
She put a gun against her ear
Against a gin and tonic sky
She's a star
She finds a place to lose her pain
Caged as she waits inside
Hate and she wants to die
And she wants, and she wants to live
The problem never catches light
She pours herself some self respect
Caged as she waits inside
Hate and she wants to die
And she wants, and she wants to live
She wants, she wants to live
She wants
She wants, she wants to live
Away from this haze
Away back from this haze
Still she's caged as she waits inside
Hate and she wants to die
And she wants, and she wants to live
She wants to live
Caged as she waits inside
Hate and she wants to die
Get me back from this haze
Get me back from this haze
cuantas horas pasabas jugando al furbo en la plasa d tu barrio sin disturbios
sin asuntos turbios porq buskast problemas en mil tubullos tu padre t
desia yo t pago los estudio aun recuerdo nuestros ciegos gordos como aprendimos a aser porros disfrutabamos asiendo tonterias en un corro recuerdo cuando usabamos pistolas d fogueo emulando nuestros heroes del rap ya lo creo y por q joder tuviste k arrimarte a
lucifer nos iba vien sakeando er prika juntos en er corti ingles x k hachis coka y despue
caballo cuentame a ase joder cual fue nuestro fallo no se me olvida cuando conosiste ar
diablo creiste k era un angel providente en tu camino y era un asesino responsable d un
destino era satan en forma d mujer y a joder t vino
tas buskao una ruina y no encuentra la salida en ese laberinto d real y heroina
tas buskao una ruina y no t imagina la penitensia k sufre tu mama y tu niña
segunda etapa roban aumentas tu ego er perjuisio la carcel ahora sientes
miedo despues d argo mas d un mes ale der talego otras a las andadas juegas y t
kema er fuego arropado x la banda der demonio yalikado a un destino vigilado x tricornios
entre gramo y gramo mil isomnio mil noches d vigilia respetados en la oscuridad como las
mafias d sicilias aprediste d la tecnica der butron cuantas torbas vasiadas bajo un sillon
cuantos trankes pa er cuerpo sin ton ni son cuantos gramos d cocas pasaporte d campaña a prision
6 meses mas tarde tu as cambiado tu ija ya a nacido tu reflejo mas honrado er k tu escondes en
la calle no solo ahi k tener nombre lo dificil es poder aser creer q eres un hombre
de nuevo formas clan con los shungos der barrio t.....
con un hermano miro al cielo y veo ar nano tu lansaste er mechero
cuando t echamos una mano dime cuantos basucos fusmast dime cuantos gramos
a veses salia d trabajo der urto con er sho empastillaos asta er alma para vestiros
d chapó d la luna erais dueños descansabais con er sol a tiempo justo antes d k os diera
un chop ya santia la entrada en la trena arrepentido t sentabas con nosotros sin problemas
pero d nuevo er diablo entro en escena y en tus brasos deliraba er chop comensaba tu condena
ya era como un barco k ha perdido er rumbo a mercer der viento como un cuerpo moribundo a la
carcel sin remedio sengundo a segundo situados en un chabolo bajo er dolor mas profundo
llevas ya 3 mese con bueno conportamientos y en tus ojos se refleja odio y arrepentimiento
claro no comprendo esa fuga en los juzgados eso d ser fujitivo donde coño lo has soñado?
Things haven't been easy
Not since you walked away
Why things won't stay the same
I ask -- no one's there
Home started seeming
So far away from here
Well that's how it always ends,
No remorse, no stare
Things can't be easy
Maybe I'll start to look for one
Why things can't stay the same
Maybe I'll run away from here
Tease me
Please me
Don't preach me
Ask why
Tell lies
Don't go
No wonder what happened next
You could just smell the fear
Like ancient tales from old
Just victims no one to blame
Come play with me
Come play with me
If you were one of them
You wouldn't do that to me
If you were one of us
None of this would happen to you
Come play with me
Come play with me
Let haze roll in
And bless me in my dreams
No company
I'm lost in memories
Let darkness come
Release me from my pain
I wait in vain
As silence comes around
I live our life
Rewind it in my head
It's still the same
Though you are far from here
This world of mine
Is where I want to stay?
I will be fine
If things will stay the same
[Last chorus:]
Things won't be easy
Maybe I'll start to look for one
If things can't stay the same
Walking alone inside my world
Thinking I'm doing the right thing
Destroying all that appears before me
It was all done...in vain
Wanna get through fire
Wanna get through pain
Wanna get with violence
Wanna get with shame
Digging this place to call my own
Raping my body without a face
Tortured my soul is black as pitch
And I have no life to waste
Wanna get through fire
Wanna get through pain
Wanna get with violence
Wanna get with shame
I wish you'd do
Do anything
So lost and helpless
I played your game
I wish you'd do
Do anything
So lost and helpless
I played your game
Wanna get through fire
Wanna get through pain
Wanna get with violence
No life to follow
Especially not mine
Hate feeds on sorrow
My memory of a crime
I know you don't remember
'Cause you were just a child
A whole explosion of anger
Humanity went wild
No risk was involved
But the soal of earth was down
You and you alone
And everybody else is gone
A fallen angel under star of sadness
I try to reach your hand
But I fall down in the sand
I clung to a delicate straw
It broke in my hand
Now I'm at the mercy of strangers
In a foreign land
Now I'm waiting on guidance
-I'm waiting on a sign
Now I'm running for my life
But there's nowhere to run
The ground shook and rumbled
Rippled miles around
My eyes screaming with terror
But I'm not making a sound
Should we stumble
Should we loose our ways
Much too late now to matter
Now we're lost in the haze
Ain't no two ways about it
We sank like a stone
Now I'm looking at ashes
And scars cover my bones
Should we stumble
Should we loose our ways
Much too late now to matter
Oh yeah, that's the static that I dance around in.
Oh yeah, that's the haze I wanna,
That's the haze I wanna keep around me.
Solitude, it cuts me deep when I don't know just how I'm feeling.
If you were there then I would mend and I could better understand that riddle.
Red, red, the color that I keep sending to call you out,
But I don't know, I don't know...
I don't know, I don't know...
So tell me if you're just a vision,
A cloudy mix of hidden meanings.
If you appear and disapper then I can never get to know that riddle.
Red, red, the color that I keep sending to call you out,
But I don't know, I don't know if you are there.
I don't know, I don't know...
Medicate my heart and steer it in,
Let you take your aim at me within.
So baby hit that mark in me, mark in me,
I'll let you take a hold of me.
She gonna be...(Distort and come out)
She gonna be...(Distort and come out)
So baby hit that mark in me, mark in me,
I'll let you take a hold of me.
She gonna be...(Distort and come out)
She gonna be...(Distort and come out)
She gonna be the one that makes me believe again?
She gonna be the one that makes me see again?
She gonna be the one that makes me real again?
She gonna be the one that makes me hum again?
She gonna be the one that makes me feel again?
She gonna be the one that makes me understand?
So baby hit that mark in me, mark in me,
I'll let you take a hold of me.
She gonna be...(Distort and come out)
She gonna be...(Distort and come out)
So baby hit that mark in me, mark in me,
I'll let you take a hold of me.
She gonna be...(Distort and come out)
The time is now for you to hear
What I say while I’m singing
Show me your appetite, I will feed you the meaning
Tell me now and hold me, in while you’re breathing
I teach the lesson you learn my view, people like the
I will be the one to find what’s behind and inside of you
Now hear me sing these feelings away
Fleeting glimpses of yesteryear
CHanging my mind like the atmosphere
Hold a candle in the wind my dear
Somehow we must find the start
Now hear me sing these feelings away
Now see me falling out of your way
Inside, tantalize, torture me my dear
Going on, going out, can’t believe you’re here
With summer gone, it’s afternoon enjoying these finer
Somehow I’m mesmerized I memorize and fade
Into a warm truly gone state of mind of haze
Empty me my heart, the night bleeds no harm
Trip the light, trip the light, trip the light
Inside, tantalize, torture me my dear
Going on, going out, can’t believe you’re here
I know we can go, I know we can go